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  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Piano: Intervals | Practice that and become great at piano playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Florian Kockott
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Ear Training Course for Piano | Practice that and become great at piano playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    5 Stunden 26  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey. I won't waste your time with a long introduction, but let me say a few words just to get us off on the right foot.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn Mehr lesen

    € 14,25

  • Hörbuch

    Anyone Can Play Music

    Unlock Your Musical Potential with the Laws of Brainjo

    von Josh Turknett
    Erzählt von Josh Turknett


    7 Stunden

    A neuroscience-based approach to learning how to play music at any ageYou can learn to play music, no matter what you've been told about your musical talent or aptitude. Each and every one of us has been gifted with a fully customizable brain, one we can mold to learn anything, at any age. With the right instruction and methods, learning to play music can be an endless source of joy and Mehr lesen

    € 17,83


  • Hörbuch

    Kick The Dark (Say It With A Song, Vol. 1)

    von Scott Ginsberg
    Erzählt von Scott Ginsberg


    3 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Kick The Dark is a musical memoir masterclass about death. Press play, and Scott Ginsberg’s inner life will unfold in three distinctive dimensions: Meditations, Music, and Methods.First, the meditations delve into the profound stories behind each song, as the artist unravels the people, occasions, and feelings that triggered his moments of conception. Scott shares the often absurd and always Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch


    Acordes de séptima, cuarta suspendida y sexta

    Erzählt von Brynner Vallecilla
    Serien Hörbuch 2 - Teoría musical aplicada


    1 Stunde 12 Min.

    Las séptimas son acordes de 4 notas, separadas por intervalos de terceras igual que en la triada. La base es el acorde de tres notas, mas el séptimo grado teniendo en cuenta la tónica u octava; Las séptimas pueden ser mayores, menores, disminuidas; por cuestión de sonoridad hay triadas menores con séptima menor, triadas mayores o aumentadas con séptima mayor o menor y triadas disminuidas con Mehr lesen

    € 3,82

  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Guitar: Intervals & Chords | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Sarah Duarte
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Ear Training Course for Guitar | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    18 Stunden 14  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey. I won't waste your time with a long introduction, but let me say a few words just to get us off on the right foot.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von 焦元溥


    2 Stunden 42  Minuten

    自從有聲錄音普及之後,我們認識音樂作品的方式也隨之改變。如今,我們主要透過錄音,而非現場演出,來認識音樂作品。然而,演出者的詮釋,自然也更影響我們對音樂作品的認識。貝多芬的樂譜可能改變不大,但八十年前的貝多芬演奏,必然和今日的貝多芬演奏有所不同。這個節目不只介紹古典音樂作品,更介紹古典音樂錄音背後的故事:為什麼會有這個錄音?這個錄音又造成什麼影響?認識作品,也帶我們認識這些音樂藝術家。播講介紹:焦元溥,國立台灣大學政治學系國際關係組畢業,倫敦國王學院音樂學博士、大英圖書館艾迪生研究員。是台灣知名樂評人、資深專欄作家。好家庭廣播電台《焦點音樂》、《NSO Live雲端音樂廳》主持人。2013年以「焦點音樂」獲第48屆廣播金鐘獎最佳非流行音樂節目獎。著有許多與音樂相關的書籍,內容涵蓋音樂作品分析、詮釋討論、鋼琴演奏技巧解析、音樂家訪問、國際鋼琴大賽報導與文學創作。章節名稱:13歌劇月亮歌曲之最 Mehr lesen

    € 5,78

  • Hörbuch

    14 Unshakable Laws of Learning Music, The

    How to Master Any Instrument and Singing in 5 Minutes a Day

    von Dan Spencer
    Erzählt von Dan Spencer


    2 Stunden 48  Minuten

    In The 14 Unshakable Laws of Learning Music you will discoverWhy talent, age, and experience don’t matter when it comes to getting good at any instrument and singing so you can start living your music dream now.Why spending more on books and courses doesn’t always mean learning more.Focus on the things in music that make you happy so you can use your time and energy effectively.How and when to use Mehr lesen

    € 7,13

  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Piano: Chords | Practice that and become great at piano playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Florian Kockott
    Serien Hörbuch 2 - Ear Training Course for Piano | Practice that and become great at piano playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    6 Stunden 27  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn the music you hear into music you make on your piano. This works for your own musical ideas, too: when you dream up a Mehr lesen

    € 14,25

  • Hörbuch

    Strings Attached

    One Tough Teacher and the Gift of Great Expectations

    von Joanne Lipman
    Erzählt von Kathleen McInerney, Eliza Foss


    10 Stunden 13  Minuten

    THE FINE ART OF TOUGH LOVE.If you're lucky, somewhere in your past is that one person who changed your life forever. The one who pushed you to dream bigger and to reach higher, and who set you straight on what matters in life. Perhaps it was a coach, or a professor, or a family friend.For Joanne Lipman and Melanie Kupchynsky, that person was a public-school music teacher, Jerry Kupchynsky, known Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Hörbuch

    The Musician's Mind

    Teaching, Learning, and Performance in the Age of Brain Science

    von Lynn Helding
    Erzählt von Pam Ward


    13 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Where does learning begin and how is it sustained and stored in the brain? For musicians, these questions are at the very core of their creative lives. Cognitive and neuroscience have flung wide the doors of our understanding, but bridging the gap between research data and music-making requires a unique immersion in both worlds.Lynn Helding presents a symphony of discoveries that illuminate how Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von 焦元溥


    2 Stunden 32  Minuten

    自從有聲錄音普及之後,我們認識音樂作品的方式也隨之改變。如今,我們主要透過錄音,而非現場演出,來認識音樂作品。然而,演出者的詮釋,自然也更影響我們對音樂作品的認識。貝多芬的樂譜可能改變不大,但八十年前的貝多芬演奏,必然和今日的貝多芬演奏有所不同。這個節目不只介紹古典音樂作品,更介紹古典音樂錄音背後的故事:為什麼會有這個錄音?這個錄音又造成什麼影響?認識作品,也帶我們認識這些音樂藝術家。播講介紹:焦元溥,國立台灣大學政治學系國際關係組畢業,倫敦國王學院音樂學博士、大英圖書館艾迪生研究員。是台灣知名樂評人、資深專欄作家。好家庭廣播電台《焦點音樂》、《NSO Live雲端音樂廳》主持人。2013年以「焦點音樂」獲第48屆廣播金鐘獎最佳非流行音樂節目獎。著有許多與音樂相關的書籍,內容涵蓋音樂作品分析、詮釋討論、鋼琴演奏技巧解析、音樂家訪問、國際鋼琴大賽報導與文學創作。章節名稱:61跟黎明有關的音樂 Mehr lesen

    € 5,78

  • Hörbuch

    Art of Skill, The

    Establishing the Mindset for Unleashing the Music Inside You

    von Dave Liebman
    Erzählt von Dave Liebman, Michael Lake


    1 Stunde 57 Min.

    Learn from a true jazz master about what it takes to achieve musical excellence."The Art of Skill chronicles and showcases Dave Liebman’s pursuit and attainment of living life as art. Lieb harnesses the mystery of the creative life-force and rides it to the truth that we all have something to say." (Peter Erskine)This is a candid and fascinating look at the mental, psychological and spiritual Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Hörbuch

    Work Hard Playlist Hard - Second Edition

    Actionable Advice to Help Artists Grow Their Audience on Music Streaming Platforms

    von Mike Warner
    Erzählt von Mike Warner


    4 Stunden 11  Minuten

    Streaming music has proven it is here to stay. Artists and their teams now find themselves with many new challenges in the digital landscape. With more options than ever for music distribution, standing out in a crowd, deciding where to focus your energy and finding ways to reach your audience become critical choices you and your team will have to make. Music business executive Mike Warner Mehr lesen

    € 10,19

  • Hörbuch

    The Songsculptor Method

    Erzählt von Richard Melvin Brown


    2 Stunden 31  Minuten

    THE SONGSCULPTOR METHOD (How to write a GREAT commercial song) by Award Winning Songwriter Richard Melvin Brown includes musical-Clips and Examples pertaining to the subject matter. To actually hear what we are talking about in the (Musical-Clips and Examples) is a huge advantage in understanding the overall concepts in the art and craft of professional songwriting. You will learn " How to write a Mehr lesen

    € 12,53

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von 焦元溥


    2 Stunden 40  Minuten

    自從有聲錄音普及之後,我們認識音樂作品的方式也隨之改變。如今,我們主要透過錄音,而非現場演出,來認識音樂作品。然而,演出者的詮釋,自然也更影響我們對音樂作品的認識。貝多芬的樂譜可能改變不大,但八十年前的貝多芬演奏,必然和今日的貝多芬演奏有所不同。這個節目不只介紹古典音樂作品,更介紹古典音樂錄音背後的故事:為什麼會有這個錄音?這個錄音又造成什麼影響?認識作品,也帶我們認識這些音樂藝術家。播講介紹:焦元溥,國立台灣大學政治學系國際關係組畢業,倫敦國王學院音樂學博士、大英圖書館艾迪生研究員。是台灣知名樂評人、資深專欄作家。好家庭廣播電台《焦點音樂》、《NSO Live雲端音樂廳》主持人。2013年以「焦點音樂」獲第48屆廣播金鐘獎最佳非流行音樂節目獎。著有許多與音樂相關的書籍,內容涵蓋音樂作品分析、詮釋討論、鋼琴演奏技巧解析、音樂家訪問、國際鋼琴大賽報導與文學創作。章節名稱:37來聽 Mehr lesen

    € 5,78

  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Guitar: Intervals, Chords & Scales | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Sarah Duarte
    Serien Hörbuch 7 - Ear Training Course for Guitar | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    24 Stunden 36  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn the music you hear into music you make on your guitar. This works for your own musical ideas, too: when you dream up Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Bent Bible, The

    Creative's Guide

    von Kyle Bent
    Erzählt von Kyle Bent
    Series series Bent Bible


    3 Stunden 14  Minuten

    First official book release by Kyle Bent. Contains a plethora of tips and techniques to help guide musicians and creatives in creating, and maintaining a succesful music career. Mehr lesen

    € 30,56

  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Guitar: Intervals | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Sarah Duarte
    Serien Hörbuch 1 - Ear Training Course for Guitar | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    10 Stunden 12  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey. I won't waste your time with a long introduction, but let me say a few words just to get us off on the right foot.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn Mehr lesen

    € 14,25

  • Hörbuch

    Ear Training Course for Guitar: Chords & Scales | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss

    von Julia Whitlock
    Erzählt von Sarah Duarte
    Serien Hörbuch 6 - Ear Training Course for Guitar | Practice that and become great at guitar playing | A music lesson you don't want to miss


    14 Stunden 26  Minuten

    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey.Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn the music you hear into music you make on your guitar. This works for your own musical ideas, too: when you dream up Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    Pocket Music Theory For Everybody

    Things You Should Know (Questions and Answers)


    17 Min.

    Unlock the world of music with ease! "Pocket Music Theory for Everybody" is your go-to guide for mastering the basics of music theory, whether you're a beginner or need a refresher. This book is designed to help you understand, revise, and test your knowledge with a series of engaging questions and answers. Perfect for self-study, this pocket-sized resource makes learning music theory accessible Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Hörbuch

    Master the Recording Studio

    The Musician's Guide to Conquering Every Recording Studio Session

    von Sterling Skye
    Erzählt von Sterling Skye


    2 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Unlock the secrets of professional recording artists and step confidently into the exciting world of studio recording with Master the Recording Studio – the comprehensive guide to help you quickly transform from a studio novice into a recording pro!In Master the Recording Studio, you’ll learn:How to choose the right recording studio for you and your budgetHow to properly prepare your music and Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Music, Late and Soon

    von Robyn Sarah
    Erzählt von Robyn Sarah


    10 Stunden 31  Minuten

    A poet rediscovers the artistic passion of her youth—and pays tribute to the teacher she thought she’d lost.After thirty-five years as an “on-again, off-again, uncoached closet pianist,” poet and writer Robyn Sarah picked up the phone one day and called her old piano teacher, whom she had last seen in her early twenties. Music, Late and Soon is the story of her return to studying piano with the Mehr lesen

    € 19,35

  • Hörbuch

    Teoría musical aplicada 3

    Acordes de segunda suspendida y novena añadida

    Erzählt von Brynner Vallecilla
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Teoría musical aplicada


    47 Min.

    Un acorde suspendido se deriva de un acorde mayor en el que la tercera es sustituida por una segunda o una cuarta justa, provocando una sensación flotante que invita a volver a llegar al acorde origen. Estos acordes son fáciles de utilizar en cualquier género musical y debido a su sonoridad suave los hace útiles para sustituir otros acordes.El efecto que produce el acorde de novena añadida al Mehr lesen

    € 3,82

  • Hörbuch

    Drum Workshop

    Erzählt von Chris Puleston


    47 Min.

    Top drum workshop teacher Chris Puleston invites listeners to participate in their own home drum workshops. This audiobook program, with music by Chris Puleston, incorporates easy exercises and techniques for both beginners and more advanced students. Mehr lesen

    € 10,14