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Neues Testament Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Man for Mankind, The - The Story of Jesus as told by the Beloved Disciple

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Archie G


    1 Stunde 28 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.In this descriptive presentation I have sought for a means to acquaint the scriptwriter with the real quality and aims of JESUS - independent of Christian teaching and theology, and without the necessity of having him portrayed by an actor. I have therefore employed the device, as a means of communication to the scriptwriter - and I hope inspiration - Mehr lesen

    € 3,06

  • Hörbuch

    The Nativity Story

    von Angela Hunt
    Erzählt von Renée Raudman


    6 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Bestselling author Angela Hunt, who most recently wrote Magdalene, a historical fiction novel of the story of Mary Magdalene that was tied to The Da Vinci Code, now focuses on Mary, the mother of Jesus. She has adapted the screenplay for The Nativity Story into a powerful historical novel. Her moving novelization of this film tells the extraordinary tale of two common people, Mary and Joseph, a Mehr lesen

    € 16,29

  • Hörbuch

    Witness at the Cross

    A Beginner's Guide to Holy Friday

    von Amy-Jill Levine
    Erzählt von Nan McNamara


    6 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple from the Gospel of John; Mary Magdalene and the other women from Galilee; the two men, usually identified as thieves, crucified with Jesus; the centurion and the soldiers; Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Jews and Romans, friends and strangers, the powerful and the powerless, the Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    花兒有聲聖經 路加福音2 大好的信息

    von 花兒工作室
    Erzählt von 花兒工作室


    1 Stunde 10 Min.

    耶穌前往聖城耶路撒冷:路加福音第九章到第十二章,耶穌的門徒在與耶穌傳福音的過程當中,認出了耶穌是神所立的基督 (也就是救世主)。於是,耶穌就向門徒預言祂自己的受苦、受死與復活,並且開始動身前往聖城耶路撒冷,準備迎接即將臨到祂身上的苦難。耶穌在前往聖城途中傳道:路加福音第十三章到第十八章,耶穌在前往聖城耶路撒冷的途中,繼續醫治病人、施行神蹟、並且向眾人傳揚神國的福音。耶穌用許多的比喻來教導眾人福音的內容,並且勸勉眾人要成為跟隨祂的門徒,雖然成為跟隨耶穌的門徒,必須付上極高的代價。講者:花兒工作室標榜「讓聖經好好聽」的花兒有聲聖經,不怕你聖經讀不懂,就怕你不知用聽的也能將上帝的話牢牢記在心裡!專業的廣播人用廣播演繹的方式,並由不用人物分飾角色,讓你聽聖經就有亮光喔!!章節:路加福音2 大好的信息第01章路加福音2 大好的信息第02章路加福音2 大好的信息第03章路加福音2 Mehr lesen

    € 2,89

  • Hörbuch

    das buch

    Neues Testament und Psalmen

    von Roland Werner
    Erzählt von Andreas Malessa


    30 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Roland Werners Bibelübersetzung ist elegant und geschliffen, dabei aber nicht intellektuell abgehoben. Im Gegenteil - oft ist die Sprache im besten Sinne berührend. Die Psalmen zeichnen sich durch eine besonders poetische Sprachgestalt aus, die aber nichts von der Wucht des hebräischen Textes nimmt. In diesem Hörbuch hat sie ihren passenden Sprecher gefunden! Die angenehme und ausdrucksstarke Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    Blessed Virgin Mary, The

    A Catholic Guide to The Mother of God in Your Life

    von Dan Crosby
    Erzählt von Dan Crosby
    Series series Learn25: Religion


    4 Stunden 58  Minuten

    From the earliest days of the Church, Mary has loomed large in traditions, doctrines, and devotions. Aside from Jesus Christ, more has been written about her than any other Christian figure. And yet much confusion about her role persists. Luckily, this audio series brings you just the guide to help demystify the Mother of God: acclaimed spiritual director and retreat master Fr. Dan Crosby, O.F.M., Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Why I Love the Apostle Paul

    30 Reasons

    von John Piper
    Erzählt von Michael Beck


    5 Stunden 2  Minuten

    “Besides Jesus, no one has kept me from despair, or taken me deeper into the mysteries of the gospel, than the apostle Paul.” ―John PiperNo one has had a greater impact on the world for eternal good than the apostle Paul―except Jesus himself. For John Piper, this impact is very personal. He does not just admire and trust Paul. He loves him. Piper gives us thirty glimpses into why his heart and Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Twelve Unlikely Heroes

    How God Commissioned Unexpected People in the Bible and What He Wants to Do with You

    Erzählt von Maurice England


    8 Stunden 8  Minuten

    John MacArthur reveals how God worked through ordinary people in some unexpected ways.Far from the children's tales depicted in picture books and nursery rhymes, the men and women highlighted in the Bible were unnervingly real. They faltered. They struggled. And at times they fell short. Yet God worked through them in surprising and incredible ways to accomplish His purposes. Scripture does not Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch

    Obstacles Welcome

    How to Turn Adversity into Advantage in Business and in Life

    Erzählt von Cesar Ramones


    5 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Ralph de la Vega, President and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, shares the lessons learned in business and in life along the journey from Cuba to Corporate America.Ralph de la Vega arrived in the United States from Cuba in 1962. He was alone. He was scared. He was 10. Separated from his parents by Cuban authorities just moments before they were to board a plane to Miami, de la Vega was Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    Saint Peter: Upon This Rock, a Biography

    Erzählt von Not Yet Available
    Series series Learn25: Religion


    3 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Join one of the world's leading New Testament scholars in exploring the life of Peter, the rock of the Church.An apostle, preacher, bishop, and martyr, Peter is one of the most important figures in early Christianity. Indeed, Catholics believe that the pope is the successor to St. Peter.Now, in this fascinating course, you will explore the powerful portraits of Peter found in the New Testament. Mehr lesen

    € 18,29

  • Hörbuch

    A Warrior's Faith

    Navy SEAL Ryan Job, a Life-Changing Firefight, and the Belief That Transformed His Life

    von Robert Vera
    Erzählt von Dave Hoffman


    4 Stunden 40  Minuten

    An exhilarating story of a young Navy SEAL whose relentless faith transformed his life and inspired everyone who knew his courageous story.In A Warrior’s Faith, Ryan Job’s close friend, Robert Vera, recounts how the highly decorated Navy SEAL’s unstoppable sense of humor, positive attitude, and fierce determination helped him survive after being shot in the face by an enemy sniper on a roof in Mehr lesen

    € 19,79

  • Hörbuch

    Fyodor Dostoevsky

    A Biography of a Novelist, Writer, and Student of the Human Condition

    Erzählt von John Behrens
    Series series Christian Encounters Series


    4 Stunden 20  Minuten

    In his twenties, Fydor Dostoevsky, son of a Moscow doctor, graduate of a military academy, and rising star of Russian literature, found himself standing in front of a firing squad, accused of subversive activities against the Russian Tsar. Then the drums rolled, signaling that instead he was to be exiled to the living death of Siberia.Siberia was so cold the mercury froze in the thermometer. In Mehr lesen

    € 19,79

  • Hörbuch

    The Portable Patriot

    Documents, Speeches, and Sermons That Compose the American Soul


    7 Stunden 56  Minuten

    What does it mean to think, believe, and act like an American? Get the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other important United States historical documents all in one book!The soul of America is far more than a concept—it is a people. Even the most sacred principles mean very little unless lived out passionately by an informed citizenry. In The Portable Patriot Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch

    The Christmas Story: What Really Happened

    von Chuck Missler
    Erzählt von Chuck Missler


    1 Stunde 52 Min.

    Dr. Chuck Missler, a widely recognized Biblical authority, updates his classic study of Christmas for 2007. He explores the background, and myths, surrounding our favorite holiday. What really happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago? Who were the "Magi?" Why a virgin birth? What does a Christmas Tree have to do with it?Each year at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.After the Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch

    *Day I Met Jesus

    The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels


    4 Stunden 52  Minuten

    Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a beautifully crafted narrative that chronicles the remarkable encounters of five women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the Mehr lesen

    € 13,22

  • Hörbuch

    Jesus: Audio Bible Studies

    The God Who Knows Your Name

    von Max Lucado
    Erzählt von Max Lucado
    Series series Audio Bible Studies


    1 Stunde 51 Min.

    Do you find it more difficult to think of Jesus Christ as a human, like you, than to think of him as God?You may believe in God, and you may believe Jesus is God, but many Christians find it difficult to think of him as a real person--fully human as he was fully divine.Award-winning author Max Lucado reveals in this audio Bible study that in order to really know God and understand the Gospel, it's Mehr lesen

    € 15,39

  • Hörbuch

    Signs and Secrets of the Messiah

    A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus

    Erzählt von Jason Sobel, Neil Hellegers


    6 Stunden 56  Minuten

    Are you or someone you love desperate for a miracle? As witnessed through Scripture, the God who was and is and is to come has been performing miracles from the beginning of time—so you can trust that Jesus wants to do something miraculous in your life today.In this follow-up to his book Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel dives deep into Scripture, biblical culture, and ancient texts to Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    The God of the Other Side: Audio Bible Studies

    Erzählt von Joanne Moody, Kathie Gifford
    Series series Audio Bible Studies


    2 Stunden 17  Minuten

    In the Gospels, we often read of Jesus telling his disciples to travel to the “other side” of the Sea of Galilee. What we don’t often realize is what this other side represented. It was the region of the Decapolis, where many pagan religions were practiced. The disciples, under Jewish law, would have been considered unclean even to step foot there.In this six-session video Bible study, Kathie Lee Mehr lesen

    € 15,39

  • Hörbuch

    Five Views on the New Testament Canon

    Erzählt von James R. Cheatham


    9 Stunden 52  Minuten

    **What historical, political, and ecclesial realities drove the canonization of the New Testament?How are the doctrines of Early Christianity related to the formation of the New Testament?Should the New Testament differ in authority from other early Christian texts?**As these questions demonstrate, the enduring influence of the New Testament does not lessen the dispute over the events and factors Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Pontius Pilate

    A Novel

    von Paul L. Maier
    Erzählt von David Colacci


    15 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Award-winning historian and bestselling author Paul L. Maier has created a compelling style of documentary fiction. He uses what is historically known of Pilate's life, adds in the known political climate of first-century Judea, and unveils the colorful, untold story that changed history. He provides intriguing answers to questions such as:● What really happened at that most famous of trials?● Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Historical Jesus, The: Understanding Jesus' Life, Times, and Ministry

    Erzählt von Not Yet Available
    Series series Learn25: Religion


    8 Stunden 52  Minuten

    Embark on the quest for the historical Jesus.For nearly 2,000 years, Christians have followed the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, called Messiah or Christ in the New Testament. Indeed, no other person has had such a wide-ranging and powerful impact on the history of the Western world. This has compelled scholars and the faithful alike to undertake the quest for knowledge about his life Mehr lesen

    € 25,42

  • Hörbuch

    John the Baptist

    Erzählt von Raymond F. Collins
    Series series Learn25: Religion


    2 Stunden 29  Minuten

    Who was the John the Baptist, and why is he so important?A powerful figure in all four gospels, St. John the Baptist nevertheless remains shrouded in mystery. What do we know about his life on the margins of first-century Palestine? And how can the gospels and Dead Sea Scrolls help us to understand the ministry and message of this New Testament prophet?You will discover the fascinating answers to Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch


    A Theography

    Erzählt von Tom Parks


    13 Stunden 44  Minuten

    Introducing a new kind of Jesus biography: Transform the tired and familiar way you have read the Bible into an electrifying journey of rediscovering Christ. In this compelling work, authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola reclaim the entire Bible as a gripping narrative about Jesus Christ.Jesus says, “The Scriptures point to me!” (John 5:39 NLT). But what does that mean exactly?Virtually every Mehr lesen

    € 29,69

  • Hörbuch

    Johann Sebastian Bach

    A Biography of One of History's Most Influential Composers

    von Rick Marschall
    Erzählt von Mark Smeby
    Series series Christian Encounters Series


    4 Stunden 33  Minuten

    Two-and-a-half centuries after his death, the complex life of composer Johann Sebastian Bach continues to fascinate.Bach's colorful life was anchored in his belief that "music has been ordered by God's Spirit"?so much so that he began each composition by scrawling Jesu, juva (Jesus, help me) at the top of a blank page and concluded each with S.D.G. (short for Soli Deo Gloria, to God alone be the Mehr lesen

    € 19,79