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Unterhaltung Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    Essere Coraggiosi in un mondo di Paurosi

    Trova la pace nella tua vita e diventa padrone del potere della tua mente. Emergi e cambia le tue abitudini con un mindset vincente.

    Erzählt von Valentina Fregni


    1 Stunde 47 Min.

    Quanto è importante vivere una vita con Coraggio senza farsi abbattere da ogni singola Paura? Per vivere con Coraggio è necessario Agire e non farsi frenare dagli ostacoli. Sono moltissimi i ragazzi che sono alla ricerca del Benessere, che cercano di sviluppare le potenzialità della loro Mente per vivere una vita Incredibile e Unica. La verità è che l'insoddisfazione e la Paura di fare o Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Hörbuch

    Globo arte June 2023 issue

    Special issue covering 4 different ways in which artist can make money

    von Globo arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    33 Min.

    This is our second special edition where we are talking about different ways a creative an artist can make moneyWe are covering 4 different waysStarting with Print on demand storeSelling digital downloadsStarting with magazineSelling art/backgrounds on Teachers pay teachers websiteAnd in depth tips and also steps on how to get startedWe are covering only 4 ways in this edition wil... Mehr lesen

    € 3,16

  • Hörbuch


    AN art magazine for helping artist in their art career

    von Globo Arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    23 Min.

    Hi guys this is the November 2022 Magazine issue, s contains artists interviews to inspire artists, and so much more to help the artist in their art career,it contains artist interviews, art-related topics articles and question of the month, step of the month and social media updates Mehr lesen

    € 2,68

  • Hörbuch

    Would It Surprise You To Know…?


    9 Stunden 19  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.For decades, Ronnie Archer-Morgan has brought to life the fascinating, often surprising backstories behind our most cherished heirlooms, antiques and household objects. Now, he tells his own unlikely story.Born in the fifties to a Sierra Leoneon mother battling mental health problems, Ronnie spent his childhood in and out of care. After difficult beginnings, marked by Mehr lesen

    € 15,66

  • Hörbuch

    Art of Listening to AM Radio, The: Techniques for Improving Reception

    Erzählt von Digital Voice Alistair G


    46 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice."The Art of Listening to AM Radio: Techniques for Improving Reception" is a comprehensive guidebook for anyone interested in improving their experience of AM radio listening. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of AM radio reception, the role of radio waves and antennas, and the best equipment and setups for optimal reception Mehr lesen

    € 6,11

  • Hörbuch

    Vinyl Age

    A Guide to Record Collecting Now

    von Max Brzezinski
    Erzählt von Max Brzezinski


    9 Stunden 57  Minuten

    From Carolina Soul Records, one of the world's largest online record sellers, comes the definitive guide to every aspect of record collecting in the digital era.Any music fan knows that there's nothing like the tactile pleasure of a record. Even with access to a variety of streaming services, digital technology has paved the way for the analog revival; from multiplatinum megahits to ultra-obscure Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    Art of Singing

    von Enrico Caruso
    Erzählt von Lincoln Greene


    1 Stunde 55 Min.

    Two of opera's greatest names offer encouragement and useful advice to aspiring singers in this classic guide.Tenor Enrico Caruso and coloratura soprano Luisa Tetrazzini employ nontechnical terms to provide an informal vocalist's anatomy, with instructions for the proper training, care, and disposition of the tongue, lungs, diaphragm, mouth, and the voice itself.Tetrazzini deals with the Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch


    AN art magazine for helping artist in their art career

    von Globo Arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    25 Min.

    Hi guys this is the MARCH 2022 Magazine issue, which contains artists interviews to inspire artists, and so much more to help the artist in their art career,it contains artist interviews, art-related topics articles and question of the month, step of the month and social media updates Mehr lesen

    € 2,68

  • Hörbuch

    Island of the Devil

    von The Shadow
    Erzählt von Ralph Cosham & Others


    31 Min.

    Strap yourself into this science fiction classic! Explore the mysteries that this audiobook has to offer, and jump into the action! Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Comedy Audio Books 100 Years Of British Comedy


    1 Stunde 56 Min.

    Sit back, and prepare to laugh! This audiobook is sure to bring tears of laughter to your eyes! Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Fibber McGee and Molly - 35-04-16 - Motorcycle Cop (First Show)


    28 Min.

    Sit back, and prepare to laugh! This audiobook is sure to bring tears of laughter to your eyes! Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Della Solitudine di un Uomo Libero - parte seconda

    Erzählt von Claudio Conti


    1 Stunde 51 Min.

    Un impulso nervoso che ha percorso una via sinaptica una volta, dato lo stesso input, tende ad usare la stessa sinapsi. Quest'abitudine si sviluppa sotto l'imperativo del minimo sforzo corredato dal maggior risultato. Eppure, nulla può ripetersi perfettamente uguale; anche un'infinitesimale variazione produce risultati diversi, materiali, emozionali, sensitivi. La mente umana tende a massificare Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Il parco degli animali

    Erzählt von Veronica Malgioglio


    3 Min.

    Nella lontana Savana ,esiste un parco, dove un gruppo di 6 amici animali allegra le giornate dei bambini della citta. Purtroppo due di loro ,soffrono di problemi di allucianazioni , e durante la festa del parco,spariscono,creando preoccupazione nel gruppo. I quattro amici si prodigheranno nella ricerca,ma non sara affatto facile visto i tempi ristretti causati dalla giornata di festa che gli Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    globo arte Biz magazine februrary 2021

    AN art magazine for helping artist in their art career

    von Globo Arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    21 Min.

    Hi guys this is FEBRUARY ART BUSINESS 2021 Magazine issue, which contains art business topics like selling art online especially talking about print on demand websites and how you can make money by selling your art on it, covering Redbubble, Teepublic, Society 6, and Zazzle in-depth and also sharing tips to get sales on it. Mehr lesen

    € 24,44

  • Hörbuch

    Date With Judy, A

    von Aleen Leslie
    Erzählt von Ann Gillis


    8 Stunden 41  Minuten

    Best friends Judy (Jane Powell) and Carol (Elizabeth Taylor) compete for the affections of an older man (Robert Stack) during their high school dance. As Carol tries to rekindle Judy's relationship with Carol's bumbling brother, Oogie (Scotty Beckett), Judy suspects that her father (Wallace Beery) is having an affair with a beautiful dance instructor (Carmen Miranda). The two girls team up to Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Vinyl Record Collecting For Dummies

    von Dave Thompson
    Erzählt von Eric Burgher


    9 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Get on the vinyl train and learn about this captivating hobbyVinyl Record Collecting For Dummies teaches you how to start a collection, grow your collection, and make that collection sound excellent. You'll learn how to shop for new, used, and rare records, and how to select the turntable that's right for you. Learn how to determine a record's value, build your collection on a budget, and properly Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Globo arte/ MARCH 2021 magazine issue

    AN art magazine for helping artist

    von Globo Arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    18 Min.

    Hi guys this is MARCH 2021 Magazine issue, which contains artists interviews to inspire artists, art-related blog articles like how to grow on social media like Instagram, art business-related topics and so much more to help the artist in their art career Mehr lesen

    € 24,44

  • Hörbuch

    "Nein ernst, als ob das komisch wär..."

    Kabarettistisches um, über und mit Joachim Ringelnatz


    1 Stunde 13 Min.

    Joachim Ringelnatz zählt heute zu den wenigen Dichtern, die das deutschsprachige Kabarett seinerzeit überhaupt hervorgebracht hat. Aber nicht nur auf den Brettl-Bühnen, auch im alltäglichen Leben war er ein Original, ohne dies überhaupt sein zu wollen. Mit seinen Streichen lieferte er jedoch ausreichend Stoff für unzählige Anekdoten, die natürlich sehr bald zu Legendenbildungen führten. Es ist Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    War Of The Worlds With Star Trek Cast

    von H. G. Wells
    Erzählt von Star Trek Cast


    53 Min.

    Sit back and recount the greatest moments in political history! Broaden your knowledge with this title’s narrative on political events. Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch


    Poesie 2006-2008


    1 Stunde 27 Min.

    Devo porre rimedio alle tue sofferenze, le mie. Il tempo ci impone barriere e distanze che solo noi sappiamo colmare… Riempiti ora, anello di fumo nero e denso che sa aspettare la giusta fine… Christian DeLord, raccoglie in questo libro una serie di pensieri e poesie in prosa, pensieri e riflessioni sull'amore, il sesso, la solitudine e sogni. Diversi si sono riconosciuti in questa raccolta che Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    Hancock's Half Hour - Tony Hanco


    29 Min.

    Sit back, and prepare to laugh! This audiobook is sure to bring tears of laughter to your eyes! Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Ghosts Can Kill

    von The Shadow
    Erzählt von Ralph Cosham & Others


    30 Min.

    Strap yourself into this science fiction classic! Explore the mysteries that this audiobook has to offer, and jump into the action! Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch


    AN art magazine for helping artist in their art career

    von Globo Arte team
    Erzählt von Parshwika Bhandari


    28 Min.

    Hi guys this is the AUGUST 2022 Magazine issue, which contains artists interviews to inspire artists, and so much more to help the artist in their art career,it contains artist interviews, art-related topics articles and question of the month, step of the month and social media updates Mehr lesen

    € 2,68

  • Hörbuch

    On Browsing

    von Jason Guriel
    Erzählt von Tom Lute


    3 Stunden 4  Minuten

    A defense of the dying art of losing an afternoon—and gaining new appreciation—amidst the bins and shelves of bricks-and-mortar shops.Written during the pandemic, when the world was marooned at home and consigned to scrolling screens, On Browsing’s essays chronicle what we’ve lost through online shopping, streaming, and the relentless digitization of culture. The latest in the Field Notes series, Mehr lesen

    € 14,25