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Familienbeziehungen Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Windstärke 17

    Der neue Roman nach ›22 Bahnen‹ | Nominiert für das Lieblingsbuch der Unabhängigen 2024 (Shortlist)

    Erzählt von Maximiliane Häcke


    6 Stunden 56  Minuten

    Ida hat nichts bei sich außer dem alten, verschrammten Hartschalenkoffer ihrer Mutter, ein paar Lieblingsklamotten und ihrem MacBook, als sie ihr Zuhause verlässt. Es ist wahrscheinlich ein Abschied für immer von der Kleinstadt, in der sie ihr ganzes bisheriges Leben verbracht hat. Im Abschiednehmen ist Ida richtig schlecht; sie hat es vor zwei Monaten nicht einmal auf die Beerdigung ihrer Mutter Mehr lesen

    € 20,99

  • Hörbuch

    Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition

    A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic

    Erzählt von Abby Craden


    13 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Including real life stories, this newly revised third edition of the award-winning bestseller—voted one of the top twenty parenting books—provides parents with the most up-to-date research, effective discipline tips, and practical strategies for raising spirited children.Do you ever wonder why your child acts the way he or she does? Are you at a loss regarding your child’s emotional intelligence Mehr lesen

    € 29,69

  • Hörbuch

    Lágrimas en H Mart: "Crying in H Mart"

    Una historia de amor, pérdida y cocina coreana

    von Michelle Zauner
    Erzählt von Niloofer Khan


    9 Stunden 16  Minuten


    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Julie und Cara

    Die Kräuterhexe

    von Juliane Ryll


    44 Min.

    Julie und Cara sind mit ihren Vätern Stefan und Carlo und ihrem Hund Käpt'n Klaus in den Sommerferien mit ihrem Wohnmobil unterwegs. Auf ihrer Reise erleben sie spannende Abenteuer.In dieser Episode verletzt sich Carlo bei einem Ausflug am Gerangerfjord in Norwegen, und die Mädchen müssen allein Hilfe holen. Ihr Weg führt sie durch einen Wald, in dem sie auf eine Hütte treffen. Dort sehen sie eine Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Hörbuch

    I Love My Little Brother

    Prepare a big sister to welcome a baby brother

    von Serene Chia
    Erzählt von Serene, Kaitlyn
    Series series Transition to Big Sister


    3 Min.

    Is your child struggling with the arrival of a new little brother?This charming story follows the adventures of an older sister as she comes to terms with the arrival of her little brother. Through this story, children can learn how to manage feelings such as jealousy and resentment, while realizing that having a new family member doesn’t mean they will get any less love. In fact, there will be Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Vanessa Steel's Punished

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Maxwell G


    48 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Vanessa Steel's Punished in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. I was a very timid child, and I was very slow to talk. I was also very dependent on my brother, Nigel, for company. We rarely argued or fell out with each other. I remember one time when I pushed him off his tricycle because he wasn Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Susan Campbell Ph.D. & John Grey Ph.D.'s Five-Minute Relationship Repair

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Madison G


    55 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Susan Campbell Ph.D. & John Grey Ph.D.'s Five-Minute Relationship Repair in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. When you or your partner are triggered, it’s important to find a way to stop and calm yourselves. Find your brakes, or develop some. Brakes is a metaphor to describe how your higher Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    ¿Cuántas veces te lo tengo que decir? (How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You?)

    Erzählt von Yolanda Ponce


    6 Stunden 6  Minuten

    ¿Cua´ntas veces les decimos las mismas cosas a nuestros hijos sin lograr nuestro objetivo? ¿Cua´ntas veces hemos de comprobar que no funciona para descartarlo como solucio´n y hacer algo diferente?La psico´loga Maribel Marti´nez, experta en terapia breve estrate´gica, nos propone pautas eficaces y sencillas para conseguir que los hijos nos escuchen, nos respeten y nos obedezcan en situaciones Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit

    Alles, was Eltern über Erkältung und spielerische Medizingabe wissen müssen

    Erzählt von Clara Steinbrück


    2 Stunden 36  Minuten

    Bis zu 12 Erkältungen im Jahr sind bei Babys und Kleinkindern völlig normal! Das sind ganz schön viele, oder? Und diese Erkältungen sind nicht nur für unsere Kinder super anstrengend, sondern auch für uns Eltern. Als Mama von drei kleinen Kindern kenne ich das nur zu gut! Erkältete Kinder brauchen liebevolle Zuwendung, viel Trost und eine spielerischen Umgang mit Medikamenten und Hausmitteln. Und Mehr lesen

    € 19,00

  • Hörbuch

    Anything But My Phone, Mom!

    Raising Emotionally Resilient Daughters in the Digital Age

    Erzählt von Caroline Hewitt


    11 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Practical advice for raising authentic, self-reliant teenage girls in the age of the Internet from the experienced clinical psychologist Dr. Roni Cohen-SandlerIt may feel as though your preteen or teenage daughter is growing up in a different universe than you did. Between smartphones, social media, and cyberbullying, the world is changing. Technology is transforming how girls identify themselves, Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Hearts on Lockdown: 2 Books in 1: A Couple’s Therapy Guide for Maintaining a Happy and Healthy Relationship That Lasts Forever


    6 Stunden 41  Minuten

    Maintain a Happy Relationship in the Event of Another Lockdown With the Help of This Practical Bundle on Rekindling the Flame of Passion.Relationships are very similar to living beings; they are born, grow, blossom on positive emotions, and are ever-changing. But unlike the living being, if you properly nurture the relationship, it will live forever.But Covid-19 and lockdowns brought unprecedented Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Seven Love Languages of Rearing Children and Creating a Harmonious Household and Safe Haven For All, The

    Erzählt von Joanna Perricone


    2 Stunden 56  Minuten

    The Seven Love Languages Of Rearing Children And Creating a Harmonious Household & Safe Haven For All: The book is centered around the traditional nuclear family with mother and father or single-parent rearing children in a virtual home environment. It must discuss the present modern-day challenges of drugs, alcohol, and pregnancy prevention solutions. Both parents or single parents have full-time Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Connecting the Dots of a Disconnected Life

    Hope for a Fractured Soul


    9 Stunden 49  Minuten

    What happens when you mix faith in Jesus, a dysfunctional family, and abuse with a longing to serve in China, moving to Israel, and the death of your dreams? Responding to the call of her heritage, Dvora moved to Israel, developed a successful career and had a fruitful ministry among Chinese students…but her internal world was fractured. She married at 52 and became a widow at 55. Would trusting Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch

    Transforming Grief

    Erzählt von Michael Toms


    55 Min.

    Along with grief, the death of a loved one often brings old resentments, regrets and unexpressed love, which can block our emotional growth and negatively impact our relationships. Alexandra Kennedy shows us how, by using imagination and imagery, we can re-create an inner relationship with our loved ones who have passed away. Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    Expect Something Beautiful

    Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood

    von Laura Booz
    Erzählt von Laura Booz


    4 Stunden 58  Minuten

    Is motherhood only about self-sacrifice? Or will it bless your life, too?You know that motherhood makes high demands. Yet you know it’s worth the cost because it benefits your child. On some grand level, it’s also good for civilization. And of course, it’s a calling from God. So is that what you’re doing here—pouring out your life for God and others while getting little in return except the Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Art of Conscious Communication, The

    Transforming Difficult Conversations

    von William Vincent
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Alistair G


    1 Stunde 10 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.The Art of Conscious Communication: Transforming Difficult Conversations by William Vincent is a groundbreaking guide designed to revolutionize the way you interact with others. Are you tired of repeating the same conflicts, feeling unheard, or struggling to connect on a deeper level? This book uncovers the root cause of relationship disconnects and Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Leaving Adverse Childhood Experiences Behind

    Erzählt von Skye Alley


    1 Stunde 5 Min.

    Are you suffering from untreated feelings resulting from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)?Trauma lingers in your body and impacts your mental and physical health unless you excavate and process your traumas effectively. But how do you achieve this?I compiled a list of practical strategies that my friends, students, and loved ones used to overcome their childhood trauma.Their success is my Mehr lesen

    € 6,26

  • Hörbuch

    Heads Up Mom

    The early years with baby and toddler are a whole lot sweeter when you know the truth

    von Lori Arnold
    Erzählt von Jen Greenfield


    6 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Get the unfiltered truth on the unspoken challenges and underrated awesomeness of early motherhood, and rock your mom game the way YOU want to rock it.It’s all solid advice…“Sleep while the baby is sleeping.”“The dishes can wait. They grow up so fast.”“This too, shall pass.”These cliché’s hint at a universal truth: Being a first-time (or even second-time) mom is hard. You don’t need to be told "it Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    The Hundred Story Home

    A Memoir of Finding Faith in Ourselves and Something Bigger

    von Kathy Izard
    Erzählt von Ginny Welsh


    6 Stunden 32  Minuten

    What if you just trusted the whisper of calling placed on your heart?Kathy Izard was volunteering at Charlotte’s Urban Ministry Center when an unlikely meeting with a homeless man changed the course of her life. She realized that serving at the soup kitchen was feeding her soul, but not actually solving the needs of the homeless population.Rather than brush it off and avoid what she now felt Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    Granny Mo, Is Teddy Going to Die?

    von Sue Brayne
    Erzählt von Sue Brayne


    11 Min.

    Jack has a BIG question about Teddy, which is keeping him wide awake. He wants to know if Teddy is going to die one day, but he’s not sure who to ask about it. This is where Granny Mo comes to the rescue. She knows just what to say and how to say it, so Jack and Teddy can snuggle up together and go to sleep. Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    Resilience Parenting: The Essential Guide to Resilient and Mindful Parenting, Learn Tips and Advice on How to Become a Better Parent to Your Kids

    von Evaline Theo
    Erzählt von Tanya Neihardt


    45 Min.

    Resilience Parenting: The Essential Guide to Resilient and Mindful Parenting, Learn Tips and Advice on How to Become a Better Parent to Your KidsParenting is no walk in the park. You would be hard-pressed to find any parent who would say parenting is easy. But although parenting is hard, it is the most rewarding and exciting job in the world. Parents want the best for their children and they want Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch


    Why do you attract unhealthy people? No more falling into toxic relationships. Break the suffering cycle and learn how to love again

    Erzählt von Russell Newton


    4 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Are you having trouble fostering healthy relationships?Are you stressed, feeling drained and exhausted from giving too much in your relationships?Do you know who you are? What you need? What you like? Or do you feel that you need to be validated and approved by a partner (or any other person) to feel good about yourself?Codependency is notoriously difficult to combat because there is no precise Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Я замужем за Доктором по Пенисам, который также лечит женщин

    I Married A Penis Doctor Who Fixes Women Too

    Erzählt von Natalija Kovalenko


    5 Stunden 19  Minuten

    цифры разрушительны. И никто не хочет об этом гово-рить. Более половины мужчин в этой стране в какой-томомент своей жизни страдают эректильной дисфунк-цией. Слишком много мужчин имеют диагноз рак простатыили проблемы с мочеиспусканием.Женщины также не уступают им в этих злободневныхпроблемах, связанных с сексуальным возбуждением, оргаз-мом или болью во время секса. Если собрать всё вместе, Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Hörbuch

    Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Codependency And Manipulation (2 Books in 1): Understand A Narcissists Dark Psychology + Escape Toxic Family Members & Relationships

    Erzählt von Abigail White


    9 Stunden 26  Minuten

    Discover 10+ Hours Of Practical Teachings, Exercises & Strategies To Finally Break Free From A Narcissists Grasp And Truly Start Healing Yourself To Live Your Best LifeSuffering from narcissistic abuse & gaslighting is a sure fire way to absolutely destroy your self-esteem, ability to love & attachment style.Luckily, we've created these audiobooks to help you not only escape the abuse but start Mehr lesen

    € 15,23