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Sprachkunst Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely

    What Is an Adverb?

    von Brian P. Cleary
    Erzählt von Book Buddy Digital Media
    Series series Words Are CATegorical ®


    4 Min.

    Adverbs tell us when and how. Like, quickly, do your homework now!Bursting with adverbs, this addition to the Words Are CATegorical® series creatively clarifies the concept of adverbs for young readers with delightfully playful rhymes and extremely humorous illustrations. For easy identification, adverbs are printed in color and key words are illustrated on each page. Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    Parts of a Book, The

    von Martha Rustad
    Erzählt von Various Narrators
    Series series Wonderful World of Reading


    2 Min.

    What has a spine, a table, and a cover? A book, of course! Open this cover to learn about the parts of a book. Mehr lesen

    € 3,56

  • Hörbuch

    The Profitable Content System

    The Ultimate Guide on How to Create and Repurpose Your Content, Discover the Best Ways on How to Make the Most Out Of Your Content

    von Miles Rizzo
    Erzählt von Marcus Mulenga


    36 Min.

    The Profitable Content System: The Ultimate Guide on How to Create and Repurpose Your Content, Discover the Best Ways on How to Make the Most Out Of Your ContentYou are probably already familiar with creating content or at least how to come up with one. But if you have existing content that you have not been reusing or repurposing, you are wasting time and money. Learning how to reuse your content Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    Командная работа: Запуск проекта любой сложности

    Series series Навыки будущего для подростков


    2 Stunden 31  Minuten

    В жизни как в компьютерной игре: проходить квест в одиночку сложно, а иногда просто невозможно. Гораздо эффективнее подобрать команду, в которой у каждого есть свой талант и своя зона ответственности, и вместе идти к цели. Виктория Шиманская, психолог со стажем, автор уникальной методики развития эмоционального интеллекта у детей. Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch


    von 康原, 施福珍
    Erzählt von 施福珍
    Serien Hörbuch 17 - 小書迷


    47 Min.

    國中小鄉土教學最佳教材教育部頒訂台羅拼音註解施福珍老師賦予台灣傳統唸謠「點仔膠」、「火金姑」、「羞羞羞」新生命,譜曲後的「點仔膠」更成為街頭巷尾最流行的囡仔歌,傳唱不輟。◎25首由施福珍老師改寫台灣傳統唸謠或創作成囡仔歌童謠,包括最耳熟能詳的「點仔膠」、「火金姑」、「羞羞羞」、「一兼二顧」,以及最貼近時代的創作童謠「電視機」、「小學生」等,呈現出最台灣味的囡仔歌,帶你認識最台灣的鄉土味。◎最台灣的諺語和傳奇故事不只教唱囡仔歌,更融合相關諺語和故事,唱一首囡仔歌,等於讀了無數個台灣諺語及前人智慧。作者簡介康原一九四七年出生在芳苑鄉,現居彰化市香山里。曾獲第六屆磺溪文學獎特別貢獻獎、吳濁流文學獎新詩獎,以及文化部「金鼎獎」。曾任賴和紀念館館長、彰化師大臺文所「作家講座」、南華大學文學系「講座作家」,及彰化師大「彰化學」叢書總策劃。二○二一年彰化師大駐校作家。重要著作:《懷念老臺灣》、 Mehr lesen

    € 7,21

  • Hörbuch

    Highlights Listen & Learn!: To Sea

    An Immersive Audio Study for Grade 5

    Series series Highlights Listen & Learn!


    1 Stunde 12 Min.

    Highlights Listen & Learn! Audio Studies are the perfect tools for educators, parents, and students. With full lessons that present key comprehension skills, an educational audiobook, and multiple-choice questions, these studies help listeners better understand elements such as plot, characterization, vocabulary, and other essential foundational skills. This Highlights Listen & Learn! Audio Study, Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Vocab Galaxy Exploring New Words For 6th Graders

    Words To Expand Your Vocabulary

    von Sophia Mitchell
    Erzählt von Mary Shilshole, Andrew Heisler
    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Vocabulary Learning


    1 Stunde 53 Min.

    This is a vocabulary learning course targeted at a 6th grade level. Examples of the words included in this course are arid, thesis, hazardous, verdict, nationality and ratio. Words are examined in multiple ways to reinforce learning, since you need to be exposed to words 10-20 times in different contexts in order to understand new vocabulary and then use it appropriately. For example, words are Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Becoming an Every Day Novelist

    Thirty Days from Idea to Publication

    Erzählt von J. Daniel Sawyer
    Series series The Every Day Novelist


    5 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Think you can't write a great novel in a month? Think again. Most of the best novels in history were written in a month or less. Professionals do it all the time. And with Becoming and Every Day Novelist, so can you.Prolific author J. Daniel Sawyer walks you through the process in this lively and fun day-by-day guide to going from blank page to a publication-ready novel...and doing it every month. Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Grammar Land

    Grammar in Fun for the Children of Schoolroom Shire (Annotated)


    2 Stunden 25  Minuten

    There’s a fuss in Grammar Land and Judge Grammar has dispatched Serjeant Parsing to call all the Parts-of-Speech to court and settle the matter. Dr. Syntax must be obeyed or all the laws of Grammar Land will go to wreck and ruin. Join the children of Schoolroom Shire and discover the outcome of Judge Grammar’s trial. This imaginative tale brings the parts-of-speech to life with an engaging story. Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Glory Girl

    Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God’s Purpose

    von Jess Connolly
    Erzählt von Jess Connolly


    1 Stunde 47 Min.

    God has a purpose for you. But maybe what you’re meant to be is still a mystery. So where do you start? Jess Connolly will help you get answers to this question and more, no matter where you are in your journey.Glory Girl will jumpstart your search for purpose. In each meaningful chapter, Jess’s wise words will help you: discover the things you are really passionate about, understand your Mehr lesen

    € 15,39

  • Hörbuch

    Effective Communication Skills

    A Practical Guide That Develops and Improves Your Way of Speaking Effectively in Relationships: In Work, in the Family and in the Life of a Couple

    von Michael Cooper
    Erzählt von Craig Hannaway


    3 Stunden 36  Minuten

    If you have been struggling with communication or undermining its importance in life, this book is reawakening. It may just offer you a solution to the failures you may have been experiencing in the various realms of life.Effective communication is a discipline that has evolved. This is due to the fact communication is a means of interaction among people for various purposes. It created a need to Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    How To Be A Freelance Writer

    Your Step By Step Guide To Be a Freelance Writer

    Erzählt von Adam Meggs


    1 Stunde 6 Min.

    If you want to know how to be a freelance writer, then get How to Be a Freelance Writer guide by a real-life freelance writer.How to Be a Freelance Writer is a simple-to-use, easy-to-understand guide to becoming a freelance writer.It will take you through each step of the process, from making sure you have all of the necessary materials in order to begin, to setting up a portfolio and applying to Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Fire Trucks to the Rescue!

    von Nichole Giles
    Erzählt von Highlights for Children
    Series series Read With Highlights


    2 Min.

    Highlights presents Fire Trucks to the Rescue! by Nichole Giles. The various types of fire trucks are described. Mehr lesen

    € 2,55

  • Hörbuch

    Show Me a Story

    Writing Your Own Picture Book

    von Nancy Loewen
    Erzählt von Various Narrators


    11 Min.

    Ready to build a picture book? First, you’ll need the right tools. Open this title in the Writer’s Toolbox series and discover plenty of tips and tools to get you started. Soon you’ll be writing and showing stories like a pro! Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Hörbuch

    Chips and Cheese and Nana's Knees

    What Is Alliteration?

    von Brian P. Cleary
    Erzählt von Intuitive
    Series series Words Are CATegorical ®


    2 Min.

    What is alliteration?You'll find the answer inside this book—it's packed with wonderful and wacky words that start with similar sounds. Brian P. Cleary's remarkable rhymes and Martin Goneau's ingenious illustrations creatively present the concept of alliteration for young readers. For easy identification, key examples of alliteration appear in color, and co... Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch


    A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Compelling Content for Digital Platforms (2023 Crash Course for Beginners)

    von Dale Kennedy
    Erzählt von Elmer Bowman


    3 Stunden 10  Minuten

    Content is king in the digital age, and creating high-quality content is essential for any business or individual looking to establish a strong online presence. "Content Writing Step-by-Step" is a comprehensive guide to crafting compelling content for digital platforms.Whether you're a seasoned content writer looking to hone your skills or a beginner just starting out, this book provides a step-by Mehr lesen

    € 22,40

  • Hörbuch

    Letter Writing 101

    How to Write Unique, Original, and Interesting Old School Snail Mail Letters to Lovers, Friends, Family, Penpals, and People All Over the World From A to Z

    Erzählt von Maria Chester


    2 Stunden 42  Minuten

    In this innovative how-to guide, you’ll get the best explanation and ideas on how to write old school letters. Among great examples and bonus chapters, you’ll find info on:- Writing letters (easier said than done, but with our guidance, you’ll know exactly what to do)- Realizing all the awesome benefits of writing old school letters- Where to find a penpal (they’re all around you!)- Who would be a Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Working With Words

    Adding Life to Your Oral Presentations

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G


    1 Stunde 34 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Forrest Gump is known for having said Life is like a box of chocolates. It occurred to the author in a dream one night, that life is more like a bowl of strawberries.More precisely, public speaking is like a bowl of strawberries.A few strawberries, freshly picked off the plant and immediately eaten, can be delicious.A bushel basket of them sitting in Mehr lesen

    € 12,21

  • Hörbuch

    Breezier, Cheesier, Newest, and Bluest

    What Are Comparatives and Superlatives?

    von Brian P. Cleary
    Erzählt von Intuitive
    Series series Words Are CATegorical ®


    2 Min.

    What are comparatives and superlatives?After reading this book, you'll have a much clearer idea and will be the best at forming these descriptive words! Brian P. Cleary and Brian Gable explain how these forms of adjectives compare nouns, through the cleverest rhymes and illustrations that are sillier than ever. Each comparative or superlative word is printed in color for easier identification.... Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    You Can Write an Amazing Journal

    von Jennifer Fandel
    Erzählt von Various Narrators
    Series series You Can Write


    10 Min.

    You can write about the zombie in your dream. You can collect facts, maps, and ticket stubs. You can jot down thoughts that make you giggle or scream. You can write an amazing journal! Mehr lesen

    € 3,56

  • Hörbuch

    The Woman All Spies Fear

    Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life

    Erzählt von Samantha Desz


    7 Stunden

    An inspiring true story, perfect for fans of Hidden Figures, about an American woman who pioneered codebreaking in WWI and WWII but was only recently recognized for her extraordinary contributions.Elizebeth Smith Friedman had a rare talent for spotting patterns and solving puzzles. These skills led her to become one of the top cryptanalysts in America during both World War I and World War II.She Mehr lesen

    € 23,43

  • Hörbuch

    Craft Compelling Stories That Captivate Your Audience Instantly

    "Ignite your storytelling skills! Unlock compelling audio lessons that captivate your audience effortlessly."

    von Cyrus Hargrove
    Erzählt von Alan Winnigton


    2 Stunden 15  Minuten

    Transform Your Message; Inspire Action and ConnectionAre you eager to advance in your career while reinforcing your knowledge? Are you determined to excel and effectively communicate your ideas?Your quest for a thorough and accessible guide to mastering storytelling ends here!This audiobook is your ultimate resource for enhancing your storytelling skills and engaging your audience. With practical Mehr lesen

    € 7,23

  • Hörbuch

    And She Was Loved

    Toni Morrison's Life in Stories

    Erzählt von Andrea Davis Pinkney


    20 Min.

    Stunning poetry introduce a new generation to the beloved literary icon Toni Morrison, by New York Times bestselling author Andrea Davis Pinkney and Caldecott Honor winner Daniel Minter.From imaginative child to visionary storyteller, Toni Morrison was a fiercely inspiring writer that helped change the world. This poetic book is part love letter and part biography, praising the power of this Nobel Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Studying Dracula: The Complete Text and Revision Guide

    von Bram Stoker
    Erzählt von Roy McMillan, Roger May
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - The Complete Text and Revision Guide Series


    21 Stunden 47  Minuten

    Plug in and prepare for your A-Level English Literature examination with this comprehensive audio study guide to Dracula.Includes the entire, unabridged audio narration of Dracula, as well as in-depth analysis on the text, covering the key areas of: Characters, Themes, Structure and Form, Genre and Historical Context - as well as detailed chapter summaries and key quotations for your exam.This Mehr lesen

    € 19,27