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Wahrsagen Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch


    Evoke The Power of Inter-Dimensional Beings and Summon Spirits - Yes You Can Series

    von Maria D'Andrea
    Erzählt von Hannah Stone
    Serien Hörbuch 3 - Yes You Can


    1 Stunde 31 Min.


    € 10,22

  • Hörbuch

    Tarot for Change

    Using the Cards for Self-Care, Acceptance, and Growth

    von Jessica Dore
    Erzählt von Jessica Dore


    7 Stunden 18  Minuten

    Though tarot is often thought of as a tool for divination and fortune-telling, it also has deep roots in spirituality and psychology. For those who know how to see and listen, the cards hold the potential to help us better navigate the full spectrum of the human experience.In Tarot for Change, Jessica Dore divulges years of hard-won secrets about how to work with tarot to better understand Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Jane Branch


    5 Stunden 2  Minuten

    This comprehensive and exciting Tarot audiobook will teach you everything you need to know to be able to interpret Tarot Cards and to be able to give detailed readings.The content of this audiobook is divided into two sections. This is to enable you to begin reading the cards immediately. While you are working through the first section, do the exercises that appear by referring to the second Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    Numerología Zodiacal

    Activa 1200 Números Astrales en Sinergia con el Zodiaco y Toma Control de Tu Destino

    von Luna WIllow
    Erzählt von Voz Digital Sara G


    2 Stunden 42  Minuten

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.¿Alguna vez has deseado un manual completo para desbloquear el poder de los números sagrados y tu signo zodiacal? Si es así, entonces "Numerología Zodiacal" es el libro para ti.Embárcate en un viaje místico a través de las estrellas y los números, descubriendo cómo los códigos numéricos zodiacales pueden influir profundamente en tu vida. Con 1200 Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Be Psychic

    von Randy Charach
    Erzählt von Randy Charach


    34 Min.

    Find out just how much psychic power you actually possess.The Be Psychic self hypnosis program is “laser targeted” to develop and use your hidden psychic skills. Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    La magia de los números angelicales

    El significado del 11:11 y otras secuencias numéricas, y lo que tus guías espirituales tratan de comunicarte

    von Layla Moon
    Erzählt von Belen Pelayo
    Serien Hörbuch 15 - Layla Moon Español


    3 Stunden 13  Minuten

    Descubre los mensajes ocultos del universo y lo que trata de decirte...En La magia de los números angelicales, Layla Moon profundizará a fondo en el mundo de los Números Angelicales y en la interpretación de los mensajes Divinos.En este libro, descubrirás:· El rol que juegan los números en tu proyecto de vida· El fascinante origen de los Números Angelicales· Por qué ves todo el tiempo las mismas Mehr lesen

    € 7,00

  • Hörbuch

    Using Tarot for Successful Decisions: How to Get Guidance from Tarot Major Arcana

    von Elsabe Smit
    Erzählt von Elsabe Smit


    1 Stunde 17 Min.

    Do you sometimes want unbiased advice on solving a problem? Do you also want to rely more on your intuition and grow while dealing with challenging situations? Tarot can be daunting, and the answers can be ambiguous when they come from someone else.This book helps you find your own answers using your own inner wisdom in a structured way. Mehr lesen

    € 4,28

  • Hörbuch


    Significado de los Números - Horas Espejo

    von Amarilis Vital
    Erzählt von María Farias


    1 Stunde 13 Min.

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué significan los números?Seguro que alguna vez te has hecho esta pregunta, después de haber soñado con ellos o simplemente por curiosidad, pero al igual que ocurre con los nombres, los números tienen una interpretación muy diferente para cada una de las civilizaciones, sociedades y culturas.Hasta el día de hoy, nos ayudan a predecir eventos, resolver problemas, Mehr lesen

    € 5,49

  • Hörbuch

    Divine Masculine Guided Meditation

    Reclaiming your masculine power, connect to male ancestors, power confidence and strength, raise self-esteem, own your power, live your life with passions

    von Think and Bloom
    Erzählt von Chantalia


    46 Min.

    We all have masculine qualities inside of us despite our gender. In the times of our lives facing everyday stress, we tend to lose control of our masculine qualities. Thus, tend to have all kinds of unbalances including anxieties, worries, or even depression. We feel losing power and confidence in day-to-day life.In this guided meditation, you willConnect to your masculine ancestorsreclaim the Mehr lesen

    € 5,07

  • Hörbuch

    Tarot Mastery for Beginners

    Erzählt von Erika Mary


    3 Stunden 43  Minuten

    Do you want to learn how to read tarot cards or even become an expert?Do you want to improve your life or that of other people thanks to psychic tarot reading?Do you want to know the never-before-seen techniques contained in tarot mastery?If the answer is yes, then read on...The Chamberlain family has always practiced Wicca magic in all aspects and Tarot reading. Amanda Chamberlain with well over Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Hörbuch

    El Tarot Y Los Chakras

    Libere sus bloqueos energéticos y emocionales, mejore su energía vital, su estado de ánimo, y sane las emociones con el tarot terapéutico

    von Animatarot
    Erzählt von Rodrigo M


    1 Stunde 53 Min.

    ★ El tarot y los chakras es una guía práctica para iniciarse en el tarot terapéutico ★ Libere sus bloqueos energéticos, sane sus chakras, mejore su energía vital y su estado de ánimo, sane las emociones y recupere su paz mental y emocional.¡Incluye la lectura de los 7 chakras, el método para sanar los chakras con el tarot, ejemplos de casos, guía de sanación con ejercicios, meditaciones, Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Hörbuch

    Crystal Ball Reading: Unlocking the Art of Scrying, Divination, and Psychic Mediumship

    von Silvia Hill
    Erzählt von Ivan Busenius


    3 Stunden 37  Minuten

    Unveil the Mysteries of the future with Crystal Ball Reading!Are you fascinated by the ancient art of divination?Have you ever wondered if you possess psychic abilities?Are you ready to tap into the powerful world of scrying?This captivating audiobook will take you on a journey into the realm of crystal gazing and help you unlock the secrets of divination. Whether you’re a beginner or an Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Divination with Osteomancy

    A Beginner's Guide to Throwing the Bones

    Erzählt von Samora Davis


    2 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Have you always had an interest in the ancient practice of bone throwing, but you just didn’t know how to start learning?Perhaps all you’ve needed is an all-around guide that will introduce you to the world of bone throwing or bone casting!Bone reading is an ancient method of divination practiced throughout the world by various cultures. Not only will this book teach you how to practice this Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch

    Signos Ascendentes: Lo que revela su signo ascendente sobre su tipo de personalidad y mucho más

    von Silvia Hill
    Erzählt von Fabio Persa


    3 Stunden 33  Minuten

    ¡Comprenda cómo afecta el ascendente a su signo zodiacal y cómo puede cambiar a mejor la interpretación de su carta astral!¿Se ha interesado por aprender algo más sobre astrología que simplemente comprender su signo del zodiaco?¿Está confundido o desorientado sobre cómo funcionan los signos ascendentes y cómo puede identificar el suyo?¿Quiere saber cómo se asocian los planetas regentes con los Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Numerology and the Mystical Triangle

    Learn the Life Path, Personality, Compatibility & Soul Plan by Pythagorean Numerology, Meanings of Numbers in the Bible and KARMIC ASTROLOGY and a lot more

    von Oneida Powell
    Erzählt von Dylan Parker


    7 Stunden 28  Minuten

    According to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident. Everything happens because of numbers.As the theory goes, each number has a unique vibration, giving it certain properties. These properties can shed light onto a person's behavior, or predict whether romantic partners are compatible. Numerological analysis can determine a person's lucky number, or lucky day. Recurring numbers can offer Mehr lesen

    € 15,03

  • Hörbuch

    Modern Witch's Handbook, The: Tarot, Runes, and Other Divination Tools

    von Nick Creighton
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Mike G


    1 Stunde 20 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Introduction: Dive into the mystical arts with "The Modern Witch's Handbook: Mastering Tarot, Runes, and Divination." This comprehensive guide offers a fresh perspective on ancient practices, tailored for the contemporary seeker. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned practitioner, this book will enhance your understanding and intuition, empowering you Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Codici Numerici Sacri

    Attiva 1000+ Numeri Sacri con la Numerologia per Ottenere Salute e Prosperità

    von Luna Willow
    Erzählt von Voce digitale Isabella G


    2 Stunden 48  Minuten

    Questo audiolibro è narrato da una voce digitale. Scopri i segreti dei codici numerici sacri e trasforma la tua vita! Ti sei mai chiesto come potresti utilizzare i potenti numeri universali per migliorare la tua salute e attrarre prosperità nella tua vita? Con "Codici Numerici Sacri", finalmente puoi imparare a farlo! Questo libro rivoluzionario ti guiderà attraverso un viaggio magico nel mondo Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Hörbuch

    How Premonitions Really Work

    Learn About and Change Your Future

    Erzählt von Martin K. Ettington


    2 Stunden 2  Minuten

    I’ve already written a couple of books on prophecy and premonitions including my own experiences.But as an engineer I felt that I really had not fully communicated what I’ve learned about these abilities and how we can apply this knowledge to our lives.Thus the purpose of this book is to be as detailed as I can be about what premonitions are and how you can use them to improve your life and change Mehr lesen

    € 6,96

  • Hörbuch

    Reading the Leaves

    An Intuitive Guide to the Ancient Art and Modern Magic of Tea Leaf Divination


    5 Stunden 4  Minuten

    An illustrated guide to tapping into your intuition through the simple act of sitting down to a cup of tea.Whether you're wondering about career, finances, love, or health, Salem witches Sandra Mariah Wright and Leanne Marrama are here to help build your intuitive skills and transform your life. Reading the Leaves shows you how to:• brew a cup of tea for divination purposes• interpret more than Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    The Akashic Records Made Easy

    Erzählt von Sandra Anne Taylor


    8 Stunden 47  Minuten

    **A clear and simple guide to the incredible philosophy of the Akashic Records and the ways in which they can improve and transform our lives.**The Akashic Records are a spiritual library full of information about the world and everything in it - every person and event, past and present. Accessing the Records can help us to heal the past, get through present life challenges, release blocks and Mehr lesen

    € 17,83

  • Hörbuch

    Хиромантия. Как по руке прочитать человека и его судьбу. Практическое руководство

    Series series Золотая книга эзотерики. Лучшее


    5 Stunden 13  Minuten

    С помощью книги от потомственного хироманта Домиана Ливаро вы научитесь читать людей как открытую книгу. Погрузитесь в тайны этой науки, раскройте ее секреты и узнайте, как понять человека и его судьбу просто по линиям на ладони. Все мы приходим в этот мир со своей, особенной программой. Она содержит наши способности, склонности, таланты, черты характера — по сути, весь спектр наших личных качеств Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Hörbuch

    Tarot for Pregnancy

    A Companion for Radical Magical Birthing Folks

    Erzählt von Lori Felipe-Barkin


    7 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Tarot for Pregnancy is the perfect gift for every magical parent-to-be in your life—guiding them through the history, mystery, and ritual that is both tarot and pregnancy.Brittany Carmona-Holt is an intuitive Tarot reader as well as a full-spectrum doula, marrying her two passions to offer a rare understanding of the birth journey and an esoteric guide to the life-altering experience of giving Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    The Word Revealed

    Erzählt von Nonjang Susan


    4 Stunden 28  Minuten

    The word Revealed is a set of texts that aim to explain the varied issues of life. Inspired by God, these short thoughts will inspire you to make important decisions that will lead you to the right path. It will be a balm for the troubled and weary soul .PUBLISHER: TEKTIME Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of don Jose Ruiz & don Miguel Ruiz's The Medicine Bag

    von Milkyway Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Marcus G


    41 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of don Jose Ruiz & don Miguel Ruiz's The Medicine Bag in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. "The Medicine Bag" by don Jose Ruiz and don Miguel Ruiz is a guide to personal and spiritual healing within the Toltec tradition. It emphasizes the power of self-healing and the role of the individual as an Mehr lesen

    € 4,06