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Finanzen Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Rich Thinking


    Erzählt von Quentin Carlisle MBA


    2 Stunden 5  Minuten

    Rich Thinking. Forgetaboutit. That's the advice from Financial Guru Quentin Carlisle, M.B.A.Which certainly will come as a shock to all the adherents of Napoleon Hill's classic book -"Think and Grow Rich."Sadly, too many would be entrepeneurs have assumed that Mr. Hill's title is all they need to create rooms full of riches.But beyond the title, Mr. Hill's advice is a pre-internet version of "copy Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    El Poder Del Forex

    Erzählt von MENTES LIBRES


    23 Min.

    Que es el FOREXLa estabilidad de las divisas nunca está garantizada, ya que está dictada por muchos elementos de conexión en todo el mundo. Cosas como la guerra, los precios del petróleo y los cambios globales de poder son sólo algunos de los elementos que afectan a los movimientos de la divisa. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las veces estos cambios no son inmediatos, sino graduales a lo largo del Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Behavioral Finance and Your Portfolio

    A Navigation Guide for Building Wealth (2nd Edition)

    Erzählt von Mike Lenz


    9 Stunden 29  Minuten

    Cognitive and emotional biases can wreak havoc with investor portfolios. Poor investment decision making caused by behavioral errors, especially in times of high market volatility, leads to poor financial outcomes. Whether you're mired in loss aversion, suffer from anchoring bias or you're sorting your portfolio into various mental accounts, investor biases will prevent you from maximizing your Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Straight Talk on Money

    Ken and Darla Dolan's Guide to Family Money Management

    von Ken Dolan
    Erzählt von Ken Dolan


    2 Stunden 9  Minuten

    A husband and wife broadcast and writing team, who are also columnists for Money magazine, offer routine financial advice available from nearly any source. There is a note of huckstering in their presentation. Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Принцип черного ящика. Как снизить риск неудач и непоправимых ошибок. Мэтью Сайед. Обзор

    Series series Подарочные издания. БИЗНЕС


    24 Min.

    Вдохновляющие идеи и гениальные инструменты из 50 самых блестящих бизнес-книг за всю историю. В "50 великих книгах о бизнесе" вы найдете все необходимое для того, чтобы начать действовать прямо сейчас. Вооруженные предпринимательской философией Генри Форда и Уоррена Баффета, секретами инноваций Google, Apple и Amazon, управленческими приемами Питера Друкера, ораторским мастерством Дейла Карнеги, Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Wachstum trotz Krise

    Trotz Krise vom Selbstständigen zum Unternehmer


    4 Stunden 14  Minuten

    In einer Welt, in der du als Selbstständiger oder Unternehmer oft wie ein Hamster in einem goldenen Laufrad gefangen zu sein scheinst, ist es oft frustrierend, dass dein Unternehmen nicht das Wachstum erfährt, von dem du träumst. Du hast bestimmte Glaubenssätze verinnerlicht, die dich ausbremsen und es dir schwer machen, auf das nächste Level zu kommen. Aber das kann sich ändern! In diesem Buch Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • Hörbuch

    How to start with success: 2 audiobooks in 1

    von Joseph Brand
    Erzählt von Jesse Fister


    7 Stunden 42  Minuten

    How to start with success: 2 audiobooks in 1Audiobook 1. Start with Success: 100 answers to 100 entrepreneurship questions that you should know to achieve your goals.Audiobook 2. Lean Startup: what you need to know to start with success. Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Budget Survival Guide

    von Keisha Davey
    Erzählt von Aadam Smyth


    6 Min.

    Budget Survival Guide: A Comprehensive Guide To Budget Planning. Learn Useful Methods on How to Manage Your Wealth for Better Financial StabilityThe act of financial planning consists of the long-term planning of your finances, which includes all the money you receive and how you fund your life goals from now until your death and even after your death including planning for your family members’ Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Hörbuch

    Flipping Houses for Sale in Pennsylvania Real Estate Investing

    How to Flip Houses Finance Homes & Investment Property in PA Audio Book

    von Brian Mahoney
    Erzählt von Brian Mahoney


    1 Stunde 15 Min.

    Flipping Houses for Sale in Pennsylvania Real Estate InvestingHow to Flip Houses Finance Homes & Investment Property in PA Audio BookWritten & Narrated by Brian MahoneyDiscover...* a House Flipping Blueprint for amazing success!* the Best Cash Flow Counties for Pennsylvania Real Estate at Wholesale Prices!* the Secrets to a Goldmine of Government Grants!* instant access to Nationwide Foreclosure Mehr lesen

    € 10,16

  • Hörbuch

    33 ways not to screw up your financial life

    von Jay Kemmerer
    Erzählt von Colin Egglesfield
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - 33 ways


    1 Stunde 52 Min.

    Advisor, Author, and Speaker, Jay Kemmerer has advised and coached thousands of men, women, and businesses on the journey to accumulating wealth, living financially independent, becoming financially empowered, and developing the ability to become and stay wealthy wisely.Jay will show you that by "Avoiding the most common financial mistakes, an individual or business can achieve a more secure and Mehr lesen

    € 6,68

  • Hörbuch

    Down Home Money

    von Myra Oliver
    Erzählt von Myra Oliver


    4 Stunden 15  Minuten

    Myra Oliver was twenty-two when she decided she wanted freedom from debt and consumerism. She designed a plan, made changes, and reinvented herself. By thirty-three, not only was she debt-free, she built a rental portfolio that provided her with passive income to quit her job and find financial independence.We live in a consumer-driven culture that prioritizes expensive things over quality of life Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    Libertad Financiera y Éxito (Serie de 2 Libros)

    Erzählt von Mentes Narradoras


    2 Stunden 5  Minuten

    Lo que significa la libertad financieraEn el siglo XXI se están redefiniendo los conceptos de tiempo y dinero. "Libertad Financiera", es un término que ha ganado mucha importancia en el cambiante escenario financiero."Libertad Financiera" significa la libertad de responsabilidades financieras continuas a través de una administración planificada y la asignación de activos. Libera a una persona de Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Creación de Riqueza: Tu Camino Hacia la Libertad Financiera

    Erzählt von Mentes Narradoras


    1 Stunde 38 Min.

    Atrae la riqueza que mereces¿Es bueno cuando tienes grandes depósitos en el banco, muchas posesiones valiosas, abundancia de cualquier cosa de valor? Casi todo, la riqueza medida está en factores monetarios. Decimos que las personas son ricas cuando vemos sus grandes mansiones, diferentes autos, muchas joyas o ropa cara.Evaluamos la riqueza por posesiones materiales, pero también es importante Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Good Derivatives

    A Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation

    Erzählt von Victor Bevine


    18 Stunden 35  Minuten

    The Good Sorcerer will be the story of financial creativity in the last 40 years and how financial innovation can be harnessed to combat the worlds environmental problems. Known as the father of financial futures, author Richard Sandor has been on the forefront of financial innovation since the early 1970s, when, as a young economist he developed interest rate futures contracts at the Chicago Mehr lesen

    € 30,55

  • Hörbuch

    Long-Distance Real Estate Investing

    The Blueprint to Smart Buy Rental Properties and Reach Financial Freedom. Flipping Out-of-State Houses with BRRRR Strategy, No Money Down, Cash Flow for Beginners

    Erzählt von Chuck Stanley


    8 Stunden 36  Minuten

    Tired of Being Location-Dependent in Your Real Estate Journey?Struggling to break into the real estate market because of high local prices or limited inventory?You're not alone. But what if you could achieve financial freedom by investing in lucrative properties – even if they're in a different state?Introducing Long-Distance Real Estate Investing, your comprehensive audiobook guide to mastering Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch


    Come iniziare a percorrere questa grande strada di investimenti!

    Erzählt von LIBROTEKA


    16 Min.

    INVESTI INTELLIGENTE GUIDA PER L'INIZIATORECome iniziare a percorrere questa grande strada di investimenti!Quando si tratta di investire, molti investitori alle prime armi vogliono entrare con entrambi i piedi. Purtroppo, pochissimi di questi investitori hanno successo. Investire in qualsiasi cosa richiede un certo grado di abilità. È importante ricordare che pochi investimenti sono una cosa Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch


    How a Group of Iconoclasts Are Using Cognitive Science to Advance the Business of Alpha Generation

    von Stephen Duneier
    Erzählt von Stephen Bel Davies


    9 Stunden 37  Minuten

    Smarter decision-making based on cognitive scienceAlphaBrain is the investor's guide to achieving more, doing better, and reaching higher. At its core, the magnitude of your success is based on the quality of your decisions. The problem is that human beings are poor decision-makers; we tend to approach problems after they arise instead of planning for them in advance. We put too much weight on Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Accounting Principles

    von Jim Colajuta
    Erzählt von Jim Chapel


    59 Min.

    Accounting is critical to our economy's success. It enables large-scale production by providing methodical management help. It provides a common platform on which the many parts of the business—investors, bankers, government, labor, owners, and management can meet to present the results of corporate activities. It serves as a foundation for progressive planning as a method of recording corporate Mehr lesen

    € 4,08

  • Hörbuch

    Продавец обуви. Фил Найт. Обзор

    Series series Подарочные издания. БИЗНЕС


    24 Min.

    Вдохновляющие идеи и гениальные инструменты из 50 самых блестящих бизнес-книг за всю историю. В "50 великих книгах о бизнесе" вы найдете все необходимое для того, чтобы начать действовать прямо сейчас. Вооруженные предпринимательской философией Генри Форда и Уоррена Баффета, секретами инноваций Google, Apple и Amazon, управленческими приемами Питера Друкера, ораторским мастерством Дейла Карнеги, Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Finance Basics

    Erzählt von James Edward Thomas
    Series series HBR 20-Minute Manager


    1 Stunde 10 Min.

    Intimidated by corporate finance? The numbers (and the jargon) can feel overwhelming—but you have to understand them to manage effectively. Finance Basics explains the fundamentals simply and quickly, introducing you to key terms and concepts such as:● How to navigate financial statements● How to weigh costs and benefits● What's involved in budgeting and forecasting● How to gauge a company's Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Hörbuch

    How to Make Money on the Internet: Leave Your 9 to 5 Job and Create a Passive Income in 2020

    Erzählt von Adam Greco


    1 Stunde 15 Min.

    If you’re ready to ditch your boring desk job and experience the freedom that working online can offer, then this is the book for you.Have you always wanted a passive income stream but never knew how to start one?Does the intriguing world of online jobs call to you, but you’re afraid to take the leap?Are you ready to take control of your life and become the successful entrepreneur you’ve always Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch

    Move Forward Confidently

    A Woman's Guide to Navigating the High-Net-Worth Divorce


    3 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Divorce can be a challenging and scary undertaking, especially if you're a high-net-worth woman worried about your ongoing financial security. Move Forward Confidently can guide you, step-by-step, through the process. It is intended to help you take control of your financial future during and after the divorce, so you can have a positive outcome. This invaluable guide covers highly important Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Financial Transformation Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

    Erzählt von John Hays


    59 Min.

    Financial Transformation Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Optimizing the Financial Life and The Great Money ResetTake control of your financial destiny with this powerful audiobook bundle, featuring two titles that will revolutionize your approach to money: "Optimizing the Financial Life: A Guide on How to Master Your Money and Achieve Financial Freedom!" and "The Great Money Reset: A Blueprint for Mehr lesen

    € 26,39

  • Hörbuch

    Credit Score

    The Beginners Guide for Building, Repairing, Raising and Maintaining a Good Credit Score. Includes a Step-by-Step Program to Improve and Boost Your Bank Rating.

    von Jordan Riches
    Erzählt von Michael Hanko


    2 Stunden 41  Minuten

    If you want to improve your credit rating, then keep reading.The credit score is a fundamental aspect in your financial life.Having a good rating means being able to raise capital at your will, with low interest rates and at your own terms.Life is easier if your credit score is good: need money to buy an house or a new investment? Just go and get them.But, unluckily, life is not always fair and Mehr lesen

    € 8,51