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Heilen Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    RX 17 Series: Writer's Programming

    von Dick Sutphen
    Erzählt von Dick Sutphen


    54 Min.

    REPROGRAM YOUR BRAIN WITH RX17: **Become a more effective and creative writer; and train your brain for a happier, more successful life with this proven two-part system of conscious and subconscious messaging.**In track 1-Alpha Level Programming-you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, which takes you down to a level where your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Hochwirksame Atemübungen - Soforthilfe durch Atementspannung bei Stress, Ärger und Konflikten

    11 einfache Atem-Techniken für Selbstheilung, Harmonisierung, Verjüngung

    von Patrick Lynen
    Erzählt von Patrick Lynen


    2 Stunden 19  Minuten

    Der Atem verbindet uns mit der Welt. Er schenkt uns neue Energie - von der Geburt bis zum Sterbebett. Doch viele Menschen wissen nicht mehr, wie man richtig atmet - sie verlieren darüber ihre Vitalität. Mit diesem Premium-Hörbuch verfügen Sie über leicht anwendbare Atem-Übungen, von denen Sie ein Leben lang profitieren werden. Während Sie den gesprochenen Anleitungen folgen, erleben Sie eine Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    Mindfulness Medicine - An Essential Guide For Use Everyday

    Bringing the healing power of mindfulness meditation into your daily routine

    von Dr Phil Coles
    Erzählt von Claire Rooney


    1 Stunde 41 Min.

    Dr Phil Coles is a Medical Doctor in the United Kingdom. He has been studying and practicing the art of Mindfulness Meditation for over ten years. He has written this book from the experience gained from his own mindfulness journey to help others fully appreciate the powerful benefits of Mindfulness Medicine.Mindfulness Medicine - 'An essential Guide for Use Every Day' is an excellent resource to Mehr lesen

    € 4,02

  • Hörbuch

    Der sanfte Weg zur inneren Mitte

    Atem-Entspannung, Hypnose, Meditation, Autogenes Trainig - Bewährte Entspannungshilfen zum Stressabbauen und Runterkommen

    von Patrick Lynen
    Erzählt von Patrick Lynen


    3 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Sie verfügen mit diesem Premium-Hörbuch über ein leicht anwendbares Instrument zur Erhöhung Ihres Wohlbefindens. Ein hochwirksames Programm, mit dem Sie den Alltag entschleunigen und das Leben neu entdecken können. Alle Übungen sind absolut selbsterklärend. Während Sie den gesprochenen Anleitungen folgen, erleben Sie eine spürbare körperliche und seelische Regeneration. Mit Methoden wie Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    Solfeggio Meditation (417 hz)

    Für Achtsamkeit, Stressabbau, guten Schlaf, Entspannung, Fokus, Motivation & Selbstheilung

    von einfach gesund
    Erzählt von einfach gesund


    4 Stunden 41  Minuten

    Solfeggio Meditation (417 hz)Für Achtsamkeit, Stressabbau, guten Schlaf, Entspannung, Fokus, Motivation & SelbstheilungWas sind Solfeggio-Frequenzen?Die alte Solfeggio-Tonleiter ist am besten für ihre Verwendung in den beruhigenden gregorianischen Gesängen bekannt, aber ihre Geschichte lässt sich bis in biblische Zeiten zurückverfolgen. Die antike 6-Ton-Skala und weitere 3 Töne, die seither Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Timeless Healing

    The Power and Biology of Belief

    von Herbert Benson
    Erzählt von Herbert Benson, David Brand


    3 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Learn how the mind shapes the body, and take charge of your health and wellness with the science and power of belief.In this life-changing book, Dr. Herbert Benson draws on his twenty-five years as a physician and researcher to reveal how affirming beliefs, particularly belief in a higher power, make an important contribution to our physical health. We are not simply nourished by meditation and Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Mindfulness Meditation for Self-Healing

    Erzählt von Glenn Harrold
    Series series Mindfulness Meditations


    46 Min.

    This series of mindfulness meditations will help you to appreciate life in the present moment as you connect with your senses, thoughts and feelings. This is the sixth title in the series which has been designed to help you heal your mind and body. The meditation also has a shamanic flavour to it as it guides you to focus your energy on clearing blocks and negativity in your energy field, which Mehr lesen

    € 16,25

  • Hörbuch

    Encounter Your Deeper Inner Self

    A Guided Dolphin Meditation

    Erzählt von Joanne Engeler


    1 Stunde 26 Min.

    This meditation lovingly guides you into your inner depths. You travel through your emotional fields with the help of dolphins and reappear freed with a light heart. Do you notice how old emotions hold you captive? Could they be emotions that are so old, that you don't even know where they came from? Would you like to transform of your old, hindering emotions and redesign your life with a free Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • Hörbuch

    Home Workout & Diet Plan: For beginners a Complete Guide

    von Jason Hill
    Erzählt von Various


    1 Stunde 8 Min.

    Do work a full time job? Do you want a home workout plan to get in shape? This book is for you. This book also comes with a diet and recipe plan. This book includes a simple and effective fitness program that provides quick workouts for the on-the-go professional or the stay-at-home parent. This book has workouts that will ensure your muscles don't get used to the same workout, giving you more in Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch


    Räddaren i nöden

    von Hawila
    Erzählt von Hawila


    11 Min.

    TUPPLUREN - RÄDDAREN I NÖDEN'Tuppluren - Räddaren i Nöden', en fängslande utforskning av sömnens mirakulösa kraft och dess förmåga att rädda oss från den moderna tidens stress och utmaningar. I denna engagerande bok tar författaren oss med på en resa genom tupplurens fascinerande värld, och avslöjar dess positiva inverkan på vår hälsa, välbefinnande och produktivitet.-Om Hawila: Hawila är en Mehr lesen

    € 8,04

  • Hörbuch

    RX 17 Series: Incredible Self-Confidence

    von Dick Sutphen
    Erzählt von Dick Sutphen


    59 Min.

    **REPROGRAM YOUR BRAIN WITH RX17: Gain incredible self-confidence and train your brain for a happier, more successful life with this proven two-part system of conscious and subconscious messaging.**In track 1-Alpha Level Programming-you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, which takes you down to a level where your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. These Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch



    Erzählt von Mr. Wong


    32 Min.

    智利的Centro de Hypnosis進行自我催眠。擁有25年以上的臨床經驗。克里斯托瓦爾·席林(CristóbalSchilling)提出了一種適用於壓力患者的極好的自我催眠運動材料。這是一個深度放鬆和心理健康的時期。使用方法:在舒適的地方聆聽素材。躺在沙發,床或舒適的地方,不受干擾。該材料不能替代醫學,心理或精神治療。克里斯托弗·席林智利臨床心理學家,催眠治療師。智利臨床催眠中心主任。泛美和加勒比催眠治療協會秘書長。瑪格斯特公共衛生研究生院教授。國際演講者。著作作者:《Detrásdel Pendulo》和《 Panic Crisis,Game Over》翻譯成英文,葡萄牙文和西班牙文。專輯“SueñosMágicos”的作者,智利的第一種自我催眠材料,由華納唱片公司於1999年製作。他的許多自我催眠資料已被翻譯成英語,葡萄牙語和漢語普通話。自2000年以來,擔任衛生專業人員國際臨 Mehr lesen

    € 9,90 € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    Recibe Tu Sanación

    von Gabriel Agbo
    Erzählt von Juliana Velez


    2 Stunden 45  Minuten

    Este libro es acerca de cómo recibir sanación divina. ¿Puede Dios curar todavía? ¡Sí! Nuestro Dios es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre. Espera tu sanación mientras escucha a este libro.Aquí, escuchará algunos testimonios increíbles que instantáneamente aumentarán tu fe en Dios y en Su ilimitada capacidad y deseo de intervenir hasta en las peores situaciones. Por ejemplo, Dios todavía cura enfermedades Mehr lesen

    € 14,26

  • Hörbuch

    Stress Less, Sleep More: The Power of Binaural Beats for Relaxation, Stress Relief, Deep Sleep

    Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Binaural Sound Healing

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Stress Less, Sleep More


    11 Stunden 28  Minuten

    There is an energy to life - and healing - and also to illness - that goes beyond the obvious lifestyle choices and medical solutions.The fundamental truth is that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. These vibrations can manifest in the form of sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These energies influence all living things including your health in subtle but powerful ways - all Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Discover God’s Health Wisdom

    Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick

    von Alexandra Yu
    Erzählt von Alexandra Yu


    2 Stunden 9  Minuten

    Do you feel anxious about your chronic illness and frustrated by a never-ending amount of conflicting health information?Discover God’s Health Wisdom invites you to explore what the Bible has to say about health.It exposes the pitfalls of the healthcare industry from a nurse's perspective and provides compelling reasons to seek God’s wisdom first for your health.This book will ultimately instill Mehr lesen

    € 5,30

  • Hörbuch

    The Elimination Diet

    Discover the Foods That Are Making You Sick and Tired--and Feel Better Fast

    Erzählt von Tom Malterre


    6 Stunden 45  Minuten

    The Diet Designed Just for YouCould the toast you ate for breakfast bring on your afternoon headache? Could the milk in your coffee cause joint pain and brain fog? Could your healthy tofu stir-fry slow your metabolism?Yes-there is an age-old, powerful connection between what you eat and how you feel. Just as no two bodies are the same, no two diets work for everyone. The only way to discover your Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Hörbuch

    Problem Solving Programming

    von Dick Sutphen
    Erzählt von Dick Sutphen


    44 Min.

    PROGRAM YOUR BRAIN TO SOLVE ANY PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE The powerful assistance offered by this program will enable you to tap into the incredible resources of your mind to creatively solve any problem you might be having. Learn to use your formidable inner resources to resolve your outer concerns!In track 1-Hypnosis Programming-you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, which takes you down Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    The Fear Cure

    Erzählt von Lissa Rankin M.D.


    9 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Not many people in the medical world are talking about how being afraid can make us sick - but the truth is that fear, left untreated, becomes a serious risk factor for conditions from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. Now Lissa Rankin, MD, explains why we need to heal ourselves from the fear that puts our health at risk and robs our lives of joy - and tells us how fear can ultimately cure us Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Healing and the Mind

    von Bill Moyers
    Erzählt von Bill Moyers


    5 Stunden 12  Minuten

    In the best-selling companion volume to the PBS series, acclaimed television journalist Bill Moyers explores the fascinating, complex, powerful connection between mind and body in human health. Ancient medical science told us our minds and bodies are one. So did philosophers of old. Now, modern science and new research are helping us to understand these connections. In Healing And The Mind, Bill Mehr lesen

    € 15,26

  • Hörbuch

    RX 17 Series: Golf

    von Dick Sutphen
    Erzählt von Dick Sutphen


    57 Min.

    **REPROGRAM YOUR BRAIN WITH RX17: Improve your golf skills and train your brain for a happier, more successful life with this proven two-part system of conscious and subconscious messaging.**In track 1-Alpha Level Programming-you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, which takes you down to a level where your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. These Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Personal Peaceful Priming

    von Dick Sutphen
    Erzählt von Dick Sutphen


    1 Stunde 2 Min.

    Personal Power PrimingSimilar to the way affirmations influence our experience, Dick Sutphen offers this Mind Priming audio program to summon personal power and confidence, remain calm and peaceful, and to gain success. Listen to these audios anytime, anywhere, including driving in the car. You will hear Dick repeat powerful words and affirmations as a peaceful soundscape plays in the background. Mehr lesen

    € 7,64

  • Hörbuch


    von Robin Klaman
    Erzählt von Chris Johnson


    4 Stunden 55  Minuten

    Do you suffer from pain that can only be relieved with cannabis?Would you like to be able to grow your own and ease your symptoms in a natural way?These books will help you do that!Millions of us suffer with chronic pain and a variety of other conditions that adversely affect our quality of life. Some of these can have a negative effect on our ability to function and quite often modern medicines Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    The Other Side of Impossible

    Ordinary People Who Faced Daunting Medical Challenges and Refused to Give Up

    Erzählt von Cassandra Campbell


    10 Stunden 28  Minuten

    You’re faced with a difficult health condition. You have exhausted medicine’s answers. What do you do? Susannah Meadows tells the real-life stories of seven families who persisted when traditional medicine alone wasn’t enough.Their adventures take us to the outer frontiers of medical science and cutting-edge complementary therapies, as Meadows explores research into the mind’s potential to heal Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    60 pasos para el diagnóstico médico (60 steps to medical diagnosis)

    Método de interpretación clínica para problemas complejos (Clinical interpretation method for complex problems)

    Erzählt von Miguel Guerrero


    9 Stunden 4  Minuten

    En esta obra, el doctor De la Fuente, a partir de su vasta experiencia profesional, describe en 60 pasos el me´todo de interpretacio´n cli´nica para problemas complejos que busca facilitar la labor diagno´stica del me´dico en su camino de descubrimiento. Con sencillez y profundidad a la vez, el autor ahonda en aspectos estrate´gicos como son la informacio´n que se tiene que recabar, las preguntas Mehr lesen

    € 20,37