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Ausbildung & Training Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Lerntechniken & Lernmethoden. Gute Noten ohne Büffeln

    Leichter lernen & Prüfungsangst überwinden für bessere Noten und mehr Freizeit. Wie du Lernstrategien richtig einsetzt und dich motivierst

    von Gregor Kraft
    Erzählt von Great-Books 4YOU Studio


    2 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Mit minimalem Aufwand zur Bestnote! Heutzutage herrscht ein großer Leistungsdruck auf Schüler wie auf Studenten. Wochenlanges Büffeln, Bammel vor der Prüfung und fortgeschrittene "Aufschieberitis": Das Schulleben ist nicht immer einfach. Vielleicht hast auch du das ein oder andere Problem beim Lernen, mit deiner Lernmotivation oder leidest unter Prüfungsangst. In unserem Hörbuch erfährst du, wie Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    2-in-1-Hörbuch der Affirmationen: Abnehmen mit Hypnose + Selbstliebe & Selbstwertgefühl lernen

    Erzählt von Christiana Sarsah


    2 Stunden 40  Minuten

    Enthülle das Geheimnis deiner inneren Stärke und Selbstliebe! Kraftvolle Affirmationen können dein Unterbewusstsein auf Gewichtsverlust und Selbstakzeptanz neu ausrichten.„Du bist der Schöpfer deiner eigenen Realität“ - Abraham HicksFühlst du dich durch dein Körpergewicht begrenzt oder hadert oft mit deinem Selbstwert?Du bist nicht allein in diesem Kampf. Viele Menschen sehnen sich nach positiver Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    25 Essential Skills and Strategies for the Professional Behavior Analyst

    Expert Tips for Maximizing Consulting Effectiveness

    Erzählt von Kate Harper


    10 Stunden 28  Minuten

    25 Essential Skills Strategies for the Professional Behavior Analyst is a much needed guidebook for behavior analysts who want to become successful at consulting. Jon Bailey and Mary Burch present five basic skills and strategy areas that professional behavior analysts need to acquire. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics. Mehr lesen

    € 42,46

  • Hörbuch

    The Truth About Lying

    Teaching Honesty to Children at Every Age and Stage

    Erzählt von Erin deWard
    Series series APA Life Tools


    9 Stunden 56  Minuten

    All children lie. But when your child lies to you, it can feel like a personal betrayal.Lying is a healthy and inevitable part of child development. But when do lies become a problem? In this book, psychologist Victoria Talwar, director of the Talwar Child Development Lab at McGill University, presents practical, science-based strategies to address lying and foster truthfulness in children, from Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Evidencia de un milagro

    Temas espirituales

    von Oslos Molina
    Erzählt von Oslos Molina


    37 Min.

    Un milagro es un acontecimiento extraordinario causado por el poder de Dios. Los milagros representan un elemento importante en la obra de Jesucristo. Incluyen las sanidades, la restauración de la vida a los muertos y la resurrección. Los milagros forman parte del evangelio de Jesucristo. Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    La Favola del Montone Cosmico

    Erzählt von Simone Terigi


    7 Min.

    Questa favola fa parte della collana "Il Regno delle Menti Unite" . Queste fiabe hanno lo scopo di suscitare nel lettore la formazione della coscienza e lo sviluppo della consapevolezza. Adatte per adulti e bambini. Un seme piantato con cura potrà germogliare negli anni a venire. Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Hörbuch

    Rock Warrior's Way, The

    Mental Training for Climbers

    von Arno Ilgner


    5 Stunden 29  Minuten

    Mental training is scarcely covered in the climbing literature, yet it is as important to performance as strength, flexibility, and technique. In his unique approach to mental training, Arno Ilgner draws essential elements from the rich "warrior" literature, as well as from sports psychology, and combines these with his extensive climbing experience to create The Warrior’s Way ®.Here is a Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Built For Stealth

    Key Principles for Building a Great Life

    von Scott Allan
    Erzählt von Russell Newton
    Serien Hörbuch 8 - Bulletproof Mindset Mastery


    3 Stunden 15  Minuten

    In Built for Stealth, Scott Allan provides battle-tested action plans that generate tangible results through taking consistent massive action. Built for Stealth is a compilation of the best frameworks created to help epic performers—just like you—push past difficult boundaries and break self-imposed limitations.In this training, you learn to create opportunity instead of waiting for it to happen. Mehr lesen

    € 9,16

  • Hörbuch

    Education of the Heart, The

    Learning that Leads to God

    Erzählt von Russell T. Osguthorpe


    6 Stunden 4  Minuten

    This book will not only change the way you view learning; it will change the way you live your life.In the education of the heart, learning is a sacred privilege, an act of wonder. Rather than giving you a set of tips and tricks to improve learning, it helps you see learning in a whole new way.This book will help you:Act and not be acted upon,Make love the motive for your learning,Receive more Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Chadwick's College Checklist 2 Steps w/Tips on How To Cut College Costs

    Erzählt von Jermaine McNeese


    44 Min.

    Are you unsure about pursuing higher education due to fears about college costs and loans? This guide will show you how to get it done without accumulating mountains of debt.Chadwick’s College Checklist is a small publication that carries a big punch. It explains how to minimize the costs of getting a higher education or professional training, while exploring the often complex and confusing Mehr lesen

    € 6,26

  • Hörbuch



    Erzählt von Mr. Wong


    24 Min.

    智利臨床催眠中心進行了臨床催眠。擁有超過15年的申請來幫助提高學習能力。自我催眠材料應該在開始學習之前就做,並產生一種“心理上的格式”,以達到使學習優化的感覺。使用方法:在舒適的地方聆聽素材,不受干擾。該材料不能替代醫學,心理或精神療法。克里斯托弗·席林臨床心理學家,智利催眠治療師。智利臨床催眠中心主任。泛美和加勒比催眠治療協會秘書長。研究生院公共衛生碩士教授。國際演講者。書籍作者:《DetrásdelPéndulo》,第一本書翻譯成英文,葡萄牙文和西班牙文。專輯“SueñosMágicos”的作者,智利的第一個自我催眠材料,由華納音樂公司在1999年製作。他的許多自我催眠資料已被翻譯成英語,葡萄牙語和漢語普通話。自2000年以來,為醫療專業人員擔任臨床催眠國際文憑課程主任。 Mehr lesen

    € 9,90 € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Xavier Amador's I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help!

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Madison G


    52 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Xavier Amador's I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. It is always easier to pretend the situation is not as bad as it seems, because facing the reality of the illness can be intimidating and hopeless. It is easy to ignore the problems of poor insight and Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    No Racial Elephants in the Therapy Room

    An Unapologetic Approach to Providing Culturally Affirming Mental Health Care to Black and African American Clients

    Erzählt von Carmen Jewel Jones


    7 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Do you avoid asking Black clients certain questions because you're embarrassed about something you think you "should" know about "Black culture" or racism? Are you hesitant to have conversations about race or racism with Black clients because you're afraid you'll look ignorant or unintentionally offend them? Do you believe that if a Black client doesn't mention race-related issues as a presenting Mehr lesen

    € 20,37


  • Hörbuch

    Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery

    von Scott H. Young
    Erzählt von Scott H. Young


    7 Stunden 42  Minuten

    Author of Wall Street Journal Bestseller Ultralearning explores why it’s so difficult for people to learn new skills, arguing that three factors must be met to make advancement possible, and offering 12 maxims to improve the way we learn.Life depends on learning. We spend decades in school, acquiring an education. We want to be good at our jobs, not just for the perks that come from being one of Mehr lesen

    € 20,99

  • Hörbuch

    Звонок для родителя

    Как дать ребенку качественное образование вне школьных стен


    6 Stunden 15  Minuten

    Пресловутые «школьные годы чудесные» многие до сих пор вспоминают с ужасом: бесконечная груда домашних заданий, ломающий спину ранец, равнодушные учителя, буллинг и скука. Есть ли альтернатива? Да, если знать, что ответственность за образование детей лежит не на школе, а на семье, и стандартные одиннадцать лет за партой — далеко не единственный возможный путь. В книге «Звонок для родителя» Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Development of a Therapist

    Healing Others - Healing Self

    von Louis Cozolino
    Erzählt von Stephen Bel Davies


    7 Stunden 23  Minuten

    A conversational and practical guide to the next level of professional development.Louis Cozolino, one of our most compelling clinical writers, takes us inside the mind and heart of a seasoned therapist, carrying on the tradition of personal and professional writing begun in The Making of a Therapist. This book discusses some of the more abstract concepts and ways of interacting with clients such Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Inside the Dyslexic Mind

    A resource for parents, teachers and dyslexics themselves

    von Laughton King


    7 Stunden

    This book is a life-changing experience for the huge number of people directly impacted by dyslexia. In Laughton King’s formulation, a dyslexic person is like a diesel vehicle. They run perfectly if you give them the right fuel, but if you put petrol in the tank (i.e. expect them to learn like every ‘normal’ child in our current education system) they break down. This book helps dyslexic (diesel) Mehr lesen

    € 19,00

  • Hörbuch

    Bedtime Stories for Adults

    von Lilly Jones
    Erzählt von Janna Erikson


    3 Stunden 6  Minuten

    Would you like to get rid of daily stress, anxiety and negative thoughts?Or maybe, you already recognized your problem and you are looking for the best possible solution?If at least one of these questions got your attention, then keep reading...You probably already know that there are so many people out there who suffer from mental problems daily and insomnia seems to be one of the most common Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Die Macht Deiner Gedanken

    von Kurt Tepperwein
    Erzählt von Kurt Tepperwein, Kurt Tepperwein


    3 Stunden 46  Minuten

    "Die Macht Deiner Gedanken" - Ein ganz besonderer Vortrag von Prof. Kurt Tepperwein - lassen auch Sie sich begeistern von den inspirierenden Worten des beliebten Bestseller-Autors. In "Die Macht Deiner Gedanken" lernen Sie, was die Kraft Ihrer Vorstellung vermag und wie Sie Wunder über Wunder in Ihr Leben ziehen. Nur noch als Download erhältlich! Eines der besten Live-Seminare von Kurt Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    El Gigante Blanco : El Deber

    Los gigantes del alma

    von Carlos Elizondo
    Erzählt von Oslos Molina


    33 Min.

    Los gigantes del alma, son esas gigantescas emociones que nos apabullan, nos quitan el sueño y el hambre, nos convertimos en esclavos de ellas, son tan enormes y pesadas que si no las hubiésemos aligerado por medio de las drogas o el alcohol, nos llevarían a la locura. Porque quien no sufrió de amores no correspondidos, o de resentimientos con alguien, o de temores por volver a abrir los ojos o no Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    Guía Definitiva Joven Atleta Para la Fortaleza Mental

    30 Días Para Convertirse en Mentalmente Fuerte, Desarrollar una Mente Imbatible, Cultivar la Autodisciplina y una Mente Estóica.

    von Robert Clear
    Erzählt von Voz Digital Simón G
    Serien Hörbuch 5 - psicológica


    3 Stunden 25  Minuten

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.¡Prepárate para desbloquear tu máximo potencial con "La guía definitiva de un joven atleta para la firmeza mental"! Este libro va más allá de una simple lectura; es un viaje transformador que te conducirá a través de un programa de 30 días hacia la mentalidad ganadora que necesitas para triunfar en el deporte y en la vida.Descubre las herramientas y Mehr lesen

    € 13,13

  • Hörbuch

    Dyslexia: Understanding the Challenges and Strengths (How to Unlock the Genius Mind of Your Dyslexic Child)

    von John Larochelle
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Maxwell G


    1 Stunde 46 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Dyslexic thinkers see the world differently. Rather than teach them to see the world as it is, what if we inspire them to be who they were born to be... world changers.This book is written as an encouragement for both children and their parents as they navigate their emotions surrounding a dyslexia diagnosis. While the book does not seek to deny that Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    Harder praten helpt niet

    Zeven ongehoord goede strategieën om wèl te overtuigen

    Erzählt von Sarah Gagestein


    4 Stunden 3  Minuten

    Vaak heb je gewoon gelijk, maar waarom krijg je het dan niet? Het probleem is dat mensen niet gevoelig zijn voor jouw rationele argumenten. Je moet juist inspelen op de emoties, persoonlijke belangen en onbewuste denkprocessen van je partner, collega of kind. Ga niet harder praten, maar verplaats je in de ander om erachter te komen op welke knoppen je moet drukken. • Wil je een extra pauze op je Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    Vivir con Ansiedad

    Calla las voces de tu mente, controla tus síntomas y domina tus pensamientos

    Erzählt von Anadaniela Zambrano


    3 Stunden 31  Minuten

    Consigue este audio libro y descubre cómo puedes superar la ansiedad cambiando tu forma de pensar. Este audiolibro está hecho con humor y pasión, te llevará al viaje de la vida de Valentina, quien pudo superar su ansiedad y tomar decisiones que la llevaron a la felicidad.Si alguna vez te has sentido atrapado en una situación y no sabes cómo salir del "pozo emocional", este libro es para ti. Las Mehr lesen

    € 6,11