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Film Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Tell Them It's A Dream Sequence

    And Other Smart Advice from Top Filmmakers

    von John Gaspard
    Erzählt von John Gaspard
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Fast, Cheap Filmmaking Books


    1 Stunde 36 Min.

    Is it your dream to make feature films? Get advice on how to do that by some of the best in the business!It’s like going to film school without ever leaving home.Valuable Lessons on Making a Successful Feature Film.Includes great tips and ideas from:Steven Soderbergh (“sex, lies & videotape”)Roger Corman (“Little Shop of Horrors”)Jon Favreau (“Swingers”)... Mehr lesen


  • Hörbuch

    A Rare Recording of Film Icon Rita Hayworth

    von Rita Hayworth
    Erzählt von Rita Hayworth
    Series series A Rare Recording of…


    27 Min.

    Rita Hayworth, born Margarita Carmen Cansino, (October 17, 1918 - May 14, 1987) was an American actress who appeared in 61 films over 37 years achieving fame in the 1940s as one of the top stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Dubbed "The Love Goddess" by the Hollywood press, Hayworth is best known for her performance in the 1946 film noir Gilda as the femme fatale opposite Glenn Ford in her first Mehr lesen

    € 8,10

  • Hörbuch

    Speak the Screenplay: Your Ultimate Guide for Compelling Storytelling

    Elevate Your Screenwriting! Unlock Audio Lessons for Masterful Storytelling.

    von Graham Thorne
    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    2 Stunden 28  Minuten

    Speak the Screenplay: Your Ultimate Guide for Compelling Storytelling⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐Are you eager to advance in your storytelling craft and master the art of screenwriting?Searching for a thorough guide that covers all vital aspects of creating compelling screenplays?Your search ends here!This guide is your ultimate companion for deepen... Mehr lesen

    € 5,20

  • Hörbuch

    Directing Actors

    Creating Memorable Performances for Film and Television

    von Judith Weston
    Erzählt von Judith Weston


    12 Stunden 41  Minuten

    In this essential guide to acting, internationally renowned directing coach Judith Weston demonstrates what constitutes a good performance, what actors want from a director, and what directors do wrong. She also goes over script analysis and preparation and how actors work, and she shares important and helpful insights into the director/actor relationship. Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Speaking Of Films

    von Satyajit Ray
    Erzählt von Luke Kenny


    7 Stunden 13  Minuten

    India’s greatest film-maker on the art and craft of films. Exactly fifty years ago, in 1955, the release of Pather Panchali heralded the arrival of a master in the world of cinema. Over the next forty years, Satyajit Ray came to be regarded as one of the world’s finest film-makers ever. Today, more than a decade after his death, he continues to be India’s most respected name in international film Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch



    6 Stunden 39  Minuten

    MALENE er den personlige historie om skuespilleren, direktøren, hustruen, moren og mennesket Malene Schwartz – fortalt af hende selv og af en række af de mennesker, som er og har været tæt på hende privat, professionelt eller begge dele.I bogen fortæller Malene Schwartz åbenhjertigt om sit livs triumfer og tragedier. Om den kunstneriske åre, der løber i familien, om hendes vej til scenen, om en Mehr lesen

    € 10,05

  • Hörbuch

    A Place in My Heart

    von Anupama Chopra
    Erzählt von Anupama Chopra


    5 Stunden 25  Minuten

    A Place in My Heart is a many-splendored thing. It is a listicle. It is a celebration of the power of storytelling. It is also an account of a life lived in the Bollywood trenches. National Award-winning author, journalist and film critic Anupama Chopra writes about fifty films, artistes and events that have left an indelible impression on her and shaped her twenty-five-year-long career. Shah Rukh Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    Kult oder Käse? - "Der Hofnarr"

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Kult oder Käse


    1 Stunde 9 Min.

    "Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?", fragt man sich bei so manchem - vermeintlichen - cineastischen Meisterwerk. Ein Panel aus Filmnerds, bestehend aus Grimme-Preisträger und "Bernd das Brot" Erfinder Tommy Krappweis, den Machern des Hoaxilla Podcasts Alexa und Alexander Waschkau und Barbara Landsteiner von Storytel diskutiert über Kultfilme ... und solche, die es gerne wären. Im Zaum gehalten Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Kult oder Käse? - "Die Marx Brothers in der Oper"

    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Kult oder Käse


    50 Min.

    "Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?", fragt man sich bei so manchem - vermeintlichen - cineastischen Meisterwerk. Ein Panel aus Filmnerds, bestehend aus Grimme-Preisträger und "Bernd das Brot" Erfinder Tommy Krappweis, den Machern des Hoaxilla Podcasts Alexa und Alexander Waschkau und Barbara Landsteiner von Storytel diskutiert über Kultfilme ... und solche, die es gerne wären. Im Zaum gehalten Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    National Treasure: Nicolas Cage

    von Lindsay Gibb
    Erzählt von Moniqua Plante
    Serien Hörbuch 5 - Pop Classics


    2 Stunden 7  Minuten

    A celebration of Nicolas Cage ― the man and the meme Nicolas Cage: leading man or character actor? Action hero or goofball comedian? Internet joke or one of the greatest actors of his generation? Beyond the gif bait and easy punchline, Nicolas Cage continually frustrates easy categorization or understanding. In National Treasure, pop culture writer Lindsay Gibb studies Nicolas Cage’s acting style Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    لقاء مع الناقدة السينماية ماجدة خير الله


    29 Min.

    هنالك دومًا مواقفٌ وحكايات في كواليس المبدعين. جمعناها لكم من داخل معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب تستمعون لها لأول مرة في #بودكاست_المعرض من إنتاج كتاب صوتي تعرّف إلى مشاريع الكتّاب الجديدة وطقوسهم للكتابة. والتحدياتُ التي تواجه دور النشر وكيفية اختيار إصداراتهم. وما هي أصعب الكتب التي تواجه المترجمين وما المترجمات التي يرشحونها. برفقة بسنت عز الدين ومصطفى شهيب نتحدث مع ضيوفنا ونستمع إلى قصصهم الملهمة Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Blessed Lens

    A History of Italian Cinema

    von Joseph Luzzi
    Erzählt von Joseph Luzzi


    7 Stunden 45  Minuten

    Professor Joseph Luzzi, the director of Italian studies at Bard College and an award-winning author, offers a comprehensive look at Italian cinema from its inception in 1895 through its major periods and influences. Having altered the landscape of Italian art and society, as well as inspiring filmmakers the world over, Italian cinema proves a fascinating study. Major focuses of the course include Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Introduction to Consent Culture and Teen Films

    Adolescent Sexuality in US Movies

    von Michele Meek
    Erzählt von Michele Meek


    57 Min.

    Enjoy audio of the introduction to the book Consent Culture and Teen Films: Adolescent Sexuality in Teen Films read to you by the author.Teen films of the 1980s were notorious for treating consent as irrelevant with scenes of boys spying in girls' locker rooms and tricking girls into sex. Contemporary movies, on the other hand, now routinely prioritize consent, ensuring date rape is no longer a Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    Corso di Storytelling per Scrittori e Sceneggiatori

    Un percorso audio guidato che ti permetterà di creare storie e personaggi credibili con facilità e in tempo reale

    von Easy Edizioni
    Erzählt von Easy Edizioni


    1 Stunde 29 Min.

    NON RIESCI A FINIRE IL TUO LIBRO E TI SEI ACCORTO CHE MANCA QUALCOSA?Probabilmente quello che ti manca è uno schema solido da seguire!Sapevi infatti che gran parte delle storie, dai romanzi alle serie tv, seguono regole ben precise frutto di più di un secolo di studi accademici? Si tratta di "strutture archetipiche" che possono dare una spinta alla tua storia e renderla affascinante e convincente. Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Love, Queenie

    Merle Oberon, Hollywood's First South Asian Star

    von Mayukh Sen
    Erzählt von Sharmila Devar


    8 Stunden

    Merle Oberon made history when she was announced as a nominee for the Best Actress Oscar in 1936. Her nomination marked the first time the Academy recognized a performer of color. Oberon, born to a South Asian mother and white father, broke through a racial barrier—but no one knew it. Oberon was "passing" for white.In the first biography of Oberon in more than forty years, Mayukh Sen draws on Mehr lesen

    € 20,37


  • Hörbuch

    V For Vendetta - The Ultimate Trivia Collection

    From The Movie Directed By James Mcteigue

    Erzählt von Joe Jackson


    42 Min.

    V FOR VENDETTATHE ULTIMATE TRIVIA COLLECTIONFROM THE MOVIE DIRECTED BY JAMES MCTEIGUECREATED BY FILM TRIVIA METAVERSEABOUT THE FILMV for Vendetta is a dystopian political thriller set in a future totalitarian Britain, where a fascist regime controls the population. The story follows V, a masked anarchist vigilante seeking revenge against those who tortured him. With ... Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Great Entertainers' Lives

    A BBC biography collection


    14 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Well-known personalities pick their favourite entertainers for BBC Radio 4's Great LivesOne of the BBC's most acclaimed programmes, Great Lives has been a regular Radio 4 fixture for 20 years, presented by Joan Bakewell, Humphrey Carpenter, Francine Stock and Matthew Parris. Every week, a famous name is invited into the studio to nominate a figure from the past who has inspired them, and discuss Mehr lesen

    € 19,27

  • Hörbuch

    Damn it ani Barech Kahi

    von Mahesh Kothare
    Erzählt von Mahesh Kothare


    13 Stunden 38  Minuten

    मराठी, हिंदी व गुजराती चित्रपट-मालिकांतून बालकलाकार ते सिनेदिग्दर्शक म्हणून झेप घेणारे, थ्री-डी सारख्या नवनवीन तंत्रज्ञानाचा सतत ध्यास घेणारे महेश कोठारे म्हणजे, धाडसी व धडाकेबाज व्यक्तिमत्त्व. 'बालकलाकार' ते 'मराठी चित्रपट दिग्दर्शक' हा त्यांचा प्रवास म्हणजे- 'मनोरंजन विश्वाच्या समुद्रात घेतलेली धाडसी उडी!' आई जेनिमा व डॅडींचे आपल्या मुलाला समजून घेणे, भरभक्कम आधार बनणे, हेच महेशजींच्या आयुष्यात Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • Hörbuch

    Daha Classics

    von Anita Padhye
    Erzählt von Mrunal Kulkarni


    18 Stunden 56  Minuten

    दो बिघा जमीन, प्यासा, दो आँखे बारह हाथ, मदर इंडिया, मुगल-ए-आजम, गाईड, तिसरी कसम, आनंद, पाकिजा, उमराव जान हे माईलस्टोन हिंदी सिनेमे पाहिले नसतील असा सिनेप्रेमी विरळाच. तुम्हीही हे किंवा यातले काही सिनेमे नक्कीच पाहिले असतील. या गाजलेल्या फिल्म्सचे 'बिहाइंड द सीन्स' किती भन्नाट असतील, याची कल्पना करा...आणि नुसती कल्पना करू नका, या क्लासिक फिल्मसच्या निर्मिती प्रक्रियेचा इतिहास आणि त्यातल्या कम्माल ग Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Hörbuch

    Inspire Beyond Limits: Conquer Barriers to Unleash Creative Genius

    Unlock your potential! Master creative genius with powerful audio lessons for overcoming barriers.

    von Gideon Hawkes
    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    2 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Inspire Beyond Limits: Conquer Barriers to Unleash Creative Genius⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐Are you aiming to enhance your career by unlocking your full creative potential?Searching for a comprehensive resource that provides all the necessary tools to elevate your creativity?Your search ends here!This guide is your ultimate companion for deepening... Mehr lesen

    € 5,20

  • Hörbuch

    Invincible Hugh Jackman: The Biography

    von Avery Lee
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Cole G


    5 Stunden 10  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Step into the world of Hugh Jackman, a man whose extraordinary life and career have captivated audiences across the globe. Invincible Hugh Jackman: The Biography takes listeners on an immersive journey through the life of one of Hollywood’s most beloved and versatile actors. From his humble beginnings in Australia to his rise as a global superstar, Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock

    An Anatomy of the Master of Suspense

    von Edward White
    Erzählt von Qarie Marshall


    12 Stunden 6  Minuten

    The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock, Edward White explores the Hitchcock phenomenon-what defines it, how it was invented, what it reveals about the man at its core, and how its legacy continues to shape our cultural world. The book’s twelve chapters illuminate different aspects of Hitchcock’s life and work: “The Boy Who Couldn’t Grow Up,” “The Murderer,” “The Auteur,” “The Womanizer,” “The Fat Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Shoot Out

    Surviving Fame and (Mis)fortune in Hollywood

    von Peter Guber
    Erzählt von Peter Bart


    9 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Hollywood thrives on “shoot-outs”—standoffs, skirmishes, and power struggles that mark every stage of the filmmaking process. Whether it is a director insisting on a final cut, a star demanding a bigger motor home, a producer holding the line on a budget, or a grip with a gripe, it seems that the world of moviemaking is nothing but Sturm und Drang—all for the sake of control over a few flickering Mehr lesen

    € 28,47

  • Hörbuch


    A Director’s Journey and Motivational Handbook

    von Pete Chatmon
    Erzählt von Pete Chatmon


    6 Stunden 12  Minuten

    Becoming a director is not just about making a film, webseries, commercial, or music video. The opportunity to direct for television is not a given because you’ve successfully completed a project in another medium. Turning your passion into your profession requires the ability to make transitions at the exact moment a pivot is needed, with creativity and confidence. This book helps directors Mehr lesen

    € 25,46