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Umgangsformen im Geschäftsleben Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    You Said What?!

    The Biggest Communication Mistakes Professionals Make (A Confident Communicator's Guide)

    Erzählt von Karen Saltus


    2 Stunden 57  Minuten

    If your answer to any of the following questions is YES, listen to this book now. Eliminate those communication breakdowns! 1. Have you ever inserted your foot into your mouth? 2. Have you ever wished you could take back something you said to a colleague? 3. Have you ever communicated in a defensive manner? 4. Have you ever wondered when to send an e-mail or when to pick up the phone? 5. Have you Mehr lesen

    € 20,35

  • Hörbuch

    Job Interview: The Complete Job Interview Preparation and 70 Tough Job Interview Questions With Winning Answers

    von Steve King
    Erzählt von Russell Newton


    1 Stunde 41 Min.

    The Complete Job Interview Preparation and 70 Tough Job Interview Questions With Winning AnswersThings You Will LearnLearn what you should do before your interviewLearn what phrases you should use during your interviewLearn what not to say in a job interviewGet familiar with common interview questionsHow to answer all the most common job English interview questionsLearn to Build Your Perfect Mehr lesen

    € 5,27

  • Hörbuch

    How to Be a Lady Revised and Expanded

    A Contemporary Guide to Common Courtesy

    Erzählt von Mimi Black


    2 Stunden 10  Minuten

    A charming reminder of what it takes to be an exemplary womanùsomeone who is mindful of the effect she has on others and knows how to breeze through an awkward conversation with poise. Of all the women you know, how many of them would you describe as ôa ladyö? Naturally, you know women who are kind and intelligent, witty and resourceful; but a lady is an altogether different variety of female. Mehr lesen

    € 15,39

  • Hörbuch

    Making Money Moral

    How a New Wave of Visionaries Is Linking Purpose and Profit

    Erzählt von Emana Rachelle


    4 Stunden 42  Minuten

    In Making Money Moral: How a New Wave of Visionaries Is Linking Purpose and Profit, authors Judith Rodin and Saadia Madsbjerg explore a burgeoning movement of bold and ambitious innovators. These trailblazers are unlocking private-sector investments in new ways to solve global problems, from environmental challenges to social issues such as poverty and inequality. They are earning great returns Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    Spain - Culture Smart!

    Erzählt von Peter Noble


    3 Stunden 50  Minuten

    Culture Smart! - Spain provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in Spain, ensuring that you arrive aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. This concise guide tells you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your Spanish hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    RoAne's Rules

    How to Make the Right Impression: Working the Room, or One-on-One, What to Say and How to Say It

    von Susan RoAne
    Erzählt von Susan RoAne


    3 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Some Things Are Just Better Heard Than Read.That's why Susan Roane is one of the superstars of the audio industry, and why more than 50,000 people chose to buy the audiobook of her bestseller, How to Work a Room. Knowing what to say is important. Hearing how to say it can make all the difference.With Roane's Rules Susan has taken it to the next level and created an original audiobook that explains Mehr lesen

    € 8,68

  • Hörbuch

    The Schmuck in My Office

    How to Deal Effectively with Difficult People at Work

    Erzählt von Christina Delaine


    9 Stunden 57  Minuten

    "This is a timely must-read for managers and anyone who has ever had to deal with a difficult coworker; it addresses a ubiquitous problem in a proactive, positive manner that should get the desired results." - Publishers WeeklyEveryone has a “schmuck” in their office---a difficult, disruptive person who upsets the workplace, confuses coworkers, and causes concern. It’s hard to understand why Mehr lesen

    € 19,79

  • Hörbuch

    REPLY ALL...and Other Ways to Tank Your Career

    A Guide to Workplace Etiquette

    von Richie Frieman
    Erzählt von Richie Frieman
    Series series Quick & Dirty Tips


    5 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Millions of people have improved their lives with the help of Richie Frieman, the hilariously insightful columnist known as the Modern Manners Guy on the Quick and Dirty Tips network. In his new guide to fixing workplace faux pas, he interviews dozens of CEOs, celebrities, designers, musicians, artists, and everyone in between to get the pros' take on manners challenges of every flavor, including: Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    Confessions Of an Internet Guru Wannabe

    The Shocking True Story Of An Attorney Who Lost $100,000 Online As An Internet Newbie Before Achieving Breakthrough And ... Secrets He Learnt Can Help You Succeed Too!

    von Dr. Ope Banwo
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G


    3 Stunden 44  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.The Explosive True Story of How an Internet Newbie Overcame Obstacles To Achieve Explosive Success Online...And How His Confessions Can Help You Succeed Too!My bitter-sweet romance, and eventual bondage in the vicious circle of internet marketing started with a beautiful email about how a 23-year-old college drop-out, living in a welfare shelter, was Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    The Challenge Culture

    Why the Most Successful Organizations Run on Pushback

    von Nigel Travis
    Erzählt von Graeme Malcolm


    8 Stunden 39  Minuten

    'The Challenge Culture is a must-read for employers and employees alike, and promises to get ideas for long-term success percolating.' - Robert Kraft, chairman and CEO of the Kraft Group'Nigel's career, vision and humanity are very refreshing' - Claude Littner, former Chief Executive of Tottenham Hotspur and author of Single-Minded: My Life in BusinessChallenge is essential for survival and Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Business Without the Bullsh*t

    49 Secrets and Shortcuts You Need to Know

    von Geoffrey James
    Erzählt von Brett Barry


    6 Stunden 20  Minuten

    In this "must-read," readers will learn surprising yet tried-and-true secrets about being an extraordinary boss, about coping with annoying coworkers, and navigating the thorny problems that recur in every workplace (Gerhard Gschwandtner, publisher of Selling Power magazine).Contrary to popular belief, the business world is not that complicated. While every industry and every profession requires Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Hörbuch

    Etiquette: How to Speak with Confidence, Fluency & Eloquence (A Guide to the Most Common Etiquette Rules and Social Situations where Etiquette Matters)

    von Charles Garcia
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G


    46 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.If you want to be the very best that you can be and earn the money and the respect that you deserve then you need to learn to thrive in the higher circles of power where affluence and great connections are to be found.In life and in business, at any level, knowledge of accepted Upper class etiquette will you far. It enables you to charm and influence Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    Business Ethics


    16 Stunden 48  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.This audiobook recording was created from the Feb 2024 web version of Business Ethics by OpenStax. It may be more up-to-date than the textbook published in 2018.Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch


    How to Win Friends and Influence People

    Erzählt von 劉開


    8 Stunden 32  Minuten

    股神巴菲特從二十歲起就奉為人生圭臬的案頭書!世界出版史上僅次於《聖經》的長銷經典,出版逾80年,暢銷超過1500萬冊!社交心理、人際溝通與成功學的必讀聖經!「想說服別人,要先激發對方的渴望,了解對方的需求。能做到這一點,就能左右逢源。」──戴爾.卡內基被譽為二十世紀最偉大心靈導師和成功學大師的卡內基,在1912年發揮自身的銷售與演講長才,創立了獨有的卡內基訓練課程,在美國各地大受歡迎。卡內基認為,能夠被人喜歡,而且也喜歡別人才叫「成功」。也就是說,成功的第一要素是要懂得如何建立好人際關係。人與人之間若要有效溝通,必須了解「人性的弱點」,了解人們都渴望受重視的天性,進而能真心讚美他人。本書囊括卡內基教學二十多年來的精華,詳細說明如何與人相處的哲學和技巧,並輔以諸多真實的故事與例子加以印證,包含三大人際關係技巧、六種受歡迎的方法、十二條獲得認同的法則,以及說... Mehr lesen

    € 9,24

  • Hörbuch

    Working with Difficult People, Second Revised Edition

    Handling the Ten Types of Problem People Without Losing Your Mind

    Erzählt von Karen Saltus


    7 Stunden 55  Minuten

    A revised edition of the classic guide on how to best resolve conflict in today's technologically advanced workplace.Your work day is filled with them--people who frustrate, impede, maneuver, undermine, plot, connive, and whine. This indispensable guide details specific techniques for handling all of them, with easy-to-follow scenarios for every situation.Updated and revised to reflect modern Mehr lesen

    € 25,45

  • Hörbuch

    33 Ways Not to Screw Up Your Business Emails

    von Anne Janzer
    Erzählt von Anne Janzer


    2 Stunden 24  Minuten

    Business runs on emails, yet we rarely give them enough thought. Too often, our messages are misunderstood, misfiled, or ignored.In a world filled with remote collaboration and virtual teams, people who master email writing rise above the noise. You can be one of those people.Learn how to make your emails work for you rather than against you with this short, practical guide. Topics includeCrafting Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Hörbuch

    How to Be a Gentleman Revised and Expanded

    A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners

    von John Bridges
    Erzählt von Kirby Heyborne


    3 Stunden 49  Minuten

    Learn the skills you need to succeed in life as a man.Have you ever felt unsure about what to do when you're facing a new social situation or meeting new people? In this updated and revised edition of How to be a Gentleman you will learn everything a man needs to know to navigate the ins and outs of life today.There are so many unwritten rules to social interaction that it can be challenging to Mehr lesen

    € 19,79

  • Hörbuch

    Morocco - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

    von Jillian York
    Erzählt von Charles Armstrong
    Series series Culture Smart!


    2 Stunden 56  Minuten

    Morocco is a land of spectacular scenery with a rich history and heady with tantalizing scents and colorful sights. The call of the muezzin seems to draw people from every corner of the globe. In 1956, Morocco gained independence from French colonial rule and was jolted into the twentieth century. Today, it is a country in transition—a unique blend of Arab, African, and European ways of life. The Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Kenya - Culture Smart!

    The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

    von Jane Barsby
    Erzählt von Peter Noble
    Series series Culture Smart!


    3 Stunden 47  Minuten

    Culture Smart! Kenya provides essential information, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    The ROI of LOL

    How Laughter Breaks Down Walls, Drives Compelling Storytelling, and Creates a Healthy Workplace


    5 Stunden 42  Minuten

    Read by the authors.Laughter is a powerful remedy to what ails today’s teams and organizations.There are a host of neuroscientific explanations for why laughter makes us feel so great. Laughter triggers "feel good" chemicals in the brain which activate opiate receptors throughout your body and mind. Creating a workplace culture in which laughter is not only allowed but expected is an important Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    New Zealand - Culture Smart!

    The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

    von Sue Butler
    Erzählt von Peter Noble
    Series series Culture Smart!


    3 Stunden 45  Minuten

    Culture Smart! New Zealand provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Chile - Culture Smart!

    The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

    Erzählt von Anna Bentinck


    4 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Culture Smart! Chile provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in Chile, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. This concise guide will tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    India - Culture Smart!

    von Becky Stephen
    Erzählt von Peter Noble


    4 Stunden 46  Minuten

    India is in transition. Since the publication of Culture Smart’s first guide to India in 2003, it has been transformed from a developing, third-world country into the world’s fastest growing economy. This completely new and up-to-date volume by American author Becky Stephen is unrivalled. It highlights the many subtle and not so subtle changes that are taking place in Indian society, describes and Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Don't Say That at Work

    Lessons Learned from a Lifetime of Mistakes


    1 Stunde 51 Min.

    An eye-opening guide to the communication mistakes we all make and what to say instead.Have you ever been told that your communication style is "too confrontational?" Do you have problems persuading your coworkers and managers without sounding arrogant or condescending? Have you said something and immediately regretted it? Have you ever said something you can't take back? Have you ever wondered Mehr lesen

    € 7,12