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Eisenbahn Hörbücher

Interessieren Sie sich für Hörbücher aus der Kategorie Eisenbahn? Dann werden Ihnen unsere Empfehlungen sicherlich gefallen.
Es werden 124 von 68 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Hörbuch

    Whistle-Stop Politics

    Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them

    von Edward Segal
    Erzählt von Eric Anaya


    5 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Discover the entertaining story of how campaigning by train shaped American politics, elections, journalism, and culture in Whistle-Stop Politics.Memories of the pivotal role campaign trains played in American elections fade with the passing of each generation. Also forgotten are the stories documented by the reporters who traveled with hundreds of whistle-stopping politicians, including Franklin Mehr lesen

    € 16,16

  • Hörbuch

    Fem minutter i godnat - Thomas og vennerne

    von Mattel
    Erzählt von Henrik Koefoed
    Series series Thomas og vennerne


    52 Min.

    Kom med Thomas og vennerne, når de suser rundt på Sodors jernbane og gør sig nyttige for kontrolchefen med den høje, sorte hat. Bogen indeholder tolv skønne historier, som passer perfekt til godnatlæsningen – og til alle andre tidspunkter på dagen, hvor der lige er fem minutter tilovers. Tag med på spændende eventyr med toget Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry og alle de andre Mehr lesen

    € 3,89

  • Hörbuch


    The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America

    von Richard White
    Erzählt von Paul Woodson


    23 Stunden 5  Minuten

    The transcontinental railroads of the late nineteenth century were the first corporate behemoths. Their attempts to generate profits from proliferating debt sparked devastating panics in the U.S. economy. Their dependence on public largess drew them into the corridors of power, initiating new forms of corruption. Their operations rearranged space and time, and remade the landscape of the West. As Mehr lesen

    € 35,65

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas og vennerne - Mysteriet på Blåbjerget

    von Mattel
    Erzählt von Henrik Koefoed
    Series series Thomas og vennerne


    18 Min.

    Kontrolchefen sender det lille, blå damplokomotiv Thomas hen for at hjælpe smalsporslokomotiverne i Blåbjergets stenbrud. I stenbruddet opdager Thomas et fremmed lokomotiv, som gemmer sig i tunnelerne. Hvem er den lille, grønne fyr? Og hvorfor flygter han, når Thomas prøver at snakke med ham? Tag med på spændende eventyr med toget Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry og alle de Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas og vennerne - En farefuld tur til fastlandet

    von Mattel
    Erzählt von Henrik Koefoed
    Series series Thomas og vennerne


    11 Min.

    Damplokomotivet Henry bliver skadet, og James får hans tur til fastlandet. Thomas syntes, at det er uretfærdigt. Han vil også ud på eventyr! Thomas kobler sig derfor på Henrys godsvogne, inden James når at gøre det, og suser af sted. Men der lurer farer på fastlandet, som det lille lokomotiv ikke kender ...Tag med på spændende eventyr med toget Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry Mehr lesen

    € 5,93 € 4,72

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas og vennerne - Sørøverskibet og den skjulte skat

    von Mattel
    Erzählt von Henrik Koefoed
    Series series Thomas og vennerne


    14 Min.

    Da Thomas skal hjælpe med at bygge en ny jernbanelinje, overser han nogle advarselsskilte, og jorden braser sammen under ham. Thomas ender nede i en klippehule, hvor der er et stort sørøverskib. Og når der er et sørøverskib i hulen, så er der måske også en ægte sørøverskat begravet et sted dernede ...Tag med på spændende eventyr med toget Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry og Mehr lesen

    € 5,93 € 4,72

  • Hörbuch


    El tren de Europa (The Train of Europe)


    14 Stunden 43  Minuten

    El Orient-Express fue durante décadas el símbolo de una Europa diversa llena de diversos personajes, olores, colores y sabores, unidos por este tren que, más que un medio de transporte, fue una forma extraordinaria de civilización y entendimiento entre los pueblos. Mauricio Wiesenthal, con su prosa envolvente y fragante, nos transporta a países y estaciones Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas and Friends The Railway Series – Audio Collection 1

    von Rev.W Awdry
    Erzählt von Bruce Alexander


    2 Stunden 10  Minuten

    Rediscover the classic stories of Thomas the Tank Engine in this lovely audio collection!A nostalgic offering to share between generations that makes a delightful present for Thomas fans. Children aged 3 and up will love becoming aquainted with beloved characters such as Percy, James, Gordon, and Toby down on Sir Topham Hatt’s railway.Featuring stories from Rev. W Awdry’s original Railway Series Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    Riding the Iron Rooster

    By Train Through China

    von Paul Theroux
    Erzählt von Charlie Anson


    19 Stunden

    Paul Theroux, the author of the train travel classics The Great Railway Bazaar and The Old Patagonian Express, takes to the rails once again in this account of his epic journey through China. He hops aboard as part of a tour group in London and sets out for China's border. He then spends a year traversing the country, where he pieces together a fascinating snapshot of a unique moment in history. Mehr lesen

    € 25,29


  • Hörbuch

    Nothing Like It In The World

    The Men Who Built The Transcontinental Railroad 1863 - 1869

    Erzählt von Jeffrey DeMunn


    15 Stunden 38  Minuten

    In this New York Times bestseller, Stephen Ambrose brings to life the story of the building of the transcontinental railroad, from the men who financed it to the engineers and surveyors who risked their lives to the workers who signed on for the dangerous job.Nothing Like It in the World gives the account of an unprecedented feat of engineering, vision, and courage. It is the story of the men who Mehr lesen

    € 30,55

  • Hörbuch

    Last Train to Paradise

    Henry Flagler and the Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Railroad that Crossed an Ocean

    von Les Standiford
    Erzählt von Richmond Hoxie


    6 Stunden 19  Minuten

    The fast-paced and gripping true account of the extraordinary construction and spectacular demise of the Key West Railroad—one of the greatest engineering feats ever undertaken, destroyed in one fell swoop by the strongest storm ever to hit U.S. shores.In 1904, the brilliant and driven entrepreneur Henry Flagler, partner to John D. Rockefeller, dreamed of a railway connecting the island of Key Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Train Lord

    The Astonishing True Story of One Man's Journey to Getting His Life Back On Track

    von Oliver Mol
    Erzählt von Oliver Mol


    7 Stunden 11  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.The astonishing true story of trust, pain, becoming lost, and finding a way back to yourself despite it all.What happens when a writer can no longer write? What happens when pain is so intense that you question who you are and whether you can bare it any longer?Oliver Mol was a successful, clever, healthy twenty-five-year old. Then one day the migraine started.For ten Mehr lesen

    € 15,66

  • Hörbuch


    True Stories of the Underground Railroad


    14 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.WITH AN INTRODUCTION FROM TA-NEHISI COATES, AUTHOR OF THE WATER DANCERA riveting collection of the hardships, hairbreadth escapes, and mortal struggles of enslaved people seeking freedom: These are the true stories of the Underground Railroad.A secret network of safe houses, committees and guides that stretched well below the Mason-Dixon Line into the brutal slave states Mehr lesen

    € 15,66

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas and Friends The Railway Series – Audio Collection 2

    von Rev.W Awdry
    Erzählt von Bruce Alexander


    1 Stunde 59 Min.

    Rediscover the classic stories of Thomas the Tank Engine in this lovely audio collection!A nostalgic offering to share between generations that makes a delightful present for Thomas fans. Children aged 3 and up will love becoming aquainted with beloved characters such as Percy, James, Gordon, and Toby down on Sir Topham Hatt’s railway.Featuring stories from Rev. W Awdry’s original Railway Series Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    THOMAS & FRIENDS ENGINE ADVENTURES – AUDIO COLLECTION 1: Listen to favourite stories from the Sodor Railway!

    Erzählt von To Be Con


    37 Min.

    All aboard for an engine adventure!This Thomas and Friends audio collection contains a fun selection of Engine Adventures stories including everyone’s favourite blue engine, Thomas!With tales from Thomas and his Sodor friends, sound effects and music, this audio collection is sure to provide endless fun, with beloved stories that your child will want to listen to time and time again!Featuring Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas og vennerne - Dieselernes dag

    von Mattel
    Erzählt von Henrik Koefoed
    Series series Thomas og vennerne


    19 Min.

    Da damplokomotivet Belle og flammelokomotivet Flynn kommer til Sodor, føler Percy sig glemt af sin gode ven Thomas. Han søger derfor over i dieselhallen for at blive venner med diesellokomotiverne. Men dieselerne er ikke til at stole på, og pludselig er der ballade, forvirring og forsinkelser på hele jernbanen. Tag med på spændende eventyr med toget Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Mehr lesen

    € 2,55

  • Hörbuch

    Grand Central

    How a Train Station Transformed America

    von Sam Roberts
    Erzählt von Sam Roberts


    6 Stunden 59  Minuten

    A rich, illustrated - and entertaining -- history of the iconic Grand Central Terminal, from one of New York City's favorite writers, just in time to celebrate the train station's 100th fabulous anniversary.In the winter of 1913, Grand Central Station was officially opened and immediately became one of the most beautiful and recognizable Manhattan landmarks. In this celebration of the one hundred Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Hörbuch

    De sorte tog. Lokomotivmænd i krig

    Erzählt von Finn Andersen


    9 Stunden 50  Minuten

    "De sorte tog: Lokomotivmændi krig" er en skildring af livet under tyskernes besættelse af Danmark i 1940-1945 set fra lokomotivførernes perspektiv. Jernbanen var Danmarks nerve og skinnenettet fragtede madvarer og andre forsyninger rundt mellem landsdelene. Men jernbanen var også et udsat mål for sabotage, da den tyske værnemagt benyttede skinnerne til at fragte våben og anden krigsmateriel rundt Mehr lesen

    € 11,32

  • Hörbuch

    Short History of Railroads- Indiana Edition

    The Story of the Evolution of the Train

    von Paul Wonning
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G
    Serien Hörbuch 7 - Short History Series


    4 Stunden 23  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.The Short History of Railroads takes readers on a journey along the trail of the evolution of the railway. Discover the role trains had in the transportation revolution that changed the world. Readers will find an extensive list of railroad museums across the United States. Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Het recht van de snelste

    Wat er verkeerd is aan ons verkeer


    6 Stunden 6  Minuten

    Steekt een hert de weg over of rijden wij dwars door zijn bos heen? Waarom moeten we op een knopje drukken als we de straat over willen steken? En hoe kan het dat we steeds sneller reizen, maar geen seconde eerder thuiskomen?Van files tot fietssnelwegen, van drempels tot deelauto’s: hoe we ons verplaatsen heeft enorme invloed op de inrichting van onze straten, onze steden én onze samenleving. Het Mehr lesen

    € 14,00

  • Hörbuch

    The Liberation Line

    The Untold Story of How American Engineering and Ingenuity Won World War II

    Erzählt von Christian Wolmar


    10 Stunden 36  Minuten

    The epic story of the engineers and rail workers who ensured Allied victory in World War Two, published to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of D-Day, by an award-winning expert on trains and transportationThey certainly were not soldiers, yet they suddenly found themselves in uniform, in a foreign land. But, as locomotive drivers, track-workers, conductors, porters, signalmen, and engine Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    The American Transportation Revolution

    A Social and Cultural History

    von Aaron W. Marrs
    Erzählt von Danny Campbell


    10 Stunden 19  Minuten

    In the first half of the nineteenth century, transportation in the United States underwent an extraordinary transformation. In The American Transportation Revolution, Aaron W. Marrs explores the cultural influence of steamboats and railroads, which fascinated Americans across the country.Demonstrating the wide cultural reach of steam transit, Marrs draws from an eclectic set of sources, including Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Thomas and Friends The Railway Series – Audio Collection 3

    von Rev. W Awdry
    Erzählt von Bruce Alexander


    2 Stunden 15  Minuten

    Rediscover the classic stories of Thomas the Tank Engine in this lovely audio collection!A nostalgic offering to share between generations that makes a delightful present for Thomas fans. Children aged 3 and up will love becoming acquainted with beloved characters such as Percy, James, Gordon, and Toby down on Sir Topham Hatt’s railway.Featuring stories from Rev. W Awdry’s original Railway Series Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    Stealing the General

    The Great Locomotive Chase and the First Medal of Honor

    Erzählt von Bronson Pinchot


    15 Stunden 12  Minuten

    On April 12, 1862—one year to the day after Confederate guns opened on Fort Sumter and started the Civil War—a tall, mysterious smuggler and self-appointed Union spy named James J. Andrews and nineteen infantry volunteers infiltrated Georgia and stole a steam engine called the General. Racing northward at speeds near sixty miles an hour, cutting telegraph lines, and destroying track along the way, Mehr lesen

    € 25,42