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Thorax Hörbücher

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Es werden 114 von 14 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Hörbuch

    How To Improve Cardiorespiratory Endurance

    von Trevor Clinger
    Erzählt von Trevor Clinger


    8 Min.

    Most people can walk on a treadmill or around the block, but are they truly improving their health or potentially harming it? Are they simply going through the motions without the motivation to break through a fitness plateau? This informative article highlights the key cardio fitness principles that can enhance your health. No matter your age or weight, you can progress to a maintenance stage, Mehr lesen

    € 1,02

  • Hörbuch



    48 Min.

    Diese Hypnosesitzung soll dir dabei helfen, dein Brustwachstum wieder anzuregen, wie es bereits in der Pubertät, oder Schwangerschaft der Fall war. Durch diverse Techniken, sollen Prozesse in deinem Körper positiv angeregt werden. Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Knife’s Edge: The Heart and Mind of a Cardiac Surgeon

    von Stephen Westaby
    Erzählt von Gordon Griffin


    9 Stunden 36  Minuten

    A TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2019An intimate and compelling exploration into the unique psyche of the heart surgeon, by one of the profession’s most eminent figures.Although Professor Stephen Westaby was born with the necessary coordination and manual dexterity, it was a head trauma sustained during university that gifted him the qualities of an exceptional heart surgeon: qualities that are frequently Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch

    Dit, mit og dyrenes hjerte


    2 Stunden 5  Minuten

    Hvordan fungerer vores hjerte? Hvad skal vores blod bruges til? Ligner hunde og menneskers hjerter hinanden? Kan man give en edderkop hjertemassage? Hvad har krokodillehjerter og fuglehjerter til fælles? Og hvor mange hjerter havde en langhalset dinosaur?Dette og meget mere kan du finde ud af i denne bog, som fortæller en masse sjove, sære og overraskende ting om dit, dine kæledyrs og mange andre Mehr lesen

    € 26,14

  • Hörbuch

    ACLS Certification

    Advanced Cardiac Life Support Mastery 2024-2025: Pass with Confidence on Your First Attempt | Over 200 Expert Q&As | Realistic Practice Scenarios and Detailed Explanations

    von Evelyn Darkwood
    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    4 Stunden 47  Minuten

    ⭐⭐ Includes Questions & Answers! ⭐⭐Are you looking to progress in your career and solidify your knowledge by successfully passing the ACLS Exam 2024-2025?Seeking a comprehensive guide that covers all necessary elements to excel in the ACLS Exam 2024-2025?Your search ends here!This guide serves as your definitive companion for deepening your understanding, applying your skills, and engaging i... Mehr lesen

    € 6,90

  • Hörbuch

    ACLS Exam Simplified

    ACLS Exam Prep 2024-2025: Master the Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Test on Your First Try

    von Elden Hawthorne
    Erzählt von Nick Porter


    2 Stunden 8  Minuten

    ⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included⭐⭐Are you aspiring to advance in your career and solidify your knowledge by successfully mastering the ACLS protocols?Looking for a comprehensive resource that provides everything you need to excel in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support?Your search ends here!This guide serves as your definitive companion for deepening your understanding, applying y... Mehr lesen

    € 5,20

  • Hörbuch

    Weight Loss Surgery

    New Mindset and Successful Habits to Keep your Weight Loss Goals and Live your Best Life

    von Lari Brunelli
    Erzählt von Aida-Maria Boiesan


    3 Stunden 43  Minuten

    Are You Considering Getting a Weight Loss Surgery Done, But Are Worried About Keeping the Weight Off Afterwards?Then this audiobook is for you. Inside you'll learn different weight loss options everything from surgeries to diets that will help you to get rid of the weight and keep it off for good. Too many people get expensive weight loss surgeries performed only to go back to their old lifestyles Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Fragile Lives: A Heart Surgeon’s Stories of Life and Death on the Operating Table

    von Stephen Westaby
    Erzählt von Gordon Griffin


    10 Stunden 26  Minuten

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA BIOGRAPHY PRIZETHE SUNDAY TIMES NO.2 BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE BMA PRESIDENT’S AWARD 2017An incredible memoir from one of the world’s most eminent heart surgeons, recalling some of the most remarkable and poignant cases he’s worked on.Grim Reaper sits on the heart surgeon’s shoulder. A slip of the hand and life ebbs away.The balance between life and death is so delicate, Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch


    Heart Diseases and Treatments

    von Ava Westwood
    Erzählt von Victoria Andersen


    3 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart-related conditions. As one of the most vital specialties in modern medicine, it plays a crucial role in improving life expectancy and quality of life for patients with heart diseases. The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients essential for Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    CSC Examination

    Cardiac Surgery Certification Exam Mastery 2024-2025: Ace Your Cardiac Surgery Certification on the First Attempt | Over 200 Expert-Designed Q&A | Realistic Practice Questions with Comprehensive Explanations

    von Liora Falkner
    Erzählt von Rob Williamson


    7 Stunden 28  Minuten

    ⭐⭐ Includes Questions & Answers! ⭐⭐Are you looking to progress in your career and solidify your knowledge by successfully passing the Cardiac Surgery Certification Exam 2024-2025?Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to pass the Cardiac Surgery Certification Exam 2024-2025?Your search ends here!This guide serves as your definitive companion for deepening your und... Mehr lesen

    € 10,39

  • Hörbuch

    Cardiac Cowboys

    The Heroic Invention of Heart Surgery

    Erzählt von Mike Chamberlain


    8 Stunden 18  Minuten

    Cardiac Cowboys is the dramatic story of five deeply flawed geniuses who together—and in competition with each other—invented open-heart surgery against all conventional medical wisdom and saved millions of lives.A decade after World War II, there was still no such thing as open-heart surgery, and yet half a million Americans were dying from heart disease every year. One in a hundred children Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Journey to Heart Health: Discovering Cardiovascular Wellness

    Revolutionize your heart health journey! Access powerful audio lessons for peak cardiovascular wellness.

    von Eliot Grayford
    Erzählt von Nick Porter


    2 Stunden 23  Minuten

    Journey to Heart Health: Discovering Cardiovascular Wellness⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide ⭐⭐Are you looking to progress in your wellness journey and solidify your understanding of cardiovascular health?Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all the necessary insights for a healthier heart?Your search ends here!This guide serves as your definitive companion for deepe... Mehr lesen

    € 5,20

  • Hörbuch

    Julies hjerte - Fortællingen om et transplanteret hjerte

    Erzählt von Morten Rønnelund


    3 Stunden 16  Minuten

    "Hjertet har til alle tider talt med om det, som Julie har erfaret på første hånd. I poesien, fortællingerne og religionerne kan vi læse om, hvordan et andet menneskes hjerte kan redde ens liv. Det er, når hjertet bliver set som kilden til kærlighed, omsorg, barmhjertighed og medlidenhed. For Julie blev dette noget meget håndgribeligt og konkret."I "Julies hjerte" fortæller filosof Peter Johannes Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Two Guided Meditations For Cardiac ICU & Rehab

    Erzählt von Belleruth Naparstek


    1 Stunde 28 Min.

    We created this 2-part guided imagery audio with noted cardiothoracic surgeon Mehmet Oz at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, to accelerate healing, reduce pain and depression, and motivate exercise and healthy new habits, while cultivating optimism and patience with the recovery process. The track list is as follows:Part 1: Guided Imagery (17:6)Part 2: Music (29:46)Part 2: Guided Imagery (18:41)Part Mehr lesen

    € 7,64