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Unterhaltung & Darstellende Künste Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    What If John Lennon Lived? His Story His Words

    Erzählt von Geoffrey Giuliano


    46 Min.

    “I have always hoped people would look deeper into the music than they seem to. Here is the mirror of my life. Here is the means to understand who I really am.” John Lennon, 1980Here, from the extensive private archives of the world’s foremost Beatles’ historian and author Geoffrey Giuliano, comes perhaps the rarest, virtually unheard long lost interviews with the founder and spiritual heart of Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Beyond the Castle

    A Guide to Discovering Your Happily Ever After

    Erzählt von Jody Dreyer


    6 Stunden 50  Minuten

    When the credits roll and you've left the park, when your Disney day is over, how do you take the magic with you into your everyday work and life?Jody Jean Dreyer worked for the Walt Disney Company for 30 years and in Beyond the Castle she shares one-of-a-kind stories and insights into what sets the Disney experience apart, as well as secrets to help readers discover their own “happily ever after. Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch

    Hema Malini

    Beyond the Dream Girl

    Erzählt von Sumit Kaul


    9 Stunden 46  Minuten

    One of the most enduring divas of Hindi cinema, a producer and director for films and television, dancer and choreographer par excellence, magazine editor, an active member of Parliament and now a singer, Hema Malini wears many hats with admirable ease. No other industry name comes close to matching the breadth of her achievements. In an industry where the male star has traditionally driven the Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch

    The Beatles: Interviews from the Edge - The Lost Press Conference Collection

    Erzählt von Geoffrey Giuliano


    1 Stunde 14 Min.

    Here is the Beatles' incredible story in their own words! Once again, internationally acclaimed, best-selling biographer and actor Geoffrey Giuliano tears back the decades-old veil of myth and unquestioning hero worship surrounding the Beatles’ turbulent lives and presents the frank, often heart-wrenching tale of four talented, driven young men from suburban Liverpool thrust upon the world stage Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    The Exorcist Legacy

    50 Years of Fear

    von Nat Segaloff
    Erzählt von Joe Hempel


    8 Stunden 57  Minuten

    On December 26, 1973, The Exorcist was released. Within days it had become legend. Moviegoers braved hours-long lines in winter weather to see it. Some audience members famously fainted or vomited. Half a century later, the movie that both inspired and transcends the modern horror genre has lost none of its power to terrify and unsettle.The Exorcist Legacy reveals the complete story of this Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Ginger Baker Of Cream - In Conversation 3

    Erzählt von Geoffrey Giuliano


    1 Stunde 8 Min.

    Ginger Baker is without question one of the foremost drummers of his generation having founded Cream and Blind Faith. In the early 1990s, Geoffrey Giuliano received an unsolicited call from Mr. Baker asking if he would be interested in writing his autobiography. From there a turbulent, yet fruitful relationship ensued between the two men.While the book has yet to be published, here at last, are Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Rediscovering Life: A Journey Back Home

    Ignite your soul! Discover captivating audio guides for your journey back home to Rediscovering Life.

    Erzählt von Nick Porter


    2 Stunden 30  Minuten

    Rediscovering Life: A Journey Back Home⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide ⭐⭐Are you on a journey to find peace and purpose by rediscovering life's essence?Searching for an enlightening guide that provides all the necessary elements to embrace life fully?Your search ends here!This audiobook serves as your definitive companion for deepening your understanding, applying your ins... Mehr lesen

    € 6,95

  • Hörbuch

    Sonic Warrior

    My Life as a Rock N Roll Reprobate: Tales of Sex, Drugs, and Vomiting at Inopportune Moments

    von Lou Brutus
    Erzählt von Lou Brutus


    7 Stunden 1  Minuten

    Sonic Warrior is a collection of insane-but-true stories from the career of rock radio legend Lou Brutus. Each chapter is a separate tale that careens around his forty-plus years of covering concerts, interviewing music's biggest stars, and influencing generations of radio listeners. Starting with the first show he attended and continuing to the present day, stops along the way include Live Aid in Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch



    7 Stunden 3  Minuten

    I "Livsvidner" fortæller Lisbet Dahl og Ulf Pilgaard, dansk revys par nummer ét, for første gang sammen om deres makkerskab på og uden for scenen – et makkerskab, som de kalder "et ægteskab – bare uden sex".Her er minderne om deres første møde og historierne om Dirch og Preben Kaas, Helle Virkner og Claus Ryskjær. Fortalt med både grin og en tåre i øjet.At Lisbet og Ulf sammen har lavet en bog, Mehr lesen

    € 11,32

  • Hörbuch

    Biografías: Pintores del siglo XX

    Erzählt von Pablo López


    2 Stunden 40  Minuten

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Muchos lo dicen, pero nadie se lo cree. ¿sería posible que Salvador Dalí fue la reencarnación del propio Van Gogh?¿Cuánto le ayudaron a Gauguin para conseguir la originalidad de sus pinturas, las jovencitas de Tahití? Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    Baglæns og på høje hæle

    von Bente Troense
    Erzählt von Bente Troense


    6 Stunden 53  Minuten

    "Jeg tog en af de store, brune kuverter. Pillede lige så forsigtigt ved åbningen, lirkede den stille op og trak forsigtigt papirerne ud (...) Der var mange svære ord, men på et sted stod mit navn. Ben-te. Det kunne jeg kende. Foran mit navn stod nogle ord, som jeg stavede mig igennem. Det u-æg-te-fød-te barn.Uægte, det vidste jeg godt, hvad var. Uægte var ikke godt, og det var ikke rigtigt. Og det Mehr lesen

    € 11,21

  • Hörbuch

    HiBrow: World Book Night 2013


    55 Min.

    A celebration of adult literature and reading. The whole book industry, including booksellers, librarians and publishers were invited come togethere an pick out their favourite titles to be included the final list of 25 books by authors from the UK and Ireland. The final list inclueded fiction, poetry, memoirs among others. There were some bestsellers, classics and some lesser known.Interviews Mehr lesen

    € 3,60

  • Hörbuch

    Die blaue Mütze - und andere Geschichten aus meinem Leben (Ungekürzt)

    von Charles Brauer
    Erzählt von Charles Brauer


    4 Stunden

    Als Tatort-Kommissar Peter Brockmöller an der Seite von Manfred Krug kennen ihn die meisten: Charles Brauer. John-Grisham-Fans ist seine unverwechselbare Stimme von den Hörbüchern vertraut. Das Theaterpublikum hat ihn in unzähligen Rollen gesehen. Aber dass Charles Brauer mehr als ein Dreivierteljahrhundert deutscher Schauspielgeschichte miterlebt und mit nahezu allen Größen seines Metiers Mehr lesen

    € 8,24

  • Hörbuch

    The Sporty One

    My Life as a Spice Girl

    Erzählt von Melanie Chisholm


    13 Stunden 38  Minuten

    An intimate memoir from international pop star Melanie Chisholm--better known as Mel C. or Sporty Spice--chronicling her trajectory from small-town girl to overnight icon as part of the Spice Girls.25 years ago, The Spice Girls, a girl band that began after five women answered an ad in the paper, released their first single. 'Wannabe' became a hit and from that moment and, almost overnight, Mehr lesen

    € 27,99

  • Hörbuch

    Ich hab das Paradies gesehen (ungekürzt)

    von Achim Reichel
    Erzählt von Achim Reichel


    12 Stunden 49  Minuten

    Achim Reichel, seit weit über 60 Jahren auf der Bühne zuhause, blickt zurück auf sein Leben. 2024 feierte er zu seiner größten Verwunderung seinen 80. Geburtstag - und es ist viel passiert, was sich zu erzählen lohnt: In den Sechzigern feiert er als Frontmann der Rattles Erfolge, wird in den Siebzigern Vorreiter des Krautrocks, veröffentlicht ein Album mit Shantys und Seefahrersongs, vertont Mehr lesen

    € 18,03

  • Hörbuch

    Der Magier in uns - Wie wir mit Neugier und Vorstellungskraft unsere Welt verändern können


    6 Stunden 20  Minuten

    Der berühmte Magier Thimon von Berlepsch gewährt seinen Leser:innen Einblicke in seine Kunst, sein Handwerk, sein Leben. Auf seiner Reise nimmt er uns mit zu Zauberern, Schamanen und vielen weiteren magischen Persönlichkeiten, die seinen eigenen Werdegang geprägt haben. Mit viel Witz, Charme und ein bisschen Magie zeigt er, wie man es schafft, wieder mehr Aufregung und Spannung Zutritt in das Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Hörbuch

    Den søde skrivekløe

    von Otto Ludwig
    Erzählt von Søren Elung Jensen


    4 Stunden 56  Minuten

    Otto Ludwig fortæller i denne erindringsbog om sit liv som journalist af den gamle skole, der gerne sætter liv og lemmer på spil for at komme først med en god historie. Ludwig havde specialiseret sig i selv at lave historier ved at iscenesætte happenings med sig selv i centrum. Sceneriet var ofte Strøget i København, hvor hans practical jokes ikke sjældent førte til indgriben fra ordensmagten, Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Приключения режиссера

    Series series Современная биография. Подарочное издание


    8 Stunden

    Андрей Житинкин — культовый режиссер, спектакли которого знает вся Москва. Любая его постановка — всегда неожиданное открытие. Она может быть скандальной, шокирующей, может быть лирично-романтической, решенной в классических традициях, но никогда тривиальной. С ним работали выдающиеся актеры — Ю. Яковлев, Э. Быстрицкая, В. Васильева, Л. Гурченко, Б. Клюев, М. Терехова, М. Козаков, О. Аросева, А. Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    Michael Jackson: Gone Too Soon: A Respected Life in Words

    von Raymond Sturgis
    Erzählt von Books with Voices


    23 Min.

    THIS IS THE DELUXE EDITION:Michael Jackson was and will always be a musical icon, whose talent inundated the world with his greatness. He fascinated the world as a preteen, and then made the world bow down at his feet with his musical performances as an adult. The world was saddened and shock by his untimely death, however, Michael Jackson forever live on in the hearts of all that love and respect Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch


    The Story of How I Became a Man

    von Chaz Bono
    Erzählt von Chaz Bono


    6 Stunden 40  Minuten

    Chaz Bono's groundbreaking and candid account of a forty-year struggle to match his gender identity with his physical body and his transformation from female to maleAt first, America knew the only child of Sonny and Cher as Chastity, the cherubic little girl who appeared on her parents' TV show. In later years, she became famous for coming out on a national stage, working with two major Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    Jimi Hendrix Emissary of the Heavens - An Audio Biography

    Erzählt von Kris Kristofferson


    57 Min.

    It is now well known and generally accepted Jimi Hendrix was the premiere virtuoso guitarist of the 20th century. We know the music, but how much do we really know about the man?This exciting, one-of-a-kind, original, audiobook presentation narrated by actor, singer, songwriter Kris Kristofferson takes us inside the unlikely and exciting world of James Marshall Hendrix of Seattle, Washington. From Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    The Age of Bowie

    von Paul Morley
    Erzählt von Paul Morley


    15 Stunden 28  Minuten

    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'A handsome six footer with a warm and engaging personality, Davie Jones has all it takes to get to the show business heights including . . . talent.' David Bowie at 17 in May, 1964 writing his own press biography.Respected arts commentator Paul Morley, one of the team who curated the highly successful retrospective exhibition for the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Mehr lesen

    € 32,59

  • Hörbuch



    1 Stunde 19 Min.

    SPLIT is a poetry book written by Alfred Harrell and the first published project by Listen Black Media. Alfred is bold in his imagery and direct in his storytelling. The deepest family secrets are being revealed in hopes to incite the riot needed to encourage change and healing. You see his courage as he speaks of his personal accounts of trauma, discovery, self-rediscovery, and even the Mehr lesen

    € 11,10

  • Hörbuch


    An Australian Story

    von Simon Kennedy
    Erzählt von Simon Kennedy, David Speers


    8 Stunden 47  Minuten

    Could you show mercy to the terrorists who killed your mother?Simon Kennedy's mother Yvonne was one of 10 Australians to die during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the only one to die outside of New York, in the attack on the Pentagon. On September 11, 2001, Yvonne boarded flight AA77 to begin her return to Australia after completing a much-planned vacation to America. All passengers on board were Mehr lesen

    € 11,20