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Kinderpädagogik Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Inside the Dyslexic Mind

    A resource for parents, teachers and dyslexics themselves

    von Laughton King


    7 Stunden

    This book is a life-changing experience for the huge number of people directly impacted by dyslexia. In Laughton King’s formulation, a dyslexic person is like a diesel vehicle. They run perfectly if you give them the right fuel, but if you put petrol in the tank (i.e. expect them to learn like every ‘normal’ child in our current education system) they break down. This book helps dyslexic (diesel) Mehr lesen

    € 19,00

  • Hörbuch

    Real Boys

    Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood

    von William Pollack
    Erzählt von John McDonough


    21 Stunden 6  Minuten

    After more than two decades of research at Harvard Medical School, clinical psychologist William Pollack concludes that our sons are in trouble. In this provocative study, as he examines the causes of this crisis, Dr. Pollack offers ways we can help boys grow up into healthy adults. Just as Mary Pipher's Reviving Ophelia offers hope for troubled adolescent girls, Real Boys is an invaluable work. Mehr lesen

    € 30,55

  • Hörbuch

    Richard Murray's Pulpit Episode 2

    Roe Vs Wade and the use of legislatures

    von Richard Murray
    Serien Hörbuch 2 - Richard Murray's Pulpit


    3 Min.

    Many throughout the fifty states that make up the USA have lamented or cheered the recent supreme court ruling that stated New York States law is unconstitutional. But, the issue that few to none address, is the dysfunctional strategy that is behind Roe vs Wade.... Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Le papillon et la mare

    Un papillon, c'est silencieux… Mais en es-tu vraiment sûr ? Une histoire de méditation, nature, de calme et tranquillité

    von Johann Legendre
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Histoire de méditer


    7 Min.

    Cette histoire:Un papillon, c'est silencieux… Mais en es-tu sûr ? Sois attentif et peut-être découvriras-tu un secret de la nature que personne ne connait.**Informations générales :** ➤Durée : 6:56➤Niveau de méditation : 2/10,➤Age : 5-10,➤ Contient des éléments :→ d'apprentissage à la respiration,→ d'apprentissage à l'écoute de ses émotions,→ d'apprentissage à être dans l'instant **La collection Mehr lesen

    € 2,20

  • Hörbuch

    Uso di cannabis nell'epilessia refrattaria infantile

    Erzählt von Victoria Ferullo


    41 Min.

    Soffri o conosci qualcuno che soffre di epilessia? L'epilessia è una malattia mondiale ed è più comune di quanto pensiamo. Colpisce persone di ogni età, sesso o livello sociale. Circa 50 milioni di persone nel mondo convivono con crisi convulsive caratterizzate da eventi convulsivi, il che rende l'epilessia una delle malattie neurologiche più diffuse a livello globale.Ma c'è una situazione più Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    L’Autisme expliqué aux non-autistes


    4 Stunden 3  Minuten

    "Des pistes inédites à partir des neurosciences, des résultats cliniques et de l’expérience d’une personne autiste." Cet ouvrage propose une description unique du TSA (trouble du spectre de l’autisme) en soulignant qu’un cerveau autiste est différent d’un cerveau neurotypique, qu’il est connecté autrement et qu’il ne traite pas les informations de la même manière. • Sous forme de questions et Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • Hörbuch

    Create A Genius

    Erzählt von Joe Nuckols


    5 Stunden 1  Minuten

    A miraculous guide for parents to use the world-famous Silva Method to conceive, raise, and educate a brilliant child who will thrive and improve the world.The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs, José Silva, now teaches you how to tap the secrets of the mind for total self-mastery. Your mind has a power so great that it can change - and dramatically Mehr lesen

    € 43,76

  • Hörbuch

    Cannabis use in childhood refractory epilepsy

    Erzählt von Sandra Loaiza


    38 Min.

    Do you suffer or know someone who suffers from epilepsy? Epilepsy is a disease of worldwide distribution and is more common than we think. It affects people of all ages, genders or social status. Approximately 50 million people in the world live with seizures characterized by convulsive events, making epilepsy one of the most common neurological diseases globally.But t here is a more complex Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Cultiver l'émerveillement

    Comment préserver la soif d'apprendre de nos enfants

    Erzählt von Émilie Lévesque


    4 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Qui n’aimerait pas que son enfant soit avide d’apprendre et persévérant; qu’il soit capable d’introspection, de contemplation, de concentration; qu’il se montre chaque jour reconnaissant, ne tenant rien pour acquis? Pourtant, notre époque ne cesse de l’éloigner de ces aspirations, de le détourner de la nature, du jeu libre, du silence… Dans notre monde à bout de souffle, les enfants glissent dès Mehr lesen

    € 13,67

  • Hörbuch

    Fata Fiammetta e l'Avventura per Salvare il Mondo Incantato

    Un Viaggio Magico di Amicizia e Coraggio

    Erzählt von Carolina Belluno


    12 Min.

    In un mondo incantato e pieno di colori vive Fata Fiammetta, una piccola e vivace fata, che con il suo bacchetta magica porta allegria e magia ovunque. Fata Fiammetta ha due migliori amici: Unicorno Uni, un unicorno magico con un corno scintillante e pieno di potere, e Farfalla Ella, la più colorata e incantevole farfalla del bosco incantato. Un giorno, il mondo incantato inizia a perdere colore e Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Hörbuch

    Murderous Hugs

    Erzählt von Mary Cloud


    6 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Delphine was 4 years old when her hell began. "We always promised each other, my Mom and I, that we would not talk about it anymore, that it was over. Except that after this promise, which I never broke, I had many bad times to go through. I was always trying to find out why I felt so bad about myself, why the fear of dying came over me again, as in childhood. I gradually became aware that this Mehr lesen

    € 18,99

  • Hörbuch

    Why Gender Matters

    What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences

    Erzählt von Keith Sellon-Wright


    10 Stunden 29  Minuten

    A revised and updated edition (with more than 70% new material) of the classic book about innate differences between boys and girls and how best to parent and teach girls and boys successfully, with new chapters on sexual orientation and on transgender and intersex kids.Back in 2005, the first edition of Why Gender Matters broke ground in illuminating the differences between boys and girls—how Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Invece di dire... Prova a dire...

    Erzählt von Laura Mazzarelli


    1 Stunde 45 Min.

    Quante volte hai sgridato in malo modo i tuoi figli per poi rimpiangere subito dopo di averlo fatto? Quante volte non hai detto la frase giusta al momento giusto per tranquillizzarli? Quante volte non sei stato all'altezza del genitore che pensi di poter essere? Per rispondere a simili domande c'è questo libro, scritto con la sensibilità di una mamma, Alli Beltrame, e l'esperienza di un'insegnante Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    THE WIZARD AND THE MAIDEN Fairy tale in music


    8 Min.

    The love of the wizard knows how to wait, and for a long time, till the end. He never gets impatient. It is enough for him to observe the girl he loves, hidden among the branches of the tree grown near the spring. At first the piano notes accompany his sweet torment, then the unexpected happiness of seeing his feelings reciprocated. Mehr lesen

    € 2,49

  • Hörbuch

    The Power of Babies

    On the Trail of the "Wi-Fi Babies"

    von Daniel Rousseau
    Erzählt von Alan Cook


    4 Stunden 59  Minuten

    These stories tell us how babies, from birth, have this skill to test by themselves the quality of the connections of the human network that surrounds them and to choose their first emotional attachments according to the quality of the signals received in return—without worrying about their filiation or their biological reality. A shock! They reveal to us through this unheard-of skill what is Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    La science au-dessus du berceau

    La recherche au service des 0 à 6 ans

    von Erik Gustafsson
    Erzählt von Isidore Amos


    5 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Que sait-on sur les pleurs des bébés ? Comment peut-on favoriser leur sommeil ? Lait maternel ou lait artificiel, que choisir ? Que peut-on faire quand l’enfant fait la fine bouche ? Quel est l’état de la balance bénéfice-risque des vaccins ? Pourquoi a-t-on interdit la fessée ? Ecrans passifs, écrans interactifs quels sont les risques et bénéfices ? Quels sont les effets des ondes Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • Hörbuch

    Calming Music for Babies and Small Children

    Gentle Sounds and Melodies for a Restful Sleep

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Calming Music for Babies


    6 Stunden 9  Minuten

    ***** Does your baby have a hard time falling asleep?***** Are you looking for peaceful, soothing music for your baby but don’t want to hear "Rock-a-Bye Baby" for the thousandth time?Discover modern lullabies that will reliably soothe you and your baby gently to sleep.For children to fall asleep, they need to feel safe. The soothing, spherical sleep music composed especially for babies and their Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Hörbuch

    We Dream - Modern Lullabies for You and Your Baby's Peaceful Sleep

    Baby Sleep Music

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Modern Lullabies for You and Your Baby


    1 Stunde 59 Min.

    Is putting your baby to sleep a real challenge?Are you searching for soothing lullabies but tired of hearing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" for the thousandth time?Discover nine modern lullabies designed to help you and your baby drift off to sleep peacefully.Children need to feel secure to fall asleep. Our specially composed lullabies for babies and their parents create a comforting atmosphere. Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Cannabis no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista

    Erzählt von Lorena Diaz


    56 Min.

    Bem-vindo a conhecer este interessante audiolivro no qual você aprenderá sobre o uso da cannabis como terapia em pacientes com transtornos do espectro do autista.Portanto, é necessário compreender alguns conceitos para poder saber sobre o assunto, levantando questões como: O que é o transtorno do espectro autista? Que sinais e características as crianças com diagnóstico de autismo apresentam? A Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    استخدام القنب في الصرع المقاوم عند الأطفال

    Erzählt von Hamid Tagadirte


    41 Min.

    هل تعاني او تعرف شخصاً يعاني من الصرع؟ الصرع مرض ينتشر في جميع أنحاء العالم وهو أكثر شيوعًا مما نعتقد. إنه يؤثر على الناس من جميع الأعمار أو الأجناس أو المستوى الاجتماعي. يعاني ما يقرب من 50 مليون شخص في العالم من نوبات تتميز بنوبات تشنج، مما يجعل الصرع أحد أكثر الأمراض العصبية شيوعًا على مستوى العالملكن هناك حالة أكثر تعقيدًا؛ ما بين 25 و 30٪ من مرضى الصرع، أي حوالي 20 مليون شخص في العالم، Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Cannabis in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients

    Erzählt von Sandra Loaiza


    48 Min.

    Welcome to exploring this extraordinary audiobook in which you will learn about the use of cannabis as a therapy for patients with autism spectrum disorders.To begin with, you should have some questions such as: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? What are the signs and characteristics of these children? Can cannabis help those with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Stay with us and find out.Autism spectrum Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Hörbuch

    Parenting Teen with OCD

    What Parents Really Need to Know to Understand and Lead OCD with Love and Logic. A Two- Step Plan for Parents and Teens to Work Together


    3 Stunden 55  Minuten

    Unlock the Keys to Supporting Your Teen with OCD in this Empowering Guide – 'Parenting Teens with OCD'!As a caring parent, you've likely grappled with concerns, fears, and doubts about how to best support your teen in their journey with OCD. You're not alone in this, and there is hope.In 'Parenting Teens with OCD,' we provide a comprehensive resource to help your teen regain control over their Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Hörbuch

    Baby Sleep Sounds - Brown & White Noise For Baby

    Steady Sound Sleep Aid

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Baby Sleep Sounds


    18 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Many people benefit from the steady, soothing sounds of white and brown noise and so do babies. A constant frequency can help maintain sleep in the toughest environments. Babies are sensitive to our bustling worlds, and the many invasive sounds with multiple amplitudes can cause your child to wake.White and brown noise noise will help mimic the sound that your baby heard in the womb.The authors Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Renungan Dahsyat Untuk Orangtua


    3 Stunden 33  Minuten

    Many parents who gave birth and have children is because of coincidence, and they are not considered as real parents. Having children is just a mere status for these parents. Whether they are fully involved in the growth of the children is relatively not their within their top priorities. This is one of the stories in this audiobook: why not call daddy's phone! Mehr lesen

    € 4,08