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Frauenforschung Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    200 Women

    Who Will Change The Way You See The World


    13 Stunden 59  Minuten

    In this ambitious global project, two hundred women share inspiring stories of success and courage, love and pain, redemption, and generosity.This updated, abridged edition includes powerful new interviews and stirring quotes alongside selections from the original book, all answering the same five questions. Featuring empowering stories, this new edition is an illuminating listen for the modern Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch

    Yale Needs Women

    How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant

    Erzählt von Erin Bennett


    9 Stunden 59  Minuten

    In the winter of 1969, from big cities to small towns, young women across the country sent in applications to Yale University for the first time. The Ivy League institution dedicated to graduating "one thousand male leaders" each year had finally decided to open its doors to the nation's top female students. The landmark decision was a huge step forward for women's equality in education. Or was it Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Hombres por la igualdad


    3 Stunden 46  Minuten

    Hombres por la igualdad es la declaración directa y comprometida de 16 aliados del feminismo, que con sus testimonios y sus palabras en formato de entrevista ponen de manifiesto que la lucha contra el machismo no corresponde solo a las mujeres que lo padecen en primera persona, sino que es una tarea en la que los hombres han de participar de forma activa. Fran Orantes, Juan Verde, Roy Galán, Mehr lesen

    € 9,99 € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Give a fck: Zwischen Sexualität, Tabu und Selbstbestimmung – Warum Sexarbeit uns alle etwas angeht


    7 Stunden 50  Minuten

    Sexarbeit, das ist Porno, Puff, Prostitution. Sexarbeit, das sind die anderen. Oder?  Während unsere Gesellschaft Sexarbeit immer noch nicht als Broterwerb anerkennt, wird sie täglich in Anspruch genommen – in unterschiedlichster Form, bei unterschiedlichsten Menschen.   Aber was macht Sexarbeit wirklich aus und warum muss sich unser Blick auf sie ändern? Mit welchen Vorurteilen ist Sexarbeit Mehr lesen

    € 15,99

  • Hörbuch

    Ordinary Insanity

    Fear and the Silent Crisis of Motherhood in America

    von Sarah Menkedick
    Erzählt von Sarah Menkedick


    14 Stunden 53  Minuten

    A groundbreaking exposé and diagnosis of the silent epidemic of fear afflicting new mothers, and a candid, feminist deep dive into the culture, science, history, and psychology of contemporary motherhoodAnxiety among mothers is a growing but largely unrecognized crisis. In the transition to motherhood and the years that follow, countless women suffer from overwhelming feelings of fear, grief, and Mehr lesen

    € 22,92

  • Hörbuch

    The Second Shift

    Working Families and the Revolution at Home

    Erzählt von Hillary Huber


    10 Stunden 58  Minuten

    An updated edition of a standard in its field that remains relevant more than thirty years after its original publication.Over thirty years ago, sociologist and University of California, Berkeley professor Arlie Hochschild set off a tidal wave of conversation and controversy with her bestselling book, The Second Shift. Hochschild's examination of life in dual-career housholds finds that, factoring Mehr lesen

    € 22,92

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Shefali Tsabary's A Radical Awakening

    von Falcon Press
    Erzählt von Paul Bartlett


    22 Min.

    Buy now to get the main key ideas from Shefali Tsabary's A Radical AwakeningWe all have a yearning for freedom, yet we feel encaged in our everyday lives, succumbing to feelings of fear and not being worthy enough. Shefali Tsabary offers a path out of that cage and toward a new vision of yourself and your future – a radical awakening.In A Radical Awakening (2021), the acclaimed clinical Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Touched Out

    Motherhood, Misogyny, Consent, and Control

    von Amanda Montei
    Erzählt von Jenna Rose Stein


    8 Stunden 17  Minuten

    In this stunning blend of memoir, theory, and cultural criticism, a new mother examines the intersection between misogyny and motherhood, considering how caregivers can take back their bodies and pass on a language of consent to their childrenMotherhood and the culture of misogyny in America are not often explored in tandem. The connection is women’s bodies.When Amanda Montei became a parent, she Mehr lesen

    € 28,53

  • Hörbuch

    Antoinette Fouque, à voix nue


    2 Stunden 7  Minuten

    Dans cette série de cinq entretiens diffusés pour la première fois sur France Culture du 7 au 11 janvier 2013, Virginie Bloch-Lainé évoque avec Antoinette Fouque le parcours fécond de femme de pensée et d’action de cette dernière depuis son enfance à Marseille jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Toujours aussi passionnée et engagée, Antoinette Fouque nous fait partager, de sa voix chantante qui a gardé le Sud en Mehr lesen

    € 16,99

  • Hörbuch

    Winning on My Terms: How I Changed the Rules

    Unlock success with "Winning on My Terms"—audio lessons that redefine your test preparation journey!

    von Blake Thorne
    Erzählt von Nick Porter


    2 Stunden 14  Minuten

    Winning on My Terms: How I Changed the RulesAre you aiming to advance in your career and strengthen your knowledge by embracing "Challenge the Norms and Own Your Path"?Looking for a thorough guide that offers all the necessary elements to own your journey?Your search ends here!This guide acts as your ultimate companion for enhancing understanding, applying skills, and engaging in hands-on ex... Mehr lesen

    € 6,93

  • Hörbuch

    Das unsichtbare Band


    9 Stunden 53  Minuten

    In den Bergen des Libanon wächst die junge Amal in der strengen, patriarchalischen Religionsgemeinschaft der Drusen auf. Sie will nur eines: die Schule besuchen und studieren, doch Mädchen haben dort keine Rechte. Der Großvater lässt zwischen sich und seiner Frau eine Mauer errichten, aber die Mutter darf immerhin Brot backen, und damit bezahlt sie das Schulgeld ihrer Töchter. Als Amal, die Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    Understanding Women

    Decoding the Complexity


    4 Stunden 16  Minuten

    "Understanding Women: Decoding the Complexity" is an insightful and engaging book that delves into the multifaceted nature of women, offering readers a comprehensive guide to unraveling the mysteries and complexities of the female experience. With a focus on empathy, connection, and empowerment, this book provides a roadmap for understanding and building meaningful relationships with women.Through Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Hörbuch

    Queens of the Resistance: Maxine Waters

    A Biography

    Erzählt von Lisa Renee Pitts
    Series series Queens of the Resistance


    4 Stunden

    Part of the four-book Queens of the Resistance series, saluting some of the most beloved boss ladies in Congress: a celebration of Representative Maxine Waters, who reclaimed her time and led the first calls for impeachmentMaxine Waters is an icon for a generation of women powerbrokers in politics. She is an “unbought and unbossed” acolyte of all the legendary firebrands, like Shirley Chisholm, Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch

    Pretty Powerful

    Appearance, Substance, and Success

    Erzählt von Eboni K. Williams


    5 Stunden 31  Minuten

    Women have been told that being pretty comes at the expense of being taken seriously. If a woman is physically attractive, there is often a presumption that she lacks the substance and smarts necessary to provide leadership in business and other endeavors. This narrative implies that being pretty and being capable are mutually exclusive. But in Pretty Powerful, Fox News political commentator and Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Navigating Nature Naturally

    von Brenda Peterson
    Erzählt von Justine Willis Toms


    58 Min.

    Brenda Peterson finds her spirituality in the soulfulness, humility, and forgiveness of the natural world. With a voice as gentle as her heart, she shares her first mystical encounter with the spirit of a river, and points the way to a sacredness grounded in the natural world, the wisdom of women, and the love of family. Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    The Double X Economy

    The Epic Potential of Empowering Women | A GUARDIAN SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR


    11 Stunden 38  Minuten

    A GUARDIAN SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEARSHORTLISTED FOR THE 2020 ROYAL SOCIETY INSIGHT INVESTMENT SCIENCE BOOK PRIZELONGLISTED FOR THE 2020 FINANCIAL TIMES AND McKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEARAn urgent analysis of global gender inequality and a passionately argued case for change by a pioneer in the movement for women's economic empowerment.'A compelling and actionable case for unleashing women's Mehr lesen

    € 37,68

  • Hörbuch

    Artful Assertiveness Skills for Women

    von Margaret Nash
    Erzählt von Margaret Nash


    3 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Attention Ladies!Are you tired of being ignored, not taken seriously, feeling like a victim, and saying yes when you want to say no?Instead, would you like to know how to get your way, be listened to, and handle every situation with calm assurance and authority?You need to listen to this book!• Learn how to say no, artfully and effectively without anyone getting upset.• Define and protect your Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    Notable Women Through The Ages

    An overview of Society, Roles and Accomplishments

    von J S Day
    Erzählt von Whitney Ann Jenkins


    3 Stunden 23  Minuten

    In a world often narrated by male voices, "Notable Women Through the Ages" emerges as a resonant chorus of female stories, echoing through the corridors of time.This book is not just a collection of biographies; it's an intricately woven tapestry of lives that have shaped history in unspoken ways. We embark on a journey that meanders through the annals of history, uncovering the stories of women Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Hörbuch


    Practically True Stories


    4 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Kin is a story and a celebration of Black womanhood, of resistance, and of perseverance— while simultaneously an indictment of American history. Kin is a tree— alive in places, broken in others— that offers shelter for women seeking respite in the midst of family-making. This tree depicts family grafted together by blood, law, or choice; its stories are voiced through blues-infused poetry, one-act Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    No Shame

    How to drop the guilt … from some who’s learned the f**king hard way

    von Laura Belbin
    Erzählt von Laura Belbin


    6 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.Shame, shame we know your nameDo we own it? Being a woman that is. Do we fuck! We live in fear of how we look, what we eat, how we age and what we do. Wow, it's 2022 and we're still churning out that same old shit.I've been told as you get older you care less. Fucking great. I can't wait to be menopausal with skunk-like grey track lines in my hair, saggier tits, and Mehr lesen

    € 15,66

  • Hörbuch

    She Votes

    How U.S. Women Won Suffrage, and What Happened Next

    von Bridget Quinn
    Erzählt von Bridget Quinn, Donna Allen


    5 Stunden 1  Minuten

    She Votes is an intersectional story of the women who won suffrage, and those who have continued to raise their voices for equality ever since.From the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation to the first woman to wear pants on the Senate floor, author Bridget Quinn shines a spotlight on the women who broke down barriers.This deluxe book also honors the 100th anniversary of the Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch

    Tits Up

    What Sex Workers, Milk Bankers, Plastic Surgeons, Bra Designers, and Witches Tell Us about Breasts

    von Sarah Thornton
    Erzählt von Sarah Thornton


    8 Stunden 45  Minuten

    AN INNOVATIVE INVESTIGATION OF THE FIVE STRANGE WORLDS THAT WORSHIP WOMEN’S CHESTS.After years of biopsies, best-selling author Sarah Thornton made the difficult decision to have a double mastectomy. But, after her reconstructive surgery, she was perplexed: What had she lost? And gained? An experienced sleuth, she resolved to venture behind the scenes to uncover the social and cultural Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Playing Dead

    A Memoir of Terror and Survival

    Erzählt von Janina Edwards


    6 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Monique, the daughter of San Diego Chargers football great Earl Faison, married her high school sweetheart soon after she discovered she was pregnant with his child. Her relationship with Chris was shaky from the start, but turned tumultuous as he became verbally and physically abusive. When she could no longer put up with the abuse, she left him with their children. That was when the stalking and Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    ولن تعدلوا


    31 Min.

    يخون ولا يتجوزش عليا.. ويموت وبرده ما يتجوزش عليا.. ايوووة زى ما سمعتم كده.. هو ده رأى معظم الستات لما اتخيروا بين الموت والخيانة والجواز التانى لأزواجهم.. أصله لما يموت هعيش مجروحة بس هعيش على ذكراه الطيبة وعلى ميراث الحب والأمان والوفاء اللى سابهم لى لكن لما يتجوز عليا هيبقى هو الجانى اللى بيقطعنى وانا حية وهكرهه وهكره الأيام اللى عشتها معاه.. ماهو صحيح مش لازم ننسى أبدا أن الست زى الفريك ما Mehr lesen

    € 6,99