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  • A Fatal Silence

    A Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 14 - Detective Kay Hunter
    After the music stops, the killing begins…When the body of a young woman is discovered at an outdoor music festival, Detective Kay Hunter’s investigation stalls almost as soon as it starts.Because the killer has left no trace, and the victim’s identity is unknown.Amidst a media backlash, and faced with thousands of potential suspects, Kay must piece together the last hours of the woman’s life Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Mort de peur

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 1 - Les enquêtes de Détective Kay Hunter
    « Si vous voulez revoir votre fille vivante, écoutez attentivement. »Lorsque le corps d'une écolière enlevée est retrouvé dans un bâtiment abandonné, l'affaire est d'abord considérée comme un enlèvement qui a mal tourné.Mais l'inspectrice Kay Hunter n'est pas convaincue, surtout lorsqu'un homme est retrouvé mort avec l'argent de la rançon en sa possession.Lorsqu'une deuxième écolière est enlevée, Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Scared to Death (Detective Kay Hunter crime thriller series, Book 1)

    A gripping fast-paced crime thriller

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 1 - Detective Kay Hunter
    "If you want to see your daughter alive again, listen carefully."When the body of a snatched schoolgirl is found in an abandoned biosciences building, the case is first treated as a kidnapping gone wrong.But Detective Kay Hunter isn’t convinced, especially when a man is found dead with the ransom money still in his possession.When a second schoolgirl is taken, Kay’s worst fears are realised.With Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Morir de miedo

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 1 - Los misterios de la detective Kay Hunter
    "Si quieres volver a ver a tu hija con vida, escucha con atención."Cuando el cuerpo de una estudiante secuestrada aparece en un edificio abandonado, el caso inicialmente se trata como un secuestro que salió mal.Pero la detective Kay Hunter no está convencida, especialmente cuando un hombre es encontrado muerto con el dinero del rescate aún en su poder.Cuando una segunda estudiante es secuestrada, Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • None the Wiser (Detective Mark Turpin crime thriller series, book 1)

    A Detective Mark Turpin murder mystery

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 1 - Detective Mark Turpin
    What if some secrets were never meant to stay buried?When a parish priest is brutally murdered in cold blood, a rural community is left in shock – and fear.New to the Vale of the White Horse, Detective Sergeant Mark Turpin discovers the murder bears the hallmark of a vicious killer who shows no remorse for his victim, and leaves no trace behind.After a second priest is killed, his broken body Mehr lesen

    € 4,99 € 3,99

  • Alguém está a mentir

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Bec, David, Hayley, Simon e Lisa são amigos desde sempre. No aniversário de Lisa, decidem organizar uma aventura especial e emocionante - o desafio de se evadirem de uma escape room. Aquilo que pensavam que viria a ser uma aventura perfeita tornar-se-ia o maior pesadelo das suas vidas. Só sabemos quem são os nossos amigos ao enfrentarmos a morte juntos. Lisa acorda no hospital com uma terrível Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • The Detective Kay Hunter Box Set Books 10-12

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Series series Detective Kay Hunter
    Download books 10-12 in the bestselling Detective Kay Hunter series in this fourth collection of fast-paced crime thrillers.Here's what you'll find in the box set:A Darker PlaceThe frozen body of a man is discovered in a used car yard on the hottest day of the year, his face contorted by fear and pain.Detective Kay Hunter and her team are assigned the case, but when they find out who their victim Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Hangman's Gap (An Australian crime thriller)

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Could one man’s obsession with the truth be a fatal mistake?When Detective Sergeant Blake Harknell is seconded to an active investigation in the hinterland of south east Queensland, he discovers the police station understaffed and the local population wary of his presence in Hangman’s Gap.After a body is found in suspicious circumstances following a bush fire, the victim of a three-month old fatal Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Lass sie nicht sterben

    Ein düsterer Serienkiller-Thriller

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 1 - Ein Detective Kay Hunter Thriller
    Ein Serienmörder, der das Töten genießt und eine Ermittlerin, die Rache will …Der Auftakt der nervenaufreibenden Thriller-Reihe über die Abgründe der MenschlichkeitAls die Leiche eines Mädchens in einem verlassenen Gebäude gefunden wird, hält man den Fall zunächst für eine missglückte Entführung. Doch kurz darauf wird der vermeintliche Kidnapper mit dem Lösegeld tot aufgefunden und Detective Kay Mehr lesen

    € 5,99 € 2,99

  • La volonté de vivre

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Serien Buch 2 - Les enquêtes de Détective Kay Hunter
    Votre prochain voyage pourrait être le dernier...Lorsqu'un train bondé passe sur un cadavre sur un tronçon de voie ferrée connu des habitants sous le nom de « Suicide Mile », on comprend immédiatement que l'homme a été victime d'un meurtre calculé.Alors que l'enquête évolue et qu'une série de meurtres est mise au jour, la sergente-détective Kay Hunter réalise que la réputation récente de la Mehr lesen

    € 2,99


  • The Detective Kay Hunter series books 4-6

    von Rachel Amphlett
    Series series Detective Kay Hunter
    Download books 4-6 in the bestselling Detective Kay Hunter series in one box set of edge-of-your-seat crime thrillers!"Rachel Amphlett is a master of misdirection!" - WaterstonesHere's what you get in the box set:Hell to PayWhen a road traffic accident on a dark autumn night uncovers a disturbing conspiracy, Detective Sergeant Kay Hunter’s investigation exposes a ruthless serial killer exploiting Mehr lesen

    € 17,99



    von Rachel Amphlett
    Übersetzt von Wolfgang Schroeder
    Serien Buch 1 - Dan Taylor
    Die Uhr tickt.Eine Bombe droht in London zu explodieren. Doch der einzige Mann, der die Katastrophe aufhalten kann, ist von den Dämonen seiner eigenen Vergangenheit gezeichnet.KALTE GIER ist der erste Band der actionreichen Dan-Taylor-Thriller, den amerikanische Leser in einem Atemzug mit Vince Flynn, Robert Ludlum und Lee Childs Jack-Reacher-Serie nennen.Dan Taylor arbeitete als Mehr lesen

    € 4,99