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Atemtherapie eBooks

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  • Breath - Atem

    Neues Wissen über die vergessene Kunst des Atmens | Über das richtige Atmen und Atemtechniken

    von James Nestor
    Übersetzt von Martin Bayer
    Atmen heißt Leben - James Nestor bringt uns mit seinem Buch die verlorene Kunst des guten Atmens wieder näherDie Atmung ist die einzige Körperfunktion, die der Mensch wirklich kontrollieren kann, bei der aber am meisten schief geht. Unsere Atmung kann uns helfen abzunehmen, unseren allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand positiv beeinflussen und sogar unser Leben verlängern. Wer richtig atmet, ist Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • The Illuminated Breath

    Transform Your Physical, Cognitive & Emotional Well-Being by Harnessing the Scie nce of Ancient Yoga Breath Practices

    von Dylan Werner
    **Named by mindbodygreen as one of the best health and wellness books for 2022From our first breath to our last, we spend our entire lives in a perpetual cycle of inhalations and exhalations. Yet few of us are taught how to breathe, why we breathe, or the ways in which the breath influences us emotionally, energetically, physically, and spiritually.**The Illuminated Breath is a revolutionary Mehr lesen

    € 8,68

  • Heilsames Atmen

    Das Wunder der Atmung spürbar erleben

    von Hilda Nowotny
    Im Ein und Aus des Atems sind Leib und Seele tief bewegt, doch in der Pause ist es die Stille, die uns trägt. Die wichtigsten Dinge des Lebens geschehen oft, wenn wir zur Ruhe kommen – in einer Pause. So ist es auch beim Atmen: Wir atmen ein, atmen aus, halten inne, machen uns bereit für den nächsten Atemzug – und sind offen für das Leben. Die ausgebildete Atempädagogin und Atemtherapeutin Hilda Mehr lesen

    € 5,49

  • Respiratory Control

    Central and Peripheral Mechanisms

    Understanding of the respiratory control system has been greatly improved by technological and methodological advances. This volume integrates results from many perspectives, brings together diverse approaches to the investigations, and represents important additions to the field of neural control of breathing.Topics include membrane properties of respiratory neurons, in vitro studies of Mehr lesen

    € 12,20

  • Understanding Ohtuvayre as a Game Changer for COPD

    A Drug for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    von Adams J. Bradon
    Breathe easier, live betterAre you or a loved one struggling with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? If so, you know the daily challenges of breathlessness, persistent coughing, and the fear of sudden flare-ups. "Ohtuvayre: A Drug for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) By Adams J. Bradonis here to change that.In this book you will learn the transformative power of OHTUVAYRE, Mehr lesen

    € 6,61

  • Natural Remedies That Will Make You or Loved One Stop Snoring Once and for All

    von Lorins Sidney
    If you snore, you're not alone: this happens when air flows through your throat when you breathe in your sleep. This causes the relaxed tissues in your throat to vibrate and cause harsh, irritating snoring sounds.You may be among the 45% of normal adults who snore at least occasionally or you likely know someone who does .But snoring is serious business.This book will give you a guide to stop Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • What You Need to Know about Asthma

    von Evelyn B. Kelly
    Series series Inside Diseases and Disorders
    While some individuals with asthma consider the condition only a minor nuisance, for others it significantly interferes with daily activities and may even be life-threatening. This book offers readers a broad introduction to this common respiratory issue.Asthma is a respiratory condition marked by spasms, swelling, and excess mucus production in the bronchial passages of the lungs. This triggers Mehr lesen

    € 37,06

  • Introduction to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection

    Embark on a journey into the intricate world of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) through this comprehensive guide. From its molecular structure to its impact on vulnerable populations, this book provides a detailed exploration of RSV infection, offering valuable insights for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and the curious reader.Discover the nuances of RSV's transmission dynamics, seasonal Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • RT!: Reflections on a Career in Respiratory Therapy

    von Jeff Maurer
    A thirty plus year career as a Respiratory Therapist working mostly in acute care provided me with numerous unforgettable experiences, some of which I treasure and some of which I would just as soon forget. In this short book, I share the most memorable of those experiences in a way that I hope will be both interesting and entertaining for laypeople as well as health care professionals. This is a Mehr lesen

    € 1,62

  • How to Use Essential Oils for Aromatherapy

    Getting Started with Homemade Oil Therapy for Sleep, Nausea, Headaches, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

    Decades before the word aromatherapy was coined, plant oils found use among various civilizations. The Egyptians extracted oil from clove, cinnamon, and cedarwood to make massage oil and embalm dead bodies. Megallus, a perfumer from Greece, made a signature fragrance from myrrh; and the physician, Hippocrates used plant oils for healing.The idea that aromatic plant oils can help in improving Mehr lesen


  • Fighting Asthma The Natural Way

    von Tiziana M.
    Have you or has anyone you know been diagnosed with asthma? If so,you may be a little confused by the questions that no one seems to beable to answer.As you will discover as you read through this book, one of the reasonsthat asthma sufferers often find themselves left in the dark about theircondition is that although the basic definition of asthma is verystraightforward, almost everything else Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Principles And Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, Third Edition

    von Martin J. Tobin
    The definitive guide to the use of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients – now in full color and updated to reflect the latest advancesPrinciples & Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 3e provides comprehensive, authoritative coverage of all the clinical, pharmacological, and technical issues surrounding the use of mechanical ventilation.Editor Martin J. Tobin – past editor-in-chief of Mehr lesen

    € 302,05

  • Mosby's Respiratory Care PDQ - E-Book

    - AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines content has been redesigned into easy-to-use, compact algorithms. - The latest asthma guidelines - Increased coverage of neonatal and pediatric care - Expanded BLS and ACLS protocols; updated medications, therapies, and therapeutic devices; and updated ventilator modes - More formulas and facts than in the previous edition Mehr lesen

    € 21,11 € 15,39

  • Fisiología respiratoria

    Lo esencial en la práctica clínica

    Serien Buch 4 - Dr. William Cristancho Gómez
    Muchas veces los contenidos abordados y desarrollados en los complejos escenarios fisiológicos de la economía humana, están provistos de complicadas disertaciones que son, por supuesto, necesarias -incluso, indispensables- desde la perspectiva científica y la práctica segura, confiable y eficiente, pero un poco alejadas de las aplicaciones cotidianas. En razón con estas consideraciones surgió hace Mehr lesen

    € 15,50

  • Respira

    50 ejercicios para recuperar la calma y la serenidad

    von Yvan Cam
    Übersetzt von Miguel Portillo
    Series series En órbita
    He aquí un método de gestión del estrés, utilizado por atletas de élite, ahora al alcance de todos. A lo largo de milenios, se han explorado diversas técnicas de manera empírica para liberarnos del estrés, ya sea el provocado por un examen, hablar en público o enfrentar dilemas complicados. Sin embargo, ninguna de estas técnicas había sido previamente analizada a la luz de nuestros actuales Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Exercise and Respiratory Diseases in Paediatrics

    Bearbeitet von Craig Williams, Patrick Oades
    Series series Routledge Research in Paediatric Sport and Exercise Science
    It is commonly accepted that "exercise is good for children" but, considering the number of children worldwide exercising, we know comparatively little, compared to adults, about how specific mechanisms influence health and sports performance. There are considerable obstacles that challenge the progress of paediatric research, not least in relation to ethical and methodological considerations. Mehr lesen

    € 55,63

  • Padroneggiate il vostro respiro

    Imparate a essere più forti, resilienti e in migliore salute grazie alla respirazione

    Di fronte alla confusione e all’incertezza della vita moderna, sempre più persone sentono il bisogno di proteggere la propria salute mentale e fisica. Da anni Leonardo Pelagotti è convinto che il respiro sia lo strumento migliore per attivare le modalità di crescita personale e di guarigione che abbiamo dentro, essendo un autentico acceleratore e catalizzatore del nostro potenziale. Che tu sia un Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Asthma

    "This book gives you a detailed insight into the nature, causes and management of asthma.It is a skilful yet simple presentation of the medical facts about asthma, culled from the knowledge and experience of many doctors and scientists.Buy the book for greater awareness and better control of the ailment.It is a must for a healthier life.Table Of Contains..01. Asthma: An Ailment of the Lungs02. Mehr lesen

    € 2,54

  • DIY How to Make Your Own Face Mask Anti Coronavirus. How to Make Your Own Desinfecting Gel

    von Adam White
    Corobavirus makes a lot of victims: 116,992 confirmed cases, 4,200 deaths and numbers are increasing fast by the hour. What can we do?DIY Homemade: How to make your own Face Mask & Desinfecting Gel (Hand Sanitizers) to Kill Coronavirus 2020 Germs (COVID-19, 2019-nCoV)Among all advice and recommendations, the easiest way to avoid COVID-19 contamination is to wear a protection breathing mask and use Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Mechanical Ventilation for Respiratory Failure

    Demystifying the Box in the Corner of the Room

    Mechanical ventilators have long been an integral part of the care of patients with acute and chronic respiratory failure, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic has further underscored the need for greater understanding of the basic principles of their use in today’s ICU. Mechanical Ventilation for Respiratory Failure: Demystifying the Box in the Corner of the Room, by Drs. Richard M. Schwartzstein, Mehr lesen

    € 64,01

  • Pneumologie

    Ein Leitfaden für rationales Handeln in Klinik und Praxis

    Rationale Pneumologie - systematische Darstellung der wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder - konkrete Empfehlungen zu Diagnostik und Therapie - Pareto-Prinzip: 20 % Aufwand, 80 % Ergebnisse - rationales Management pneumologischer Erkrankungen Alles Wichtige - typische Beschwerdebilder umfassend dargestellt - spezielle Untersuchungsmethoden - besondere Therapieformen - ausführliches Kapitel über Mehr lesen

    € 79,99

  • Enfermedades de la pleura

    Casos y diálogos del mundo real

    - Proporciona un abordaje único para comprender los matices y las complejidades de las intervenciones invasivas y no invasivas, a partir de casos clínicos reales y de los diálogos que las acompañan. - Describe el abordaje adoptado por los expertos en cada caso y presenta el razonamiento clínico sobre los abordajes más adecuados y los posibles tratamientos. - Ofrece información clara presentada Mehr lesen

    € 51,58 € 36,29

  • Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation - E-Book

    Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation - E-Book

    An effective study tool for mastering radiography, this valuable question-and-answer book reinforces integral skills including film handling, exposures, and clinical technique. Featuring more than 730 new images, this fourth edition has been expanded to include a broader scope of material, as well as more practice opportunities for answering questions and preparing for examinations. New topics Mehr lesen

    € 61,48 € 43,22

  • Mosby's PDQ for Respiratory Care - Revised Reprint

    Find critical respiratory care information fast! Comprehensive and precise, this portable guide provides rapid access to vital respiratory procedures, facts, and formulas with an emphasis on critical care. It fits easily into your pocket, and the spiral binding allows it to lie flat on any given page. Whether you use it as a clinical resource, a study tool, or a quick refresher, this full-color Mehr lesen

    € 22,98 € 18,91