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Recht Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Inmate DNA

    von PBS NewsHour
    Erzählt von PBS NewsHour


    6 Min.

    After spending 35 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, Florida inmate James Bain has become the longest-serving prisoner to be exonerated using DNA evidence.A court-mandated DNA test proved Bain was wrongly convicted of sexual assault in 1974.According to Innocence Project co-director Barry Scheck, head of the group that helped free Bain, there have been 248 post-conviction exonerations Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    We See It All

    Liberty and Justice in an Age of Perpetual Surveillance

    von Jon Fasman
    Erzählt von Jason Culp


    9 Stunden 57  Minuten

    This investigation into the legal, political, and moral issues surrounding how the police and justice system use surveillance technology asks the question: what are citizens of a free country willing to tolerate in the name of public safety?The police now have unparalleled power at their fingertips: surveillance technology. Seamless, persistent, even permanent surveillance is available—sometimes Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    Authoritative Pre-Marriage Agreement, The

    A Guide to Building a Stronger Future Together

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Padma G


    2 Stunden 54  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice."The Authoritative Pre-Marriage Agreement: A Guide to Building a Stronger Future Together" gives couples a no-nonsense roadmap for planning their marriage. This timely book makes crystal clear what a couple must do to resolve every major issue that will arise in any marriage, from money and communication to personal growth. Ideally suited for newly Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Estatuto do Idoso

    von Rubens Souza


    1 Stunde 25 Min.

    Dispõe sobre o Estatuto do Idoso e dá outras providências. Excelente material de pesquisa e estudo. Tem o propósito de colaborar, de forma eficaz, com o ingresso do candidato no cargo público almejado. Mehr lesen

    € 5,48

  • Hörbuch

    Without Precedent

    Chief Justice John Marshall and His Times

    Erzählt von Fred Sanders


    17 Stunden 11  Minuten

    From the author of Unlikely Allies and Indivisible comes the remarkable story of John Marshall who, as chief justice, statesman, and diplomat, played a pivotal role in the founding of the United States.No member of America's Founding Generation had a greater impact on the Constitution and the Supreme Court than John Marshall, and no one did more to preserve the delicate unity of the fledgling Mehr lesen

    € 25,47

  • Hörbuch

    Auction Cheats, Hacks, Hints, Tips, And Tricks That Every Auction Enthusiast Needs To Know

    von Trevor Clinger
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Maxwell G


    17 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Master the art of bidding with "Auction Cheats, Hacks, Hints, Tips, and Tricks That Every Auction Enthusiast Needs to Know"! This indispensable guide is designed for both novice and seasoned bidders, offering insider strategies to help you navigate auctions like a pro. Discover essential tips for researching items, understanding bidding tactics, and Mehr lesen

    € 1,02

  • Hörbuch

    Love at the Crossroads

    Navigating the Common Causes of Divorce and Building a Strong Relationship

    von A. G. Babs
    Erzählt von Yenni Ann


    1 Stunde 27 Min.

    Are you struggling in your relationship and do not know where to turn?Love at the Crossroads: Navigating the Common Causes of Divorce and Building a Strong Relationship is here to guide you through the toughest challenges of maintaining a long-lasting and healthy relationship.In this comprehensive guide, acclaimed marriage counsellors and authors provide the essential tools and strategies to Mehr lesen

    € 4,01

  • Hörbuch

    Pessoas com deficiência mental ou intelectual autoras de ilícito penal e medida de segurança

    uma perspectiva a partir do processo estrutural


    8 Stunden

    Ao se pautar pelo fundamento da periculosidade para justificar a imposição de medida de segurança às pessoas com deficiência mental ou intelectual autoras de ilícito penal, o Sistema de Justiça Criminal acaba por permitir o aprisionamento delas nos manicômios judiciários. Essa forma de responsabilização penal encontra-se divorciada da perspectiva da reforma psiquiátrica, deixando ainda de Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    Gammeldansk ret. Dansk rets historie i oldtid og middelalder

    von Ole Fenger
    Erzählt von Peter Milling


    5 Stunden 34  Minuten

    "Lov er lov og lov skal holdes", siger man. Men loven er blevet ændret hele danmarkshistorien igennem. I professor Ole Fengers utraditionelle retshistorie om lov og ret vises, hvordan reglerne hele tiden skifter. For eksempel maner det til eftertanke, at "staten" og dens magtapparat højst er 300 år gammel, og at begrebet den private ejendomsret er endnu yngre.Ole Fenger (1931-2003) var dansk Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Hörbuch

    MBE Examination

    Master the Multistate Bar Examination: Ace the 2024-2025 MBE on Your First Attempt | 200+ Practice Questions | Realistic Sample Questions with Detailed Explanations

    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    6 Stunden 1  Minuten

    ⭐⭐ Includes Questions & Answers! ⭐⭐Are you aiming to advance in your legal career and solidify your knowledge by successfully passing the MBE Exam 2024-2025?Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to pass the MBE Exam 2024-2025?Your search ends here!This guide serves as your definitive companion for deepening your understanding, applying your skills, and engaging i... Mehr lesen

    € 9,37

  • Hörbuch

    Effective Communication for Divorced Families

    7 Ways to Communicate Effectively in a Divorced or Separated Family

    von Frank Dixon
    Erzählt von Shawn Lennox
    Serien Hörbuch 4 - The Master Parenting Series


    1 Stunde 6 Min.

    What If a Few Simple Communication Skills Could Improve Relationships in Your Separated Family?Do you feel overwhelmed trying to communicate properly in your separated or divorced family?We all know how complicated it can be......constantly having to deal with difficult conversations, mixed emotions, heated discussions and a lot of frustration.Fortunately, there is a solution to ... Mehr lesen

    € 4,01

  • Hörbuch


    How Immigration Became Illegal

    von Aviva Chomsky
    Erzählt von Frankie Corzo


    7 Stunden 45  Minuten

    A longtime immigration activist explores what it means to be an undocumented American in this “impassioned and well-reported case for change” (New York Times).In this illuminating work, immigrant rights activist Aviva Chomsky shows how “illegality” and “undocumentedness” are concepts that were created to exclude and exploit. With a focus on US policy, she probes how people, especially Mexican and Mehr lesen

    € 15,28

  • Hörbuch

    Fibi die Drachenbändigerin

    Teil 10: Der Herrscher der Winde


    36 Min.

    Um den Bewohnern der siebten Welt zu helfen, müssen Fibi und ihre Freunde zum Herrscher der Winde. Dieser wohnt auf dem sturmumtosten Siebenstein und hat keine Lust das Zauberbuch der kleinen Hexe zurückzugeben. Können sie das Buch zurückholen ohne von ihm vom Siebenstein runtergeblasen zu werden? Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Strafrecht AT I Definitionen

    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Strafrecht Definitionen


    16 Min.

    Hier findet ihr sämtliche Definitionen zum allgemeinen Teil des Strafrechts (Strafrecht AT I). Sowohl in den Anfangs-Semestern, als auch in späteren Semestern werden Definitionen wichtig sein. Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Hörbuch

    Depoimento especial de crianças e adolescentes sob o prisma da ampla defesa

    Erzählt von Voz Artificial


    3 Stunden 6  Minuten

    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a questão se o procedimento do depoimento especial de crianças e adolescentes, vítimas ou testemunhas de violência, implica cerceamento da defesa do suposto agressor, posto que, na evolução histórica e legislativa dos infantes, inúmeras fases tiveram que ser superadas para que fossem considerados sujeitos de direitos e que, assim, pudessem ter Mehr lesen

    € 7,49

  • Hörbuch


    Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

    von Daniel Shore
    Erzählt von Jacob Simmons


    53 Min.

    Unemployment, at its core, refers to a state in which individuals who are willing and able to work are unable to secure employment opportunities. However, this seemingly straightforward definition belies the intricate interplay of factors that contribute to the phenomenon. From structural shifts in industries to cyclical fluctuations in economic activity, the causes of unemployment are varied and Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Direito Societário Parte 4

    Acordos, administração, decisões e fiscalização nas sociedades

    Erzählt von Sandra Silvério


    4 Stunden 37  Minuten

    Os audiolivros da série Direito Societário, de Eduardo Goulart Pimenta, abordam de forma aprofundada todas as questões envolvendo a legislação referente às empresas e sociedades empresárias. Nesta parte (4), são abordados os principais aspectos ligados à administração, às decisões e à fiscalização. Escute também as outras partes. A parte 1 trata do aspecto econômico, da constituição e dos tipos Mehr lesen

    € 6,86

  • Hörbuch

    Constitutional Clarity

    A Simple Guide to Constitutional Law

    Erzählt von Jack Pemberton


    3 Stunden 55  Minuten

    Unlock the Secrets of the ConstitutionEver felt overwhelmed or confused by the intricacies of the U.S. Constitution? You're not alone. The foundation of American governance, the Constitution can often seem complex and inaccessible. But what if there was a guide that made it all simple?Dive into Constitutional Clarity: A Simple Guide to Constitutional Law and discover the Constitution like never Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Legal Proceedings Being a Witness; Deponent; Plaintiff or Defendant

    von Deaver Brown
    Erzählt von Deaver Brown
    Series series Legal


    53 Min.

    This title explains what to do and not to do in various legal appearances. The advice will help you stay out of trouble and take some control of events for your own benefit. Widely used by law firms to instruct their clients in these areas. Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Professioneller Handel Mit Kryptowährungen

    Mit Ausgereiften Strategien, Tools Und Risikomanagementtechniken Zum Börsenerfolg

    von Alan T. Norman
    Erzählt von Christina Bergmann


    5 Stunden 4  Minuten

    In diesem Buch finden Sie das schnellste und profitabelste Kryptowährungs-Tool 2019, mit dem Sie zu den Gewinnern gehören. Es braucht nahezu keine Investitionen und erzielt auch bei einem fallenden Markt Gewinne. Es gibt Dutzende Möglichkeiten, mit Kryptowährungen Geld zu verdienen, und fast jeden Tag erscheinen neue:- Mining - Investment - Ico Equipment- Verkaufsratgeber - Ausgabe neuer Krypto Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch

    Unrecht im Namen des Volkes

    Erzählt von Gina Pietsch


    10 Stunden

    Unschuldig schuldig – wie dieser Widerspruch wahr werden kann, zeigt Kriminalreporterin Sabine Rückert in ihrem Werk "Unrecht im Namen des Volkes". Zuvor hatte die Autorin in ihrem aufsehenerregenden Titel "Tote haben keine Lobby" anhand konkreter Fälle erzählt, wie viele Morde ungesühnt bleiben. In ihrem neuen Buch schildert sie nun anhand eines Missbrauchsvorwurfs, wie zwei unschuldige Menschen Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Anti-Federalist Papers

    von Patrick Henry
    Erzählt von John Clicman


    7 Stunden 56  Minuten

    The Anti-Federalist Papers is the collective name given to works written by the Founding Fathers who were opposed to or concerned with the merits of the United States Constitution of 1787. Starting on 25 September 1787 (8 days after the final draft of the US Constitution) and running through the early 1790s, these anti-Federalists published a series of essays arguing against a stronger and more Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    Socke Teil 2 Socke im Land des rubinroten Zauberers

    Serien Hörbuch 2 - Socke


    2 Stunden 1  Minuten

    ,,Socke im Land des rubinroten Zauberers'' ist das zweite große Abenteuer eines außergewöhnlichen Helden, einer Socke. Die ist durch ein kleines Wunder zum Leben erweckt worden und hat mittlerweile eine Freundin gefunden. Als Lisa plötzlich nicht mehr da ist, startet Socke eine Suchaktion die ihn ins Land des rubinroten Zauberers führt. Hat der Lisa entführt? Sockes Suche nach Lisa wird zu einer Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Essential Tax Knowledge Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Taxes Made Simple and Tax Strategies

    Erzählt von Marcus Mulenga


    42 Min.

    Essential Tax Knowledge Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Taxes Made Simple and Tax StrategiesThis bundle will discuss some of the common issues with taxes. Sometimes, tax rules can be complicated and hard to comprehend that's why most people don't really bother other than the obvious tax deductions. They're okay with just paying their taxes and moving on. But tax planning is absolutely essential for Mehr lesen

    € 7,58