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European General Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    The Habsburg Empire

    A New History

    Erzählt von Michael Page


    18 Stunden 9  Minuten

    In a panoramic and pioneering reappraisal, Pieter M. Judson shows why the Habsburg Empire mattered so much, for so long, to millions of Central Europeans.Rejecting fragmented histories of nations in the making, this bold revision surveys the shared institutions that bridged difference and distance to bring stability and meaning to the far-flung empire. By supporting new schools, law courts, and Mehr lesen

    € 22,91

  • Hörbuch

    El buque del diablo (Devil's Ship)

    Erzählt von Gabriela Garcia, Martin Untrojb


    11 Stunden 36  Minuten

    El Imperio Otomano se alió con Alemania y Austria-Hungría en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Esto resultó, entre otras consecuencias catastróficas, en la guerra que duró dos años más de lo que debería, las dos revoluciones rusas de 1917 y la dictadura bolchevique, el genocidio del pueblo armenio, quince millones de muertos y el desmembramiento del Imperio Otomano, con el nacimiento de una miríada de Mehr lesen

    € 35,65

  • Hörbuch

    The Völva’s Apprentice

    A Norse Fiction Story of Magic, Mythology & Romance

    von Living History
    Erzählt von Alaura Howery


    3 Stunden 10  Minuten

    I had heard tales of women with secret knowledge and powers, but I never imagined that there would be one standing right in front of me.“You’re a Völva?” the word rolled off my tongue strangely...I only knew faintly what a Völva was. They were said to be strange women with strange powers. Not only could they protect and ward against ill omens, but they could also travel the realms and reach into Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Sons of Freedom

    The Forgotten American Soldiers Who Defeated Germany in World War I

    von Geoffrey Wawro
    Erzählt von Geoffrey Wawro


    20 Stunden 19  Minuten

    The "stirring," definitive history of America's decisive role in winning World War I (Wall Street Journal).The American contribution to World War I is one of the great stories of the twentieth century, and yet it has all but vanished from view. Historians have dismissed the American war effort as largely economic and symbolic. But as Geoffrey Wawro shows in Sons of Freedom, the French and British Mehr lesen

    € 39,99

  • Hörbuch

    Avars, The: The History and Legacy of the Eurasian Nomads in Central Europe during the Middle Ages

    Erzählt von Colin Fluxman


    1 Stunde 16 Min.

    During the period after the collapse of the Roman Empire and the establishment of medieval Europe, which was once commonly referred to as the Dark Ages, many different tribes migrated across Europe, feeding on what was left of Rome and attempting to establish new kingdoms in the vacuum. Most of these tribes were Germanic in ethnicity and language and shared the same goals of either entering Roman Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    History of Europe: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events and Figures in Europe’s Past

    von Billy Wellman
    Erzählt von Jay Herbert


    7 Stunden 50  Minuten

    It is time to dive into the heart of Europe!Ever wonder what makes Europe so special? Imagine stepping into a time machine to explore both ancient cities and modern marvels. This book is your golden ticket to do just that!Uncover the secrets of Europe’s past, from the sparkling Mediterranean to the powerful empires that shaped our world.Discover heroes like Alexander the Great and innovators like Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Die Flucht aus der DDR - Es gab nie ein Zurück (Feature)


    1 Stunde 2 Min.

    Jürgen, angehender Ingenieur, exmatrikuliert wegen einer politisch unliebsamen Bemerkung. Die junge Ärztin Henriette, die einmal Venedig sehen will. Sie beide wagen schließlich mit ihren Familien die Flucht, so wie unzählige andere. Von der Gründung der DDR 1949 bis zur Grenzöffnung 1989 verlassen etwa drei Millionen Menschen den Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat - davon viele illegal und unter großer Mehr lesen

    € 6,92

  • Hörbuch

    History of France, The

    From Roman Gaul to the 1100s

    von Will Forrest
    Erzählt von Andrew Cooper
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - France From Gaul to the Modern Age


    3 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Discover the Hidden Treasures of French History and Embark on a Fascinating Journey Through Time.Have you ever found yourself captivated by the rich and enthralling history of France?Are you eager to dive deep into a world of political intrigue, military conquests, and the legendary figures that forged the nation we know today?Seize this unique opportunity to embark on an unforgettable journey Mehr lesen

    € 15,25

  • Hörbuch

    Seven Years’ War, The: The History and Legacy of the Decisive Global Conflict Between the French and British

    Erzählt von KC Wayman


    2 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Some historians have called the Seven Years’ War the first true world war, and they make a good point. In Europe, an alliance of Great Britain, the German state of Hanover (the ruling house of Britain was from Hanover) and Prussia fought a series of battles against an alliance of France, Austria and Russia, with the occasional involvement of some other European powers such as Sweden and Spain. The Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    European History for Kids Vol. 1: A Captivating Guide to the Early History of Europe from Prehistoric Times, through Ancient Europe and the Middle Ages, to the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery

    Erzählt von Jason Zenobia


    1 Stunde 17 Min.

    Travel hundreds of thousands of years back to when cavemen roamed Earth!Discover what life was like for the first-ever Europeans during the Stone Age. Then, fast forward to the Bronze and Iron Ages when the first advanced civilizations emerged in Europe. You’ll discover more about the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Northern European barbarians.Next up on your tour of European Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Great Northern War, The: The History of the Conflict that Made Russia the Dominant Empire in the Baltic

    Erzählt von KC Wayman


    1 Stunde 35 Min.

    The Great Northern War, fought from 1700-1721, gets its name from the fact the war focused on the Baltic, but the battlefields extended into Germany and deep into Poland and Ukraine. Sweden was a military power with a small empire in the Baltic, while Russia was still a landlocked place, backward when compared to the rest of Europe, not very powerful, and highly xenophobic. The Poland-Lithuanian Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Léon Blum et le socialisme

    von Serge Berstein
    Erzählt von Serge Berstein


    22 Min.

    Une grande figure du socialisme français – La vie de Léon Blum, une des grandes figures du socialisme français, s'étend de l'affaire Dreyfus aux lendemains de la deuxième guerre mondiale, en passant par le Front Populaire dont il dirigea le gouvernement. Du marxisme dogmatique à une conception plus humaniste du socialisme. Intellectuel et homme d'action, il est emblématique d'une évolution longue Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Peter Milling


    8 Stunden 33  Minuten

    Middelalderens korstog til Mellemøsten er et blodigt kapitel i kristendommens og Europas historie. Mange er af den opfattelse, at de blev sat i gang af pave Urban II's tale i 1095, men i virkeligheden var pavens tale blot katalysator for spændinger, der havde opbygget sig mellem henholdsvis Europa og Mellemøsten og kristendommen og islam igennem mange år.I "Korstogene" fortæller forfatterne om, Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Hörbuch

    End of World War II in Europe, The: The History of the Final Campaigns that Led to Nazi Germany’s Surrender

    Erzählt von Arthur Armstrong


    3 Stunden 17  Minuten

    After the successful amphibious invasion on D-Day in June 1944, the Allies began racing east toward Germany and liberating France along the way. It was Hitler’s belief that by splitting the Allied march across Europe in their drive toward Germany, he could cause the collapse of the enemy armies and cut off their supply lines. Part of Hitler’s confidence came as a result of underestimating American Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Return to Vienna

    The Special Operations Executive and the Rebirth of Austria

    von Peter Dixon
    Erzählt von The Author
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Special Operations Executive


    7 Stunden 13  Minuten

    'Captain Charles Kennedy' parachuted into a moonlit Austrian forest and searched frantically for his lost radio set. His real name was Leo Hillman and he was a Jewish refugee from Vienna. He was going home.Men and women of Churchill’s secret Special Operations Executive worked to free Austria from Hitler's grip. Many were themselves Austrians who had fled Nazi persecution. Trained and equipped by Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch


    von Alt Om Historie
    Erzählt von Peter Milling
    Series series True crime - Mord & mysterier


    2 Stunden 4  Minuten

    De nazistiske forbrydelser var mange. I 1934 føler Hitler sig så truet af rivaler i sit eget parti, at han ser stort på landets love og beordrer mere end 80 mord. I to blodige dage dræber Führerens private SS-enhed gamle venner i SA plus 10-20 kritiske generaler og parlamentariske politikere.I juni 1940 marcherede tyske soldater til det sydlige Polen. I løbet af de næste fire år bygger arkitekter, Mehr lesen

    € 8,02

  • Hörbuch

    Rome and Germania: The History of the Roman Empire’s Conflicts and Interactions with Germanic Tribes

    Erzählt von Gregory T. Luzitano


    2 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Despite all the accomplishments and widespread victories and conquests throughout the long history of Republican and Imperial Rome, general perception still deems the Romans to have failed in one crucial conquest: the subjugation of Germany. Indeed, historians have singled out this one failure as central to the ultimate downfall of the entire empire, as the constant wars against the Germanic Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    From the Realm of a Dying Sun

    Volume 2: IV. SS-Panzerkorps from Budapest to Vienna, December 1944-May 1945

    Erzählt von David de Vries


    26 Stunden 40  Minuten

    This is the concluding volume of the history of the IV SS-Panzerkorps, a relatively unknown organization that was born in battle during the last year of the war and fought exclusively on the Eastern Front. After their successful defense of Warsaw and the Vistula Front during the fall of 1944, the corps and its two famous Waffen-SS divisions, the Totenkopf and Wiking, as well as several divisions Mehr lesen

    € 35,65

  • Hörbuch


    A Life in War and Peace

    Erzählt von Daniel Henning


    28 Stunden 30  Minuten

    He was the general who triumphed over Napoleon's Grande Armée during the Patriotic War of 1812, not merely restoring national pride but securing national identity. Many Russians consider Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Golenischev-Kutuzov the greatest figure of the 19th century, ahead of Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, even Tolstoy himself.As award-winning author Alexander Mikaberidze shows in this Mehr lesen

    € 35,65

  • Hörbuch

    Enduring the Whirlwind

    The German Army and the Russo-German War 1941-1943

    von Gregory Liedtke
    Erzählt von James Anderson Foster


    9 Stunden 11  Minuten

    Despite the best efforts of a number of historians, many aspects of the ferocious struggle between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during the Second World War remain obscure or shrouded in myth. One of the most persistent of these is the notion—largely created by many former members of its own officer corps in the immediate postwar period—that the German Army was a paragon of military Mehr lesen

    € 22,40

  • Hörbuch

    Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour

    Memories of Soviet Russia


    8 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour is a heartfelt mother-and-daughter memoir about three generations of women and their fight to leave Soviet Russia. A mother is a dissident, a refusenik, and a prisoner in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) in the 1970s and '80s. Her daughter, eleven years old, is left without a family. A grandmother is in the USA, waiting for her daughter and granddaughter and not Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    In Pursuit of Jefferson

    Traveling Through Europe with the Most Perplexing Founding Father

    von Derek Baxter
    Erzählt von William Sarris


    11 Stunden 33  Minuten

    A controversial founding father. A man ready for a change. And a completely unique trip through Europe.In 1784, Thomas Jefferson was a broken man. Reeling from the loss of his wife and stung from a political scandal during the Revolutionary war, he needed to remake himself. Wandering through Europe, Jefferson saw and learned as much as he could, ultimately bringing his knowledge home to a young Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch


    What Everyone Needs to Know

    von Serhy Yekelchyk
    Erzählt von Joel Richards


    8 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Ukraine's sudden prominence in American politics has compounded an already-widespread misunderstanding of what is actually happening in the nation. In the American media, Ukraine has come to signify an inherently corrupt place, rather than a real country struggling in the face of great challenges. Ukraine: What Everyone Needs to Know addresses Ukraine's relations with the West, particularly the Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    A Nation Fermented

    Beer, Bavaria, and the Making of Modern Germany

    Erzählt von Mike Lenz


    9 Stunden 17  Minuten

    How did beer become one of the central commodities associated with the German nation? How did a little-known provincial production standard—the Reinheitsgebot, or Beer Purity Law—become a pillar of national consumer sentiments? How did the jovial, beer-drinking German become a fixture in the global imagination?While the connection between beer and Germany seems self-evident, A Nation Fermented Mehr lesen

    € 20,37