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Tod/Trauer/Verlust Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Lágrimas en H Mart: "Crying in H Mart"

    Una historia de amor, pérdida y cocina coreana

    von Michelle Zauner
    Erzählt von Niloofer Khan


    9 Stunden 16  Minuten


    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Transforming Grief

    Erzählt von Michael Toms


    55 Min.

    Along with grief, the death of a loved one often brings old resentments, regrets and unexpressed love, which can block our emotional growth and negatively impact our relationships. Alexandra Kennedy shows us how, by using imagination and imagery, we can re-create an inner relationship with our loved ones who have passed away. Mehr lesen

    € 2,03

  • Hörbuch

    Granny Mo, Is Teddy Going to Die?

    von Sue Brayne
    Erzählt von Sue Brayne


    11 Min.

    Jack has a BIG question about Teddy, which is keeping him wide awake. He wants to know if Teddy is going to die one day, but he’s not sure who to ask about it. This is where Granny Mo comes to the rescue. She knows just what to say and how to say it, so Jack and Teddy can snuggle up together and go to sleep. Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    And Life Comes Back

    A Wife's Story of Love, Loss, and Hope Reclaimed

    Erzählt von Tricia Lott Williford


    5 Stunden 41  Minuten

    “Now I know that every single day, the best and the worst, only lasts for twenty-four hours.”—Tricia Lott Williford, And Life Comes BackWhen your life falls apart—through a death, a lost relationship, a diagnosis—you want more than anything to know that your pain has a purpose. And that beyond your pain, a new day awaits.Tricia Lott Williford discovered this in a few tragic hours when her thirty Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch

    Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide, The

    A Guidebook For Persecuted Truthers

    von John Kirwin
    Erzählt von Garry Middleton


    8 Stunden 47  Minuten

    Why are conspiracy theorists persecuted?This book provides support and guidance for those who have found themselves being labeled as "conspiracy theorists."If you have started to question OfficialDUM and believe in conspiracy theories, then you are probably walking a lonely road.Get the book, join our discussion groups, and take part in our live streams.This book will help you to;Understand why Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Why Me?

    How to Regain Hope After the Death of a Child - Your Own Survival Guide

    von Wendy B King
    Erzählt von Wendy B King


    6 Stunden 19  Minuten

    How on earth am I supposed to go on? How can I ever feel happy again? I just want to curl up in the foetal position and die. – These are the thoughts swirling within the mind of someone grappling with the aftermath of a devastating loss.Emotions so real, they threaten to break you …Why? have suffered a trauma.In "Why Me," embark on an emotional journey of a mother whose life has been Mehr lesen

    € 14,16

  • Hörbuch

    No way to behave at a funeral - a tale of personal loss through suicide

    von Noel Braun
    Erzählt von Stephen Walker


    7 Stunden 7  Minuten

    This is the story of Noel who lost Maris, his beloved wife of 42 years, to suicide following years of struggling with depression.The abrupt ending of a life by suicide can be the most catastrophic of events for those left behind. Survivors experience intense pain and massive guilt. Grief banishes survivors to a place so removed from the normal hurly-burly of everyday life that they feel close to Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Ester Lopera
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - DIEZ REFLEXIONES


    2 Stunden 30  Minuten

    ¿Eres un cristiano que ha caído en un profundo pozo de aflicción a causa de la muerte de un ser querido?¿Esa pérdida te ha llevado a cuestionar tu propia fe?¿Te has estado haciendo preguntas de este tipo? ¿Cómo puedo seguir adelante? ¿Por qué Dios me ha hecho esto? ¿Cómo pudo haberse llevado a mi ser querido?Si este eres tú, has dado con el libro indicado.En esta obra, la Dra. Pamela Q. Fernandes Mehr lesen

    € 6,37

  • Hörbuch

    Comfort for the Grieving Spouse's Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Partner

    von Gary Roe
    Erzählt von Gary Roe


    5 Stunden 5  Minuten

    This loss changes everything.The loss of a life partner can be traumatic. Oblivious to our suffering, the world around us speeds on as if nothing happened. Stunned, shocked, sad, confused, and angry, we blink in disbelief. Our hearts are broken. Our souls shake.We look for comfort. Our broken, grieving hearts need it to survive.Multiple award-winning author, hospice chaplain, and grief counselor Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    If I Don't Laugh, I'll Cry

    How Death, Debt, and Comedy Led to a Life of Faith, Farming, and Forgetting What I Came into This Room For

    von Molly Stillman
    Erzählt von Molly Stillman, Lisa Larsen


    8 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Read by the author.Some people have life all figured out. This book is for the rest of us.Molly Stillman has lived the type of life that when shared, people stop in their tracks and ask “Wait, what happened?” Molly’s mother, Lynda Van Devanter Buckley, served as an Army nurse during the Vietnam War and wrote the bestselling memoir Home Before Morning. When Molly was seventeen, Lynda passed away Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch

    Psychedelic Medicine at the End of Life

    Dying without Fear

    Erzählt von Sean Daeley


    7 Stunden 49  Minuten

    • Outlines 10 steps for dying gracefully with the help of psychedelics, including how to navigate the complex legal landscape and find the right guide and therapy• Looks at clinical studies of psychedelics from UCLA, Johns Hopkins, and NYU School of Medicine that show dramatic lessening of end-of-life anxiety in terminally ill patients• Shares wisdom from experts on psychedelic research and Mehr lesen

    € 18,33

  • Hörbuch


    von 江珈瑋


    3 Stunden 12  Minuten

    原課名【覺察愛情模式、修復失落情緒的12堂自我療癒課】,請勿重複購買。你常常選錯對象、愛上渣男嗎?你一直遇不到滿意的對象,懷疑自己孤鸞命嗎?在戀愛過程中,你總是委曲求全,擔心被拋棄、害怕不被愛嗎?你討厭上一代的婚姻狀態,想避免重蹈覆轍,卻不自覺走上相似的道路嗎?單戀、失戀、錯愛,都很痛然而,不被自己愛,最痛。這些失落情緒並不是透過一些無意義的安慰,或是藉酒澆愁、大吼大叫就會消失,而且有些傷痛會一直跟著你,時間也不見得能弭平所有心傷,久了,有可能會讓 巨大傷痛轉化成細胞印記而不自知。本課程由專業心理師,告訴你如何透過心理學手段療癒自我心靈的傷痛,無論你... Mehr lesen

    € 34,65

  • Hörbuch

    Holy Unhappiness

    God, Goodness, and the Myth of the Blessed Life

    Erzählt von Amanda Held Opelt


    7 Stunden 55  Minuten

    Discover what it means to be blessed and challenge the false beliefs many in the church hold about “the good life” and what it means to walk in communion with God.American Christians have developed a long list of expectations about what the life with God will feel like. Many Christians rightly deny the prosperity gospel—the idea that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy— but instead embrace its Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Hörbuch

    Luto por perdas não legitimadas na atualidade


    9 Stunden 29  Minuten

    A morte em si já constitui um grande tabu no mundo ocidental. O mesmo se pode dizer do luto, sobretudo quando ele não é visto como tal – são as chamadas perdas simbólicas e/ou ambíguas. Partindo dessa realidade, Gabriela Casellato reúne aqui textos fundamentais para compreender o assunto. Dividida em quatro partes – "Os lutos do ser", "Os lutos do estar", "Os lutos do cuidar" e "Engajamento social Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Hörbuch

    Half a Life

    A Memoir

    von Darin Strauss
    Erzählt von Darin Strauss


    3 Stunden 8  Minuten

    In this powerful, unforgettable memoir, acclaimed novelist Darin Strauss examines the far-reaching consequences of the tragic moment that has shadowed his whole life. In his last month of high school, he was behind the wheel of his dad's Oldsmobile, driving with friends, heading off to play mini-golf. Then: a classmate swerved in front of his car. The collision resulted in her death. With piercing Mehr lesen

    € 12,23

  • Hörbuch

    My Meteorite

    Or, Without the Random There Can Be No New Thing

    von Harry Dodge
    Erzählt von Harry Dodge


    9 Stunden 27  Minuten

    A New York Times Book Review Editors' ChoiceOne of LitHub's Most Anticipated Books of 2020An expansive, radiant, and genre-defying investigation into bonding—and how we are shaped by forces we cannot fully knowIs love a force akin to gravity? A kind of invisible fabric which enables communications through space and time? Artist Harry Dodge finds himself contemplating such questions as his father Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    The Wilderness of Grief

    Erzählt von Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D


    1 Stunde 19 Min.

    Based on the author’s previous guides to grief therapy, this audiobook takes an inspirational approach to the material, presenting the idea of wilderness as a sustained metaphor for grief—where the death of a loved one is likened to the experience of being wrenched from normal life and dropped down in the middle of nowhere. Feeling lost and afraid in this uncharted territory, people are initially Mehr lesen

    € 10,19

  • Hörbuch

    My Spirit Took You In

    The Romance that Sparked an Epidemic of Fear: A Memoir of the Life and Death of Thomas Eric Duncan, America's First Ebola Victim

    Erzählt von Bahni Turpin


    8 Stunden 28  Minuten

    Louise Troh-fiancEe of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first man ever to die of Ebola in America-breaks her silence about her experience in this deeply moving memoir, chronicling the decade-long love story that starts in Liberia and ends in an isolation ward in Dallas, Texas. Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    After Suicide

    There's Hope for Them and for You

    von Fr. Chris Alar
    Erzählt von James Clement


    8 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Addressing the hard issue of suicide simply and pastorally, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and Jason Lewis, MIC, draw from the teaching of the Church, the message of Divine Mercy, and their own experience of losing a loved one to offer readers two key forms of hope: hope for the salvation of those who've died by their own hand, and hope for the healing of those left behind. This book is a must-read for all Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Opening to Grief

    Finding Your Way from Loss to Peace


    2 Stunden 46  Minuten

    A warm and wise companion for anyone facing grief and sorrowAll of us are experiencing loss. Some of us lose a spouse, or a child, our parents, a beloved pet, a dear friend, or neighbor. In the pandemic, we have lost tens of thousands of lives in the United States and around the world. Many of us have lost our livelihoods. All of us have lost our familiar daily routines and textures of work, Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    We Regret to Inform You

    A Survival Guide for Gold Star Parents and Those Who Support Them

    Erzählt von Marie Hoffman


    6 Stunden 35  Minuten

    Author Joanne Steen tackles the subject that terrifies parents of military personnel—the death of their son or daughter on active duty. In short, accessible chapters Gold Star parents find thoughtful explanations and trustworthy advice for coping with military grief. Steen weaves together realistic examples with voices of other Gold Star parents, connecting the listeners to the wisdom of those Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Declutter Your Life: The Ultimate Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning

    "Unlock Serenity! Experience Life-Changing Audio Lessons on Swedish Death Cleaning for a Clutter-Free Space."

    von Dorian Hargrove
    Erzählt von Nick Porter


    2 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Declutter Your Life: The Ultimate Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide with Explanations ⭐⭐Are you looking to redefine your priorities, cherish your memories, and live intentionally liberated?Do you need a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary steps to embrace the Swedish Death Cleaning philosophy?Your search ends here!This audiobook ser... Mehr lesen

    € 5,20

  • Hörbuch

    Everything Is Fine

    A Memoir

    von Vince Granata
    Erzählt von Sean Patrick Hopkins


    8 Stunden 37  Minuten

    Grief, mental illness, and the bonds of family are movingly explored in this extraordinary memoir “suffused with emotional depth and intellectual inquiry” (Rachel Louise Snyder, author of No Visible Bruises) as a writer delves into the tragedy of his mother’s violent death at the hands of his brother who struggled with schizophrenia. Perfect for fans of An Unquiet Mind and The Bright Hour.Vince Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Renegade Grief

    von Carla Fernandez
    Erzählt von Carla Fernandez


    9 Stunden

    From grief quests to altar-making, to dinner parties to Dungeons & Dragons, Renegade Grief is a profound and vulnerable exploration of care practices and rituals that empower grievers in a culture that expects us to simply “give it time.”So, you’ve lost someone. At first, there is an outpour of support and phone calls and care packages. But after the services are done and the phone stops ringing, Mehr lesen

    € 26,48