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Berufliche Weiterbildung eBooks

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  • You deserve this. Bowl-Kochbuch

    Einfache & natürliche Rezepte für einen gesunden Lebensstil von Pamela Reif

    von Pamela Reif
    Über 70 gesunde, ausgewogene und leckere Bowl-Rezepte von Fitness-Vorbild Pamela Reif!Gesunde und natürliche Ernährung ist das, was Körper und Seele täglich verdienen. Und das hat rein gar nichts mit Verzicht zu tun! Sich langfristig großartig zu fühlen, vor Energie zu sprühen und der Gesundheit etwas Gutes zu tun, ist auch im Alltag möglich - mit Bowls! Dabei werden einfache, natürliche und Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • When We Are One (When I'm With You Part 8)

    von Beth Kery
    Serien Buch 8 - When I'm With You
    The conclusion of Beth Kery's unforgettable eight-part serial novel for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey, the Crossfire series and Because You Are Mine, of a man and woman inextricably bound by the scandalous secrets of the past and by the sexual transgressions that still fuel their uncontrollable desire...In the luxury of Ian Noble's penthouse, he, Francesca, Lucien and Elise gather for an evening Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Family Meal

    Recipes from Our Community

    Restaurants nourish us. While they're closed, we need to nourish them.WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER - Beyond the basics of providing food and drink, restaurants fulfill a human need for connection. They're a gathering place for family and friends, for first dates and breakups and birthdays and weddings. They've been there for us in good times and bad. Now it's time for us to give back.To help Mehr lesen

    € 5,82

  • Ich weiß, was Hunger ist

    Tim Raue – Der Name steht heute für kulinarische Fähigkeiten, bedingungslosen Ehrgeiz und pures Durchsetzungsvermögen. Inzwischen ist er einer der gefragtesten Köche Deutschlands und erkochte sich bereits 2 Sterne. Das "Restaurant Tim Raue" steht auf Platz 31 der San Pellegrino "The World's 50 Best Restaurants"-Liste. Wie Tim Raue zu dem wurde, der er ist, erzählt er gemeinsam mit Stefan Adrian in Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • My Kitchen Table: 100 Family Meals

    von Annabel Karmel
    Serien Buch 12 - My Kitchen
    Annabel Karmel is the best-selling author of cookbooks for children and their families. Relied on by millions of parents, Annabel knows what children like to eat and how to make family meals as trouble-free as possible.In this collection, Annabel has chosen 100 recipes that will suit kids and grown-ups alike, from healthy breakfast muffins, to tasty tea-time snacks and light meals to nutritious Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • James Beard's Theory and Practice of Good Cooking

    von James Beard
    “The Dean of American Cuisine” and mentor to some of the country’s most acclaimed chefs offers essential kitchen wisdom in this illustrated guide (Julia Child).“In my twenty-five years of teaching I have tried to make people realize that cooking is primarily fun and that the more they know about what they are doing, the more fun it is.”So begins James Beard’s expansive book of culinary terms, Mehr lesen

    € 13,52

  • Humble Pie

    von Gordon Ramsay
    Everyone thinks they know the real Gordon Ramsay: rude, loud, driven, stubborn. But this is his real story…In this fast-paced, bite-sized edition of his bestselling autobiography Ramsay tells the real story of how he became the world’s most famous and infamous chef: his difficult childhood, his brother’s heroin addiction, his failed first career as a footballer, his fanatical pursuit of Mehr lesen

    € 7,79

  • Mastering Pizza

    The Art and Practice of Handmade Pizza, Focaccia, and Calzone [A Cookbook]

    **A revolutionary guide to making delicious pizza at home, offering a variety of base doughs so that your pizza will turn out perfect no matter what kind of oven or equipment you have.“If you are serious about making pizza, buy every copy in the store.”—JIMMY KIMMEL**Pizza remains America's favorite food, but one that many people hesitate to make at home. In Mastering Pizza, award-winning chef Mehr lesen

    € 8,02

  • Gâteaux et gourmandises sans sucre

    50 desserts de Philippe Conticini pour se régaler en famille, SANS SUCRE !Les Français sont de grands consommateurs de sucre. Face aux délicieuses pâtisseries dont nous avons le secret, il est en effet difficile de résister ! Pourtant, l'excès de sucre est à l'origine de nombreux problèmes de santé ; il apparaît donc nécessaire de manger plus équilibré et moins sucré.Amateurs de notes sucrées, Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Japanese Cooking

    A Simple Art

    When it was first published, Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art changed the way the culinary world viewed Japanese cooking, moving it from obscure ethnic food to haute cuisine.Twenty-five years later, much has changed. Japanese food is a favorite of diners around the world. Not only is sushi as much a part of the Western culinary scene as burgers, bagels and burritos, but some Japanese chefs have Mehr lesen

    € 13,96

  • The Hairy Bikers' Perfect Pies

    The Ultimate Pie Bible from the Kings of Pies

    von Hairy Bikers
    'There's nothing quite so comforting as a really well-made pie. From classic favourites to new combinations, the BBC's Hairy Bikers have got it covered' BBC GOOD FOOD'There are more than 140 drool-inducing recipes bubbling out of this book like steaming filling escaping through a gap in the pastry...easy to follow and delicious' COUNTRYFILEThis is the definitive pie bible from the Kings of Comfort Mehr lesen

    € 5,49 € 3,99

  • Andalusia

    Recipes from Seville and Beyond

    von José Pizarro
    ‘A fantastic and heartfelt book, full of recipes that make you feel like Spain should be your home.’ – Tom KerridgeBordering Spain's southern coast, Andalusia is a place where the past and modernity blend together to form a rather magical destination. From sandy beaches to amazing architecture, buzzing tapas bars and flamenco dancers, it's full of passion.Not just a feast for the eyes, Andalusia Mehr lesen

    € 10,00

  • Eating for England: The Delights and Eccentricities of the British at Table

    von Nigel Slater
    Like Nigel Slater’s multi-award-winning food memoir ‘Toast’, this is a celebration of the glory, humour, eccentricities and embarrassments that are the British at Table.The British have a relationship with their food that is unlike that of any other country. Once something that was never discussed in polite company, it is now something with which the nation is obsessed. But are we at last Mehr lesen

    € 7,79

  • Just a French Guy Cooking

    Easy Recipes and Kitchen Hacks for Rookies

    French Guy Cooking is a YouTube sensation with half a million subscribers. A Frenchman living in Paris, Alex loves to demystify cooking by experimenting with food and cooking methods to take the fear factor out of the kitchen. He wants to make cooking fun and accessible, and he charms his viewers with his geeky approach to food.In this, his debut cookbook, he shares 90 of his absolute favourite Mehr lesen

    € 8,24

  • Mandy's Gourmet Salads

    Recipes for Lettuce and Life

    GIVE THE GIFT OF GREAT SALADS WITH THE #1 BESTSELLING COOKBOOK! An overwhelmingly gorgeous cookbook packed with simple and delicious recipes for salads and more!There's nothing a Mandy's salad can't fix. Want an explosion of color, texture, flavor and fabulousness? Look no further. Inside the pages of this stunning cookbook (and the Mandy's restaurants it's named after) lies everything you need to Mehr lesen

    € 19,90

  • Osterie d'Italia 2023

    von AA. VV.
    Con la recensione di più di 1700 locali, l’edizione 2023 del sussidiario del mangiarbere all’italiana offre una panoramica completa e contemporanea sul mondo delle osterie e sulla sua evoluzione, arricchendosi di novità che guidano il lettore attraverso una selezione di qualità.A fare da contraltare alla Chiocciola, il riconoscimento che distingue i locali eccellenti, particolarmente Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • The Art of Flavour

    Practices and Principles for Creating Delicious Food

    'Mandy Aftel's latest work with Daniel Patterson is a masterpiece on the science of cooking from an olfactory and culinary perspective through the same lens. This book is a must for any chef or cook looking to find new inspirations and a deeper understanding of the way flavours work together.' Pratap Chahal (@thathungrychef), Flavour Bastard, Soho, London'Am counting down the days till your book Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Devil in the Kitchen

    The Autobiography

    The long-awaited autobiography of the archetypal kitchen bad boy - Marco Pierre WhiteWhen Marco Pierre White's mother died when he was just six years old, it transformed his life. Soon, his father was urging him to earn his own keep and by sixteen he was working in his first restaurant. White went on to learn from some of the best chefs in the country, such as Albert Roux, Raymond Blanc and Pierre Mehr lesen

    € 6,99 € 3,99

  • Eating Well Made Easy: Deliciously healthy recipes for everyone, every day

    It’s everyone’s meal-time dilemma: how to cook quick, easy, tasty meals that are also good for you? Bestselling TV chef Lorraine Pascale’s brilliant new book Eating Well Made Easy shows you how.Lorraine is famous for putting together delicious recipes that are simple and easy to make, and now she’s gone one step further: creating tasty dishes that are not only perfect for busy lifestyles, but are Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • ABaC (edición bilingüe)

    Cocina en evolución

    El lujoso libro de las recetas más destacadas del restaurante ABaC, de Jordi Cruz, que cuenta con tres estrellas Michelin.Jordi Cruz ha creado esta joya de libro en el que desvela las recetas más singulares y creativas de su restaurante ABaC. Con sus platos reinventa las comidas tradicionales a partir de presentaciones y combinaciones de sabores explosivos para todos nuestros sentidos.Una edición Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Finding Freedom

    A Cook's Story; Remaking a Life from Scratch

    von Erin French
    **New York Times Bestseller**From Erin French, owner of the critically acclaimed The Lost Kitchen, a TIME world dining destination, a life-affirming memoir about survival, renewal, and finding a community to lift her upLong before The Lost Kitchen became a world dining destination with every seating filled the day the reservation book opens each spring, Erin French was a girl roaming barefoot on a Mehr lesen

    € 15,50

  • Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course

    von Gordon Ramsay
    "I want to teach you how to cook good food at home. By stripping away all the hard graft and complexity, anyone can produce mouth-watering recipes. Put simply, I'm going to show you how to cook yourself into a better cook."GORDON RAMSAYGordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course is about giving home cooks the desire, confidence and inspiration to hit the stoves and get cooking, with over 120 modern, Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Daniel: My French Cuisine

    Daniel Boulud, one of America's most respected and successful chefs, delivers a definitive, yet personalcookbook on his love of French food.From coming of age as a young chef to adapting French cuisine to American ingredients and tastes, Daniel Boulud reveals how he expresses his culinary artistry at Restaurant Daniel. With more than 75 signature recipes, plus an additional 12 recipes Boulud Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Deliciously Ella. How To Go Plant-Based

    Der definitive Guide für dich und deine Familie

    »Die Queen des Veganismus« Welt am SonntagEndlich da: 100 neue Rezepte, die den Einstieg in die pflanzliche Ernährung zu einem Erlebnis machen. Die Gerichte sind einfach zuzubereiten und besonders köstlich – für Neueinsteiger wie auch Fortgeschrittene geeignet.Für die ganze FamilieEllas Jubiläumsbuch versammelt familienfreundliche Rezepte und ist gleichzeitig ein praktischer Ratgeber: Sie teilt Mehr lesen

    € 19,99