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Umweltschutz & -erhaltung Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Butter bei die Fische: Wie wir von Pellworm aus die Klimapolitik verändert haben


    4 Stunden 45  Minuten

    Wie eine Mutter und ihre Tochter von Pellworm die Politik bezwungen habenDie Nordseeinseln Pellworm ist die Heimat von Sophie und Silke Backsen. Hier werden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels besonders spürbar: Die Insel liegt heute bereits einen Meter unter dem Meeresspiegel, jede weitere Erhöhung desselben wäre katastrophal. Silke Backsen zog bereits 2019 für eine bessere Klimapolitik vor Gericht Mehr lesen

    € 16,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Last Butterflies

    A Scientist's Quest to Save a Rare and Vanishing Creature

    von Nick Haddad
    Erzählt von Eric Jason Martin


    7 Stunden 37  Minuten

    Most of us have heard of such popular butterflies as the Monarch or Painted Lady. But what about the Fender's Blue? Or the St. Francis' Satyr? Because of their extreme rarity, these butterflies are not well-known, yet they are remarkable species with important lessons to teach us. The Last Butterflies spotlights the rarest of these creatures—some numbering no more than what can be held in one hand Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Northern Light

    Power, Land, and the Memory of Water

    von Kazim Ali
    Erzählt von Kazim Ali


    5 Stunden 50  Minuten

    The child of South Asian migrants, Kazim Ali was born in London, lived as a child in the cities and small towns of Manitoba, and made a life in the United States. As a man passing through disparate homes, he has never felt he belonged to a place. And yet, one day, he finds himself thinking of Jenpeg, a community thrown up around the building of a hydroelectric dam on the Nelson River, where he Mehr lesen

    € 16,29

  • Hörbuch

    We Will Not Be Saved

    A memoir of hope and resistance in the Amazon rainforest (Reese Witherspoon's Book Club Pick)

    Erzählt von Christine Ann-Roche


    13 Stunden 32  Minuten

    ** Publishing in the US as WE WILL BE JAGUARS**'I'm here to tell you my story, which is also the story of my people and the story of this forest.'Born into the Waorani tribe of Ecuador's Amazon rainforest, Nemonte Nenquimo was taught about plant medicines, foraging, oral storytelling, and shamanism by her elders. Age 14, she left the forest for the first time to study with an evangelical Mehr lesen

    € 32,59

  • Hörbuch

    The Last of Its Kind

    The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction

    von Gisli Palsson
    Erzählt von Paul Woodson


    8 Stunden 38  Minuten

    The great auk is one of the most tragic and documented examples of extinction. A flightless bird that bred primarily on the remote islands of the North Atlantic, the last of its kind were killed in Iceland in 1844. Gísli Pálsson draws on firsthand accounts from the Icelanders who hunted the last great auks to bring to life a bygone age of Victorian scientific exploration while offering vital Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Fresh Banana Leaves

    Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science

    Erzählt von Stacy Gonzalez


    9 Stunden 35  Minuten

    **A 2022 Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist in Science & TechnologyAn Indigenous environmental scientist breaks down why western conservationism isn't working--and offers Indigenous models informed by case studies, personal stories, and family histories that center the voices of Latin American women and land protectors.**Despite the undeniable fact that Indigenous communities are among the most Mehr lesen

    € 37,64

  • Hörbuch

    The Yosemite

    von John Muir
    Erzählt von John Muir


    7 Stunden 33  Minuten

    For two years Scots-born John Muir lived in a small cabin along the Yosemite creek, observing the valley’s natural beauty and reading Emerson under the stars. The experience forged a lifelong affinity with the site, which would result in its establishment as a national park in 1890. Originally written as a guidebook to the park, The Yosemite describes every aspect of wildlife and landscape that Mehr lesen

    € 25,47

  • Hörbuch

    In Search of Meadowlarks

    Birds, Farms, and Food in Harmony with the Land

    Erzählt von Danny Campbell


    11 Stunden 17  Minuten

    An ornithologist's personal look at farming practices that finds practical solutions for sustainable food production compatible with bird and wildlife conservationWith predictions of a human population of more than nine billion by the middle of this century and eleven billion by 2100, we stand at a crossroads in our agricultural evolution. In this clear and engaging yet scientifically rigorous Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    The Only Kayak

    A Journey Into The Heart Of Alaska

    von Kim Heacox
    Erzählt von Matthew Josdal


    9 Stunden 57  Minuten

    Winner of the 2020 National Outdoor Book Award for Outdoor Classic!In this coming-of-middle-age memoir, Kim Heacox, writing in the tradition of Abbey, McPhee, and Thoreau, discovers an Alaska reborn from beneath a massive glacier, where flowers emerge from boulders, moose swim fjords, and bears cross crevasses with Homeric resolve. In such a place Heacox finds that people are reborn too, and their Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World


    11 Stunden 21  Minuten

    A blueprint for a more balanced, sustainable world by King Charles III. This compassionate and insightful book shines a light on our new monarch’s deep interest in the world around us.Long before the phrase climate change was a universal catchphrase, our new monarch, King Charles III was studying the impact of industrialization on the environment. In this fascinating cross-discipline work, he Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch

    Environmental Reflections

    Series series Non-Fiction/Study


    4 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Issues mankind faces today are global warming, climate change, widespread pollution of natural elements, environmental degradation and resource depletion.Environment protection does not suffer from the dearth of scientific data or the absence of laws and regulations on the subject. What is absent is a consistent and determined mindset of the authorities and the people in general to implement the Mehr lesen

    € 7,64

  • Hörbuch

    Friedvolle Waldgeräusche & Vogelstimmen

    Traumhafte Naturklänge zum Einschlafen und Entspannen


    6 Stunden 57  Minuten

    Klang ist das Vokabular der Natur. Friedvolle Naturgeräusche sind eine großartige Quelle, um unseren Geist und Körper zu entspannen. Erleben Sie einzigartige Naturklänge in exzellenter Audioqualität, OHNE Musik zum Meditieren, Heilen und Relaxen: Sanftes Plätschern eines Bachlaufes, beruhigende Vogelstimmen, Regentropfen im Wald, Wind in den Baumkronen, Waldvogelkonzert im Frühling, Mehr lesen

    € 6,95

  • Hörbuch

    Pilgrimage Pathways for the United States

    Creating Pilgrimage Routes to Enrich Lives, Enhance Community, and Restore Ecosystems

    von James E. Mills
    Erzählt von Kirk Magoon


    4 Stunden 9  Minuten

    An inspirational argument for the creation of a new pilgrimage tradition in the United States.Pilgrimage is a sacred tradition that has existed around the world for centuries. Every year, more than one hundred million devotees from different cultures and faiths embark on journeys to such holy sites as Santiago de Compostela, Mecca, and Banaras. For some, making a pilgrimage is a spiritual act, Mehr lesen

    € 30,51

  • Hörbuch

    Gebrauchsanweisung für den Wald

    von Peter Wohlleben
    Erzählt von Stephan Schad


    7 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Deutschlands berühmtester Förster teilt sein WaldwissenDie Wälder sind sein berufliches Zuhause, und die Arbeit mit Bäumen ist sein Leben. Bei geführten Waldwanderungen gibt der passionierte Förster und Autor Peter Wohlleben sein enormes Wissen über Bäume weiter. Seine Gebrauchsanweisung ist eine ebenso handfeste wie stimmungsvolle Entdeckungstour. Fundiert und unterhaltsam weist er ein in die Mehr lesen

    € 12,30

  • Hörbuch

    Common Threads

    Weaving Community through Collaborative Eco-Art

    von Sharon Kallis
    Erzählt von Jenny Craig


    8 Stunden 43  Minuten

    A guide to creating community-based art installations using green waste, invasive species and natural materialsDisposing of unwanted natural materials can be expensive and time-consuming, or it can present a tremendous opportunity for creating collaborative eco-art. Invasive-species control, green-waste management, urban gardening, and traditional crafts can all be brought together to strengthen Mehr lesen

    € 31,89

  • Hörbuch


    The Adventures, Obsession and Evolution of a Fly Fisherman

    von Dylan Tomine
    Erzählt von Dylan Tomine
    Series series Patagonia


    7 Stunden 8  Minuten

    Christmas Island. The Russian Arctic. Argentine Patagonia. Japan. Cuba. British Columbia.Dylan Tomine takes us to the far reaches of the planet in search of fish and adventure, with keen insight, a strong stomach and plenty of laughs along the way. Closer to home, he wades deeper into his beloved steelhead rivers of the Pacific Northwest and the politics of saving them. Tomine celebrates the joy Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    Humans versus Nature

    A Global Environmental History

    Erzählt von David Stifel


    23 Stunden 44  Minuten

    Since the appearance of Homo sapiens on the planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, human beings have sought to exploit their environments, extracting as many resources as their technological ingenuity has allowed. As technologies have advanced in recent centuries, that impulse has remained largely unchecked, exponentially accelerating the human impact on the environment.Humans versus Nature Mehr lesen

    € 30,55

  • Hörbuch

    The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

    Exploring the Microscopic World in Our Forests, Homes, and Bodies

    von Keith Seifert
    Erzählt von Steven Marriott


    6 Stunden 39  Minuten

    From a leading mycologist: Keith Seifert, now retired, spent 40 years studying fungi across five continents. He was president of the International Mycological Association, an executive editor of Mycologia, and associate editor of several other scientific journals.A uniquely all-encompassing book about fungi: most popular fungi books focus on the kind of fungi that you can see and that live with Mehr lesen

    € 25,60

  • Hörbuch

    Die Plastikflasche

    Erzählt von Marco Thiemann


    1 Stunde 6 Min.

    Eine namenlose Plastikflasche... Ein Fluss am anderen Ende der Welt... Die endlose Weite des Meeres... Eine abenteuerliche Odyssee beginnt… In einem fernen Land wird eine Plastikflasche in einen Fluss geworfen. Eben noch ein nützlicher Begleiter für durstige Menschen, ist sie plötzlich ungewollt ein Teil des weltweiten Müllproblems. Gibt es ein Chance für ein neues Leben oder wird sie ein weiterer Mehr lesen

    € 7,95

  • Hörbuch

    Leg dich nicht mit Krähen an! - Wie die Tierwelt zurückschlägt (Ungekürzt)

    von Jörg Zittlau
    Erzählt von Max Hoffmann


    5 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Wie Mensch und Tier zusammenleben können. Das Artensterben läuft, doch viele Tiere haben Strategien zum Überleben entdeckt. Ob etwa Quallen, die Atomkraftwerke lahm legen; Krähen, die Fensterdichtungen heraushacken; Elefanten, die sich in Gangsterbanden organisieren; oder Straßenhunde, die mit der U-Bahn zu ihrer Arbeit als Wegelagerer fahren - die Tierwelt schlägt zurück, und manche Menschen Mehr lesen

    € 8,24

  • Hörbuch

    Disposable City

    Miami's Future on the Shores of Climate Catastrophe

    Erzählt von Ron Butler


    9 Stunden 41  Minuten

    A deeply reported personal investigation by a Miami journalist examines the present and future effects of climate change in the Magic City -- a watery harbinger for coastal cities worldwide.Miami, Florida, is likely to be entirely underwater by the end of this century. Residents are already starting to see the effects of sea level rise today. From sunny day flooding caused by higher tides to a Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    Dudu salva la foresta di Kuluki

    von Caesar J. Piccs
    Erzählt von Marco Beccari


    26 Min.

    L’orso Dudu è il simpatico e coraggioso protagonista di una serie di storie avvincenti ed educative per aiutare i bambini, ma anche gli adulti, a comprendere quanto sia importante la salvaguardia dell’ambiente e il rispetto delle regole di civile convivenza. Racconti adatti sia per la buonanotte che come momento di relax in compagnia dei propri figli o nipoti.Le avventure dell'orso Dudu sono Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Thicker Than Water

    The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis

    von Erica Cirino
    Erzählt von Angie Kane


    7 Stunden 11  Minuten

    Instead of a great island of trash, the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made up of manmade debris spread over hundreds of miles of sea—more like a soup than a floating garbage dump. Recycling is more complicated than we were taught: less than nine percent of the plastic we create is reused, and the majority ends up in the ocean. And plastic pollution isn’t confined to the open sea: it’s in Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Nature of Nature, The

    Why We Need the Wild

    von Enric Sala
    Erzählt von Will Damron


    6 Stunden 22  Minuten

    In this inspiring manifesto, an internationally renowned ecologist makes a clear case for why protecting nature is our best health insurance, and why it makes economic sense. Mehr lesen

    € 28,53