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Erziehungswissenschaft Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Great Expectations: Part 1

    Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 2

    von John Pasden
    Erzählt von Xiuye Zhang
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Mandarin Companion


    1 Stunde 30 Min.

    Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens' masterpiece. A gripping tale of love and loss, aspiration and moral redemption, the story follows the young orphan Xiaomao (Pip) from poverty to a life of unexpected opportunity and wealth.In Part 1, Xiaomao (Pip) is raised by his short-tempered older sister and her husband who run a small repair shop in the outskirts of Shanghai. Xiaomao dreams of Mehr lesen

    € 3,00

  • Hörbuch

    Learn Danish: Discover Danish Culture & Traditions

    Bonus: Travel to Denmark Cheat Sheet


    3 Stunden 18  Minuten

    Want to learn and speak Danish?Fact: One of the BEST ways to start speaking Danish is to learn more words!The more you know, the more you speak, right? But if you want to impress natives and sound like a native, you'll need Danish words that are not taught in textbooks. You'll need to learn about the details of Danish culture as well. And you get just that with Learn Danish: Discover Danish Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Faith Ed

    Teaching About Religion in an Age of Intolerance

    Erzählt von Tara Sands


    8 Stunden 1  Minuten

    An intimate cross-country look at the new debate over religion in the public schoolsA suburban Boston school unwittingly started a firestorm of controversy over a sixth-grade field trip. The class was visiting a mosque to learn about world religions when a handful of boys, unnoticed by their teachers, joined the line of worshippers and acted out the motions of the Muslim call to prayer. A video of Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Cuando el mundo gira enamorado

    Semblanza de Viktor Frankl


    3 Stunden 43  Minuten

    Viktor Frankl (Viena, 1905-1997), psiquiatra de fama mundial, creó una psicología abierta a la trascendencia que hoy cuenta con numerosos seguidores en los cinco continentes. Su método de curación, llamado logoterapia, ha dado sentido a muchas vidas, y cada día crece el interés por las aplicaciones prácticas de sus ideas.Su libro más famoso es El hombre en busca de sentido, que relata su Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    Storie imprevedibili. Otto racconti di cambiamento professionale e personale


    2 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Un audiobook per scoprire il potere del cambiamento e accendere la fiamma del tuo successo. Questo audiolibro nasce dal desiderio di raccontare i passaggi chiave che il cambiamento innesca. Le autrici, orientatrici e formatrici, hanno selezionato dalla loro esperienza professionale otto storie imprevedibili. Sono otto storie di scelte personali e cambiamenti professionali non prevedibili rispetto Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Beyond Good and Evil

    Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

    Erzählt von Geoffrey Giuliano, The Orb


    8 Stunden 44  Minuten

    “Without music, life would be a mistake.”“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” ...“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”NietzscheBy turns illuminating, infuriating, bewildering, and amusing, Nietzsche's masterwork covers a lot of ground. He rejects most strands Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch

    Autism Awareness

    Erzählt von Brian Greyson


    2 Stunden 57  Minuten

    What You'll LearnThis comprehensive course, written and developed by a leading authority on Autism, will teach you everything that you need to know about Autism, what it is, how to spot the signs and symptoms, diagnosing Autism, the gender differences in Autism, treatments, therapies, interventions and strategies, how to make reasonable adjustments, adults and children with Autism and Inclusion Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Hörbuch

    Jägersprache Lernen

    Die jagdliche Fachsprache leicht gemacht

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Hörbuch Jagdliche Ausbildung


    1 Stunde 17 Min.

    Die Jägersprache gehört zum Weidwerk wie das Wild selbst. Vor allem für angehende Jägerinnen und Jäger stellt das umfangreiche Vokabular jedoch eine große Herausforderung dar. Gerade während eines Jagdkurses oder der umfangreichen Ausbildung zum Jagdschutzorgan bleibt oft nur sehr wenig Zeit, man muss ja auch arbeiten, die Familie, Freunde und so weiter… Speziell dafür wurde diese Produktion Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • Hörbuch


    Опыт построения парадигмы

    Erzählt von Palina Dabravolskaya
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Феномен возникновения


    2 Stunden 39  Minuten

    Книга включает оригинальные авторские разработки проблемы взаимосвязи сознания и реальности. Анализируются сложные механизмы возникновения основных структур, формирующих наблюдаемый человеком мир и пространство цивилизации. Предлагаемая авторами интерпретация этих механизмов, названная ими Парадигмой Возникновения, расширяет границы понимания характера мироустройства, а проведенный на ее основе Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    Come Farsi Tanti Amici

    von Ludovico Spinto
    Erzählt von Claudio Spina


    1 Stunde 8 Min.

    Amo fare nuove amicizie e non vi nascondo che ne ho fatte davvero tante al punto da fare fatica a gestirle. Ho così tanti amici ed amiche che riesco a trovare sempre qualcosa di divertente da fare. Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro ed è proprio vero.Gli amici mi hanno portato lavoro quando mi mancava, mi hanno consolato quando litigavo con la mia ragazza e mi hanno fatto passare giornate Mehr lesen

    € 3,49

  • Hörbuch

    How to be a Super Learner

    Erzählt von Brian Greyson


    1 Stunde

    Get more from your studies with the How to be a Super Learner Audiobook. Self-learning requires a different kind of method to make studying both manageable and enjoyable. This audiobook provides you with the guidance, tips, and various tools needed to develop a structured approach to learning. Mehr lesen

    € 11,10

  • Hörbuch

    La semina e il raccolto

    von Neville Goddard
    Erzählt von Fabio Farnè


    1 Stunde 39 Min.

    Molti di coloro che hanno confidenza con i versetti delle Sacre Scritture sono scoraggiati quando cercano di leggere la Bibbia, perché non comprendono o non sanno che la Bibbia è scritta con un linguaggio simbolico. Neville Goddard, concependo la Bibbia come psicologia piuttosto che storia, legge i suoi personaggi come personificazioni delle leggi e delle funzioni della mente, e ci fa comprendere Mehr lesen

    € 3,00

  • Hörbuch

    Learn Turkish: Discover Turkish Culture & Traditions

    Bonus: Travel to Turkey Cheat Sheet


    3 Stunden 25  Minuten

    Want to learn and speak Turkish?Fact: One of the BEST ways to start speaking Turkish is to learn more words!The more you know, the more you speak, right? But if you want to impress natives and sound like a native, you'll need Turkish words that are not taught in textbooks. You'll need to learn about the details of Turkish culture as well. And you get just that with Learn Turkish: Discover Turkish Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    My Grandma Likes To Cook

    Series series Dual Language


    1 Min.

    A visit to Grandma’s house for dinner is a fun-filled, tasty event. And of course, dinner is not complete without dessert. What will Grandma make for dinner? Through simple narration young readers learn the names of various foods as well as good table manners. Learn simple Spanish words and phrases with the corresponding version A mi Abuela, le gusta cocinar. Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    Emotional Eating

    Get your life back with a healthy relationship with food

    von David Colombo
    Erzählt von Annette Martin


    2 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Do you have an emotional attachment to eating that is ruining your life?Is it causing excess weight and leading to other health problems?Have you tried to lose weight, but nothing seems to work?Emotional eating is a serious problem that affects growing numbers of people who effectively binge eat as a way of coping with their emotional needs, rather than addressing the issues at hand. Left Mehr lesen

    € 10,16

  • Hörbuch

    How to get good: Perfect practice when things are imperfect

    von Paul How
    Erzählt von James Patrick Cronin


    1 Stunde 55 Min.

    Practice can bring you fulfillment beyond your chosen field. But have you ever gotten stuck while learning something, to the point that you no longer enjoy it?In How to get good, author Paul How guides you on what to expect once you commit to learning, with all its ups and downs, so that you could optimize the experience.The first section of the book examines the mindset necessary to acquire a Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    ¿Cómo está el tiempo hoy?

    Serien Hörbuch 10 - Dual Language


    2 Min.

    ¡Los niños aprenderán las palabras sencillas de español en este libro divertido y ilustrado, por ejemplo, soleado, calor, nublado, loviendo, viento, nevando, frío, hoy y el tiempo! Hay tantos tipos diferentes de tiempo: ¡soleado, nublado, lluvia, nieve y muchos más! ¿Cuál es tu tiempo favorito y qué actividades te gustan hacer? De ir en trineo cuando nieva a un día de campo en un día nublado, los Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    The Macat Analysis of C.S.Lewis's The Abolition of Man

    von Ruth Jackson
    Erzählt von John Chancer


    1 Stunde 38 Min.

    C.S. Lewis’s 1943 The Abolition of Man is subtitled ‘Reflections on Education With Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools.’ It is a book about the power of education to shape the minds of individuals and improve society (or harm it, if badly done), and it covers everything from the scientific worldview at the time to philosophical arguments about right and wrong Mehr lesen

    € 10,03

  • Hörbuch

    El Dhammapada

    Sonido 3D


    2 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Siddhartha Gautama, conocido como Buda, fue un sabio en cuyas enseñanzas se fundó el budismo. Nació en lo que hoy es Nepal alrededor del siglo V a.C. Buda Gautama es conocido por haber alcanzado la iluminación y por sus enseñanzas sobre cómo alcanzar el Nirvana, un estado de liberación del sufrimiento y del ciclo de reencarnación. Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Hörbuch

    Velfærdsstat på falderebet?

    Ralf Hemmingsen – elev, læge og leder i et samfund under forandring

    von Jens Thomsen
    Erzählt von Henrik Zangenberg


    8 Stunden 35  Minuten

    Politiske ambitioner og ledelse er afløst af teknokratisk styring af samfundsøkonomien, og bureaukratiske ledelseslag truer med at kvæle den faglige innovation og udvikling i sundhedssektoren og snart også resten af den offentlige sektor.Ralf Hemmingsen fortæller om sine erfaringer med den velfærdsstat, der nu er truet på sin eksistens - fra sin barndom i Brønshøj over lægestudiet og medicinsk Mehr lesen

    € 10,05

  • Hörbuch

    Como ser um educador antirracista

    Para familiares e professores


    3 Stunden 31  Minuten

    Como ser um educador antirracista é um convite e uma inspiração para criarmos uma sociedade verdadeiramente antirracista. Embarque nesta jornada!Em Como ser um educador antirracista, Bárbara Carine, conhecida nas redes como "uma intelectual diferentona", discute sobre como a educação e a escola podem ser pensadas a partir de perspectivas não ocidentalizadas e, sobretudo, racializadas.A autora Mehr lesen

    € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    Hypnose, damit wir unsere Kinder stressfreier und aktiver erziehen

    Ein Erziehungsratgeber für Kleinkinder mit besonderen Erziehungsideen


    48 Min.

    Diese Hypnose ist für alle Eltern, die sich einerseits durch die Erziehung überfordert fühlen und andererseits dem Kind ein Leben voller Chancen und Möglichkeiten eröffnen wollen. Mit dieser Hypnose lernen sie entspannter auf unkontrollierbare Reaktionen der Kinder zu reagieren und sogar darin eine Chance für ihre Entwicklung zu erkennen und zu nutzen. So kannst du deinem Kind die Chancen geben, Mehr lesen

    € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    Unmasking Dark Psychology: Understanding Manipulation and Influence

    Protecting Yourself from Psychological Predators

    von David Thompson
    Erzählt von David Thompson


    6 Stunden 29  Minuten

    The thorough manual "Unmasking Dark Psychology: Understanding Manipulation and Influence: Protecting Yourself from Psychological Predators" explores the complex field of dark psychology and gives readers insight into the strategies psychological predators employ to control and sway others. Readers have a deeper grasp of the psychological dynamics driving coercion and manipulation through case Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Magier des Schönen

    Neville Goddard in Theorie & Anwendung

    von Daniel Daddeh
    Erzählt von Daniel Bierich


    4 Stunden 19  Minuten

    Die Absicht dieses Buchs besteht darin, die Lehre Nevilles in Theorie & Anwendung systematisch und prägnant zusammenzutragen und auf den Punkt zu bringen.Der erste Teil dieses Buchs widmet sich der Theorie der Lehre. Er besteht aus der bisher unübersetzten, und auch im Englischen eher weniger bekannten Niederschrift "Ich kenne meinen Vater" von Neville Goddard aus dem Jahre 1960 – eine wunderbare Mehr lesen

    € 14,99