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Angewandte Wissenschaften eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 2344 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • The Book of Why

    The New Science of Cause and Effect

    A Turing Award-winning computer scientist and statistician shows how understanding causality has revolutionized science and will revolutionize artificial intelligence"Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • You Look Like a Thing and I Love You

    von Janelle Shane
    'I can't think of a better way to learn about artificial intelligence, and I've never had so much fun along the way' Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Option BAI is the technology of the future, but how does it actually work? A hilarious, transporting look under the hood of the technology that's changing the world - and why it's dumber than we thinkYou Look Like a Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and Code-breaking

    von Simon Singh
    The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum CryptographyFrom the best-selling author of Fermat’s Last Theorem, The Code Book is a history of man’s urge to uncover the secrets of codes, from Egyptian puzzles to modern day computer encryptions.As in Fermat’s Last Theorem, Simon Singh brings life to an anstonishing story of puzzles, codes, languages and riddles that reveals man’s continual Mehr lesen

    € 7,79

  • Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst

    von Otto Lilienthal
    „Wie ein Vogel zu fliegen“, das war der Traum von Otto Lilienthal und seines Bruders Georg. Nachdem die beiden Brüder jahrelang die physikalischen Grundlagen des Vogelfluges erforschten, veröffentlichte Lilienthal am 5. Dezember 1889 dieses Buch, das hier erstmals als E-Book erscheint. Auch wenn das zeitgenössische Interesse an diesem Buch eher gering war, da die breite Öffentlichkeit die Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Loonshots

    How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries

    von Safi Bahcall
    * Instant WSJ bestseller* Translated into 18 languages* #1 Most Recommended Book of the year (Bloomberg annual survey of CEOs and entrepreneurs)* An Amazon, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Forbes, Inc., Newsweek, S****trategy + Business, Tech Crunch, Washington Post Best Business Book of the year* Recommended by Bill Gates, Daniel Kahneman, Malcolm Gladwell, Dan Pink, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, Sid Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Le coton

    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine. Mehr lesen

    € 7,49

  • The Universe

    Leading Scientists Explore the Origin, Mysteries, and Future of the Cosmos

    von John Brockman
    Series series Best of Edge Series
    John Brockman brings together the world's best-known physicists and science writers—including Brian Greene, Walter Isaacson, Nobel Prize-winner Frank Wilczek, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Martin Rees—to explain the universe in all wondrous splendor.In The Universe, today's most influential science writers explain the science behind our evolving understanding of the universe and everything in it, Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • What If? 10th Anniversary Edition

    Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

    von Randall Munroe
    From the creator of the wildly popular webcomic xkcd, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask.Millions of people visit each week to read Randall Munroe’s iconic webcomic. His stick-figure drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a large and passionate following.Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions. What if Mehr lesen

    € 5,89

  • Love Triangle

    The Life-changing Magic of Trigonometry

    von Matt Parker
    **A #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERExplore the life-changing magic of trigonometry with Matt Parker, stand-up mathematician and No. 1 bestselling author of Humble Pi**Why can no two people ever see the same rainbow? What happens when you pull a pop song apart into pure sine waves and play it back on a piano? Why does the wake behind a duck always form an angle of exactly 39 degrees? And what did Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • The Essential Engineer

    von Henry Petroski
    From the acclaimed author of The Pencil and To Engineer Is Human, The Essential Engineer is an eye-opening exploration of the ways in which science and engineering must work together to address our world’s most pressing issues, from dealing with climate change and the prevention of natural disasters to the development of efficient automobiles and the search for renewable energy sources. While the Mehr lesen

    € 4,94

  • Supremacy


    von Parmy Olson
    *****WINNER OF THE FINANCIAL TIMES AND SCHRODERS BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2024***'Astonishing . . . [Olson has] exclusive access to a network of high-ranking sources'** - Financial Times'A riveting tale . . . Olson is a compelling storyteller' - New ScientistFrom award-winning journalist Parmy Olson, Supremacy is the astonishing, untold, behind-the-scenes story of the battle between two AI Mehr lesen

    € 20,78

  • Another Fine Math You've Got Me Into. . .

    von Ian Stewart
    Series series Dover Recreational Math
    Populated by curious creatures whose stories unfold with jokes and puns, this mathematical wonderland of puzzles and games also imparts significant mathematical ideas. Ian Stewart, an active popularizer of mathematics, university professor, and former columnist for Scientific American's "Mathematical Games" section, has selected 16 of his columns from Pour la Science, the French edition of Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen studieren

    Der Text gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die Inhalte des beliebten Studiengangs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Dazu wird erklärt, was eigentlich Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sind. Außerdem wird ein Einblick in die Berufsmöglichkeiten und den Arbeitsmarkt von Wirtschaftsingenieuren gegeben. Besonders betont wird das Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der htw saar in Saarbrücken. Ausgewählte Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • The Chemistry Series: Organic Compounds in our Society

    The Chemistry Series: Organic Compounds in our Society Having Trouble on Chemistry? Need to find out information about organic compounds and how they are used in our society?  This book will help people learn the following five organic compounds: 1. Alkanes 2. Alkenes and Substitute Alkenes 3. Alcohols 4. Carboxylic Acid As well as how these five organic compounds are used in our society. All of Mehr lesen

    € 6,01

  • The Medical Series: The Effectiveness of Medical Treatments

    Series series The Medical Series
    The Medical Series: The Effectiveness of Medical TreatmentsHaving trouble on Medical Biology? Need to find out information about the various types of medical treatments and how effective they are in curing humans?. This book contains the six different medical treatments. This is an excellent book if you need, or want; to learn about the medical treatments used in hospitals and science to cure Mehr lesen

    € 6,61

  • Questions aux savants

    Dans ses idées, ses mœurs, son style de vie et ses chances d’avenir, la masse des hommes se voit aujourd’hui gouvernée par l’étroite élite de ceux qui font la science. D’où, chez certains savants, une complaisance aristocratique, comme si, étant seuls à comprendre ce qu’ils font, ils n’avaient de comptes à rendre à personne ; et, chez les non-scientifiques, un complexe de frustration et de Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • Physical Anti-Collision in RFID Systems

    Theory and Practice

    This book highlights the innovative applications of electromagnetics, optics, thermodynamics theories in creating methods for physical-layer collision prevention- "physical anti-collision" in radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. Using engineering mathematical methods as the core of detection and control algorithm design, it proposes semi-physical verification and detection techniques to Mehr lesen

    € 84,14

  • Climate Change in Wildlands

    Pioneering Approaches to Science and Management

    Scientists have been warning for years that human activity is heating up the planet and climate change is under way. In the past century, global temperatures have risen an average of 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit, a trend that is expected to only accelerate. But public sentiment has taken a long time to catch up, and we are only just beginning to acknowledge the serious effects this will have on all life Mehr lesen

    € 33,10

  • Magnetically Activated and Guided Isotope Separation

    von Thomas R. Mazur
    Series series Springer Theses
    This thesis describes a proof-of-principle experiment demonstrating a technique for stable isotope enrichment called Magnetically Activated and Guided Isotope Separation (MAGIS). Over the past century many enriched isotopes have become available, thanks largely to electromagnetic separators called calutrons. Due to substantial maintenance and operating costs, the United States decommissioned the Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Algèbre commutative

    Langages géométrique et algébrique

    L'algèbre commutative est essentiellement l'étude des anneaux commutatifs. Issue de la théorie algébrique des nombres, elle s'est surtout développée au contact de la géométrie algébrique dont, en un sens, elle peut être considérée comme une partie. Cet ouvrage propose un exposé se suffisant à lui-même des résultats les plus importants de cette théorie. Il fait suite au livre Les formalismes Mehr lesen

    € 29,99

  • The Laboratory Series: Good Laboratory Practice

    Series series The Laboratory Series
    The Laboratory Series: Good Laboratory PracticeHaving trouble on understanding the science laboratory? Need to find out information about Good Laboratory Practice and how its rules are used to maintain safety in a laboratory ?. This book contains the different aspects of Good Laboratory Practice such as:1: Chemicals and Reagents2: Cleaning of Glassware3: Measurement of Mass or Weighing4: Recording Mehr lesen

    € 6,61

  • Reconstrução de Acidente de Trânsito

    Perícia em Atropelamento

    Esta obra trata especificamente sobre os atropelamentos, um tipo de acidente que ainda é bastante comum nas vias terrestres do mundo todo. Apresentamos aqui os principais conceitos que o perito que investiga acidentes deve conhecer de forma a conseguir extrair o máximo informações necessárias durante a fase levantamento de local para que consiga empregar as metodologias presentes neste livro. O Mehr lesen

    € 24,45

  • Quantenphysik, Illusion und Wirklichkeit

    18 Texte zur Quantenphysik

    von Joachim Strienz
    Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie die Quantenphysik in unserem Alltag funktioniert. Es ist sicherlich anders als Sie bisher gedacht haben. Nur wenigen Menschen war das bisher klar. Den Entdeckern der Quantenphysik aber schon, deshalb waren sie ja auch damals so erschrocken gewesen. Im ersten Teil des Buches werden auf unterhaltsame Weise Fakten und Grundlagen vorgestellt, im zweiten Teil dann die Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • EKC 2019 Conference Proceedings

    Science, Technology, and Humanity: Advancement and Sustainability

    Bearbeitet von Jong Mun Park, Dong Ryeol Whang
    This volume offers a selection of papers presented at the Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 2019 (EKC 2019). EKC is a multi/inter/transdisciplinary conference covering all fields of science and technology, aiming to facilitate networking and collaboration between academic and industrial researchers involved in R&D, engineering, manufacturing, and application.The scope is broad, Mehr lesen

    € 89,09