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  • Wölfe


    von Hilary Mantel
    Serien Buch 1 - Tudor-Trilogie
    Der 'Walter Scott Prize' hat über den besten britischen Historienroman aller Zeiten abstimmen lassen: 'Wölfe' gewinnt! England im Jahr 1520: Das Königreich ist nur einen Pulsschlag von der Katastrophe entfernt. Sollte der König ohne männlichen Erben sterben, würde das Land durch einen Bürgerkrieg verwüstet. Henry VIII. möchte seine Ehe annullieren lassen und Anne Boleyn heiraten. Der Papst und Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • O Espelho e a Luz

    von Hilary Mantel
    Serien Buch 1 - Trilogia Wolf Hall
    «Se não se pode dizer a verdade no momento da decapitação, quando poderá ela ser dita?»Inglaterra, maio de 1536. Ana Bolena está morta, decapitada no espaço de um batimento cardíaco por um executor francês contratado. Enquanto os seus restos mortais são recolhidos e votados ao esquecimento, Thomas Cromwell toma o pequeno-almoço com os vitoriosos. O filho do ferreiro de Putney emerge do banho de Mehr lesen

    € 16,99

  • Wolf Hall

    von Hilary Mantel
    Übersetzt von Giuseppina Oneto
    Serien Buch 1 - La trilogia di Wolf Hall
    Vincitore Man Booker Prize 2009Il miglior libro del XXI secolo secondo «The Guardian»Thomas Cromwell era il figlio di un fabbro di Putney. Un uomo capace di redigere un contratto e addestrare un falco, di disegnare una mappa e sedare una rissa, di arredare una casa e corrompere una giuria. Architetto machiavellico del regno di Enrico viii e artefice dei destini della dinastia dei Tudor, il Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • A Memoir of My Former Self

    The magnificent final book from the bestselling author of the Wolf Hall Trilogy

    von Hilary Mantel
    'A guide to the mind of one of the great English novelists of the last half-century' Guardian'Like hearing the voice of an old friend' Observer'Extraordinary . . . a quality of timelessness and prescience' New Statesman, Book of the Year'Magical . . . Here we meet not just Mantel the Cromwell-catcher, but Mantel the quill-sharp critic of contemporary life' The Times, Book of the Year</e... Mehr lesen

    € 16,99

  • Wolf Hall: Winner of the Man Booker Prize (The Wolf Hall Trilogy, Book 1)

    von Hilary Mantel
    Serien Buch 1 - The Wolf Hall Trilogy
    Now a major TV series Winner of the Man Booker Prize Shortlisted for the the Orange Prize Shortlisted for the Costa Novel Award`Dizzyingly, dazzlingly good' Daily Mail‘Our most brilliant English writer’ GuardianEngland, the 1520s. Henry VIII is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • A Place of Greater Safety

    von Hilary Mantel
    An extraordinary work of historical imagination from the double Booker Prize-winning author of the Wolf Hall trilogy, now a major TV series, this is Hilary Mantel’s epic novel of the French Revolution.**Georges-Jacques Danton: zealous, energetic and debt-ridden. Maximilien Robespierre: small, diligent and terrified of violence. And Camille Desmoulins: a genius of rhetoric, charming and handsome, Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Wolf Hall

    von Hilary Mantel
    England, 1530-tal, är en hårsmån från katastrof. Om kungen dör utan en manlig arvinge kan landet förstöras av inbördeskrig. Henrik VIII vill annullera sitt 20-åriga äktenskap för att istället gifta sig med Anne Boleyn i hopp om att få sin efterlängtade son. Påven och resten av Europa är emot. Vid sin sida har Henrik VIII sin handgångne man, Thomas Cromwell, denna romans märkliga hjälte och Mehr lesen

    € 13,96

  • A House and Its Head

    'The merriest tale of human depravity you will ever read' HILARY MANTEL Ivy Compton-Burnett's mordantly funny, unsparing dissection of the patriarchal family, back in print with an introduction by Hilary Mantel It is Christmas Day, 1885, and the Edgeworths are at each other's throats again. Duncan holds his wife and children captive to his authoritarian whims; every day brings fresh struggles for Mehr lesen

    € 8,46

  • 狼廳

    Übersetzt von 廖月娟
    他不是魔鬼的代言人,但魔鬼也攔不住他;他不過是個無名小卒,但他卻是天生贏家。宮廷就是他的競技場,罪惡是力量的來源;然而只要走錯一小步,就有可能萬劫不復…★ 2009年曼布克獎得獎小說★ 2009年全美書評人小說獎南方朔(文化評論家)專文推薦李若庸(國立臺北大學歷史學系副教授)專文導讀亨利八世的宮廷猶如一個殘忍無情的競技場,只有一個人敢以自己的生命為賭注,以博取國王的寵愛,進而步步高升,登上權力的顛峰。一五二○年代的英格蘭,災禍一觸即發。英王亨利八世與凱瑟琳王后結褵已十數年,但膝下始終沒有男性繼承人。亨利八世開始擔心,英格蘭在未來會為了繼承權問題而引發內戰。此時,宮廷內出現一位年輕女子,工於心計的她,把亨利八世迷得神魂顛倒。樞機主教沃爾西為了國王的離婚案費盡心思,百般週旋,卻始終無法突破僵局,最後遭到罷黜、含恨而終。出身寒微的克倫威爾趁勢而起,他足智多謀、鐵石心腸、不擇手段,精... Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Best British Short Stories 2015

    Series series Best British Short Stories
    "Hilary Mantel and Helen Simpson feature in the nation's favourite annual guide to the short story, now in its fifth year …"Best British Short Stories invites you to judge a book by its cover – or more accurately, by its title. This new series aims to reprint the best short stories published in the previous calendar year by British writers, whether based in the UK or elsewhere. The editor's brief Mehr lesen

    € 8,46

  • Giving up the Ghost: A memoir

    von Hilary Mantel
    ‘Like Lorna Sage's Bad Blood … A masterpiece’ RACHEL CUSKAt no. 58 the top of my head comes to the outermost curve of my great-aunt, Annie Connor. Her shape is like the full moon, her smile is beaming; the outer rim of her is covered by her pinny, woven with tiny flowers. It is soft from washing; her hands are hard and chapped; it is barely ten o'clock and she is getting the cabbage on. 'Hello, Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Vacant Possession

    von Hilary Mantel
    From the Man Booker Prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’, a savagely funny tale that revisits the characters from the much-loved ‘Every Day is Mother’s Day’.Muriel Axon is about to re-enter the lives of Colin Sidney, hapless husband, father and schoolmaster, and Isabel Field, failed social worker and practising neurotic.It is ten years since her last tangle with them, but Mehr lesen

    € 6,99