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Geistige Gesundheit Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Kill Suicide in 3 Chapters

    The Cure for Depression & Anxiety

    von Daniel M. Ross
    Erzählt von Daniel M. Ross
    Serien Hörbuch 2 - The 3 Chapter Collection


    38 Min.

    LIVE ABUNDANTLY.™In a world roiling with calamities, anxieties, and dreams that appear to drift further away with every passing year, the pandemic that is suicide has never scaled higher. Embark upon the tragically typical journey of the author of this book to see for yourself, how one can end their battle with depression, and kill the very idea of suicide—today.Contains a Comprehensive Guide. Mehr lesen


  • Hörbuch

    Happy Money

    The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money

    von Ken Honda
    Erzählt von Louis Ozawa Changchien


    5 Stunden 24  Minuten

    Ken Honda—Japan’s #1 bestselling personal development guru—teaches you how to achieve peace of mind when it comes to money with this instant national bestseller.Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. We like to think money is just a number or a piece of paper, but it is so much more than that. Money has the ability to Mehr lesen

    € 19,35

  • Hörbuch

    A New Earth: Oprah's Book Club

    Awakening Your Life's Purpose

    von Eckhart Tolle
    Erzählt von Eckhart Tolle


    9 Stunden 12  Minuten

    **OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK 2025#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“As we welcome a new year, I wanted to revisit the book that had more effect on me than any other book by a living author has had on my perception of how I understand my connection to the world.” —Oprah Winfrey (Oprah’s Book Club January 2025)**With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers Mehr lesen

    € 22,92

  • Hörbuch

    Negative Thoughts

    How to Rewire the Thought Process and Flush out Negative Thinking, Depression, and Anxiety Without Resorting to Harmful Meds

    von John Roberts
    Erzählt von Bob D.


    1 Stunde 17 Min.

    Have you wondered if it is possible to stop recurring negative thoughts, anxiety or depression without resorting to medication?Most depression related medication can have a series of harmful side effects that sometimes leave patients in an even worse state than before.There are several methods that have high rates of success when treating and eliminating depression, anxiety and negative thought Mehr lesen

    € 12,17

  • Hörbuch

    A Grace Disguised Revised and Expanded

    How the Soul Grows through Loss

    Erzählt von Tom Parks


    7 Stunden 22  Minuten

    With vulnerability and honesty, Jerry Sittser walks through his own grief and loss to show that new life is possible--one marked by spiritual depth, joy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation of simple and ordinary gifts. This 25th anniversary edition features a new introduction and two additional chapters, one which provides help for pastors and counselors.Loss came suddenly for Jerry Sittser. In Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    Mehr Selbstliebe, mehr Selbstvertrauen, mehr Selbstbewusstein

    Erfolgreich und zufrieden durch ein starkes Selbst

    von Patrick Lynen
    Erzählt von Patrick Lynen


    2 Stunden 14  Minuten

    "Ich bin nicht gut genug. Ich bin zu dick. Ich bin hässlich. Ich schaffe das nicht. Ich bin dumm. Ich bin faul. Ich bin peinlich. Niemand darf merken, dass ich so fühle, ich darf so nicht fühlen, ich muss anders sein. Ich schäme mich." Eine negative Stimme in uns schafft es immer wieder, unser Selbstvertrauen und Selbstwertgefühl zu torpedieren und uns mit dem Gefühl der Minderwertigkeit und Mehr lesen

    € 7,95

  • Hörbuch

    Life Makeovers

    52 Practical & Inspiring Ways to Improve Your Life One Week at a Time

    Erzählt von Cheryl Richardson


    3 Stunden 54  Minuten

    Author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Take Time for Your Life now shows you how to reclaim your life one week at a timeCheryl Richardson, bestselling author and one of the most sought-after lecturers in the country, knows firsthand how tough it can be to juggle the daily demands of living in a fast-paced world, and how easily you can become disconnected from your true self and what makes you Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Hörbuch

    Emotional Intelligence + CBT 2 in 1 Book

    Regulate Emotions, Master Positive Thinking and Overcome Anxiety. Includes the Key to Develop Social Awareness and Gain Trust Through Emotional Connection


    6 Stunden 14  Minuten

    Are you having trouble regulating your emotions and behavior patterns? Are your coping mechanisms doing you more harm than good? Then you need to keep listening...There’s no way to sugarcoat it: your emotional intelligence is a major signifier of your future happiness and success – far more important than your IQ, according to renowned psychologist Daniel Goleman. Not only do emotionally Mehr lesen

    € 10,16

  • Hörbuch

    La Aberración y su Manejo

    von L. Ron Hubbard
    Erzählt von Multiple Narrators


    54 Min.

    Voy a hablarles ahora sobre lo que es la aberración. Significa exactamente lo que dice: Aberración. Quiere decir que algo no va derecho. Básicamente es un término de óptica, aberración, que se coló en el campo de la mente. – L. Ronald HubbardTraiciona las esperanzas más halagüeñas del hombre, separa familias, incita a la confusión organizativa y lanza naciones al caos.¿Qué semilla maligna crece Mehr lesen

    € 10,70

  • Hörbuch


    Bring Calmness to your Life

    Erzählt von Sara Dylan


    9 Min.

    This short audio presentation is designed to bring a clear understanding of sorrow and how to deal with it.Sara Dylan will be gently leading you through reflection on the level of sorrow currently in your life with calm reassurance and empathy.How this audio learning experience worksThis audio presentation has been designed using an experiential learning model, Kolb, D. A. (1984): concrete Mehr lesen

    € 9,16

  • Hörbuch

    Bipolar: The Complete Guide to Understanding Bipolar Disorder

    von Mark Golden
    Erzählt von Matt Montanez


    1 Stunde 6 Min.

    An actionable audio guide to living with Bipolar Disorder for Patients and Families.Today only, get this audio bestseller for a special price.Millions of people suffer from Bipolar Disorder and throw away their lives and their future because they don’t know how to deal with this condition. Don't let this happen to you!Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...Understanding Bipolar To Get HelpWhy Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    EINFACH LOSLASSEN: Der Weg zur inneren Freiheit

    Ganzheitliches Audio-Training mit über 100 praxisorientierten Impulsen und Übungen

    von Patrick Lynen
    Erzählt von Patrick Lynen


    4 Stunden 30  Minuten

    EINFACH LOSLASSEN – das Premium-Hörbuch vom "Meister der Veränderung": Ganzheitliches Audio-Training mit über 100 praxisorientierten Impulsen und Übungen Loslassen heißt, sich nach und nach von allen Abhängigkeiten, Verhaltensmustern und Energieräubern zu befreien. Innerlich Abstand zu gewinnen von destruktiven Bindungen, kräftezehrenden Erwartungen und einengenden Denk- und Verhaltensmustern. So Mehr lesen

    € 9,95

  • Hörbuch

    Are We There Yet?

    Travel as a Spiritual Practice

    von Shefa Gold
    Erzählt von Shefa Gold


    2 Stunden 51  Minuten

    It's the perpetual question: Are we there yet? We've probably asked and answered it countless times. But impatience can cloud the real question: Where are we right now? Are We There Yet? shows a way to turn travel into a spiritual practice.From the Gully to the Crossroads--walking, driving, flying--Rabbi Shefa Gold shares her experience and insight on travel and helps us reexamine our natural Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch

    Seelengold: Die Magie der inneren Welt

    Eine inspirierende Anleitung für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben

    Erzählt von Olaf Pessler


    5 Stunden 29  Minuten

    "Seelengold: Die Magie der inneren Welt" ist eine inspirierende Reise zu einem tieferen Verständnis von sich selbst und anderen. Anhand praktischer Werkzeuge und Übungen entfaltet sich ein fesselnder Weg zur persönlichen Entwicklung. Im ersten Kapitel wird Ihre aktuelle Lebenssituation mittels eines Lebensrads beleuchtet, das alle Lebensbereiche umfasst. Diese Visualisierung verschafft Ihnen Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    La fonte della felicità

    Erzählt von LIBROTEKA


    36 Min.

    Esplorare la fonte della felicitàOgni individuo su questo pianeta si sforza di essere felice. Questo è lo stato d'essere che tutti conosciamo dal momento della nostra nascita. È uno stato d'essere che riconosciamo come il nostro vero sé - chi siamo profondamente.Ora, per la maggior parte di noi, questa felicità non dura. Viene sostituita da una forza di sforzo per sopravvivere, che sembra più l Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Elon Musk Y Su Llave Del Éxito - Descubre Sus Rasgos De Personalidad Que Lo Llevaron A La Cima

    Erzählt von Michael Sandoval


    22 Min.

    ELON MUSK Y SU LLAVE DEL ÉXITODESCUBRE SUS RASGOS DE PERSONALIDAD QUE LO LLEVARON A LA CIMA-ACERCA DE ESTE LIBROLa personalidad de cada individuo es realmente única; aunque dos tipos de personalidad puedan parecer similares, en realidad son extremadamente distintos cuando se miran más de cerca.La personalidad es un conjunto de patrones típicos de pensamiento, emociones y conductas. Aunque estos Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Ley de la atracción

    Cómo la salud, la riqueza y la felicidad pueden ser tuyas

    von Jenny Hashkins
    Erzählt von Willians Laguna


    1 Stunde 15 Min.

    Mucha gente quiere más dinero. Está demostrado. Es simple. Pero lo que no entienden es que algunas cualidades deben desarrollarse para recibir más del universo.Uno de ellos es el manejo del estrés. Vivimos en un mundo agitado con expectativas cada vez más apremiantes y un número cada vez mayor de direcciones confusas para seguir. Lo que debe hacer es administrar su tiempo, sus niveles de cortisol Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Judith Rothenborg


    2 Stunden 1  Minuten

    Kærligheden kan blive sat på den ultimative prøve, når døden kommer tæt på. Stærk fortælling af journalisten og forfatteren Kirsten Jacobsen, som andre også kan spejle sig i.Kirsten Jacobsen og hendes mand gav hinanden et løfte for livet: Jeg svigter dig aldrig! Hvis du bliver syg, vil jeg aldrig nogensinde overlade dig til andre, til en skæbne, du ikke selv ønsker. Vi holder sammen til det sidste Mehr lesen

    € 26,14

  • Hörbuch

    Black Men Rock!

    10 Keys To Empower Black Men To Live Extraordinary Lives

    Erzählt von Coach Michael Taylor


    4 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Contrary to negative media-generated stereotypes, I personally believe that black men are poised to experience unprecedented levels of success in America today. Never have the doors of opportunity been open wider for us to follow our passions and create the lives of our dreams.For those of us who are willing to make the investment in our own personal growth and development, we will be rewarded Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Cómo ser Influyente + Frases para levantar la autoestima 2 en 1

    Descubre cómo ser persuasivo y conseguir lo que quieres + 3,867 potentes afirmaciones diarias para levantar tu autoestima en 7 días

    von Óscar Falla
    Erzählt von Estela Aragon, Francisco Jimenez


    10 Stunden 18  Minuten

    En algún momento quisiste poder lograr una respuesta deseada con un simple gesto o tono de voz? ¿Sueñas con tener más respeto en tus grupos sociales y profesionales? Entonces deberías seguir leyendo...Esto incluye dos libros:Cómo ser Influyente: métodos comprobados para analizar a las personas, controlas tus emociones y lenguaje corporal, y aprovechar la persuasiónFrases para levantar la Mehr lesen

    € 15,25

  • Hörbuch

    Healing Your Inner Child

    Reclaiming your Little Child That is Wounded Within You, Overcome Trauma and Let Go of the Past to Find Peace

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Archie G


    3 Stunden 21  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Do you feel pain, guilt and anger flowing through your body uncontrolled?Do you find yourself making self-sabotage and impulsive decisions because of a past that never stops tormenting you?Do you see the same patterns emerge again and again in each of your relationships, such as the feeling of not being good enough or the fear of not being loved?Not Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Tomando las Riendas de tu Vida Para Superarte Todos los Días (Serie de 2 libros)

    Erzählt von MENTES LIBRES


    1 Stunde 23 Min.

    No puedes tomar las riendas de tu vida si no sabes qué es realmente tomar las riendas. En este primer capítulo, obtendrá una visión de las cosas básicas relacionadas con la toma de control y por qué es tan importante.Empieza a tomar las riendas de tu vida.¿Miras la vida de las personas que te rodean y te preguntas cómo han conseguido el tipo de vida que tienen cuando la tuya parece un poco Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Embrace Your Sixties

    A New Life for Aging Women, Older Women and Wild Crones

    von Lesley Paterson
    Erzählt von Yvette Deschamps
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Let's Rethink


    4 Stunden 8  Minuten

    As you approach your sixties does the idea of becoming an older women depress you and fill you with dread?Fear not— this can be the very best decade of your life!Aging is not fun. It can be a very difficult time as we see our bodies changing, as we realize we are saying goodbye to our youth. It can be a time of grieving. However, it can also be a time when we experience our greatest freedom. It Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Another Insane Devotion

    On the Love of Cats and Persons

    Erzählt von Joe Geoffrey


    7 Stunden 1  Minuten

    From “a genuine American Dostoevsky” (The Washington Post): a dazzling, funny, bittersweet exploration of the mysteries of relationship, both human and animal.When his favorite cat Biscuit goes missing, Peter Trachtenberg sets out to find her. The journey takes him 700 miles and many years into his past-- into the history of his relationships with cats and the history of his relationship with his Mehr lesen

    € 30,54