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Management Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    The 4-Hour Work Week

    Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

    von Timothy Ferriss
    Erzählt von Ray Porter


    13 Stunden

    Brought to you by Penguin.Do you dream of escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less?This audiobook is the blueprint to make that possible.In this fascinating audiobook, read by Ray Porter, Timothy Ferriss details his road to financial success and the steps he took along the way. His Mehr lesen

    € 14,45

  • Hörbuch

    The Winners Laws. 30 Absolutely Unbreakable Habits of Success: Everyday Step-by-Step Guide to Rich and Happy Life

    von Bodo Schafer
    Erzählt von Troy W. Hydson


    4 Stunden 11  Minuten

    The Winners Laws by Bodo Schafer is a number-one best-selling book in the world that has helped innumerable people and can you can be one of them!What is it that you want most out of life? Is it wealth, power, or even happiness perhaps? The direction of one's future is continuously up in the air for many people and they just let the current of life sweep them any which way and that. Wouldn't it be Mehr lesen

    € 8,68

  • Hörbuch

    ملخص كتاب من جيد إلى عظيم

    لماذا تتم بعض الشركات القفزة بينما تفشل أخرى؟


    23 Min.

    يناقش Collins في هذا الكتاب الأسباب التي تساعد الشركات على القفز من أدائها الجيد أو العادي إلى حالة عظيمة من الازدهار. يبحث الكتاب عن العوامل التي سخرتها الشركات الناجحـة بعـد سـنوات من الأداء المتوسـط لتصعد إلى العظمة، ويتألف الكتاب من بحث موسّع لآلاف المقالات وأكثر من ألفي صفحة من المقابلات الشخصية التي أجراها الفريق مع رؤساء العديد من الشركات المهمة. Mehr lesen

    € 6,49

  • Hörbuch

    9 Powerful Practices of Really Great Teams


    4 Stunden 47  Minuten

    Increasingly, organizations count on project teams to develop products and deliver services to their customers. Consequently, effective teamwork and team leadership are integral components of an organization's success. In 9 Powerful Practices of Really Great Teams, Stephen E. Kohn and Vincent D. O'Connell define the essence of superior performance by project teams at work, and identify nine Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Cut The Crap And Sell More Stuff

    von Andy McLachlan
    Erzählt von Andy McLachlan


    2 Stunden 12  Minuten

    How would you feel if you could increase your sales performance very quickly, by 25%?In this short punchy audiobook, the author shares with the audience his own proven sales tips that are simple to learn, logical to use and will massively impact on the earning capacity of the listener.The simple steps in this sales guide are designed to help both new and existing sales professionals to sharpen Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Hörbuch

    Do You Care to Lead?

    A 5 Part Formula for Creating Loyal and Results Focused Teams and Organizations

    Erzählt von Mike Lenz


    4 Stunden 53  Minuten

    Create loyal, engaged, and results-focused teams and organizations using a practical five-part servant leadership formula.Think of a world where people go to work completely engaged, are inspired to do more than they ever thought possible, remain 100% loyal to the teams and organizations they belong to, are achieving mind-blowing results, and gladly and even passionately follow their leader's Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    The Ultimate Time-Management Seminar

    von Chris Widener
    Erzählt von Chris Widener


    2 Stunden 15  Minuten

    Topics included in these essentials of time and personal management are: foundational reasons to manage your time and personal life, establishing priorities, setting and achieving your goals, time inventory - finding where it all goes, time budgeting - proactive control of your time, and overcoming time wasters and procrastination. Also included is a fast-start section to get you going tonight Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Exit Mindset

    Unlock Profits, Maximize Valuation, and Live Life on Your Own Terms

    von Rem Oculee
    Erzählt von Rem Oculee


    4 Stunden 32  Minuten

    You've invested considerable time and effort into your business, yet you feel like you're on a hamster wheel. Your profits aren't meeting your expectations. Your company consumes the majority of your free time. Moreover, if you opt to sell, buyers might only propose a fraction of your company's true value.What if you could boost your profits, free up more time, and secure a higher valuation for Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Hörbuch

    Strategy Implementation Gap, The

    Helping busy executives deliver their strategic goals in a sustainable, efficient and effective way through projects and programs

    Erzählt von Jane Tumaalii


    5 Stunden 26  Minuten

    The Strategy Implementation Gap is a guide for executives on how to have a sustainable approach to the right people doing the right things in the right way to achieve the right results.“James and Michael have captured the essentials for bridging the strategy implementation gap. This book reflects their decades of helping project leaders and teams win. If you read one book on project management Mehr lesen

    € 11,72

  • Hörbuch

    GuíaBurros: El vendedor total

    cómo vender en el siglo XXI

    Erzählt von María José Bosch


    2 Stunden 58  Minuten

    Aprende a ser un buen comercial, desde las actitud, cualidades y trabajo previo, pasando por las 10 reglas de oro del comercial, hasta la planificación de las ventas, las ventas cruzadas y la creación de una cartera. Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    What's Your Digital Business Model?

    Six Questions to Help You Build the Next-Generation Enterprise

    Erzählt von Colin McPhillamy


    6 Stunden 54  Minuten

    What is your digital business model? While many leaders of companies recognize the threat from digital--and the potential opportunity--they lack a common language or a compelling framework to help them assess it and, more importantly, to direct them. They don't know how to think about their digital business model. In this probing and practical book, Peter Weill and Stephanie Woerner provide much Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Письма Безоса: 14 принципов роста бизнеса от Amazon


    6 Stunden 17  Minuten

    О чем Что способствовало беспрецедентному росту компании Amazon? Как Джефф Безос, основатель и глава компании, сумел превратить книжный магазин в бизнес стоимостью триллион долларов? Безос не скрывает секрет успеха: ежегодно он рассказывает о своей стратегии и принципах управления в письмах к акционерам. Стив Андерсон внимательно изучил письма Безоса и выделил 14 ключевых принципов роста бизнеса Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Experience Mindset

    Changing the Way You Think About Growth

    von Tiffani Bova
    Erzählt von Tiffani Bova, Kaleo Griffith


    6 Stunden 30  Minuten

    **A Wall Street Journal Bestseller!From the bestselling author of Growth IQ comes a guide to enhancing customer and employee experience simultaneously for unprecedented revenue growth**In the war for customer acquisition, businesses invest millions of dollars to improve customer experience. They deliver packages faster, churn out new products, and endlessly revamp their UI, often putting greater Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    Peak Performance Culture

    The Five Metrics of Organizational Excellence

    von Dave Mitchell
    Erzählt von Dave Mitchell


    6 Stunden 39  Minuten

    Peak Performance Culture: The Five Metrics of Operational Excellence is a step-by-step roadmap to achieving optimal organizational development in your company or association. This practical guide helps you accurately evaluate the current state of your company and create a strategy that maximizes its future success. Author Dave Mitchell, building upon concepts introduced in his bestselling books Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch


    The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges

    von Tim Sanders
    Erzählt von Tim Sanders


    7 Stunden 29  Minuten

    Sales genius is a team sport.As a B2B sales leader, you know that by Murphy’s Law, despite your team's best efforts, some deals will inevitably get stuck or key relationships will go sour. And too often, it's the most important ones—the last thing you need when millions of dollars are on the line."Dealstorming" is Tim Sanders’s term for a structured, scalable, repeatable process that can break Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    El líder de alto potencial (The High-Potential Leader)

    Cómo crecer rápidamente, asumir nuevas responsabilidades y obtener resultados

    Erzählt von Javier Ponton


    7 Stunden 59  Minuten

    Fije sus miras en el liderazgo de alto potencial y ayude a su organización a prosperarEn el tumultuoso y en rápida evolución del entorno empresarial actual, los líderes de alto potencial tienen una gran demanda. ¿Posee las habilidades de relación, la visión estratégica, la innovación y la determinación necesarias para prosperar como un líder de alto potencial en su organización? El autor de best Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    American Turnaround

    Reinventing AT&T and GM and the Way We Do Business in the USA

    von Edward Whitacre
    Erzählt von Edward Whitacre


    10 Stunden 21  Minuten

    Ed Whitacre is credited with taking over the corporate reins at General Motors (GM) when the automotive manufacturer was on the brink of bankruptcy during 2009 and turned the company around in magnificent fashion. In this business memoir, the native Texan explores his unique management style, business acumen and patriotism.It was President Obama who reached out to Ed Whitacre to come out of Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company

    When Management Consultants Are the Problem, Not the Solution

    von Karen Phelan
    Erzählt von Julie Eickhoff


    6 Stunden 33  Minuten

    If management theories and systems (think: "Management by Objectives" and "Process Optimization") are the religion, consultants are the high-priests. With years as a top Fortune 100 executive and, yes, management consultant, Karen Phelan exposes the whole game. Takeaway: consultants have forgotten that business are made up of real people, not numbers. Empathy, not MBA's, is the real future of Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Reclaim the Moment

    Seven Strategies to Build a Better Now

    von Greg Bennick
    Erzählt von Greg Bennick


    7 Stunden 58  Minuten

    In Reclaim the Moment, internationally recognized speaker and author Greg Bennick delivers a practical and inspiring take on improving focus and enhancing peak performance for individuals and teams. The approach is fun and energetic, offering fresh ideas for generating authentic motivation. In the book, you'll find advice on how to revitalize and energize both yourself and your team using the Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Agile Product Management: Agile Estimating and Planning Your Sprint with Scrum & Agile Retrospectives 29 Tips for Continuous Improvement

    von Paul VII
    Erzählt von Randal Schaffer, Scott Clem


    2 Stunden 4  Minuten

    I am very confident that you will find this class valuable, as it will give you a complete overview of estimating and planning in agile scrum teams. In this class, I go to great lengths to dissect the topic and present it in an easy to understand manner for both beginners and intermediates in scrum. For starters, I will introduce you to scrum, then walk you through the process of preparing for and Mehr lesen

    € 7,47

  • Hörbuch

    Execution IS the Strategy

    How Leaders Achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time

    von Laura Stack
    Erzählt von Karen Saltus


    6 Stunden 46  Minuten

    Turn Strategy into Performance!In today’s world of rapid, disruptive change, strategy can’t be separate from execution—it has to emerge from execution. You have to continually adjust your strategy to fit new realities. But if your organization isn’t set up to be fast on its feet, you could easily go the way of Blockbuster or Borders.Laura Stack shows you how to quickly drive strategic initiatives Mehr lesen

    € 28,50

  • Hörbuch


    An Insider’s Guide to the Business and Future of Connected Technology

    von SC Moatti
    Erzählt von Natalie Hoyt


    3 Stunden 33  Minuten

    That person slumped over her cell phone is disengaged, isolated, lost in her own little world, right? Wrong, says SC Moatti. She's highly engaged—she's having a text conversation with a friend in Europe, playing a game with another, and looking for a good place to go to dinner with a third. Mobile technology has become such an integral part of how we interact that for many people, losing a cell Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Mindful Business Leadership

    Erzählt von Chris MacDonnell


    4 Stunden 50  Minuten

    Mindful Business Leadership presents a new model of leadership. It introduces ten very different leadership roles that are required to meet the challenges of modern business. Memorable metaphors and images are created for each, and they are placed in a matrix. Listeners are shown how to develop these roles within themselves. Potentially negative aspects of each are discussed, along with material Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch


    von Tim Kintz
    Erzählt von Tim Kintz


    4 Stunden 1  Minuten

    No matter how you entered the car business, you know the frustrations that come with the job. Customers are savvier than ever, so without knowing how to negotiate and close deals, you'll find yourself selling out of desperation instead of inspiration. You know selling is a zero-sum game--either you sell them or someone else does. You want to improve your selling skills; unfortunately, available Mehr lesen

    € 12,53