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Christentum eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 3866 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Thank You, God, For Daddy

    von Amy Parker
    Series series Thank You, God
    This sweet book celebrates all the ways dad cares for his little one and encourages children to show gratitude and appreciation for their own father.In this adorable rhyming story from bestselling author Amy Parker, a little lion cub thanks God for his wonderful daddy—a daddy who gives big hugs and piggyback rides; who protects, teaches, and plays; and who offers love, guidance, and encouragement Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Cómo Hablar con Dios

    Aprendiendo a orar paso a paso

    von José Reina
    "Me invocará, y yo le responderé...y le mostraré mi salvación" Sal 91:15, 16.A veces complicamos algo que nuestro Señor quiere que sea sencillo, es por esto que en este libro podrás encontrar detalladamente las respuestas a las preguntas:• ¿Cómo debo orar?• ¿Qué me garantiza que Dios me va a responder?• ¿Qué palabras debo usar?Todo el contenido de este libro está basado en la Biblia y están Mehr lesen


  • Start Here

    Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are

    You want to do hard things.But you don’t know where to start.You are changing the world around you.But you are tired and burned out.You feel called to do the extraordinary for God.But you feel stuck in the ordinary.Do Hard Things inspired thousands of young people around the world to make the most of the teen years. Now Alex and Brett Harris are back and ready to tackle the questions that Do Hard Mehr lesen

    € 5,82

  • Притчи для детей

    Притчи для детей - книга для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Mehr lesen


  • Sleep in Peace

    Landscape paintings by local artists enhance this full-color book featuring a bedtime prayer that soothes your child to sleep in peace. Your child will know that God, who created nature and all things in it, also created them. As they pray, they will know that they can trust the one who loves them more than they dare to imagine. And what is prayer? Prayer is talking to God about anything in our Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Ruth

    Becoming a Girl of Loyalty - True Girl Bible Study

    von Dannah Gresh
    Series series True Girl Bible Study
    When her friend was in need, Ruth remained loyal.Ruth was a young woman who lived at a time when people seemed to only care about themselves—not God. And certainly not each other. So imagine how remarkable it was when Ruth gave up everything—her comfort, home, and even hope for a future—to travel to a foreign land to help her friend in need. Though Ruth would have nothing, she went anyway! And as Mehr lesen

    € 8,68

  • God's Story, Your Story: Youth Edition

    von Max Lucado
    Series series The Story
    Is there a story behind the daily drama of your life? Being a teenager isn’t always easy. From homework to after-school jobs to having to think about the future, life can feel chaotic. But did you know that the chaos and confusion, as well as the joys and excitements you experience, are part of God’s ordered plan? In this teen adaptation of God’s Story, Your Story, bestselling author Max Lucado Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Shirley Squirrel and The Pecan Plan

    von Jason Tatum
    Your prayers have been answered! If you are looking for an entertaining book that will teach morals, look no further. This children's poetry book puts a fun spin on the bible parable of the talents that is found in Matthew 25:14. Shirley Squirrel and the Pecan Plan is the first book in a series of a bible-based children's poetry books. The books in this series are bridging the gaps of Mehr lesen

    € 15,72

  • Zaïre

    von Voltaire
    "Zaïre" est une pièce de théâtre, tragédie en 5 actes dont la première représentation a eu lieu le 13 août 1732 à la Comédie-Française. C'est la plus célèbre et presque la seule survivante des tragédies de Voltaire. Elle eut un grand succès lors de sa sortie.Nous sommes à Jérusalem, à l'époque de la septième croisade, en 1249 au moment de la guerre de Saint Louis, le sultan Orosmane est amoureux Mehr lesen

    € 0,50

  • Jesus Loves Me More Than

    Illustrated by Jackie Binder
    Serien Buch 22 - Bible Stories Series
    Childlike examples encourage young children to learn about Jesus’ love through easy-to-understand concepts and bright illustrations. How much does Jesus love me? Jesus loves me more than butterflies and rainbows, more than ladybugs and teddy bears. Simple text will make this a treasured book to read over and over again. Mehr lesen

    € 5,49

  • La naissance de Jésus

    Vingt-cinq lectures de la Bible de l'Avent pour les enfants, avec des illustrations colorées sur chaque page. Mehr lesen


  • Jesus & Me ABCs: A Christian Children's Workbook

    Get your children invested in the Good Word early on!From A to Z, this book shows young readers the fundamentals of good character through a colourful, simple, easy-to-read format. Using examples from the Bible, youngsters can start building a foundation for their walk with Christ. Young audiences will learn about their self-worth, respecting others, and the love of God from every letter of the Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Stop-and-Go Devotional

    52 Devotions for Busy Families

    von Diane M. Stortz
    Have intentional quality time with your little ones that’s fun, educational, and meaningful for your family's faith journey with these short devotions.Written by bestselling author Diane Stortz, this to-the-point, interactive devotional gives bite-size teachings on how to follow God.?Stop-and-Go Devotional?provides short, active devotions based on Bible stories, designed for busy families with Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • The New Wine (Volume 1)

    A 30 Day Devotional

    von Olubusayo Aina
    Series series The New Wine Devotionals
    Learn of the Father.Be taught by the HolySpirit.Come to the knowledge of the truth - that Christ is! Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Une journée équitable à la foire pour Tommy

    von Linda Henderson
    La foire promet des expériences intéressantes pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes. Tommy aime particulièrement les manèges et les animaux de la foire. Il aimait aussi faire des additions dans sa tête. C'est ainsi qu'il a découvert qu'il y avait beaucoup de choses à additionner à la foire. Alors qu'il écoutait son oncle Albert calculer le prix des tickets d'entrée, celui-ci lui a donné une leçon de Mehr lesen

    € 3,49

  • Make College Count

    A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning

    von Derek Melleby
    There's more to college than classes, credits, and a nonstop social life. It's more than getting a degree to improve one's job prospects. College is a time where students develop into the adults they will be for the rest of their lives, a time to explore the big questions about life and human destiny, a time when they form their character and faith.The perfect gift for high school graduation, Make Mehr lesen

    € 9,45

  • Empowered

    How God Shaped 11 Women's Lives (And Can Shape Yours Too)

    von Catherine Parks
    Illustrated by Breezy Brookshire
    Through the inspiring stories of eleven faithful women, Empowered will show girls that God is the true source of their power, strength, and purpose in life. In the pages of this book, girls will encounter women they may never have heard of and will learn some of the character traits that go along with the Christian walk. But they will also encounter a God who is faithful to complete the work He Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Spot the Differences_Christmas

    Spot 7-10 Differences Puzzle Book| Activities Book for Kids Aged 6-8

    Series series Puzzle Book for Kids
    SPOT 7-10 DIFFERENCES PUZZLE BOOK | CHRISTMAS THEME| FULL COLOR INTERIOR | 24 PUZZLES | 72 COLOR PICTURES INCLUDING PUZZLE SOLUTIONS | IDEAL GIFT FOR CHILDREN | USEFUL FOR KEEPING KIDS GAINFULLY OCCUPIEDWelcome to Spot The Difference - At Christmas! See if you can spot what's different in 25 Christmas puzzles. Each double page contains two scenes that are almost identical; all you need to do is Mehr lesen

    € 2,49



    Series series DEVO21
    STUDIU BIBLIC DIN CARTEA LUI NEEMIADevo21 oferă uneltele potrivite și un material adecvat, fiecărui doritor de a experimenta o nouă provocare spirituală. Poate fii începutul celei mai frumoase povești de dragoste, a celei mai frumoase vieți transformate prin Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, a ideei corecte asupra propriei identități în El. De a deveni TU însuți și nu o copie nereușită a altei persoane. Să Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • En algún lugar sobre el arco iris

    von Linda Henderson
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué ocurre con nuestras mascotas cuando mueren? ¿Alguna vez los volverás a ver? Bueno, la buena noticia es que.. ¡si!. Las mascotas que realmente fueron amadas por sus dueños, van al Cielo. Y Dios quiere que te reunas con ellos, sólo si confías en su hijo, Jesús, para salvarte. Nunca eres muy joven o muy viejo para asegurar tu eternidad en el Cielo. Este libro, basado Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Jumalan Lapsena

    Illustrated by Pertti Pietarinen
    Serien Buch 1 - Jumalan lapsena
    Jumalan Lapsena kirja kertoo kauniiden luontoaiheisten kuvien ja Raamatun sanojen avulla Jumalan ikuisesta rakkaudesta meitä ihmisiä ja erityisesti lapsia kohtaan.Jumala rakastaa sinua, koska Hän on luonut sinut omaksi kuvakseen. Hän rakastaa meitä niin paljon, että antoi ainoan poikansa, ettei yksikään, joka häneen uskoo joutuisi kadotukseen, vaan hänellä olisi iankaikkinen elämä.Tämä kirja Mehr lesen

    € 1,09

  • Biblical Puzzles for Children Book 1

    von Chelsea Kong
    Serien Buch 1 - Biblical puzzles for Children
    Excellent puzzles for Children ages 4-8. They will have fun learning the Bible and doing 5 different kinds of puzzles such as crosswords, fill-in, scrambled, wordmatch, and word search. This is the first book of this series and also contains prayers to lead your child or children to Christ and to know the Lord more. Easy to do and original artwork by the author. Mehr lesen

    € 4,39

  • My Big Little Bible

    Includes My Little Bible, My Little Bible Promises, and My Little Prayers

    Illustrated by Stephanie Britt
    von Thomas Nelson
    Three favorite My Little Bible Series books in one big Bible book!My Little Bible series has long been a favorite of young children, Bible stories, Promises, and Prayers simply told with bright friendly illustrations. This “Big” little book is a sure way to develop faith in young hearts.My Little Bible is a collection of 42 Bible stories told in simple, understandable language that little ones can Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • The Teen's Guide to Social Media... and Mobile Devices

    21 Tips to Wise Posting in an Insecure World

    von Jonathan McKee
    Ever regret something you’ve posted?Honestly? How smart are you being when it comes to streaming, messaging, gaming, commenting. . .?  The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices will help you navigate the digital world with 21 refreshingly honest and humorous tips that will not only inform, but that also just might change the way you think about your social media interaction.     21 real Mehr lesen

    € 10,22