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Mittelalter Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Slægten 6: Ravnens år

    Erzählt von Mette Ahrenkiel
    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Slægten


    7 Stunden 32  Minuten

    I år 1319 vender den unge Peter Dane hjem til Daneborg efter langvarige lægestudier i Paris. Da han ansættes som den nykronede kong Kristoffers livlæge, kastes han direkte ind i det storpolitiske spil om Danmark, og tiderne er barske. Ved Erik Menveds død er riget ruineret, og tyskernes voksende indflydelse skygger over by som borg. Peter står ved slægtens ed om at støtte kongemagten, skønt den Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Hörbuch

    Weltmacht Rom

    die Geschichte eines Imperiums

    Erzählt von Achim Höppner


    4 Stunden 26  Minuten

    1.000 Jahre herrschten die Römer und ihr Einfluss ist auch bei uns bis heute noch gegenwärtig. Römische Philosophie, römisches Recht, römische Baukunst überlebten das Mittelalter und prägten die Zivilisation Mitteleuropas. Die Gründung; die Kämpfe mit den Etruskern, die Etablierung der Republik, die Kriege gegen Karthago, "Hannibal ante portas", die Zeit von Cicero, Crassus, Pompejus und Cäsar. Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • Hörbuch

    Femina - Eine neue Geschichte des Mittelalters aus Sicht der Frauen (Ungekürzt)

    von Janina Ramirez
    Erzählt von Hildegard Meier


    14 Stunden 31  Minuten

    Ein großes Buch, das viel mittelalterlichen Staub aufwirbelt! Sie kämpften gegen Wikinger, vergifteten ihre Feinde und waren Spioninnen - die vergessenen Frauen des europäischen Mittelalters kümmerten sich beileibe nicht nur um Haus und Hof. Dennoch ist es genau dieses Bild einer patriarchalen Gesellschaft, die Frauen unterdrückte, das unsere Vorstellung vom Mittelalter prägt. Es waren Männer, die Mehr lesen

    € 16,60

  • Hörbuch

    History of France, The

    From Roman Gaul to the 1100s

    von Will Forrest
    Erzählt von Andrew Cooper
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - France From Gaul to the Modern Age


    3 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Discover the Hidden Treasures of French History and Embark on a Fascinating Journey Through Time.Have you ever found yourself captivated by the rich and enthralling history of France?Are you eager to dive deep into a world of political intrigue, military conquests, and the legendary figures that forged the nation we know today?Seize this unique opportunity to embark on an unforgettable journey Mehr lesen

    € 15,25

  • Hörbuch

    Norse Myths and Viking History 2-In-1 Bundle

    A Journey Through the Mythology and History of the Viking Age

    Erzählt von Andrew Cooper


    7 Stunden 58  Minuten

    Venture Into the Viking Age with This Captivating 2-In-1 Collection!Embark on an enthralling journey through Norse mythology and Viking history with this incredible 2-in-1 bundle.This book will guide you through the fascinating stories and significant events that shaped the Viking Age. Unravel the mysteries of the Norse gods, and delve into the sagas that have captivated generations**.**What You Mehr lesen

    € 20,34

  • Hörbuch

    God Wills It!

    Understanding the Crusades

    Erzählt von Thomas F. Madden


    8 Stunden 11  Minuten

    For over 400 years, crusaders ("those signed by the cross"), out of Christian zeal, a declared love for their fellow man, and, in many cases, a simple desire for fortune, glory, and heavenly reward, marched to the Holy Land to battle both a real and perceived threat to their way of life and their religious beliefs. The story of the many crusades are filled with an unremitting passion to keep or Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Republic of Genoa, The: The History of the Italian City that Became Influential across the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages

    Erzählt von Colin Fluxman


    1 Stunde 24 Min.

    “Legislators, therefore, ought not to trust the future government of a state entirely to chance, but ought to provide a system of laws to regulate the administration of public affairs. Effects will always correspond to causes; and wise regulations in any commonwealth are the most valuable legacy that can be left to future ages. In the smallest court or office, the stated forms and methods, by Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Peter Milling


    8 Stunden 33  Minuten

    Middelalderens korstog til Mellemøsten er et blodigt kapitel i kristendommens og Europas historie. Mange er af den opfattelse, at de blev sat i gang af pave Urban II's tale i 1095, men i virkeligheden var pavens tale blot katalysator for spændinger, der havde opbygget sig mellem henholdsvis Europa og Mellemøsten og kristendommen og islam igennem mange år.I "Korstogene" fortæller forfatterne om, Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Hörbuch

    Epic Adventures: Genghis Khan's Impact on Today's World

    von Thaddeus Verne
    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    2 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Epic Adventures: Genghis Khan's Impact on Today's World⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐Are you looking to advance your knowledge and understanding of one of history’s most influential figures, Genghis Khan, and his profound impact on today’s world?Seeking a comprehensive guide that offers all the essential elements to grasp how Genghis Khan still shapes modern society?Y... Mehr lesen

    € 6,95

  • Hörbuch

    Europa medieval: Una guía fascinante de la historia europea durante la Edad Media, desde la caída de Roma hasta el Renacimiento, pasando por Bizancio, el Imperio carolingio y las cruzadas

    Erzählt von Luis Trumper


    5 Stunden 32  Minuten

    ¿Sabía usted que el arco largo inglés era la «ametralladora» de la época medieval, con una eficacia muy superior a la de la ballesta?El arco largo inglés, fabricado normalmente con madera de tejo, era una de las armas más poderosas de la Edad Media, capaz de cambiar el curso de las batallas. Con una longitud de hasta dos metros, esta arma era muy apreciada por su potencia y precisión: los arqueros Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Queens of the Wild

    Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe: An Investigation

    von Ronald Hutton
    Erzählt von Gary Paul Williams


    9 Stunden 44  Minuten

    A concise history of the goddess-like figures who evade both Christian and pagan traditions, from the medieval period to the present dayIn this riveting account, renowned scholar Ronald Hutton explores the history of deity-like figures in Christian Europe. Drawing on anthropology, archaeology, literature, and history, Hutton shows how hags, witches, the fairy queen, and the Green Man all came to Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    The Makers of Scotland

    Picts, Romans, Gaels and Vikings

    von Tim Clarkson
    Erzählt von David Vickery


    8 Stunden 48  Minuten

    During the first millennium AD the most northerly part of Britain evolved into the country known today as Scotland. The transition was a long process of social and political change driven by the ambitions of powerful warlords. At first these men were tribal chiefs, Roman generals, or rulers of small kingdoms. Later, after the Romans departed, the initiative was seized by dynamic warrior-kings who Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Roma, The: The History of the Romani People and the Controversial Persecutions of Them across Europe

    Erzählt von Bill Hare


    1 Stunde 35 Min.

    More often than not, the Romani are branded by even those who fancy themselves liberals as “pikeys,” “gyppos,” and “gips.” There's also a regrettably common term, “gypped,” meaning “to cheat, or swindle,” which perpetuates the damaging stereotype that the Roma are dishonest nuisances and societal pests. Even well-intentioned attempts to shine the spotlight on the community have sometimes been Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Magna Carta

    The Birth of Liberty

    von Dan Jones
    Erzählt von Dan Jones


    7 Stunden 12  Minuten

    **"Dan Jones has an enviable gift for telling a dramatic story while at the same time inviting us to consider serious topics like liberty and the seeds of representative government." —Antonia FraserFrom the New York Times bestselling author of The Plantagenets, a lively, action-packed history of how the Magna Carta came to be—by the author of Powers and Thrones.**The Magna Carta is revered around Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    The Eagle and the Hart

    The Tragedy of Richard II and Henry IV

    von Helen Castor
    Erzählt von Helen Castor


    20 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.The author of She-Wolves chronicles the lives and reigns of Richard II and Henry IV, two cousins whose rivalry brought their nation to the brink of disintegration - and back againRichard of Bordeaux and Henry Bolingbroke were first cousins, born just three months apart. Their two lives were from the beginning entwined. When they were still children, Richard was crowned Mehr lesen

    € 16,86

  • Hörbuch


    Part of The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript in Modern English Prose Translation


    36 Min.

    "Patience" is the third of the four poems of the Pearl manuscript, a fourteenth century work contemporaneous with Chaucer, Langland and Gower, and acknowledged as a minor masterpiece in its own right.The poet’s usage of the word patience reflects two broad senses: that of accepting misfortune and submitting to physical or mental suffering, and that of waiting, holding back, and exercising Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch #1 - Den største misforståelse om vikingetiden

    Erzählt von Jais Baggestrøm Koch


    42 Min.

    De plyndrede vores nabolande, sejlede af sted i flotte vikingeskibe og var store, stærke krigere, der var berygtede langt omkring. Forestillingerne om vikingetiden og vikingerne er mange, og alskens TV-serier og film har ikke gjort meget for at pille de traditionelle syn på tiden fra hinanden. Men de stereotype fremstillinger giver ikke en retvisende billede af livet i vikingetiden.I denne podcast Mehr lesen

    € 5,82

  • Hörbuch

    G/GESCHICHTE - Karl der Große - Krieger, Kaiser, Mythos

    Erzählt von Clemens Benke
    Series series G/GESCHICHTE Porträt


    2 Stunden 29  Minuten

    G/GESCHICHTE widmet sich in dieser Ausgabe dem großen Karl: Ob mächtiger Herrscher und Kaiser, furchtloser Kriegsherr oder Diplomat, Karl der Große wird so schnell nicht in eine Schublade gesteckt. Wie immer bei G/GESCHICHTE wird sich dem Titelthema hier auf vielfältige Weise genähert – man erfährt nicht nur, warum Aachen die kaiserliche Lieblingsresidenz war oder was es mit dem Rolandslied auf Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Hörbuch

    Great Medieval Mystics

    Series series Learn25: Literature


    7 Stunden 14  Minuten

    Join medieval literature expert Christopher R. Fee, Ph.D. to examine the foremost mystics from the Middle Ages through the lens of their greatest challenge: expression.In the medieval period, how did religious women and men put into words their intense—and intensely personal—devotional practices, visions, and experiences? And how did those efforts to articulate mystical experiences comport with Mehr lesen

    € 12,21

  • Hörbuch

    Великие сожженные. Средневековое правосудие, святая инкви­зиция и публичные казни

    Series series Страшно интересно


    11 Stunden 34  Minuten

    Рыцари-монахи, бившиеся с неверными. 17-летняя дева в мужских доспехах во главе войска. И философ-проныра, веривший в бесконечность вселенной — и это за 400 лет до открытий современной астрономии. Тамплиеры, Жанна д'Арк и Джордано Бруно: что объединяет этих людей? Их всех сожгли. Формально — за ересь, но некоторых еще и потому, что их смелость была нестерпима для общества, а идеи опережали ход Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    History of Europe for Kids: A Captivating Guide to European History, the Medieval Period, and Renaissance

    Erzählt von Jason Zenobia


    5 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Four manuscripts in one audiobook:European History for Kids Vol. 1: A Captivating Guide to the Early History of Europe from Prehistoric Times, through Ancient Europe and the Middle Ages, to the Renaissance and the Age of DiscoveryEuropean History for Kids Vol. 2: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe from the Age of Enlightenment through the Industrial Revolution to the 21st CenturyMedieval Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Weird Middle Ages, The: A Collection of Mysterious Stories, Odd Customs, and Strange Superstitions from Medieval Times

    Erzählt von Kelly McGee


    1 Stunde 43 Min.

    In the time period between the fall of Rome and the spread of the Renaissance across the European continent, many of today’s European nations were formed, the Catholic Church rose to great prominence, some of history’s most famous wars occurred, and a social class system was instituted that lasted over 1,000 years. A lot of activity took place during a period frequently labeled derogatively as the Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Bibelens myter og sandheder

    von Alt om Historie
    Erzählt von Peter Milling
    Serien Hörbuch 4 - Historiens største gåder


    3 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Selvom store dele af Biblens budskab hører de troende til, er historikere med møjsommelighed dykket ned i Det gamle og Det nye testamente og har brugt skrifterne som kilde til kortlægning af tiden, hvor verdens første civilisationer opstod. For nok er Biblens historier umulige at bekræfte fra et historisk perspektiv, men måske har myterne ophav i virkelige hændelser. Derfor jagter geologer Mehr lesen

    € 9,23

  • Hörbuch


    von Stig Strömholm
    Erzählt von Søren Elung Jensen


    10 Stunden 54  Minuten

    "Dalen", der er første bind i Stig Strömholms historiske romantrilogi, handler om en ung gallisk-romersk aristokrat, den 16-årige Titus Parridius Gratus.Vi følger ham gennem 12 forårsdage i år 451 e.Kr. på den ensomt beliggende herregård i Elsass på grænsen mellem Germanien og Gallien tæt ved den by, der i dag hedder Strasbourg. Her har ynglingen hidtil levet et beskyttet liv. Men Romerriget er Mehr lesen

    € 14,07