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Aktuelle Ereignisse eBooks

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  • The Drone Eats With Me

    Diaries From a City Under Fire

    von Atef Abu Saif
    On 7 July 2014, in an apparent response to the murder of three teenagers, Israel launched a major offensive against the Gaza Strip, lasting 51 days, killing 2145 Palestinians (578 of them children), injuring over 11,000, and demolishing 17,200 homes.The global outcry at this collective punishment of an already persecuted people was followed by widespread astonishment at the pro-Israeli bias of Mehr lesen

    € 6,61

  • Le sens du Oui

    La "sortie" de l'Accord de Nouméa

    La Nouvelle-Calédonie doit répondre, éventuellement trois fois, à une question sur son autodétermination et la souveraineté du pays : « Voulez-vous que la Nouvelle-Calédonie accède à la pleine souveraineté et devienne indépendante ? ».Cela faisait trente années que la question avait été différée. Le premier vote a eu lieu le 4 novembre 2018 et la participation a été exceptionnelle : 81,01%. Le Mehr lesen

    € 1,00

  • Welcome to Hell

    One Man's Fight for Life inside the Bangkok Hilton

    von Colin Martin
    Written from his cell and smuggled out page by page, Colin Martin’s autobiography chronicles an innocent man’s struggle to survive inside one of the world’s most dangerous prisons. After being swindled out of a fortune, Colin was let down by the hopelessly corrupt Thai police. Forced to rely upon his own resources, he tracked down the man who conned him and, drawn into a fight, he accidentally Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Warrior Spirit Rising

    A Native American Spiritual Journey

    von Dianna Good Sky
    Serien Buch 1 - Good Sky Stories
    Growing up, I knew two things to be true:My dad was a drunk.Being an Indian was complicated.When I joined the Navy, these two ideas were cemented when my fellow sailors, after finding out that I was an American Indian, would ask me if I drank a lot or if I still lived in a TeePee. They were asking questions because that’s what they knew and I couldn’t blame them. I could only answer “no” to both. Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • İslami hükümler (fetvalar) Batı'daki Müslümanlar için

    Müslüman azınlıklar için İslam hukuku (fıkıh)

    Series series İslam nedir?
    Bu kitap, genellikle hukuki kararları veya fetvalarıyla kendilerine rehberlik edebilecek müftülerin bulunmadığı toplumlarda yaşayan Müslümanlar için çok önemlidir.Fetva, İslam'ın belirli bir konudaki hükmünü veya bir fiilin İslam hukukuna uygunluğuna dair hükmünü Kur'an'dan delillerle ortaya koyan bir kararname, dini bir görüştür.Seçilen fetvalar, Batı'da İslam'ı yaşayan Müslümanların Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Landslide

    The Final Days of the Trump Presidency

    von Michael Wolff
    'First there was Fire and Fury, then there was Siege, now there is Landslide. The third is the best of the three' Guardian'Cruel, unforgiving, muckracking, scandalous . . . Michael Wolff concludes his Trump trilogy - with the best book' Telegraph'Wolff is the shrewdest chronicler of Trump' Sunday TimesPolitics has given us some shocking and confounding moments bu... Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Coal Miner Who Became Governor

    von Paul E. Patton
    Series series Kentucky Remembered: An Oral History Series
    Born in a tenant house in Fallsburg, Kentucky, Paul Patton had a humble upbringing that held few clues about his future as one of the most prominent politicians in the history of the state. From the coal mines to the governor's office, Patton's life exemplifies hard work, determination, and perseverance, as well as the consequences of personal mistakes.In The Coal Miner Who Became Governor, Patton Mehr lesen

    € 32,55

  • ein Gedankenspiel: Missing 411

    von Leonard Löwe
    Serien Buch 900 - Gedankenspiele
    Fälle bei denen Personen in aller Regel spurlos verschwinden, oft genug aus unmittelbarer Nähe zu Angehörigen oder Freunden. Wanderer, die einige Meter vorausgehen und nie mehr gesehen werden. Kinder, die auf Waldwegen hinter ihren Eltern her trotten und als sich die Eltern erneut umdrehen, wie vom Erdboden verschluckt sind. Senioren oder Gehbehinderte, die buchstäblich aus ihren Rollstühlen Mehr lesen


  • Our Time Is Now

    Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America

    von Stacey Abrams
    From New York Times bestselling author of Lead From The Outside and political leader Stacey Abrams, a blueprint to end voter suppression, empower our citizens, and take back our country."With each page, she inspires and empowers us to create systems that reflect a world in which all voices are heard and all people believe and feel that they matter." **—**Kerry WashingtonA recognized expert on fair Mehr lesen

    € 8,57

  • Türkiye’nin Kritik Dönemeci

    Türklük, Etnik Mesele ve Medeniyet Tasavvurumuz  Üzerine Yazılar

    Bu derlemenin tamamına yakını Türk Ocakları Genel Başkanı olarak yazdığım aylık değerlendirme yazılarından oluşmaktadır. Doğal olarak yazıların konusu güncel meselelerimizle ilgilidir. Bununla birlikte, Türk Ocakları’nın aslî görevinin medeniyet anlayışımızı yeniden Türklüğün ve aslında bütün insanlığın gündemine getirilmesi olduğu inancıyla güncel meselelerimiz geniş bir bakış açısıyla, gündelik Mehr lesen


  • 100 of the Most Popular Men's Earrings Brands

    Are you looking for a journey that will take you through 100 of the Most Popular Men's Earrings Brands, along with funny comments and a word puzzle? Then this book is for you. Whether you are looking at this book for curiosity, choices, options, or just for fun; this book fits any criteria. Creating 100 of the Most Popular Men's Earrings Brands did not happen quickly. It is thorough look at Mehr lesen

    € 3,00

  • After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies

    The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies

    The Gulf monarchies (Saudi Arabia and its five smaller neighbours: the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain) have long been governed by highly autocratic and seemingly anachronistic regimes. Yet despite bloody conflicts on their doorsteps, fast-growing populations, and powerful modernising and globalising forces impacting on their largely conservative societies, they have Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • The Reliable Field Guide To UFO Science, Media And Data Sources

    Your Guide For Who To Know And Where To Go With UFO

    What makes this UFO book different?The Reliable Field Guide to UFO Science, Media and Data Sources contains an incredible amount of researchand source material, including:• What Proof Is Out there?• The Various Hypotheses and Phenomena• Relevant People, Science Experts, Programs and Projects• Research Organizations, Archives, Databases and Government Reports• 20th To Early 21st Century Researchers Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Montcuq, troublant

    von Thomas Ternoise
    Montcuq, troublant, essai de Ternoise, Thomas.J’ai cherché la République, aujourd’hui je témoigne.En France. Dans le département du Lot.La ruralité soumise à un clan.Une bourgade connue de toutes et tous, grâce à sa sonorité.Un titre dont l’association d’idée n’avait jamais été formulée : "Montcuq, troublant."Quand on n’a plus que l’humour...Le 14 août 2016, Catherine Ferrier, préfète du Lot, Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Update Available

    The Algorithmic Self

    von David Trend
    We live in an age of anticipatory dread. Whether growing up or getting ahead, we're conditioned to believe that faster is better, time is money, and danger lies in falling behind. Updates flourish in such a climate, whether in software, a makeover, or an online profile change. Update Available: The Algorithmic Self looks at this future-oriented compulsion and the growing automation of human Mehr lesen


  • Au bout de ma mission

    Serien Buch 1 - Actualité, Société, Politique
    Je développe dans ce livre la mission que Dieu me commande d'accomplir après une préparation de plus de vingt années. Celle-ci consiste, dans un premier temps, à faire connaître au monde la Triunicie, un modèle universel que je détaille via trois tomes. J'ai conscience évidemment de la difficulté de cette oeuvre que j'effectuerai avec abnégation, courage et persévérance. Mon inébranlable foi en Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Ukrajina je jen začátek

    Nový světový řád po útěku z Afghánistánu. Ukrajina, Tchaj-wan… a potom?

    O půlnoci 30. srpna 2021 odstartoval z Kábulu poslední evakuační let americké armády. Končí tak nejdelší válka ve Spojených státech, která trvala 20 let. Jak se stalo při hanebném pádu Saigonu v roce 1975, dvě desetiletí americké vojenské přítomnosti v Afghánistánu zmizela během několika dní. Prezident Biden, který evidentně nezná žádnou hanbu, řekl v projevu k národu, že evakuace byla „mimořádným Mehr lesen

    € 6,30


    von Jean Luc Goubet
    Ce livre n’est très certainement pas un « chef d’œuvre » littéraire. Il ne remportera pas de prix pour le style, la grammaire ou la syntaxe. Les critiques s’en donneront à cœur joie pour faire ressortir l’apparent amateurisme de l’auteur. Les différents commentaires reçus concernant ce texte sont à la hauteur des émotions qu’il provoque. Nous pouvons trouver de la colère, de la vexation, de l Mehr lesen

    € 3,10

  • Inequality and One City: Bill de Blasio and the New York Experiment, Year One

    von Eric Alterman
    It is, as he writes in the preface, “an attempt to move beyond the day-to-day headlines that dominate our political debate. By placing Bill de Blasio’s words, and the actions of his administration, into a political, cultural, social, and intellectual context, we can see just how daunting the task he has set for himself really is: to use the power of the city government to make New York a fairer Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • The Book of Thieves

    The Book of Thieves is the story of how a greedy few destroyed a nation called Oblivion.Oblivion was once a great place to live and work in, with excellent laws to protect everyone who worked there, and to keep conditions fair for them.Not anymore.A greedy few called Banksters cheated and stole after working harder at getting the rules changed and finding ways to simply ignore them than at earning Mehr lesen

    € 3,56

  • Ready for the Red Carpet Vol. 1

    von Anand Bhatt
    Celebrity Anand Bhatt and his crew (the sexy clan colloquially known as Anand's Angels) bring us the inside scoop & behind-the-scenes on Everything from who's wearing what, the latest fashion and beauty trends, Inspiration on how celebs keep it together under stress, and more!Read on and learn to live like a celebrity! Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • El Bolso de Mariona Carulla

    von Manuel Trallero
    La entrada de los Mossos d'Esquadra en el Palau de la Música el 23 de julio de 2009 generó un terremoto en el denominado oasis catalán. La constatación del saqueo de una de las instituciones referentes de la burguesía catalana y su utilización para la financiación ilegal de CDC -el pall de paller del catalanismo político-, de la mano de Fèlix Millet y Jordi Montull, es uno de los episodios más Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Tecnogobierno

    Propuestas y experiencias de inclusión digital desde América latina

    Series series Aperturas
    Este libro analiza el tecnogobierno y algunos de los ejes que lo conforman para contrastarlos con experiencias concretas de los países de la región. Lila Luchessi y Pablo Escandón-Montenegro compilan nueve artículos de investigadores e investigadoras de probada trayectoria que abordan la presencia del Estado para promover la inclusión digital, las experiencias ciudadanas que obligan a sus usos y Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Understanding Human Rights

    von David Render
    In the tapestry of global existence, human rights stands as a fundamental pillar upon which the edifice of justice and equality rests. Comprising a complex interplay of legal, social, and ethical principles, human rights define the inherent entitlements and privileges that all individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or background, are entitled to. The understanding of human rights is Mehr lesen

    € 8,14