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Asien Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch


    von 蔡蕙頻
    Erzählt von 曾紫庭


    5 Stunden 48  Minuten

    不添加過多的學術成分,不含艱深、難咀嚼的專業術語,搭配鏡好聽主播曾紫庭幽默的聲音詮釋,保證純天然好吸收。一本不需要太多台灣史基礎知識,就能輕鬆收聽,感受日治時期生活氛圍的有聲書。--1895年後,台灣在日本的統治之下,踏上了現代化的路程。處於兩個政權、新舊時代之間,台灣人的生活則有了天翻地覆的改變。除了髮型、衣服、房子等看得到的物質,在現代教育的開展下,腦袋裡也發生了巨大的變化。台灣史說書人蔡蕙頻,透過她最想述說的30個日治時期台灣大小事,帶領讀者一同認識當時的台灣。☆ 本書特色‧晚清時期的明星戰役、日本人的高麗菜頭…還有還有,那些發生在台灣的小小故事,都在史料邊角裡,見證台灣人曾經的生活。‧當台灣人剪掉辮子、穿起西服、放開小腳以後,改變的不只是外表,還有隨之而來的思想革命。‧法律、時間、家庭觀念的變化,是怎麼體現在一般台灣人的生活中呢?‧在台灣人的想法裡 Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    Sovjetistan - En rejse gennem Kirgisistan

    von Erika Fatland
    Erzählt von Tina Kruse Andersen
    Serien Hörbuch 4 - Sovjetistan


    2 Stunden 15  Minuten

    I Sovjetistan tager Erika Fatland læseren med på en rejse ind i en verden, der er ukendt for selv de mest garvede globetrotter.De fem tidligere sovjetrepublikker Kasakhstan, Kirgisistan, Tadsjikistan, Turkmenistan og Usbekistan blev alle selvstændige, da Sovjetunionen faldt fra hinanden i 1991. I 2016 har de været selvstændige i 25 år. Hvordan har disse lande udviklet sig siden da? Det har Erika Mehr lesen

    € 8,02

  • Hörbuch

    Hannibal's Oath

    The Life and Wars of Rome's Greatest Enemy

    von John Prevas
    Erzählt von Brad Raymond


    10 Stunden 1  Minuten

    According to the ancient sources, Hannibal was nine years old when his father led him to the temple at Carthage and dipped the young boy's hands in the blood of the sacrificial victim. Before those gods, Hannibal swore an oath of eternal hatred toward Rome.Few images in history have managed to capture and hold the popular imagination quite like that of Hannibal, the fearless North African, perched Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch


    Bharat ke Swatantrata Sangram ki Ek Alag Kahani

    von Sanjeev Sanyal
    Erzählt von Ashish Bhandari


    11 Stunden 44  Minuten

    The history of India's struggle for freedom is usually told from the perspective of the non-violent movement. Yet, the story of armed resistance to colonial occupation is just as important. Names such as Vinayak Savarkar, Aurobindo Ghosh, Rashbehari Bose, Bagha Jatin, Sachindra Nath Sanyal, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and Subhas Chandra Bose are still widely remembered. Their story is almost Mehr lesen

    € 25,29 € 9,89

  • Hörbuch

    Fra Persien

    von Agnete Læssøe
    Erzählt von Malene Bjerg


    6 Stunden 21  Minuten

    Den danske forfatter og orientalist Agnete Læssøe tager os med til Persien, som det så ud omkring 1880. Hendes rejseskildring fortæller om den lange rejse ned ad floden Volga til Irans grænse, karavanen mod Teheran og besøg på emirbasaren. I bogen beskriver hun også livet og kulturen i Persien, og vi kommer blandt andet med på et yderst sjældent besøg hos et harem, som ingen mandlig orientalist Mehr lesen

    € 11,32

  • Hörbuch


    - den ukendte historie

    Erzählt von Martin Paludan-Müller
    Series series Rosinante


    33 Stunden 10  Minuten

    En banebrydende biografi om Mao Zedong, som er baseret på 10 års research og tusindvis af interviews med mennesker, som har kendt Mao - deriblandt seks præsidenter, seks premierministre og fire udenrigsministre. Mao var skyld i historiens største hungersnød, som kostede 38 millioner mennesker livet. I alt omkom mere end 70 millioner mennesker under Mao - i fredstid.”En mursten af en biografi, Mehr lesen

    € 6,03

  • Hörbuch

    Riget i midten

    von Alt om Historie
    Erzählt von Niels Vedersø
    Serien Hörbuch 17 - Historiens vendepunkter


    3 Stunden 36  Minuten

    I året 1046 f.Kr. krydsede en hær på 45.000 soldater og 300 stridsvogne Den Gule Flod. I spidsen stod kronprins Wu af Zhou, og snart havde han besejret naboen, Shangdynastiet. De næste omkring 800 år blomstrede Zhoudynastiet og udviklede det system, der fortsatte under den senere kejser. Kejserriget Kina blev samlet i 221 f.Kr. af Qinkongen Ying Zheng, der erklærede, at han af guderne var udset Mehr lesen

    € 9,23

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Thomas Barfield's Afghanistan

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Maxwell G


    1 Stunde 54 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Thomas Barfield's Afghanistan in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. The land of Afghanistan was conquered and ruled by foreign invaders for most of its premodern history. It had a magnetic attraction for conquerors because control of Afghan territory gave them access to more prosperous places Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Strange Objects Which Should Not Exist

    Erzählt von Martin K. Ettington


    1 Stunde 56 Min.

    Many objects have been found from the deep past which should not exist. We are talking about millions to hundreds of millions years ago.The objects described in this book provide lots of evidence that they really originated in those ages. These things include metal containers and vases found in seams of coal, and spark plugs encased in rock which should not exist.There are also ancient footprints Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Sovjetistan - En rejse gennem Usbekistan

    von Erika Fatland
    Erzählt von Tina Kruse Andersen
    Serien Hörbuch 5 - Sovjetistan


    3 Stunden 12  Minuten

    I Sovjetistan tager Erika Fatland læseren med på en rejse ind i en verden, der er ukendt for selv de mest garvede globetrotter.De fem tidligere sovjetrepublikker Kasakhstan, Kirgisistan, Tadsjikistan, Turkmenistan og Usbekistan blev alle selvstændige, da Sovjetunionen faldt fra hinanden i 1991. I 2016 har de været selvstændige i 25 år. Hvordan har disse lande udviklet sig siden da? Det har Erika Mehr lesen

    € 9,23

  • Hörbuch

    History of Persia: An Enthralling Guide to the Rise and Fall of the Persian Empire and the Life of Cyrus the Great

    von Billy Wellman
    Erzählt von Jay Herbert


    8 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Two manuscripts in one audiobook:The Persians: An Enthralling Guide to the History of Persia and the Persian EmpireCyrus the Great: The Enthralling Life of the Father of the Persian EmpireIn the first part of this audiobook, you will discover the following:How the Assyrian Empire gave rise to the Medians and then the Achaemenid dynastyThe establishment of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great a... Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Eastern Civilization: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Civilizations, Buddhism, Medieval Asia, and Modern Times

    Erzählt von Jay Herbert


    3 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Embark on an Unparalleled Journey Through the Rich Tapestry of Eastern Civilization!Discover the Cradle of Intellectual Thought: From the mystical valleys of the Indus to the imperial courts of Japan, "Eastern Civilization" unravels the vibrant histories of India, China, and Japan. This captivating guide is your window into the ancient worlds that shaped modern thought.Unearth Hidden Gems of Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch



    1 Stunde 38 Min.

    「打開一本書,聽見全世界。」三民書局與愛播聽書FM攜手合作, 把艱澀歷史化成有趣故事,溯流及源,回顧世界歷史那些精彩瞬間、興衰勝敗!於《有聲版國別史系列-南美篇》中,為你主講的國家有:《巴西史:森巴王國》、 《巴拉圭史:南美的心臟》、《委內瑞拉史──美洲革命的搖籃》、《阿根廷史:探戈的故鄉》、《哥倫比亞史:黃金國傳說》、《祕魯史:太陽的子民》 , 讓編輯為你揭開非洲的歷史真相,一起用耳朵聽世界。講者及作者簡介:《巴西史:森巴王國》講者:陳羿彣,作者:何國世《巴拉圭史:南美的心臟》講者:曾子璇,作者:何國世《委內瑞拉史──美洲革命的搖籃》講者:翁子閔,作者:何國世《阿根廷史:探戈的故鄉》講者:陳至忻,作者:何國世《哥倫比亞史:黃金國傳說》講者:楊奕臻,作者:張立卉《祕魯史:太陽的子民》講者:翁子閔,作者:何國世章節:01巴西史02巴拉圭史03委內瑞拉史04阿根廷史05哥倫比亞史06祕魯史 Mehr lesen

    € 5,21

  • Hörbuch

    The World Beneath Their Feet

    The British, the Americans, the Nazis and the Mountaineering Race to Summit the Himalayas

    von Scott Ellsworth
    Erzählt von Scott Ellsworth


    13 Stunden 33  Minuten

    The stories of the extraordinary men and women - the athletes, aristocrats, opportunists and oddballs - who launched the race to the roof of the world.From 1931 to 1953, there was a race like no other. It was a race to the top of the world-a race primarily between Great Britain, Nazi Germany, and the United States.Carried on across nearly the entire sweep of the Himalayas, it involved not only the Mehr lesen

    € 28,52

  • Hörbuch

    The Secret History of the Mongol Queens

    How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire

    Erzählt von Robertson Dean


    10 Stunden 19  Minuten

    The Mongol queens of the thirteenth century ruled the greatest empire the world has ever known. Yet sometime near the end of the century, censors cut a section from The Secret History of the Mongols, leaving a single tantalizing quote from Genghis Khan: “Let us reward our female offspring.” Only this hint of a father’s legacy for his daughters remained of a much larger story.The queens of the Silk Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Philippine History

    How the Philippines developed into the amazing country of today

    von Will Forrest
    Erzählt von Dean Ericson


    3 Stunden 43  Minuten

    Get to know the Philippines like never before with this engaging audiobook on its history.Dive into hundreds of years of exploration and discovery, uncovering stories of resilience, courage, and strength in the face of adversity. Follow a timeline from Spanish colonization to independence, explore key moments in Philippine history, learn about influential figures throughout time and gain a greater Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Closer to You

    von Sheryl Lister
    Erzählt von Sean Crisden


    8 Stunden 35  Minuten

    Located an hour away from San Diego, the small town of Blackmont, California, is known for its peaceful surroundings and majestic lakes. However, secrets and danger lurk just below the surface. And some secrets could prove to be deadly.Love may be a distraction neither of them will live to enjoy . . .When Zahra Chandler unexpectedly inherits her grandfather's small-town home and bookstore, she Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Anaswara Bharatham - Yuvarashtram , Kalaatheetha Nagarikatha

    von Amish Tripathi
    Erzählt von Damodar Radhakrishnan


    6 Stunden 1  Minuten

    India, a culture that witnessed the dawn of civilisation. That witnessed the rise of other cultures and watched them turn to dust. It has been celebrated and attacked. Admired and vilified. But through all these millennia, after all the ups and downs of history, it's still here! And now, after a few centuries of decline, it's driving a new dawn once again. Ajanaabhavarsh. Bharat. Hindustan. India. Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Hörbuch

    Just Another Day in Vietnam


    20 Min.

    Uniquely adopting a third-person omniscient point of view, Nightingale eschews the "I" of memoir in favor of multiple perspectives and a larger historical vision that afford equal time and weight to ally and enemy alike. Examples of the many perspectives based on real-life characters include: Hu, a VC "informant" whose false information led the Rangers straight into the jaws of a ferocious ambush; Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    The Great Gamble

    The Soviet War in Afghanistan

    von Gregory Feifer
    Erzählt von Robertson Dean


    10 Stunden 2  Minuten

    The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a grueling debacle that has striking lessons for American foreign policy today. In The Great Gamble, Gregory Feifer examines the war from the perspective of the soldiers on the ground. During the last years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union sent some of its most elite troops to unfamiliar lands in Central Asia to fight a vaguely defined enemy, which eventually Mehr lesen

    € 18,33

  • Hörbuch

    Three Tigers, One Mountain

    A Journey Through the Bitter History and Current Conflicts of China, Korea, and Japan

    von Michael Booth
    Erzählt von Julian Elfer


    10 Stunden 44  Minuten

    There is an ancient Chinese proverb that states, "Two tigers cannot share the same mountain." However, in East Asia, there are three tigers on that mountain: China, Japan, and Korea, and they have a long history of turmoil and tension with each other.In his latest entertaining and thought provoking narrative travelogue, Michael Booth sets out to discover how deep, really, is the enmity between Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    How Asia Found Herself

    A Story of Intercultural Understanding

    von Nile Green
    Erzählt von Rick Adamson


    17 Stunden 37  Minuten

    A pioneering history of cross-cultural knowledge that exposes enduring fractures in unity across the world's largest continentThe nineteenth century saw European empires build vast transport networks to maximize their profits from trade, and it saw Christian missionaries spread printing across Asia to bring Bibles to the colonized. The unintended consequence was an Asian communications revolution: Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Valley of the Shadow

    The Siege of Dien Bien Phu

    Erzählt von Joe Barrett


    11 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Struggling to reassert control over their Indochinese colonies after World War II, the French established a huge air-land base in the valley of Dien Bien Phu. But when the opposing Vietnamese People's Army (VPA) began massing its forces against the base in late 1953, French commanders seized the opportunity to draw their elusive enemy into a decisive set-piece battle.Defending a series of Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch



    49 Min.

    「打開一本書,聽見全世界」,三民書局與愛播聽書FM攜手合作-《有聲版國別史系列─西歐篇》帶你揭開「低地國(荷比盧)」、「法國」、「愛爾蘭」的歷史真相!播講介紹:《低地國(荷比盧)史》講者: 三民書局編輯 陳君豪作者: 張淑勤任教於輔仁大學歷史系所,先後在臺大歷史系、比利時魯汶大學取得學士、碩士和歷史學國家博士學位。《法國史》講者: 三民書局編輯 陳君豪作者: 劉金源南京大學歷史學博士。出版專著有《英國睿智女王:維多利亞傳》、《寰球透視:現代化的迷途》、《失衡的世界:20世紀人類貧困現象》、曾獲第三屆中國高校人文社科優秀成果獎、第四屆吳玉章獎等。《愛爾蘭史》講者:三民書局編輯 王彤作者:周惠民政治大學歷史系、臺灣大學歷史研究所畢業後,負笈德國弗萊堡大學獲博士學位,曾在愛爾蘭停留研究。著有《日本帝國主義下之臺灣》、《德國對華政策研究》、《德國史》等書。章節名... Mehr lesen

    € 3,46