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Schönes und Interessantes Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch


    von Aliyah Jackson
    Erzählt von Aliyah Jackson, Larry Fleming


    4 Min.

    SHOOT is a collection of 13 poems inspired by the many incidents of police brutality in 2020 as well and the black expeience of systemic racism in the United States. Written to heal myself, published to heal others. Mehr lesen


  • Hörbuch

    Lucille Ball Had No Eyebrows?

    Wait! What?

    von Dan Gutman
    Erzählt von Torian Brackett, Ariana Delawari


    1 Stunde 21 Min.

    From the best-selling author of My Weird School: a new entry in the cheerful and engaging biography series centered on high-interest historic figures.Did you know that Lucille Ball could pick up radio signals through her teeth? Or that her career was almost destroyed because she was a registered Communist? Bet you didn’t know that, as a studio executive, she green-lit both Star Trek and Mission: Mehr lesen

    € 9,16

  • Hörbuch

    Inglourious Poets - Gedichte

    von Max Czollek
    Erzählt von Max Czollek


    41 Min.

    In Inglourious Poets liest der Lyriker und Essayist Max Czollek Gedichte aus einem Jahrzehnt. Dabei folgt seine Auswahl seinem Konzept wehrhafter Poesie, mit welchem er das Grenzgebiet von Ästhetischer und gesellschaftlicher Praxis auslotet - zwischen Trauer und Angst, Wut und Angriff. Die Texte sind den Büchern "Druckkammern" (2012), "Jubeljahre" (2015) und "Grenzwerte" (2019) entnommen, die Mehr lesen

    € 4,50

  • Hörbuch

    Drumming for Beginners - Your Journey Into Playing Drums

    Erzählt von John Hays


    21 Min.

    Have you always had a secret desire to learn how to play the drums?Was it the expense of getting started or the difficulty that put you off in the past?Have you shaken off that negativity and have decided that now is the time to learn?Learning to play the drums is difficult for many people. The coordination and rhythm that is required doesn’t always come naturally and many start and then abruptly Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    Parts of a Book, The

    von Martha Rustad
    Erzählt von Various Narrators
    Series series Wonderful World of Reading


    2 Min.

    What has a spine, a table, and a cover? A book, of course! Open this cover to learn about the parts of a book. Mehr lesen

    € 3,56

  • Hörbuch

    Magician at Work

    Erzählt von Highlights for Children
    Series series Read With Highlight


    4 Min.

    The author describes Josh Kropkof's love for illusions and his journey to achieve his magical dream. Mehr lesen

    € 2,55

  • Hörbuch

    Poemas de Amor en Español

    Colección de Poesía Universal

    von Sarah Aurtkov
    Erzählt von Voz Digital Susana G


    1 Stunde 2 Min.

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.Este audiolibro de poesía es un viaje hacia el corazón de las emociones y los sentimientos. Con versos que desbordan de melancolía, tristeza y amor, cada poema es una oportunidad para conectarte con tu ser más profundo y sentir la fuerza poética en toda su intensidad. La poesía es un lenguaje que trasciende las palabras y te invita a explorar las Mehr lesen

    € 2,54

  • Hörbuch

    Skolerevyen, Rød læseklub

    von Gertrude Kiel
    Erzählt von Mette Marie Fisker
    Series series Læseklub


    27 Min.

    Britta går i femte klasse og har meldt sig til at optræde i skolerevyen. Hun har skrevet en sang, og hun vil selv spille guitar til. Men da hun ser sit navn på listen over frivillige, bliver hun alligevel i tvivl. Tør hun?Gertrude Kiel (f. 1983) er børnebogsforfatter, tapetmager og foredragsholder. Hendes bøger bevæger sig ofte imellem det kunstneriske, det filosofiske og det naturvidenskabelige. Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Practicing for Singers

    A Guide to Solid Practice Habits

    Erzählt von Joanie Brittingham


    3 Stunden 56  Minuten

    A practical guide for making the most of your practice sessions, with actionable advice and invaluable resources–all delivered with insight and good humor. Practicing can be overwhelming, but there are ways to develop practice habits that improve your music learning and help you reach your goals. In this book, you will find easy steps for building your practice routine, from setting intentions to Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch

    The Profitable Content System

    The Ultimate Guide on How to Create and Repurpose Your Content, Discover the Best Ways on How to Make the Most Out Of Your Content

    von Miles Rizzo
    Erzählt von Marcus Mulenga


    36 Min.

    The Profitable Content System: The Ultimate Guide on How to Create and Repurpose Your Content, Discover the Best Ways on How to Make the Most Out Of Your ContentYou are probably already familiar with creating content or at least how to come up with one. But if you have existing content that you have not been reusing or repurposing, you are wasting time and money. Learning how to reuse your content Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    On many melancholic moons

    von KUNAL ROY
    Erzählt von KUNAL ROY
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Verses of the soul


    12 Min.

    "Prepare to embark on a breath-taking emotional voyage as you dive into the enchanting world of 'On Many Melancholy Moons,' a poetry collection like no other. With each page turned you'll be swept away on a rollercoaster of feelings, accompanied by a captivating ambient soundtrack that elevates the entire reading experience.This collection is not just words on paper; it's a profound exploration of Mehr lesen

    € 4,23

  • Hörbuch

    Der Ring des Nibelungen - Oper erzählt als Hörspiel mit Musik, Teil 3: Siegfried


    2 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Richard Wagners (1813-1883) monumentaler, vierteiliger Opern-Zyklus "Der Ring des Nibelungen" wird traditionell an vier aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen aufgeführt. Der dritte Teil, "Siegfried", wird als packendes, effektreiches Hörspiel von Schauspielerinnen und Schauspielern und mit bekannten Arien und tragender Opernmusik dargeboten. Vor jedem Akt der Opern erfolgt eine verständliche Einführung, Mehr lesen

    € 11,54

  • Hörbuch

    Road to Oz, The

    A Radio Dramatization

    Serien Hörbuch 5 - Oz


    1 Stunde 58 Min.

    The Road to Oz is the fifth adventure in the magical Land of Oz.Dorothy and Toto are off again on an exciting adventure down The Road to Oz!In order to help the lovable, ever-wandering Shaggy Man, Dorothy and Toto must journey through magical and mysterious lands. Soon the three are joined by a lost lad named Button-Bright and the beautiful young Polychromethe Rainbow's Daughter. With magic at Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Командная работа: Запуск проекта любой сложности

    Series series Навыки будущего для подростков


    2 Stunden 31  Minuten

    В жизни как в компьютерной игре: проходить квест в одиночку сложно, а иногда просто невозможно. Гораздо эффективнее подобрать команду, в которой у каждого есть свой талант и своя зона ответственности, и вместе идти к цели. Виктория Шиманская, психолог со стажем, автор уникальной методики развития эмоционального интеллекта у детей. Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch

    Only the Best

    The Exceptional Life and Fashion of Ann Lowe


    28 Min.

    A careful snip, a delicate fold. Fabric the color of new petals. Skirts that flare like upside-down blossoms. A garden bursts into bloom!There is no "good enough." For Ann, only the best will do.Award-winning author Kate Messner and costume historian Margaret E. Powell tell the powerful story of the groundbreaking Ann Lowe, who grew up in a small Alabama dress shop and became the first nationally Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Hörbuch


    von 康原, 施福珍
    Erzählt von 施福珍
    Serien Hörbuch 17 - 小書迷


    47 Min.

    國中小鄉土教學最佳教材教育部頒訂台羅拼音註解施福珍老師賦予台灣傳統唸謠「點仔膠」、「火金姑」、「羞羞羞」新生命,譜曲後的「點仔膠」更成為街頭巷尾最流行的囡仔歌,傳唱不輟。◎25首由施福珍老師改寫台灣傳統唸謠或創作成囡仔歌童謠,包括最耳熟能詳的「點仔膠」、「火金姑」、「羞羞羞」、「一兼二顧」,以及最貼近時代的創作童謠「電視機」、「小學生」等,呈現出最台灣味的囡仔歌,帶你認識最台灣的鄉土味。◎最台灣的諺語和傳奇故事不只教唱囡仔歌,更融合相關諺語和故事,唱一首囡仔歌,等於讀了無數個台灣諺語及前人智慧。作者簡介康原一九四七年出生在芳苑鄉,現居彰化市香山里。曾獲第六屆磺溪文學獎特別貢獻獎、吳濁流文學獎新詩獎,以及文化部「金鼎獎」。曾任賴和紀念館館長、彰化師大臺文所「作家講座」、南華大學文學系「講座作家」,及彰化師大「彰化學」叢書總策劃。二○二一年彰化師大駐校作家。重要著作:《懷念老臺灣》、 Mehr lesen

    € 7,21

  • Hörbuch

    The Alphabet's Alphabet

    von Chris Harris
    Erzählt von Katie Schorr


    6 Min.

    For fans of P is for Pterodactyl comes this groundbreaking spin on the ABCs from an acclaimed bestselling author and artist duo!Here's a totally twisted take on the alphabet that invites readers to look at it in a whole new way: An A is an H that just won't stand up right, a B is a D with its belt on too tight, and a Z is an L in a tug-of-war fight! Twenty-six letters, unique from each other -- Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Frank Sinatra

    His Life, His Music Career and His Acting Career

    von Kelly Mass
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Matt G


    1 Stunde 1 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.A luminary on both the silver screen and the melodious stage, Francis Albert Sinatra left an indelible mark as an actor and singer in the annals of American entertainment. Hailing from the vibrant city of Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra emerged as an iconic figure, embodying the heart and soul of Italian immigrants.Steeped in the melodic nuances inspired Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Highlights Listen & Learn!: To Sea

    An Immersive Audio Study for Grade 5

    Series series Highlights Listen & Learn!


    1 Stunde 12 Min.

    Highlights Listen & Learn! Audio Studies are the perfect tools for educators, parents, and students. With full lessons that present key comprehension skills, an educational audiobook, and multiple-choice questions, these studies help listeners better understand elements such as plot, characterization, vocabulary, and other essential foundational skills. This Highlights Listen & Learn! Audio Study, Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Die Abenteuer der Rasselbande

    Der falsche Freund

    von Paddy Kroetz
    Erzählt von Paddy Kroetz, Thomas Karallus


    47 Min.

    Das Kindermusical von Paddy Kroetz (Toggo TV) mit Nick und seinen Freunden von der Rasselbande. Die Musik stammt aus der Feder von Hans-Jörg Fischer, als Erzähler fungiert Thomas Karallus (Synchronstimme des Doug Heffernan aus King of Queens). Nick der Erfinder lebt mit seinen Freunden Lana, Lucy und Winfried von Admin in Oberschlausitz. Als die mal wieder keine Zeit für ihn haben, erfindet Nick Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Hörbuch

    A Midsummer Night's Dream

    von Anna Claybourne
    Erzählt von Lolly Adefope
    Serien Hörbuch 26 - Short, Sharp Shakespeare Stories


    1 Stunde 12 Min.

    The course of true love never did run smooth...A fairy king, his queen and their servants cause chaos and confusion between four young people in Ancient Greece... Listen on, through magic and mischief, to discover the hilarious story at the heart of A Midsummer Night's Dream, one of Shakespeare's best-loved plays.As well as the story, this audiobook contains information about the background to A Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Vocab Galaxy Exploring New Words For 6th Graders

    Words To Expand Your Vocabulary

    von Sophia Mitchell
    Erzählt von Mary Shilshole, Andrew Heisler
    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Vocabulary Learning


    1 Stunde 53 Min.

    This is a vocabulary learning course targeted at a 6th grade level. Examples of the words included in this course are arid, thesis, hazardous, verdict, nationality and ratio. Words are examined in multiple ways to reinforce learning, since you need to be exposed to words 10-20 times in different contexts in order to understand new vocabulary and then use it appropriately. For example, words are Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Jump Back, Paul

    The Life and Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar

    von Sally Derby
    Erzählt von Bahni Turpin, Dion Graham


    2 Stunden 35  Minuten

    Experience the breadth and depth of Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poetry—and learn how it reflects his singular life as a late-nineteenth-century black man.Did you know that Paul Laurence Dunbar originated such famous lines as "I know why the caged bird sings" and "We wear the mask that grins and lies"? From his childhood in poverty and his early promise as a poet through his struggles to find acceptance Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Panama Canal, The

    von Rebecca Stefoff
    Erzählt von Various Narrators
    Series series Engineering Wonders


    22 Min.

    This title explores and explains how the Panama Canal was built. The canal's construction is described in terms of the engineering process. The book explores why the canal was built and describes the design stages and technologies used during construction. The book also describes the challenges builders faced while building the canal. Mehr lesen

    € 4,06