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Ägypten Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Kingdom of Kush

    The Famous Civilization That Emerged from Nubia

    von Kelly Mass
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Alistair G


    27 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Situated in present-day northern Sudan and southern Egypt, the ancient Nubian Kingdom of Kush thrived along the Nile Valley, marking an early cradle of civilization.Around 2450 to 1450 BC, the city-state of Kerma emerged as a dominant political force, reigning over the Nile Valley between the first and fourth cataracts—a territory comparable to Egypt. Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    El Origen Egipcio Sin Mancha

    Por qué el Antiguo Egipto importa

    Erzählt von Damiana Levy


    2 Stunden 9  Minuten

    DESCRIPCIÓN CORTAEsta edición tiene por objeto proporcionar un breve panorama general de algunos aspectos de la civilización del Antiguo Egipto que nos pueden servir bien hoy en día en nuestra vida diaria, no importa dónde estemos en este mundo. El libro abarca cuestiones tales como el auto empoderamiento, mejoras para presentar temas políticos, sociales, económicos y ambientales, reconocimiento e Mehr lesen

    € 3,00

  • Hörbuch

    Harappa: The History of the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization’s Most Famous City

    Erzählt von Scott Clem


    1 Stunde 36 Min.

    When one thinks of the world’s first cities, Sumer, Memphis, and Babylon are some of the first to come to mind, but if the focus then shifts to India, then Harappa and Mohenjo-daro will likely come up. These cities owe their existence to India’s oldest civilization, known as the Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization, which was contemporary with ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Most Important Capitals of Ancient Egypt, The: The History of Memphis, Thebes, and Alexandria

    Erzählt von Michelle Humphries


    4 Stunden 51  Minuten

    Africa may have given rise to the first humans, and Egypt probably gave rise to the first great civilizations, which continue to fascinate modern societies across the globe nearly 5,000 years later. From the Library and Lighthouse of Alexandria to the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Ancient Egyptians produced several wonders of the world, revolutionized architecture and construction, created some of Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    O Antigo Egito As Raízes Do Cristianismo

    Erzählt von Denis Kandle


    2 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Esta edição traduzida para a língua portuguesa revela as antigas raízes Egípcias do Cristianismo, tanto historicamente como espiritualmente. Este livro demonstra que os contos sobre o “Jesus histórico” são baseados inteiramente na vida e morte do Faraó Egípcio, Twt/Tut-Ankh-Amen; e que o “Jesus da Fé” e os princípios Cristãos são todos de origem Egípcia – baseados na essência dos ensinamentos Mehr lesen

    € 9,00

  • Hörbuch

    Ancient Egyptian Book of the Duat, The

    The Book of the Dead

    Erzählt von Robbie Smith, RYAN MOORHEN


    1 Stunde 5 Min.

    The objects found in the graves of the predynastic Egyptians, i.e., vessels of food, flint knives, and other weapons, etc., prove that these early dwellers in the Nile Valley believed in some kind of a future existence. However, as the art of writing was unknown to them, their graves contain no inscriptions, and we can only infer from texts of the dynastic Period what their ideas about the Other Mehr lesen

    € 4,01

  • Hörbuch

    Ancient Greece’s Most Important Islands: The History of Crete, Rhodes, and Sicily in Antiquity

    Erzählt von Victoria Woodson


    4 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Nearly 2,500 years after the Golden Age of Athens, people across the world today continue to be fascinated by the ancient Greeks, but who did the Ancient Greeks look up to? The answer to that question can be found in Homer’s The Odyssey, in which Odysseus makes note of “a great town there, Cnossus, where Minos reigned.” It was perhaps the earliest reference to the Minoan civilization, a mysterious Mehr lesen

    € 9,16

  • Hörbuch

    Sacred Cosmology Schools and Secret Orders in Ancient Egypt

    Erzählt von Tomas Fairfoot


    1 Stunde 59 Min.

    During the formative years of Egyptian civilization, each Cosmogony was present. Students from many regions and segments of society attended the Houses of Life, and royals regularly donated endowments for the temple's maintenance and activities. These circumstances suggest a theological harmony, suggesting that a group of religious centers must have been cohesive despite their distinctive Mehr lesen

    € 4,01

  • Hörbuch

    Divine Wisdom in the Temples of Egypt

    Decoding Ancient Esoteric Mysteries

    Erzählt von Art Brown


    2 Stunden 49  Minuten

    Since the temple embodies all of divine life on a macrocosmic scale, it reflects the sublime qualities of divine regions in the physical world. The soaring columns of the temple’s hypostyle Hall, which leads celebrants into the environment of the Neteru, embody the sacred marshes of time.Auxiliary chambers and the Hall of Records in the temple reflect the majestic halls of the Duat. The divine Mehr lesen

    € 5,30

  • Hörbuch

    Египетские мистики: в поисках пути


    2 Stunden 46  Minuten

    КРАТКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕЭто русскоязычное издание повествует о том, что алхимия и современный суфизм произошли из Древнего Египта, а также о том, как мистики Египта скрывают свои практики за еле заметным влиянием Ислама. В книге также рассказывается о пути мистиков к просвещению, разъясняются основы и практики, а также даётся понятное объяснение связи между древнеегипетским календарём событий и Mehr lesen

    € 9,00

  • Hörbuch

    Dream Stele of Thutmose IV

    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Memories of the New Kingdom


    12 Min.

    Thutmose IV inherited the New Kingdom at its peak when his father Amenhotep II died. Amenhotep II had likewise inherited a strong empire from his father Thutmose III, and had organized a peace treaty with the Mitanni Empire to the north. Thutmose IV took the peace treaty one step further and married a Mitannian princess to secure a peaceful northern border. He is most famous for his activities at Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Stolen Legacy

    The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy

    Erzählt von Karen Chilton


    5 Stunden 50  Minuten

    In this bold and uncompromising book, George G. M. James argues that the “Greek philosophy” in which nearly all of Western culture has its roots actually originated in ancient Egypt.Drawing on careful historical research and a radical rethinking of the conventional narrative of Greek history, James asserts that our celebration of the ancient Greeks as the creators of Western civilization and Mehr lesen

    € 10,32

  • Hörbuch

    Das alte Ägypten für Kinder: Ein spannender Einblick in die ägyptische Geschichte, von der frühen dynastischen Zeit über das frühe, mittlere und späte Königreich bis hin zum Tod von Kleopatra

    Erzählt von Andreas Kock


    1 Stunde 45 Min.

    In diesem Buch begibst du dich auf eine Reise ins alte Ägypten, als Könige noch als Götter galten, Pharaonen gewaltige Pyramiden bauten, große Schlachten geschlagen wurden und die Welt, wie wir sie heute kennen, entstand. Spannende Bilder und Karten helfen dir, dich in diese Zeit hineinzuversetzen und im Handumdrehen ein Experte zu werden! Reise durch die Zeit und lass die Geschichte mit lustigen, Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    イシス 聖なる 女性

    Erzählt von Toshiji Takeshi


    3 Stunden 56  Minuten

    形而上学的・物理的な聖なる女性原理と、顕現する20の女性的属性について解説。形而上学的及び物理学的観点から見た創造の源としての神聖な女性原理、女性・男性原理の関係(とその一体性)を説明した日本語版の刊行物。女性的属性の顕現としての女神約20柱に関する説明や、全世界にあまねく広がるイシスのイデオロギーが果たす役割などの多くが含まれる。包括的な情報を持つ本書により精神だけでなく、変化にとんだあらゆる感情が喚起され、心も満たされることだろう。この増補版は、八つの章と三つの付録で構成されている。「第1章:: 創造の母」では、創造におけるイシスの役割と、創造全体のイメージ、彼女のレーとオシリスとの関係性について取り上げる。「第2章:イシスの二元性」では、創造のサイクルにおける神の知性と宇宙の子宮としての、基本的な二元的性質を取り上げる。「第3章:: イシスとオシリス ― 動的な二人組」では Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Geschichte der Antike für Kinder: Ein fesselndes Handbuch über das antike Griechenland, Rom und Ägypten für Kinder

    Erzählt von Andreas Kock


    4 Stunden 55  Minuten

    Drei Manuskripte in einem Buch:Antikes Griechenland für Kinder : Eine fesselnde Einführung in die griechische Geschichte, von der mykenischen Zivilisation und dem Trojanischen Krieg über das Goldene Zeitalter des Perikles bis hin zur Hellenistischen Ära und der Eroberung durch die RömerDas alte Rom für Kinder: Ein fesselnder Einblick in die römische Geschichte, vom Aufstieg der Republik über das Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Enseignement d'Amenemopet


    43 Min.

    L'Enseignement d'Amenemopet est un ancien texte égyptien qui a pour la plupart survécu jusqu'à nos jours, datant de 1550 à 1350 avant notre ère. Elle est également appelée Enseignement (or Sagesse) d'Amenemopet, selon la façon dont le nom égyptien Amen-em-ope ia été prononcé. La littérature de sagesse égyptienne a inspiré plusieurs livres israéliens anciens, notamment le Deutéronome, les Psaumes, Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    A Cosmologia Egípcia : O Universo Animado, Terceira Edição

    Erzählt von Denis Kandle


    4 Stunden 53  Minuten

    PEQUENA DESCRIÇÃOEsta edição traduzida para a lingua portuguesa examina a aplicabilidade dos conceitos cosmológicos Egípcios para a nossa compreensão moderna da natureza do universo, creação, ciência e filosofia. A cosmologia Egípcia é humanista, coerente, abrangente, consistente e lógica, analítica e racional. Descubra o conceito Egípcio da matriz energética universal e as contagens do processo Mehr lesen

    € 11,00

  • Hörbuch


    The History and Legacy of the Ancient Assyrian Capital

    Erzählt von Colin Fluxman


    1 Stunde 51 Min.

    When scholars study the history of the ancient Near East, several wars that had extremely brutal consequences (at least by modern standards) often stand out. Forced removal of entire populations, sieges that decimated entire cities, and wanton destruction of property were all tactics used by the various peoples of the ancient Near East against each other, but the Assyrians were the first people to Mehr lesen

    € 6,06

  • Hörbuch


    Ancient Gods, Goddesses, and Myths from Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa


    1 Stunde 43 Min.

    The following books are included in this combo:Book 1: The extensive history of Africa provides us with a topic of curiosity and novelty. For this reason, this guide has been composed to help you understand some of the cultural anecdotes as well as the religious and traditional tales that have been told to previous generations.Book 2: There are many gods and goddesses the ancient Egyptians Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Rome’s Conquest of North Africa: The History of the Conflicts that Led to the Establishment of Roman Provinces in Africa

    Erzählt von Martin Taylor


    4 Stunden 12  Minuten

    Certain foreign policy decisions led to continuing enmity between Carthage and the burgeoning power of Rome, and what followed was a series of wars which turned from a battle for Mediterranean hegemony into an all-out struggle for survival. Although the Romans gained the upper hand in the wake of the First Punic War, Hannibal brought the Romans to their knees for over a decade during the Second Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Unlocking Egypt's Ancient Mysteries

    A Journey Into the Land of the Pharaohs

    Erzählt von Josh Wellington


    4 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Unlocking Egypt's Ancient Mysteries: A Journey into the Land of the PharaohsHave you ever wondered about the enigmatic world of Ancient Egypt? Are you fascinated by the mysteries that shroud this ancient civilization?Do you ponder:• What secrets lie behind the grandeur of the pyramids and the Sphinx?• How did the Ancient Egyptians build a society that flourished for centuries?• Is there a guide Mehr lesen

    € 19,36

  • Hörbuch

    Ramesses: A Captivating Guide to Ramses II and His Impact on the New Kingdom and Ancient Egypt

    Erzählt von Jay Herbert


    1 Stunde 11 Min.

    Discover the Epic Life of Ramesses IIStep back in time and immerse yourself in the astonishing life of Ramesses II, the most celebrated pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Ramesses delves into the reign of this iconic ruler, revealing his monumental achievements, military conquests, and enduring legacy.Here are just some of the things you will discover in this audiobook:Triumphant Military Leader: Witness Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Egyptische mythologie

    Goden, godinnen, verhalen, mythen en sagen uit Egypte

    Erzählt von Roy van den Groot


    1 Stunde 12 Min.

    Welkom in de betoverende wereld van de Egyptische mythologie, een rijke schat aan verhalen, goden en godinnen die eeuwenlang de kern vormden van de oude Egyptische cultuur. Dit boek neemt je mee op een fascinerende reis door de diepten van de Nijl, waarin we de mysteries van het ontstaan van het universum verkennen, kennismaken met machtige goden en godinnen, en ons verdiepen in de betekenisvolle Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Mythologie uit Afrika

    Mythologische verhalen, geruchten,goden en godinnen uit Afrika (2 boeken in 1)

    Erzählt von Roy van den Groot


    2 Stunden 32  Minuten

    Deze boekenbundel bestaat uit twee titels.1 - Welkom in de rijke en betoverende wereld van Afrikaanse mythologie, waarin de hemel en aarde doordrongen zijn van goddelijke krachten, heldhaftige avonturen en tijdloze verhalen die generatie na generatie worden doorgegeven. Dit boek neemt je mee op een reis door de diverse culturen van Afrika, waar goden en godinnen, mythische wezens en legendarische Mehr lesen

    € 6,10