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Sikhismus Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch


    Fansi De Takhte Ton Jail Chitian


    9 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Azadnama (Fansi De Takhte Ton Jail Chitian) is a significant compilation of letters penned by Shaheed Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukha and Shaheed Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda while they were imprisoned in Yervada Jail, Pune, prior to their martyrdom on October 9, 1992. This collection, titled Azadnama, offers an intimate glimpse into the thoughts, emotions, and ideologies of these revered Sikh martyrs Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    japji edición española, meditación,espiritualidad

    viaje para el alma

    Erzählt von Thaminder Singh Anand


    46 Min.

    1.viaje hacia la espiritualidadGuru Granth Sahib es un gurú eterno, una composición poética de gurús sikh,santos hindúes y musulmanes. La compilación es un regalo de Dios a través deellos a toda la humanidad. La visión del Gurú Granth Sahib es la de una sociedad basada en la justicia Divina sin opresión de ningún tipo.Si bien Granth reconoce y respeta las escrituras del hinduismo y el Islam, no Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    Shaheedi Saka Bhai Taru Singh Ji

    Bhai Taru Singh Ji Da Upkari Jeewan

    von Swaran Singh
    Erzählt von Harpreet Kaur


    2 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Shaheedi Saka Bhai Taru Singh Ji by Swaran SinghIn this book, the author gives a detailed account of Bhai Taru Singh Ji's martyrdom. It also talks about two important phases of his life before his sacrifice. These phases show his deep devotion to God, his selfless and helpful nature as a Khalsa, and his dedication to serving the Sikh community.Before becoming a martyr, Bhai Taru Singh was known Mehr lesen

    € 7,34

  • Hörbuch

    Anand Sahib Da Guhaj

    Saachi Live ton Sehaj Atte Anand teek

    Erzählt von Harpreet kaur


    14 Stunden 18  Minuten

    Book: Anand Sahib Da GuhajAuthor: Ram Singh CaliforniaAnand Sahib Da Guhaj offers a deep and insightful commentary on Guru Amar Das Ji’s Anand Sahib, revealing its spiritual essence and timeless wisdom. Ram Singh California explores the path to inner bliss and contentment, making the teachings of this sacred Sikh composition accessible and relevant for modern readers. A valuable guide for seekers Mehr lesen

    € 17,06

  • Hörbuch

    Lao Zi. Le dragon de sagesse


    3 Stunden 7  Minuten

    Avec cette introduction à Lao Zi, contemporain de Confucius, vous chevaucherez les idées d'un dragon de la sagesse chinoise. Les concepts souvent déroutants du mouvement créatif des opposés, du non-agir, du vide et de la recherche de l'équilibre intérieur vous seront dévoilés, tout en conservant leur poésie et leur mystère. L'auteur vous invite à trouver la juste mesure entre l'action et la non Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Light We Give

    How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life

    Erzählt von Simran Jeet Singh


    9 Stunden 26  Minuten

    **A National Bestseller“I love this book… It is rich in wisdom, religious and personal, and it is absolutely charming.” —Anne Lamott, author of Dusk, Night, Dawn and Help, Thanks, WowAn inspiring approach to a happier, more fulfilling life through Sikh teachings on love and service.**As a boy growing up in South Texas, Simran Jeet Singh and his brothers confronted racism daily: at school, in their Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Canción Lírica Española,espiritualidad,japji

    viaje hacia la espiritualidad

    Erzählt von thaminder singh anand


    1 Stunde 28 Min.

    1.viaje del almaLa humildad es un aspecto importante del sijismo. Según esto, los sijs deben inclinarse con humildad ante Dios. Humildad o Nimrata, en punjabi, son palabras estrechamente relacionadas. Nimrata es una virtud que se promueve vigorosamente en Gurbani. La traducción de esta palabra punjabi es "humildad", "benevolencia" o "humildad". Alguien cuya mente no se distrae con el pensamiento Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    японский русский, медитация ,духовность

    путешествие для души

    Erzählt von Thaminder Singh Anand


    42 Min.

    1.Путешествие для души2.даршан для путешествийФилософия сикхизма характеризуется логикой, всесторонностью и подходом «без излишеств» к духовному и материальному мирам. Его богословие отличается простотой. В сикхской этике нет конфликта между долгом человека перед собой и долгом перед обществом (сангат).Сикхизм – самая молодая мировая религия, основанная Гуру Нанаком около 500 лет назад. Он Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    Critical Study of The Life and Teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev, A

    The Founder of Sikhism

    Erzählt von Alexander Thomas


    3 Stunden 36  Minuten

    The importance of Sikh History is being felt more and more keenly every day. Sikhism as one of the religious systems of the world, perhaps has the most recent origin and yet the remarkable progress which it made in the land of its birth within three short centuries is quite unique.The year 2024 is a special one for Sikhs around the world as it marks the 555th Birth Anniversary of the founder of Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Hörbuch

    japji kiswahili, kutafakari

    safari kwa roho

    Erzählt von Thaminder Singh Anand


    58 Min.

    1.safari kwa roho2.Safari ya kuelekea KirohoGuru Granth Sahib ni Guru aliye hai wa milele, muundo wa kishairi wa Sikh Gurus, Watakatifu wa Kihindu na Waislamu. Mkusanyiko huo ni zawadi kutoka kwa Mungu kupitia kwao kwa wanadamu wote. Maono katika Guru Granth Sahib ni ya jamii yenye msingi wa haki ya Kimungu bila ukandamizaji wa aina yoyote. Ingawa Granth inakubali na kuheshimu maandiko ya Uhindu Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    See No Stranger

    A memoir and manifesto of revolutionary love

    von Valarie Kaur
    Erzählt von Valarie Kaur


    13 Stunden 14  Minuten

    'In a world stricken with fear and turmoil, Valarie Kaur shows us how to summon our deepest wisdom.' -Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray LoveRenowned activist, filmmaker and civil rights lawyer Valarie Kaur made headlines when her 'Breathe and Push' speech on how to survive in a time of rage went viral with 30 million views worldwide. In this inspiring and timely debut, she shows you how to Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Le Bétail des Dieux

    von Alain Daniélou
    Erzählt von Pierre Tissot


    38 Min.

    Le bétail des dieux est l'un des sept contes du livre d'Alain Daniélou, Les fous de dieu, contes gangétiques. Publié en 1975, il sera réédité en 1983 sous le titre Le bétail des dieux et autres contes gangétiques, puis en 2017, en version ebook. Le bétail des dieux, c'est nous, humains, inconscients de n'être qu'une partie de la création, et dont le véritable rôle est d'observer, de jouir du monde Mehr lesen

    € 4,99


  • Hörbuch

    Japji Sahib italiana , meditazione, viaggio per l'anima

    viaggio verso la Spiritualità

    von Thaminder singh
    Erzählt von Thaminder singh anand


    41 Min.

    1.japji sahib italiano, viaggio per l'animaLa filosofia del Sikhismo è caratterizzata da logica, completezza e senza fronzoli approccio al mondo spirituale e materiale.La sua teologia è segnata dalla semplicità. Nell’etica di Sikh non c’è conflitto tra il dovere dell’individuo verso se stesso e quello verso la società (Sangat - la santa congregazione). Sikhismo è la religione più giovane del mondo Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch


    The Teachings of Guru Nanak and the Principles of Equality and Service

    von Amman Hirsch
    Erzählt von Sarah Johnson


    1 Stunde 39 Min.

    Sikhism, one of the world's youngest major religions, has roots that stretch deep into the socio-political and spiritual fabric of South Asia. Founded in the late 15th century by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the Punjab region, Sikhism emerged as a response to the spiritual needs and social injustices of the time. It champions the principles of equality, justice, and service, inviting individuals from all Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    جابجي عربي

    رحلة للروح

    Erzählt von Thaminder Singh Anand


    1 Stunde 6 Min.

    1.رحلة الروحتتميز فلسفة السيخية بالمنطق والشمولية ونهجها "الخالي من الرتوش" في العالم الروحي والمادي. يتميز لاهوتها بالبساطة. في أخلاق السيخ لا يوجد تعارض بين واجب الفرد تجاه الذات وتجاه المجتمع (sangat).السيخية هي أصغر ديانة عالمية أسسها جورو ناناك منذ حوالي 500 عام. إنه يؤكد الإيمان بالكائن الأعلى وخالق الكون (Waheguru). إنه يوفر طريقًا مستقيمًا بسيطًا إلى النعيم الأبدي وينشر رسالة حب وأخوة Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    Masse Rangar Nu Karni Da Phal

    Masse Rangar Da Beadbi lyi Darbar Sahib Dera Laouna

    von Swaran Singh
    Erzählt von Mehar Singh


    3 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Book: Masse Rangar Nu Karni Da PhalWritten by : Swaran SinghThe book "Masse Rangar nu Karni da Phal" by Swaran Singh tells the story of how Masse Rangar faced punishment for his wrongdoings. It explains how the Mughal rulers tried to suppress the Sikhs and how Masse Rangar disrespected the sacred Amrit Sarovar and Sri Harmandir Sahib. The book also describes how the Sikhs took action to protect Mehr lesen

    € 7,17

  • Hörbuch

    1984 : Sikh Katl-e-aam da Sach

    Dange nahi Katleaam

    von Jarnail Singh
    Erzählt von Harpreet kaur


    6 Stunden 21  Minuten

    1984 : Sikh Katl-e-aam da SachAuthor: Jarnail SinghThis book tells the story of the tragic 1984 anti-Sikh riots that happened after Prime MinisterIndira Gandhi was assassinated. Journalist Jarnail Singh explains how thousands of Sikhs were killed, focusing on the failure of the government and the role of political leaders. Using survivor stories and records, the book reveals the truth about the Mehr lesen

    € 9,58

  • Hörbuch

    Shaheed Babbar Akali Rattan Singh Rakkar Da Singhupan

    Shaheed Babbar Akali Rattan Singh Rakkar Di Peshkari

    Erzählt von Harpreet Kaur


    6 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Shaheed Babbar Akali Rattan Singh Rakkar Da Singhupan by Giani Gurcharan Singh VaidThis book is a biography of Shaheed Babbar Akali Rattan Singh Rakkar, written by Giani Gurcharan Singh Vaid. It provides a detailed account of Rattan Singh Rakkar’s life, his dedication to the Babbar Akali movement, and his sacrifice for the cause of India’s freedom. The book has been edited by Jujhar Singh Rakkar Mehr lesen

    € 11,24

  • Hörbuch

    جاپجی اردو, مراقبہ,

    روح کے لئے سفر

    Erzählt von Thaminder Singh Anand


    1 Stunde 21 Min.

    1.روح کے لئے سفرعاجزی سکھ مذہب کا ایک اہم پہلو ہے۔ اس کے مطابق سکھوں کو رب کے سامنے عاجزی سے جھکنا چاہیے۔ عاجزی یا نرمی پنجابی میں پاس سے جڑا لفظ ہے۔ عاجزی ایک خوبی ہے، جس کی گربانی میں زور و شور سے تبلیغ کی جاتی ہے۔ اس پنجابی لفظ کا ترجمہ "عاجزی"، "مہربانی" یا "نرمی" ہے۔ کوئی شخص جس کا ذہن اس خیال سے پریشان نہ ہو کہ وہ کسی سے بہتر یا زیادہاہم ہے۔مسئلہ کی جگہ - اوپر صحیح جملہ نہیں ہے۔یہ تمام Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch

    Japji - Meditation - Die Reise der Seele

    Reise zur Spiritualität

    von Thaminder singh
    Erzählt von thaminder singh anand


    40 Min.

    Japji - Meditation - Die Reise der Seele.Die Philosophie des Sikhismus zeichnet sich durch Logik, Vollständigkeit und ihre „schnörkellose“ Herangehensweise an die spirituelle und materielle Welt aus. Ihre Theologie ist von Einfachheit geprägt. In der Sikh-Ethik gibt es keinen Konflikt zwischen der Pflicht des Einzelnen gegenüber sich selbst und der gegenüber der Gesellschaft (sangat).Der Sikhismus Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Hörbuch


    A Very Short Introduction, 2nd Edition

    von Eleanor Nesbitt
    Erzählt von Siiri Scott


    27 Min.

    The Sikh religion has a following of over 20 million people worldwide, and is ranked as the world's fifth largest religion. However, events such as the verbal and physical attacks on Sikhs just after September 11, where Sikhs were being mistaken for Muslims, suggest that the Sikh faith still remains mysterious to many.This Very Short Introduction introduces newcomers to the meaning of the Sikh Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Kharku Sangharsh Di Sakhi: Anjane, Angaule, Sidaki Ate Yodhey

    Anjane, Angaule, Sidaki Ate Yodhey

    von Daljit Singh
    Erzählt von Mehar Singh


    9 Stunden 45  Minuten

    Kharku Sangharsh Di Sakhi: Anjane, Angaule, Sidaki Ate Yodhey by Bhai Daljit Singh.Kharku Sangharsh Di Sakhi: Anjane, Angaule, Sidaki Ate Yodhey is first part of book penned by Bhai Daljit Singh. This is one of the bestselling and most read Punjabi/Sikh book of 2022-23. Author Bhai Daljit Singh has penned Sakhis of those characters of the Sikh movement of 1980s-1990s who at largely remained Mehr lesen

    € 12,73

  • Hörbuch


    von Confucius
    Erzählt von Robin Renucci


    3 Stunden 1  Minuten

    Confucius fut avant tout un maître, et toute sa pensée tient dans son enseignement. Au commencement, il y a “l’apprendre”, le tout premier mot des Entretiens, dont la place centrale qu’il occupe chez Confucius correspond à sa conviction intime que la nature humaine est éminemment perfectible : l’homme – tout homme – se définit comme un être capable de s’améliorer, de se perfectionner à l’infini. Mehr lesen

    € 23,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Book of Nanak

    von Navtej Sarna
    Erzählt von Kulvin Suri


    3 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Guru Nanak was deeply spiritual from an early age, having being born into a society caught in the throes of orthodoxy and ritualism. The ills of child marriage, infanticide and a rigid caste system had further crippled his people. The outpouring of Nanak’s faith evolved into the universal message of the omnipresence and existence of one God, of true love, equality and compassion, which appealed to Mehr lesen

    € 17,83