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Altes Testament eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 2513 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation

    1 Enoch was an important and popular text in ancient Judaism, well attested among the manuscripts at Qumran, and a key piece of the puzzle of the development of early Judaism and Christian origins. George W. E. Nickelsburg and James C. VanderKam have now revised their translation in conjunction with their publication of the complete two volumes on 1 Enoch in the Hermeneia commentary series. This Mehr lesen

    € 11,10

  • Unlocking the Bible

    von David Pawson
    David Pawson presents a unique overview of both the Old and New Testaments.Unlocking the Bible opens up the word of God in a fresh and powerful way, explaining the sweep of biblical history and its implications for our lives.David Pawson, widely respected as an international writer and speaker, brings a lifetime’s worth of insights into the meaning of the Bible. Explaining the culture, historical Mehr lesen

    € 10,59

  • A Study of the Book of Genesis

    von B.D. Gray
    A Study of The Book of Genesis:To many, the Book of Genesis is a source of confusion. Some of the reasons for this include: For such a relatively small book, it covers a massive expanse of time, so some things are not covered as thoroughly as some would like. Throughout a lot of the Book, there is no written history to back anything up. And, there is a side, both in the scientific world and even Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Nehemiah

    Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition

    Series series Wiersbe Bible Study Series
    The life of Nehemiah is an inspiring testament to the power of determination. Years after Jerusalem’s defeat by Babylon, the Jewish people returned to their land, only to discover a city left in ruins. Surrounded by enemies, Nehemiah finds himself tasked with an overwhelming charge: To rebuild the walls of his beloved city. This Bible study examines Nehemiah’s remarkable journey from the everyday Mehr lesen

    € 8,68

  • Einführung in das Alte Testament

    von Peter Mommer
    Inhalte, Welt und Umwelt des Alten Testaments knapp und verständlich erklärtKnapp, verständlich und übersichtlich führt dieser Band in die Entstehungsgeschichte, die Entstehungsbedingungen und in die wichtigsten Themen der einzelnen Bücher der Hebräischen Bibel ein. Er skizziert die Grundgedanken einer Theologie des Alten Testaments und erschließt die Inhalte und Methoden der alttestamentlichen Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Ecclesiastes

    Looking for the Answer to the Meaning of Life

    Series series Wiersbe Bible Study Series
    The book of Ecclesiastes tackles one of our biggest questions: What is the meaning of life? Commonly considered the work of King Solomon, Ecclesiastes is a rich collection of profound insights that are at once poetic, philosophical, and practical. This Bible study examines the big ideas in Ecclesiastes, explains challenging concepts, and shares how we can be truly satisfied.The Wiersbe Bible Mehr lesen

    € 10,22

  • Heaven Rules

    Take courage. Take comfort. Our God is in control.

    Two words are sometimes all it takes to upset and overwhelm us.Treatment options, work layoffs, election season, pandemic spikes, family trouble, car repairs. They take up so little room, just two little words, and yet they can fill the whole day, the whole house, our whole lives with anxiety and fear.Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Stefan Zweig: Die Wunder des Lebens

    von Stefan Zweig
    Stefan Zweigs Buch 'Die Wunder des Lebens' ist eine faszinierende Erkundung der menschlichen Natur und ihrer unendlichen Facetten. In seinem charakteristischen, einfühlsamen Stil präsentiert Zweig eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten, die von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Hoffnung und Verzweiflung handeln. Jede Geschichte ist kunstvoll gestaltet und zeugt von der tiefen Beobachtungsgabe des Autors. Mit Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • The Hidden Christ - Volumes 1-4 Box Set

    von Hayes Press
    This boxset comprises four previously published volumes, each of which explore some of the many pictures of Jesus Christ that God deliberately hid in the Old Testament:Volume 1: Old Testament (including a focus on the garments of the High Priest)Volume 2: Offerings and SacrificesVolume 3: GenesisVolume 4: Israel's Tabernacle Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Other Voices in Old Testament Interpretation

    Untraditional Explanations of Selected Popular Old Testament Texts and Topics

    The main goal of this book is to provide a collection of essays (formerly only available separately in various academic journals) that offer untraditional and original exegetical insights into, or solutions to, popular or problematic Old Testament texts and topics. It illustrates the science and art of exegesis by an author within a broad evangelical context and demonstrates the interpretive value Mehr lesen

    € 22,10

  • The Life of David

    A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Study Guide on Second Samuel

    von Diane Rafferty
    The book of 2 Samuel covers the adult life of King David, a life full of unexpected events which had ripple effects throughout the forty years of his reign. Many people know only a few of the stories, but in this study guide, we will examine thirteen separate events, the people that were involved, and the end result.There are so many interesting people in 2 Samuel. Each person has strengths as Mehr lesen

    € 9,67

  • Hope

    A Bible Study of Women in Jesus' Lineage

    von Sarah K. Howley
    Series series Women of the Old Testament Bible Studies
    Discover Hope in the Stories of Women Who Overcame Impossible OddsIn life's most challenging moments, where do we find hope? In Hope: A Bible Study of Women in Jesus' Lineage explore how God brought hope to four remarkable women from the Old Testament-Tamar, Ruth, Rahab, and Bathsheba. Despite overwhelming adversity, their stories are intricately woven into the lineage of Jesus Christ, revealing a Mehr lesen

    € 15,72

  • Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume XVII

    Index Volume

    Series series Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (TDOT)
    This useful resource, which concludes the illustrious Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, provides TDOT users with an index to all sixteen previous volumes. The first part of this volume indexes keywords in Hebrew, Aramaic, and English, while the second part indexes all textual references—both biblical and extrabiblical. Mehr lesen

    € 82,51

  • The Fishy Prophet

    von Doug Ball
    A study in the life and times of Jonah the Prophet. There's more here than a man and a big sea monster. It's all about God and a man's relationship with Him. You just might see some holes in your relationship or find that you are tracking God's journey for you, which includes all the best. Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • 1 Kings from Start2Finish

    Start2Finish Bible Studies, #12

    Serien Buch 12 - Start2Finish Bible Studies
    Throughout the political turmoil of 1–2 Kings, God's prophets brought messages of hope, warning, and judgment.For the most part, those messages went unheeded, and a once-glorious nation was ruined. But the mistakes of long-dead kings, not to mention the messages of heroic men of God, offer wisdom to spiritual Israel today.1 KINGS FROM START2FINISH is a 12-lesson adventure through this Old Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • King James Bible

    von KJV, King James
    This classic King James Bible is now available as a fully Authorized edition. The enabled features make it a handy buy for anyone who wants an easily readable type, but not a Bible that is too heavy or bulky to carry. The Authorized edition comes with MasterLink technology and a fully interactive table of contents. Masterfully edited with a facsimile illustration of the original opening page of Mehr lesen

    € 2,49

  • Crossroads

    A Study of Esther and Jonah for Boldly Responding to Your Call

    von Jodie Niznik
    Series series Real People, Real Faith Bible Study
    Discover how to live out your unique calling from an unlikely biblical pairingAt first glance, Esther and Jonah don't have much in common. Esther is an orphan girl, out of place in royal courts, who nonetheless becomes queen and saves her beloved Jewish people. Jonah is a reluctant prophet who ran as hard as he could from God. And when he finally gave in and his efforts eventually saved his Mehr lesen

    € 17,31

  • Testaments of the Patriarchs Collection

    In the early Christian era, many Testaments of the Patriarchs circulated in Jewish and Christian communities, and were widely quoted by the earliest Christians. The foremost of the testaments were the Testaments of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which circulated together. The other major testaments were grouped together as the Testaments of the Twelve, which included the Testaments of Reuben, Simeon, Mehr lesen

    € 24,61


    Et si la honte des premiers humains nous renvoyait à la nôtre ?

    von Roger Lefèbvre
    Series series Science & Foi
    Dans la Bible, l'Apocalypse contient une lettre adressée à l'église de Laodicée. Dieu y dénonce une "nudité" qui fait la "honte" de ses membres et sur laquelle ils devraient "ouvrir les yeux", afin de se "couvrir". Autant d'expressions qui font référence à l'histoire d'Adam et Ève, conduisant l'auteur à soulever un problème relativement négligé :Pourrions-nous, aujourd'hui, nous trouver aussi "nus Mehr lesen

    € 7,20

  • Testament of Benjamin

    Series series Testaments of the Patriarchs
    The Testament of Benjamin, like the other Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, is considered to be a Jewish work that was added to by Christians in the Christian era. It is unclear when it comes from, however, fragments of the Testaments of Joseph and Levi have been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls in Aramaic, dating to between 135 and 37 BC, implying the rest of the Twelve were compiled at the Mehr lesen

    € 2,51

  • Genesis: An Introduction and Study Guide

    A Past for a People in Need of a Future

    von Megan Warner
    Series series T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the Old Testament
    This study guide introduces students to the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Megan Warner examines the book's structure and characteristics and covers the latest Biblical scholarship, including historical and interpretive issues.Discussing the nature of Genesis, its creation and purpose and its position within the Hebrew Bible, the themes and theology of creation/uncreation and promise Mehr lesen

    € 19,24

  • Seven Days with Joab

    von Pauline Youd
    Series series Seven Days
    Whatever became of Joab, renegade commander of King David's army?Amidst wars, murders and jealousies, the story of Joab weaves in and out, always intertwined with King David's dysfunctional family. King David followed God and that was partly why Joab followed David. He could see the victories and blessings God showered on David. He wanted a piece of that. He'd also heard that the women adored Mehr lesen

    € 2,53

  • Imiona Hioba

    von Piotr Karocki
    Krótki tekst popularyzatorski, traktujący o imionach postaci w Księdze Hioba. Mehr lesen


  • Encountering Ecclesiastes

    A Book for Our Time

    von James Limburg
    The book of Ecclesiastes speaks eloquently to the uncertainties and anxieties that people have experienced through the centuries. James Limburg brings this ancient book to life for readers in our probing, questioning twenty-first-century times. He illuminates the contemporary existential themes in Ecclesiastes -- the quest for meaning in life, the incompleteness of our knowledge, the place of work Mehr lesen

    € 22,40