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Tiere auf dem Bauernhof Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Pete The Bee And The Old Engine

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    4 Min.

    'Pete The Bee And The Old Engine' is the thirty-seventh Pete the Bee story written by British author Paul Cook. The short stories are centred around the rescue farm where Pete and his friends live. The animals, which include Shebdon the shire horse and Brandon the fly, share many adventures together but Pete usually saves the day. These lighthearted stories can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    Britta og Silver på ridelejr

    von Lisbeth Pahnke
    Erzählt von Birgitte Ohsten


    2 Stunden 54  Minuten

    Britta og hendes frække pony Silver er taget på ridelejr til de svenske fjelde, imens rideskolen holder sommerferielukket. På ridelejren får Britta og Silver en masse nye venner, imens de bruger dagene på at ride rundt i det smukke landskab eller træne spring. Lisbeth Pahnke (f. 1945) er en svensk børnebogsforfatter, fagskribent, oversætter og hesteentusiast. Hun er mest kendt for sin Mehr lesen

    € 8,02

  • Hörbuch

    Pete the Bee: Books 4-7

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    1 Stunde 9 Min.

    'Pete the Bee: Books 4-7' is a collection of twenty short stories taken from the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh 'Pete the Bee' books written by British author Paul Cook.Pete the Bee lives in the rafters in a barn on a rescue farm. He shares many adventures with his friends, which include Shebdon the shire horse, Brandon the fly, and Greggor the goose. These lighthearted short stories can be Mehr lesen

    € 6,26

  • Hörbuch

    Backyard Homesteading & Mini Farming

    A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Crops, Raising Chickens, Raising Goats, Beekeeping and Building Your Own Vegetable Garden for a Sustainable Living

    von Luke Smith
    Erzählt von Mark Felton


    6 Stunden 53  Minuten

    Produce All the Food You Need and Become Self-Sufficient with Sustainable, Low-Effort, and High-Yield Mini Farming and Homesteading TechniquesHave you ever considered growing your own crops and raising domestic animals for food and profit, but don’t know where to start? Do you want to put an end to your dependence on pesticide-packed, hormone-enhanced, and genetically modified produce?If yes, then Mehr lesen

    € 19,31

  • Hörbuch

    Tixos Abenteuer

    Die geheimnisvolle Muschel


    9 Min.

    Tixos Abenteuer Die geheimnisvolle Muschel Ein Hörspiel von Kindern für Kinder. Auf dem Nachhauseweg von der Schule finden Tixo und sein bester Freund Heino eine wunderschöne Muschel am Wegesrand. Die beiden wollen unbedingt herausfinden, wer der/die Besitzer/in ist. Begleitet die beiden auf diesem Hörspiel-Abenteuer und findet gemeinsam mit ihnen heraus, welche Geschichte hinter dem spannenden Mehr lesen

    € 2,49

  • Hörbuch

    Pete the Bee: All 30 Stories

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    1 Stunde 30 Min.

    This collection of thirty 'Pete the Bee' stories are written by British author Paul Cook FRSA. The stories are set on an animal rescue farm somewhere in rural England. The principal characters include Shebdon the shire horse, Brandon the fly, Greggor the Goose, Claridge the cat and, of course, Pete the Bee - who usually saves the day. These light-hearted, often humorous short stories can be Mehr lesen

    € 6,26

  • Hörbuch

    Cutting Cowboy's Hair

    Alpacas need a haircut every spring.

    Erzählt von Highlights for Children
    Series series Read With Highlights


    1 Min.

    Highlights presents Cutting Cowboy's Hair by Paula B. Puckett. A factual piece about a pet alpaca named Cowboy. Mehr lesen

    € 2,55

  • Hörbuch

    Pete The Bee: Book 7

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    19 Min.

    Pete the Bee Book 7 is a collection of five short stories about Pete the bee who lives in a barn on an animal rescue farm written by British author Paul Cook. Pete shares many adventures with his friends who include Shebdon the shire horse, Brandon the fly and Greggor the goose. These light-hearted stories can be enjoyed by children of any age. Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Shebdon The Shire Horse Tries To Keep Cool

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    3 Min.

    'Shebdon The Shire Horse Tries To Keep Cool' is the thirty-first Pete the Bee story written by British author Paul Cook. The short stories are centred around the rescue farm where Pete and his friends live. The animals, which include Shebdon the shire horse and Brandon the fly, share many adventures together but Pete usually saves the day. These lighthearted stories can be enjoyed by children of Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    Eselhaltung leicht gemacht

    Grundlagen der artgerechten Haltung des geselligen Freundes - Anatomie, Anschaffung, Futter, Gesundheit, Pflege und Verhalten

    Erzählt von Henriette McCarthy


    1 Stunde 24 Min.

    Eselhaltung leicht gemacht: Grundlagen der artgerechten Haltung des geselligen FreundesWillst Du etwas über die Geschichte des Esels erfahren?Kennst Du die verschiedenen Arten von Eseln?Denkst Du darüber nach, auch eigene Esel anzuschaffen?Lerne in diesem hilfreichen Ratgeber ...... wo der Ursprung des Esels liegt... welche Rassen beim Hausesel existieren... wie der Körperbau und... Mehr lesen

    € 6,06

  • Hörbuch

    Greggor the Goose Falls in a Ditch

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    4 Min.

    'Greggor The Goose Falls In A Ditch' is the twenty eighth individual Pete the Bee story written by British author Paul Cook. The stories are centred around the rescue farm where Pete and his friends live. The animals, which include Shebdon the shire horse and Brandon the fly, share many adventures together but Pete usually saves the day. These lighthearted stories can be enjoyed by children of all Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    Verdens 100 mest berømte dyr

    von Sebastian Klein
    Erzählt von Sebastian Klein


    5 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Der findes dyr, som har gjort, klaret eller været udsat for så usædvanlige ting, at de er blevet berømte. Dem fortæller Sebastian om her!Da hanen Mike fik hovedet hugget af, gik det ikke helt som ventet. Øksen ramte nemlig lige præcis sådan, at Mike kunne leve videre uden hoved. Og det gjorde den så i 18 måneder. En flok soldater fandt bjørneungen Wojtek og tog den til sig. Bjørnen vænnede sig til Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Hörbuch

    Henny Penny

    von Donald Kasen
    Erzählt von Peter Pan Ensemble
    Series series Peter Pan Classics


    3 Min.

    When an acorn falls on Henny Penny’s head the rooster believes the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end. Henny Penny decides to go tell the king and on the way other animals join the parade. When they tell the fox he pretends to want to help them but leads them to his cave where he locks them inside. Henny Penny and the others escape and return home without ever being able to tell the Mehr lesen

    € 9,16

  • Hörbuch

    Down On The Farm

    Serien Hörbuch 4 - Let's Learn About Animals


    6 Min.

    Kids love farm animals! With authentic sound effects and lively music, kids will learn interesting facts about pigs, chickens, ducks, horses, cows, goats, turkeys and sheep! Did you know that pigs can eat up to 8 hours a day? No wonder they can weigh up to fourteen hundred pounds! Interesting facts will have young animal enthusiasts learning about these amazing farm animals while being happily Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    Hexe, The

    Erzählt von Keyla McClure
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - The Adventures of Domino Corgi Series


    6 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Welcome to the adventures of Domino corgi—a reluctant evil fighter--and his human and animal friends. The Hexe is the non-stop action adventure introducing Domino corgi as he battles against inexperience and time to save Brewster Farm from destruction by a wicked witch spirit known as The Hexe.Wild weather. Eerie sounds. Strange sightings. Weird accidents. The clueless humans sigh “that’s Brewster Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Snack Time for Cow

    von Michael Dahl
    Erzählt von Various


    1 Min.

    Baby calf enjoys many snacks during his day. Suitable for the youngest of learners, this audiobook can help guide a child's first steps in learning and growing. Mehr lesen

    € 6,10

  • Hörbuch

    Mercy Watson Is Missing!

    Tales from Deckawoo Drive, Volume Seven

    von Kate DiCamillo
    Erzählt von Mark Bramhall
    Serien Hörbuch 7 - Mercy Watson


    1 Stunde 31 Min.

    Every favorite character from Kate DiCamillo’s New York Times bestselling Mercy Watson books makes an appearance in this extended, riotously funny series crescendo.When Mercy Watson the pig goes missing, all of Deckawoo Drive is in an uproar. The Watsons are inconsolable, and the local police, fire, and animal control departments are no help whatsoever. Bossy neighbor Eugenia Lincoln is not quite Mehr lesen

    € 6,11

  • Hörbuch

    The Farm Inspection

    von Paul Cook
    Erzählt von Paul Cook


    3 Min.

    'The Farm Inspection' is the last of twenty individual Pete the Bee stories written by British author Paul Cook. The stories are centred around the rescue farm where Pete and his friends live. The animals, which include Shebdon the shirehorse and Brandon the fly, share many adventures together but Pete usually saves the day. These lighthearted stories can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Mehr lesen

    € 1,01

  • Hörbuch

    Crazy Chickens

    Diary of a Chicken Escape Plan

    von Jeff Child
    Erzählt von John H. Fehskens


    30 Min.

    Chickens laying eggs, chickens being eaten...where does it stop? As soon as Cheryl takes action!Cheryl the Chicken learns about a new thing going on at the farm: Chickens are being eaten. Her previous, naïve brain couldn't comprehend such a horrible occurrence, but, this time, she realizes the seriousness of the situation. Listen about a chicken who thinks of clever ways to outsmart the farmer and Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Hörbuch

    Space Chickens.

    The Tale of the Only Remaining Hope for Humanity the Space Chickens?

    von John C Burt.
    Erzählt von John Connell Burt.


    7 Min.

    The 'Space Chickens' is the tale of what happens after the earth has been destroyed and the only remaining hope for humanity is the 'Space Chickens?'Humanity sends two chickens and two roosters into deep space after the world, the whole earth is wiped out by a worldwide conflict. They have been specially trained and upskilled to do this particular roles and tasks for the whole of worldwide Mehr lesen

    € 4,58

  • Hörbuch

    Who Has Seen My Goat?

    Series series Read With Highlight


    1 Min.

    A boy and his father search for their missing goat. Mehr lesen

    € 2,55

  • Hörbuch


    The Basics of Raising Happy and Healthy Bees (2023 Guide for Beginners)

    von Bond Duncan
    Erzählt von Elmer Bowman


    1 Stunde 53 Min.

    Have you ever considered keeping honeybees in your backyard? Do you want to learn the basics of beekeeping, but don't know where to start?Look no further! "The Basics of Raising Backyard Bees" is the ultimate beginner's guide to raising honeybees.In this book, you will learn everything you need to know about starting and maintaining your own honeybee colony, including:<li... Mehr lesen

    € 16,29

  • Hörbuch

    Jasmine Green Rescues: A Donkey Called Mistletoe

    von Helen Peters
    Erzählt von Nneka Okoye
    Serien Hörbuch 7 - Jasmine Green Rescues


    1 Stunde 39 Min.

    What better time than the Christmas season for aspiring vet Jasmine to find a new home for her elderly neighbor’s gentle donkey?When Jasmine and her best friend, Tom, visit their neighbor Mr. Hobson to help him with some chores, they discover that he is selling his farm and moving to a nearby assisted living facility. Because Mr. Hobson won’t have a home for his beloved donkey, Mistletoe, anymore, Mehr lesen

    € 11,21

  • Hörbuch

    Cowboy Dan

    von Rune Fleischer
    Erzählt von Per Lykke Hansen


    11 Min.

    Det vilde Vesten var ikke for enhver. Det var tider, hvor prærien var fyldt med cowboys. En hård tid, hvor man var nødt til at være sej.Cowboy Dans job er også hårdt. Han passer nemlig kvæg hele dagen.Men han vil også være sej, sådan en rigtig hård banan. Den danske forfatter og illustrator Rune Fleischer (f. 1967) har skrevet og illustreret bøger siden 1987. Han er kendt for sine mange børnebøger Mehr lesen

    € 1,21