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Kinderpsychologie Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Carencias Afectivas

    von Oslos Molina
    Erzählt von Oslos Molina


    26 Min.

    La carencia afectiva es un problema que repercute en el desarrollo emocional, físico y psicológico de los/as niños/as por falta de afecto, cariño, amor y protección de sus padres durante los primeros años de vida. Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    The Bipolar Child

    The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder


    20 Stunden 41  Minuten

    Bipolar disorder-manic depression-was once thought to be rare in children. Now researchers are discovering not only that bipolar disorder can begin early in life, but that it is much more common than ever imagined. Yet the illness is often misdiagnosed and mistreated with medications that can exacerbate the symptoms. Why? Bipolar disorder manifests itself differently in children than in adults, Mehr lesen

    € 30,55

  • Hörbuch

    Transforming Trauma in Children and Adolescents

    An Embodied Approach to Somatic Regulation, Trauma Processing, and Attachment-Building


    9 Stunden 53  Minuten

    **An innovative somatic and attachment-based treatment for working with children and adolescents who suffer from complex trauma and neglect"[This] is a ground-breaking new approach to treating traumatized children, based on the combination of keen clinical observation, sensory integration, and a deep understanding of the latest advances in the neuroscience of trauma."—Bessel van der Kolk, MD, best Mehr lesen

    € 37,64

  • Hörbuch


    Tips for Dealing with a Narcissistic Personality

    von Dylan J. Parker
    Erzählt von Douglas Wilkin, Peter Seymour


    4 Stunden 24  Minuten

    What are the weaknesses of a narcissist?How do you control a narcissist?Narcissism involves self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, and a lack of empathy. These tips can help you recognize and cope with a narcissist.Having a narcissist in your life can be frustrating and emotionally challenging. Your relationship may revolve around them. You may feel judged ... Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Autohipnosis Clínica: Prevención de Bulling

    Para preadolescentes


    41 Min.

    Autohipnosis realizado por el Centro de Hipnosis Clínica de Chile.Nuevo he inédito material de la colección 2020 del Schilling Brain Program.Uno de los momentos en donde los niños integran aprendizajes es en el momento que están comenzando a dormir. Por lo mismo, Schilling propone cuentos activos, que incluyen elementos de gran importancia para prevenir bulling en los niños, incluyendo Mehr lesen

    € 9,90 € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    Applied Behavior Analysis

    A New Therapeutic Approach to Understand and Assist People Suffering from ADD, ADHD, ODD or other Spectrum Disorders

    von John P. Davies
    Erzählt von Neah Lekan


    5 Stunden 12  Minuten

    How can applied behavior analysis improve social and learning skills?It is a systematic manipulation of behavioral concepts to change behavior at any moment during a child's day.Many ABA methods require teaching, which is driven in a highly structured manner by parents, while others use the innate desires of the learner to obey his or her initiations. In the sense of current operations, certain Mehr lesen

    € 9,10

  • Hörbuch

    Grafología infantil

    Cómo detectar a tiempo problemas en la niñez

    Erzählt von Patricia Aguilar


    59 Min.

    Los dibujos de los niños son mucho más que simples trazos sobre una hoja de papel. Son una manifestación de sus emociones y de su madurez. Un dibujo es una ocasión que se le ofrece al niño para su desarrollo personal.Para analizar los dibujos y escritos de niños y adolescentes, tenemos que tener en cuenta que están en permanente cambio y evolución y que pasan por diferentes etapas, que van a Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Hello Day!

    A children’s book to normalize and validate feelings around trauma


    3 Min.

    This book supports children who experienced chronic, complex and generational trauma in unique ways to normalize and validate their feelings. It provides a therapeutic tool to clinicians to engage with the child while doing the trauma work in the therapy room. Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Bright Kids Who Couldn't Care Less

    How to Rekindle Your Child's Motivation

    Erzählt von Ellen Braaten


    7 Stunden 52  Minuten

    “He’s so smart, but he’s no longer interested in school—or any 'offline' activities.”“She used to love sports, but now she just mopes around.”“My kid has turned into such a slacker!”Sound familiar? If you're wondering how your bright, motivated little kid became such an unmotivated adolescent, you're not alone. Fortunately, help is at hand! Read by the author, this compassionate guide explains Mehr lesen

    € 16,93

  • Hörbuch

    The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did)

    von Philippa Perry
    Erzählt von Philippa Perry


    8 Stunden 52  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERFrom the UK's favourite therapist, as seen on Channel 4's Grayson's Art Club.How can we have better relationships?In this Sunday Times bestseller, leading psychotherapist Philippa Perry reveals the vital do's and don'ts of relationships. This is a book for us all. Whether you are interested in understanding how your upbringing has shaped you, Mehr lesen

    € 14,45

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Ronald M. Rapee's Helping Your Anxious Child

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mary G


    1 Stunde 11 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Ronald M. Rapee's Helping Your Anxious Child in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. It is important to make sure your child understands and can recognize different emotions. You can help your child by labeling and discussing feelings in everyday situations, and by playing games based on feelings. Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Corpul nu minte niciodata

    Vindecarea traumelor copilului interior

    von Alice Miller
    Erzählt von Raluca Moianu
    Series series Psihopractica


    5 Stunden 19  Minuten

    Umilinta traita de copii, sentimentele lor reprimate de neputinta, furie si ura la adresa parintilor se manifesta la maturitate sub forma bolilor, fie ele cancer, accidente vasculare sau alte afectiuni grave, iar neputinta, lipsa permisiunii personale si sociale de a le constientiza la varsta adulta isi gaseste paralela in dependenta de substante care insoteste de multe ori starea de vid interior Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch

    How to Overcome Your Childhood: A Guide on How a Character is Formed; Emotional Inheritance; the Concepts of Being ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’; the Impact of Parental Styles of Love; How to Choose Adult partners

    von Brenton Irving
    Erzählt von Kenzy S. Taha


    2 Stunden 3  Minuten

    Do you struggle with intense emotion and uncertainty? Does moving forward from your past feel impossible? Are those fears and anxieties holding you back tied to your own past and childhood?"How to Overcome Your Childhood" is here for you.Being an adult is hard. When you’ve experienced difficult – and often traumatic – childhood adversity, it can feel as if you’ve been given an impossible task with Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch

    Пять ложек меда родительской любви. Просто о сложных вопросах воспитания

    Series series Осознанное воспитание с Наталией Преслер


    8 Stunden

    Книга опытного психолога Наталии Преслер охватывает пять тем, которые больше всего волнуют родителей. Поможет развить в ребенке качества, необходимые для счастливой самостоятельной жизни. Как воспитать ребенка: способного любить и быть любимым; умеющего понимать свои эмоции; психологически устойчивого; сексуально и физически здорового; с адекватной самооценкой и самоуважением. Благодаря книге вы Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple

    10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry

    Erzählt von Stephen Hoye


    5 Stunden 44  Minuten

    In his new book, the author of the best-selling Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Days delivers 10 easy, yet essential strategies for applying CBT to everyday issues with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple.Cognitive behavioral therapy is a proven form of psychotherapy that is often the first-line of treatment recommended for managing depression, anxiety, worry, and other Mehr lesen

    € 10,19

  • Hörbuch

    Anxious Kids

    How children can turn their anxiety into resilience

    Erzählt von Jodi Richardson


    8 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Anxious Kids offers parents a new perspective on their children's anxiety, encouraging them to view each episode as an opportunity to empower their kids with the skills to manage anxiety, and thrive.Bestselling parenting author Michael Grose and wellbeing expert Dr Jodi Richardson explain why more children than ever before experience anxiety. In plain language that can be shared with children, Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Gabor Maté's Scattered Minds

    von Milkyway Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Marcus G


    1 Stunde 3 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Gabor Maté's Scattered Minds in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. "Scattered Minds" by Gabor Maté offers an in-depth look at Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), drawing from his personal and professional experiences. Maté identifies ADD symptoms such as restlessness, impulsivity, and Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition

    Using DBT Skills to End Self-Injury

    Erzählt von George Newbern


    8 Stunden 49  Minuten

    Discovering that your teen “cuts” is every parent’s nightmare. Your most urgent question is: “How can I make it stop?”Tens of thousands of worried parents have turned to this authoritative guide for information and practical guidance about the growing problem of teen self-injury.Dr. Michael Hollander is a leading expert on dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), the most effective treatment approach Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    I'm Chocolate, You're Vanilla

    Raising Healthy Black and Biracial Children in a Race-Conscious World

    Erzählt von Jasmine Kaur


    10 Stunden 2  Minuten

    This superb, rational, and highly readable volume answers adeeply felt need. Parents and educators alike have long struggledto understand what meanings race might have for the very young, andfor ways to insure that every child grows up with a healthy senseof self. Marguerite Wright handles sensitive issues with consummateclarity, practicality, and hope. Here we have an indispensableguide that will Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Internal Family Systems for Beginners

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding Your Inner Self

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Archie G


    2 Stunden 17  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice."Internal Family Systems for Beginners" offers an accessible introduction to the transformative model of Internal Family Systems (IFS). Through clear explanations and practical guidance, this book helps readers understand their inner world by exploring the parts that shape their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With simple exercises and real-life Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Parenting Made Easy: A Complete Guide for Future Parents with Tips and Scientific Methods to Manage Toddler’s Behaviour, Raise a Happy Child and Preventing Conflicts with Effective Communication Strategies

    von Carole Payne
    Erzählt von Sharon Medina


    2 Stunden 26  Minuten

    Will you become mother or father soon and you would like to know more about how to educate a happy and responsible kid? Then keep listening, as this is the audio book for you.Every parent wants his or her kids to excel and succeed in life. Unfortunately, with very young children, it can sometimes seem very difficult when to speak to them, and they simply do not listen. However, that isn’t usually Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    Ад 2 да 15: Мая мама ў турме


    3 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Аўтарка з 2021 года працуе псіхолагам з палітычнымі зняволеннымі і іх роднымі, у тым ліку дзецьмі. У кнізе прыведзены сабраныя падчас практыкі ўспаміны дзяцей аб рэпрэсіях, якія закранулі іх сям’ю, а таксама сны, мары і казкі, якія яны напісалі, каб перажыць траўму.Як кажа сама аўтарка, мэтай было «паказаць свет, якім яго бачаць дзеці, прычым дзеці, якія вельмі рана мусілі зразумець, што гэты свет Mehr lesen


  • Hörbuch

    Emotional Intelligence

    Includes: Emotional Intelligence for Anger Management, the Polyvagal Theory, Complex PTSD Trauma and Recovery


    17 Stunden 36  Minuten

    Want to overcome negative feelings? Feel like you aren’t good enough? Need help dealing with stress, anger, or trauma?Have you ever been so consumed by negative and powerful emotions like anger that you thought they’d never go away?The solution to deal with these emotions is to understand how your emotions work and apply specific techniques to ensure you manage them as effectively as possible Mehr lesen

    € 18,33

  • Hörbuch

    Dicht bij huis

    Hoe steun je een kind na seksueel misbruik?

    Erzählt von Margo Dames


    7 Stunden 53  Minuten

    Ouders kunnen hun kind meer helpen dan ze zelf vaak denkenIva Bicanic en Richard Korver werken dagelijks met misbruikte kinderen en hun ouders. Zij delen hun ervaringen uit de praktijk: de verschillende vormen van seksueel misbruik en hoe het tot stand komt, waarom kinderen zwijgen, strafbaarheid, plegers. Vijfentachtig procent van de gevallen van misbruik vindt dicht bij huis plaats: in de Mehr lesen

    € 12,99