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Militär Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Mitchell Zuckoff, with the Annex Security Team's 13 Hours

    von Falcon Press
    Erzählt von Brian Smith


    32 Min.

    Summary of Mitchell Zuckoff's 13 Hours is a narrative recounting of the events surrounding the militant attacks on the Benghazi diplomatic compound and the nearby CIA annex on September 11 and 12, 2012. These attacks resulted in the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, State Department communications expert Sean Smith, and two CIA Global Response Staff (GRS) members, Tyrone Woods and Glen Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Diario de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: Noviembre 1939

    von José Delgado
    Erzählt von Carlos Urrutia
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Diario de la Segunda Guerra Mundial


    51 Min.

    La Segunda Guerra Mundial se alza en su inmensidad y complejidad sobre el resto de la historia humana. Un número de víctimas difícil de concebir, jamás superado por ningún otro conflicto; las masas de hombres, mujeres y recursos movilizados en una guerra que sacudió hasta los confines más remotos del planeta; la batalla ideológica entre el totalitarismo y la democracia, entre el fascismo y el Mehr lesen

    € 3,16

  • Hörbuch

    Modstand 1944-1945

    Dramaets sidste akt


    19 Stunden 11  Minuten

    I fjerde og sidste bind af det imponerende værk om den danske modstandsbevægelse under besættelsen når vi til den dramatiske afslutning på krigens fem lange år. Niels-Birger Danielsen samler trådene fra de forrige bind af værket og kommer med sin egen konklusion på et voldsomt kapitel af danmarkshistorien.Dramaets sidste akt begynder i sommeren 1944, hvor kampen mellem modstandsbevægelsen og Mehr lesen

    € 32,67

  • Hörbuch

    Back of the Hiring Line

    A 200-Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth

    von Roy Beck
    Erzählt von Roy Beck


    7 Stunden 9  Minuten

    150 years after the end of slavery and nearly 60 years after passage of the civil rights laws of the 1960s, average Black household wealth in the 21st century remains a fraction of the median assets of other racial, ethnic, and immigrant populations.There are many reasons, but this book is about one: two centuries of governmental encouragement of periodic sustained surges in immigration Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Conduct Under Fire

    Four American Doctors and Their Fight for Life as Prisoners of the Japanese

    von John Glusman
    Erzählt von Arthur Morey


    24 Stunden 7  Minuten

    The fierce, bloody battles of Bataan and Corregidor in the Philippines are legendary in the annals of World War II. Those who survived faced the horrors of life as prisoners of the Japanese.In Conduct Under Fire, John A. Glusman chronicles these events through the eyes of his father and three fellow Navy doctors captured on Corregidor in May 1942. Here are the dramatic stories of the fall of Mehr lesen

    € 33,11

  • Hörbuch

    Mamluks, The: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Slave Soldiers Who Established a Dynasty in Egypt

    Erzählt von David Bernard


    2 Stunden 18  Minuten

    Egypt in the 14th century was a glorious kingdom to behold. Spice merchants from Europe, Asia and Africa sailed up the Nile River to the great port city of Alexandria, carrying riches such as silk, jewels and spices. Cairo, the capital of Egypt, was the greatest city in the Islamic world, with a larger population and more wealth and splendor than any city in Europe. Cairo was a shining pinnacle of Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Tom Paine's Iron Bridge

    Building a United States

    von Edward G. Gray
    Erzählt von Tom Perkins


    5 Stunden 36  Minuten

    When Tom Paine arrived in Philadelphia from England in 1774, the city was America's largest port. Unfortunately, the seasonal dangers of the rivers dividing the region were becoming an obstacle to the city's continued growth. Philadelphia needed a practical connection between the rich grain of Pennsylvania's backcountry farms and its port on the Delaware. The iron bridge was his solution.The Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Three Days in Moscow

    Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Soviet Empire

    Erzählt von Bret Baier
    Series series Three Days Series


    12 Stunden 37  Minuten

    President Reagan's dramatic battle to win the Cold War is revealed as never before by the #1 bestselling author and award-winning anchor of the #1 rated Special Report with Bret Baier."An instant classic, if not the finest book to date on Ronald Reagan.” — Jay WinikMoscow, 1988: 1,000 miles behind the Iron Curtain, Ronald Reagan stood for freedom and confronted the Soviet empire.In his acclaimed Mehr lesen

    € 29,69

  • Hörbuch

    Les forces françaises libres (1940-1945). Parcours de français libres

    Témoignages sonores sous la direction de Pierre Guérin

    Erzählt von Collectif


    2 Stunden 46  Minuten

    "Les Forces Françaises Libres est le deuxième coffret de témoignages de résistants. Depuis les années 50, des enseignants ont recueilli des témoignages en s’adressant aussi bien à des anonymes qu’à des acteurs incontournables. Ces enregistrements, morceaux d’histoires vécues, constituent une mémoire orale dont le caractère humain lui confère un statut de document historique vivant. Les auteurs et Mehr lesen

    € 23,99

  • Hörbuch

    Krigens mørkeste sider

    Erzählt von Tov Sletta
    Serien Hörbuch 17 - En verden i krig – beretninger fra andre verdenskrig


    2 Stunden 54  Minuten

    Etter Japans angrep på Pearl Harbor i desember 1941 havnet 120 000 amerikanske borgere med japanske røtter bak piggtråd. Offisielt skyldtes interneringen at japanerne kanskje ville spionere for keiserriket før en kommende invasjon av USA, men i egentlig bunnet beslutningen i rasisme. Fordomsfulle raseteorier lå også bak andre forbrytelser der krigens makthavere begikk overgrep mot grupper som ble Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Hörbuch

    Den perfekte officer

    von Henrik Bering
    Erzählt von Henrik Hartvig Jørgensen


    9 Stunden 58  Minuten

    "Den perfekte officer" følger en række prominente officerer fra Napoleonskrigene og op til vores egen tid – fra Napoleon Bonaparte til Stanley A. McChrystal. Den fortæller om deres karrierer, hvad de gjorde rigtigt, hvad de gjorde forkert, og hvad de lærte af deres oplevelser.Bogens gennemgående tema er fantasiens betydning, og den viser, at disse mænd konstant blev inspireret af hinanden og lånte Mehr lesen

    € 11,32

  • Hörbuch


    Los Tiburones de Hitler

    von José Delgado
    Erzählt von Jose Angel de Juanes


    2 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Capítulo 1: GÉNESIS (1906-1940)En 1906 se lanzó el primer U-1, y en 1917, la Armada Imperial alemana ya contaba con 128 submarinos.Durante los últimos meses de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el éxito de los U-Boots parecía imparable hasta que se incorporó el avión como arma antisubmarina.Tras el tratado de Versalles, el mando alemán emprendió en secreto el rearme de sus ejércitos, proceso que se Mehr lesen

    € 5,04

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Sebastian Junger's Tribe

    von Milkyway Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G


    36 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Sebastian Junger's Tribe in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Sebastian Junger's "Tribe" explores the contrasting lifestyles and values between Native American tribes and modern Western society. Native Americans lived communally, with egalitarian structures and consensus-based leadership, while Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Staline, une biographie

    von John Mac, John Mac
    Erzählt von Nicolas Planchais


    1 Stunde 31 Min.

    Homme fort de l'URSS pendant plus d'un quart de siècle, Staline fut l'un des acteurs majeurs de l'histoire contemporaine. " Petit père des peuples " et fondateur des goulags, il est à la fois le grand vainqueur d'Hitler, le modernisateur de l'URSS et l'artisan d'une terreur généralisée dans son pays. Doté d'une réputation d'homme médiocre et peu cultivé, il déploie en réalité un talent Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    Djævlens døtre

    von Thomas Rathsack
    Erzählt von Peter Carstens
    Serien Hörbuch 4 - Plessner


    10 Stunden 21  Minuten

    Djævlens døtre er fjerde bind i Thomas Rathsacks hæsblæsende thrillerserie om jægersoldaten Michael Plessner.Fans af serien elsker det høje spændingsniveau, og anmelderne har rost Rathsack til skyerne for at kunne levere et stærkt og troværdigt plot og ramme en rå jargon, så man kan lugte dunsten af mandesved og tung testosteron.Michael Plessner har kæmpet mod islamiske krigere i Afghanistan, Mehr lesen

    € 22,22

  • Hörbuch

    Battle of Borodino, The: The History and Legacy of Napoleon’s Pyrrhic Victory during the Invasion of Russia

    Erzählt von Bill Caufield


    2 Stunden 15  Minuten

    On July 23, 1812, he launched his army across the border, despite the protestations of many of his Marshals. The Russian Campaign had begun, and it would turn out to be Napoleon’s biggest blunder. Russia’s great strategic depth already had a habit of swallowing armies, a fact many would-be conquerors learned the hard way. Napoleon, exceptional though he was in so many regards, proved that even Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Sharpes Rivalen - Sharpe-Reihe, Teil 13 (Ungekürzt)

    Erzählt von Stefan Naas


    11 Stunden 1  Minuten

    Spanien, Januar 1812. Für Richard Sharpe ist es der schlimmste Winter seines Lebens. Er verliert zu Unrecht das Kommando über seine Schützen. Ihm bleibt nur eine Chance, dieses zurückzuerobern: Er muss die Attacke auf die unbezwingbare Festung von Badajoz anführen. Ein Himmelfahrtskommando. Zu allem Überfluss taucht auch noch Sharpes Nemesis auf, Sergeant Hakeswill, den Mann, den man nicht töten Mehr lesen

    € 14,40

  • Hörbuch

    Liberty is Sweet

    The Hidden History of the American Revolution

    von Woody Holton
    Erzählt von Shaun Taylor-Corbett


    22 Stunden 29  Minuten

    A “deeply researched and bracing retelling” (Annette Gordon-Reed, Pulitzer Prize–winning historian) of the American Revolution, showing how the Founders were influenced by overlooked Americans—women, Native Americans, African Americans, and religious dissenters.Using more than a thousand eyewitness records, Liberty Is Sweet is a “spirited account” (Gordon S. Wood, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Mehr lesen

    € 35,65

  • Hörbuch

    Second World War Diary: Year 1943

    von José Delgado
    Erzählt von Drew Crosby
    Serien Hörbuch 5 - Second World War Diary


    10 Stunden 44  Minuten

    World War II rises in its vastness and complexity over the rest of human history. A number of victims difficult to conceive, never surpassed by any other conflict; the masses of men, women and resources mobilized in a conflict that shook even the most remote ends of the planet; the ideological battle between totalitarianism and democracy, between fascism and communism, the passions and hatred that Mehr lesen

    € 13,38

  • Hörbuch

    The Triple Agent

    The al-Qaeda Mole who Infiltrated the CIA

    von Joby Warrick
    Erzählt von Sunil Malhotra


    7 Stunden 7  Minuten

    A stunning narrative account of the mysterious Jordanian who penetrated both the inner circle of al-Qaeda and the highest reaches of the CIA, with a devastating impact on the war on terror.In December 2009, a group of the CIA’s top terrorist hunters gathered at a secret base in Khost, Afghanistan, to greet a rising superspy: Humam Khalil al-Balawi, a Jordanian double-agent who infiltrated the Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    World War 2 for Teens

    Amazing Facts, Key Players, Heroic Acts, Major Battles, and How the War Changed the World

    von James Burrows
    Erzählt von Adam Lofbomm
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - What You Need to Know


    3 Stunden 20  Minuten

    World War 2 for Teens will give you more than just the dates, facts, and figures; it will fill in the exciting stories of what happened by revealing the gritty details of how the battles were won and paint vivid pictures of the key players. After reading this, you will become an armchair expert on all aspects of WW2:The causes of the war and who was involved.The major battles and the turning Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    The World War II History Journals: 1939

    von Liam Dale
    Erzählt von Liam Dale


    43 Min.

    "Do you want to learn more about World War II, but don’t have time to read huge, long books? Then let The History Journals take you on an hourly history tour of each year of the war with The World War II History Journals series which includes one book per year from 1939 to 1945.Throughout this series of journals released to acknowledge 80 years since the beginning of WW2, we will be looking at the Mehr lesen

    € 4,81

  • Hörbuch

    Medieval Europe’s Mercenaries: The History of Hired Soldiers across Europe and the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages

    Erzählt von Bill Caufield


    5 Stunden 9  Minuten

    The Middle Ages have long been remembered for armored knights battling on horseback and armies of men trying to breach the walls of formidable castles, but what is generally forgotten is that medieval warfare was constantly adapting to the times as leaders adopted new techniques and technology, and common infantry became increasingly important throughout the period. Meanwhile, political and Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    By the Ghost Light

    Wars, Memory, and Families

    von R.H. Thomson
    Erzählt von R.H. Thomson


    13 Stunden 23  Minuten

    From one of Canada’s most beloved performing artists comes an audacious work of non-fiction that explores the stories that shape us and the reach that the past can have across generations.Growing up north of Toronto, R.H. Thomson’s imagination was captured by romantic notions of war. He spent his days playing with toy soldiers on the carpet of his grandmother’s house, recreating the Battle of Mehr lesen

    € 28,53