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Alternative Medizin eBooks

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  • Olivia

    Tagebuch eines Schicksals (Band 1)

    Dieses Tagebuch von Helmut Pilhar, dem Vater von Olivia, ist gleich in mehrfacher Hinsicht ein ganz außergewöhnliches und erschütterndes Dokument! Der Leser wird Zeuge eines schweren Schicksals, eines Verbrechens, einer Tragödie - wer wagt es genau zu sagen? Dieses Tagebuch macht uns aber auch Mut! Es zeigt, wie ein Mensch auch unter einer scheinbar übermächtigen Last nicht zusammenbricht, sondern Mehr lesen

    € 9,90

  • How to Change Your Mind

    The New Science of Psychedelics

    von Michael Pollan
    **THE NO. 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'Reminds us that the mind is the greatest mystery in the universe' Yuval Noah Harari, Guardian, Books of the Year**Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? One of America's most admired writers takes us on a mind-altering journey to the frontiers of human consciousnessWhen LSD was first discovered in the 1940s, it seemed to researchers, scientists and Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking

    Read this book and you'll never smoke a cigarette again

    von Allen Carr
    **MAKE 2023 THE YEAR YOU QUIT SMOKING, WITH THE HELP OF ALLEN CARR'It didn't take any willpower. I didn't miss it at all and I was free'** Ruby WaxRead this book and you'll never smoke another cigarette again.__________Allen Carr has discovered a method of quitting that will enable any smoker to stop, easily, immediately and permanently.As the world's bestselling book on how to stop smoking and Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • The Telomere Effect

    A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer

    One of the Best 'Brainy' Books of This Decade - The GuardianA ground breaking book on the history of Telomeres offering fresh advice on how to slow down aging and lengthen life. Nobel prize winning Doctor Elizabeth Blackburn and leading health psychologist Dr Elissa Epel have discovered biological markers called Telomeres which can help to understand how healthy our cells are and what we can do to Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • A Maze of Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 6)

    A hunt for a killer in medieval Canterbury

    von Paul Doherty
    A serial killer stalks the passages of a medieval monastery...A Maze of Murders is a thrilling murder mystery from the masterful Paul Doherty, featuring medieval sleuth Kathryn Swinbrooke. Perfect for fans of Susanna Gregory and Robin Hobb.A violent past haunts Sir Walter Maltravers of Ingoldby Hall in Canterbury. Decades before the War of the Roses, he served in the fanatical bodyguard of Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • A Feast of Poisons (Kathryn Swinbrooke 7)

    von Paul Doherty
    The village of Walmer near Canterbury is a small, claustrophobic place where everyone knows everyone else's business. Everyone knows the blacksmith, Elias, liked to drink and liked the ladies. Everyone knows his wife, Isabella, had been spotted many a time entering the woods with men other than her husband. And everyone knows the couple fought, sometimes violently. But could they have Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • The Book of Shadows (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 4)

    Magic and murder abound in an unputdownable medieval mystery

    von Paul Doherty
    What do you do when everyone is a suspect?Paul Doherty writes a medieval mystery shrouded in secrets in The Book of Shadows, the fourth novel to feature physician and sleuth Kathryn Swinbrooke. Perfect for fans of Susanna Gregory and Michael Jecks.The year is 1471. Shortly after the murderous takeover of the throne by Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, blackmailers thrive by challenging detractors Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Die Fitness-Lüge

    Wie wir die Kraft der Faszie nutzen und ein Leben lang schmerzfrei und geschmeidig bleiben | Warum Muskeln nicht vor Schmerzen schützen

    von Arvid Neumann
    Die Fitness-Industrie prosperiert seit Jahren. Gleichzeitig haben zwei Drittel der Menschen in Deutschland Rückenschmerzen, die Zahl der Hüft- und Knieoperationen steigt, künstliche Gelenke werden vermehrt eingesetzt. Dr. med. Neumann zeigt, dass uns der Breitensport, wie er heute praktiziert wird, oft krank macht. Einseitige Belastungen, monotone Bewegungsabläufe, ungünstige Körperhaltungen Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • The Candida Cure: The 90-Day Program to Beat Candida & Restore Vibrant Health

    The 90-Day Program to Beat Candida & Restore Vibrant Health

    von Ann Boroch
    Many of the most common symptoms and illnesses that plague us today - anything from fatigue, bloating, and weight gain to prostate problems, arthritis, allergies, depression and multiple sclerosis - can be traced back to a surprising source. Yeast. Yeast and fungal overgrowth - called candida - is pandemic and affects millions. One out of three people suffer from candida overgrowth, which is Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Saintly Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 5)

    Murder and intrigue in medieval Canterbury

    von Paul Doherty
    A miracle... or murder?Paul Doherty writes a gripping novel in Saintly Murders, the fifth Kathryn Swinbrooke mystery. Perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Ellis Peters.In the late summer of 1472, medieval physician and apothecary Kathryn Swinbrooke is summoned to investigate yet another puzzling situation in Canterbury. She is appointed by the Archbishop as Advocatus Diaboli - the Devil's Advocate - Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Heilende Gedanken

    Psychosomatische Krankheitsursachen und ihre Auflösung

    Was tun, wenn Symptome ohne ärztlichen Befund bleiben? Oder wenn Krankheiten aus ungeklärten Gründen immer wiederkommen? In solchen Fällen kann die psychosomatische Sichtweise helfen. In diesem Buch schlüsselt die Psychologin Prof. Dr. Sabine Viktoria Schneider dieses medizinisch-psychologische Fachgebiet einfach verständlich auf und macht seine wichtigsten Botschaften für die persönliche Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Stress die Hauptursache aller Krankheiten

    … und die einzige Antwort darauf

    Alle Krankheit entsteht durch einen Manger an Energie. Und der größte Energieräuber ist mentaler und emotionaler Stress, den ich für die Hauptursache aller Krankheiten erachte. Stress entzieht uns Energie in einem so starken Ausmaß, dass dem Immunsystem jede Möglichkeit genommen wird, zuverlässig zu funktionieren.„Die einzige Antwort auf Stress“ ist ein Buch der Hoffnung, und Doktor Coldwell Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • The Merchant of Death (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 3)

    A gripping mystery from medieval Canterbury

    von Paul Doherty
    A disturbing murder unearths more questions than answers...Kathryn Swinbrooke returns for the third time in The Merchant of Death, Paul Doherty's gripping medieval mystery. Perfect for fans of Ellis Peters and Michael Jecks.It is nearly Christmas, and snowstorms have blanketed the city of 15th-century Canterbury. Physician Kathryn Swinbrooke and her cook Thomasina are busily preparing for the Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Ursachen und Behandlung der Krankheiten

    Die Bedediktinerin Hildegard von Bingen ist eine der faszinierendsten Universalgelehrten der Menschheitsgeschichte. Nicht nur die katholische Kirche, sondern auch die Anglikaner und Protestanten verehren sie als bedeutende Kirchenlehrerin. Hildegard von Bingen war seit ihrer Geburt kränklich und schwächlich, war aber seit frühster Kindheit visionär veranlagt. In dem vorliegenden E-Book lesen Sie Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Yoga for Insomnia

    7 Steps to Better Sleep with Yoga and Meditation

    von Kayla Kurin
    Serien Buch 3 - Yoga for Chronic Illness
    Do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep at night? Are you tired of talking to doctor after doctor and trying medications and supplements that don't have any lasting effect?Yoga and meditation stem from medical systems and ancient traditions that have helped people with chronic conditions like insomnia find relief for thousands of years. Inside this book, you'll discover the seven steps the Mehr lesen

    € 2,92

  • A Shrine of Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 1)

    A thrilling medieval murder mystery

    von Paul Doherty
    A series of poisoned pilgrims requires the services of Canterbury's most intrepid sleuth...Paul Doherty introduces his medieval sleuth Kathryn Swinbrooke for the first time in A Shrine of Murders, the first in a gripping mystery series from the acclaimed historical novelist. Perfect for fans of Ellis Peters and Susanna Gregory.A serial killer haunts 15th-century Canterbury. Kathryn Swinbrooke is Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • The Goat in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope

    von Neil Somerville
    What the year of the snake holds in store for the goat.This complete guide contains all the predictions you will need for your Chinese zodiac sign to take you into the year ahead.The ancient art of Chinese astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years.The depth of its wisdom and the accuracy of its Mehr lesen

    € 5,89

  • Why We Swim

    von Bonnie Tsui
    'A jewel of a book, a paean to the wonders of water and our place within it' James Nestor, bestselling of author of Breath***'*Glorious' The New York TimesTake a dive into the deep and discover what it is about water that seduces us, heals us and brings us together.**Join writer and swimmer Bonnie Tsui as she explores the unique skill of swimming from the five angles of survival, wellbeing, Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • The Spark in the Machine

    How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine

    von Daniel Keown
    Why can salamanders grow new legs, and young children grow new finger tips, but adult humans can't regenerate? What is the electricity that flows through the human body? Is it the same thing that the Chinese call Qi? If so, what does Chinese medicine know, that western medicine ignores?Dan Keown's highly accessible, witty, and original book shows how western medicine validates the theories of Mehr lesen

    € 17,37

  • Vivere momento per momento

    Edizione riveduta e aggiornata

    von Jon Kabat-Zinn
    COME USARE LA SAGGEZZA DEL CORPO E DELLA MENTE PER SCONFIGGERE STRESS, DOLORE, ANSIA E MALATTIA.«Dire che questo libro, saggio e profondo, sia utile a chiunque si trovi ad affrontare le difficoltà e le crisi della vita, è minimizzarne l'importanza. Questo libro è importante, unico, e di grande aiuto per chiunqyue aspiri a una vita più serena ed equilibrata.»Donald M. Berwick, presidente dell Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • More Harm than Good?

    The Moral Maze of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

    This book reveals the numerous ways in which moral, ethical and legal principles are being violated by those who provide, recommend or sell ‘complementary and alternative medicine’ (CAM). The book analyses both academic literature and internet sources that promote CAM. Additionally the book presents a number of brief scenarios, both hypothetical and real-life, about individuals who use CAM or who Mehr lesen

    € 19,79

  • Ratgeber Polyneuropathie und Restless Legs

    Leben mit tauben Füßen, schmerzenden und unruhigen Beinen

    Dieses Buch hilft PNP-Betroffenen und Patienten mit Restless-Legs-Syndrom, ihre Krankheit zu erkennen, zu verstehen, mit ihr umzugehen und klärt über die Therapiemöglichkeiten auf: Was kann die Schulmedizin leisten, und warum ist die chinesische Medizin so erfolgreich in der Diagnostik und Therapie? Wie sieht die Behandlung nach der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin aus? Was kann ich selbst tun, Mehr lesen

    € 18,58

  • The Four Dragons

    Clearing the Meridians and Awakening the Spine in Nei Gong

    von Damo Mitchell
    Series series Daoist Nei Gong
    Within the context of a larger discussion of Dao Yin, Damo Mitchell teaches and explains the Dragon Dao Yin exercises, a set of four short sequences designed to work with the subtle energies of the spine and lead pathogenic energies out of the body.More 'Yang' in nature than Qi Gong, Dao Yin focuses on outwards movements and strong internal cleansing. The book highlights this important distinction Mehr lesen

    € 25,07

  • Self-Compassion

    The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

    von Kristin Neff
    THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION WITH A NEW FOREWORD FROM KRISTIN NEFF'Kristin Neff offers practical, wise guidance on the path of emotional healing and deep inner transformation.' Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical AcceptanceKristin Neff PhD, is a professor in educational psychology, and the world's expert on self-compassion. A pioneer who established self-compassion as a field of study, Kristin Mehr lesen

    € 10,99