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  • Glitter Baby

    Serien Buch 1 - Wynette, Texas
    Welcome to the world of the Glitter BabyFleur Savagar is the most beautiful woman in the world . . . to everyone but herself. With her oversized hands and paddle-boat feet, her streaky blond hair and funny green eyes, she lives a life filled with secrets that began before she was born. That was when her bewitching mother left home to find James Dean and met Errol Flynn instead. Now Fleur has to Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Kein Mann für eine Nacht


    Übersetzt von Beate Darius
    Serien Buch 1 - Die Wynette-Texas-Romane
    Warmherzig, sexy und unglaublich gefühlvoll!Wunderschön, glamourös und erfolgreich: die junge Schauspielerin Fleur Savagar schien perfekt. Doch hinter der schillernden Fassade verbarg sich eine verwundete Seele. Jetzt, sechs Jahre nachdem sie plötzlich aus der Öffentlichkeit verschwand, kehrt Fleur nach New York zurück und stellt sich ihren Dämonen: der lieblosen Familie, den intriganten Feinden Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • It Had to Be You

    Serien Buch 1 - Chicago Stars
    The Windy City isn't quite ready for Phoebe Somerville—the outrageous, curvaceous New York knockout who has just inherited the Chicago Stars football team. And Phoebe is definitely not ready for the Stars' head coach, former gridiron legend Dan Calebow, a sexist jock taskmaster with a one-track mind. Calebow is everything Phoebe abhors. And the sexy new boss is everything Dan despises—a meddling Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Breathing Room

    Join the New York Times bestselling author on a journey to the sun-washed hills of Tuscany. Another sexy, wonderful, contemporary love story with all the heart, wisdom, and wit that have made Susan Elizabeth Phillips the gold standard for women's fiction.Dr. Isabel Favor, author of Four Cornerstones for a Favorable Life, has sacrificed everything to build her self-help empire. Then, in a matter of Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Ausgerechnet den?


    Übersetzt von Gertrud Wittich
    Serien Buch 1 - Die Chicago-Stars-Romane
    Herzerfrischend und wundervoll romantisch - jetzt in neuer AusstattungPhoebe Somerville ist begeistert, als sie das Chicagoer Footballteam erbt – bis sie dem Trainer Dan Calebow begegnet. Denn der ist stur wie ein Esel, will er doch bei absolut gar nichts auf sie hören! Aber Phoebe hat in ihrem bewegten Leben schon ganz anderen Männern gezeigt, wo’s langgeht. Auch Dan hat ein Problem: Seine neue Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • When Stars Collide

    A Chicago Stars Novel

    #1 New York Times bestseller Susan Elizabeth Phillips returns to her beloved Chicago Stars series with a romance between a Chicago Stars quarterback and one of the world’s greatest opera singers—and a major diva.“Re-entering the world of the Chicago Stars is like a beloved friend come to call.” — #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn CarrThaddeus Walker Bowman Owens, the backup quarterback Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Simply the Best

    A Chicago Stars Novel

    “The queen of the football romance is not Taylor Swift. It’s Susan Elizabeth Phillips.”—Wall Street Journal#1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips returns with the next book in her Chicago Stars series where a successful sports agent and the sister of his biggest client engage in a take-no-prisoners battle of the sexes.Take one hard-driving sports agent…Throw in a failed Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Simply the Best. Una sfida fuori campo

    Un nuovo capitolo della serie Chicago Stars, uno sport romance hate-to-love, sexy e divertente, per chi ama Elle Kennedy e Hannah Grace.Brett Rivers è il più ambito agente sportivo sul mercato: determinato, ambizioso e letale. Fallire? Non è mai stata un’opzione. Rory Garrett, al contrario, è un vero disastro. Ha un grande cuore, un conto in banca completamente al verde, un talento per la Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Und wenn sie tanzt


    Übersetzt von Claudia Geng
    Der brandneue Roman der wunderbaren Susan Elizabeth Phillips!Nach einem schweren Schicksalsschlag lässt die 35-jährige Tess alles hinter sich und flieht Hals über Kopf in die abgelegene Ödnis des Runaway Mountain in Tennessee. Hier, in einer kleinen Hütte auf dem Berg nahe eines charmanten Örtchens, lässt Tess los – indem sie immer dann tanzt, wenn die Trauer sie wieder einmal überwältigt. Doch Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • First Lady

    The beautiful young widow of the President of the United States thought she was free of the White House, but circumstances have forced her back into the role of the First Lady. Not for long, however, because Cornelia Litchfield Case has made up her mind to escape - if only for a few days - so she can experience an ordinary life. All she needs is the perfect disguise . . . and she's just found it Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Just Imagine

    Two hard-headed, passionate people . . . Two stubborn opponents with tender souls . . . Sometimes wars of the heart can only be won through the sweetest of surrenders.The War Between the States may be over for the rest of the country, but not for Kit Weston. Disguised as a boy, she's come to New York City to kill Baron Cain, the man who stands between her and Risen Glory, the South Carolina home Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Fancy Pants


    € 6,10