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Fliegen & Pilotenausbildung eBooks

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  • Skyfaring

    A Journey with a Pilot

    **Sunday Times Bestseller****Book of the Week on Radio 4**'A beautiful book about a part of the modern world which remains genuinely magical’ Mark Haddon'One of the most constantly fascinating, but consistently under-appreciated aspects of modern life is the business of flying. Mark Vanhoenacker has written the ideal book on the subject: a description of what it’s like to fly by a commercial pilot Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Goshawk Squadron

    von Derek Robinson
    World War One pilots were the knights of the sky, and the press and public idolised them as gallant young heroes.At just twenty-three, Major Stanley Woolley is the old man and commanding officer of Goshawk Squadron. He abhors any notion of chivalry in the clouds and is determined to obliterate the decent, gentlemanly outlook of his young, public school-educated pilots - for their own good.But as Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Parachute and its Pilot

    The Ultimate Guide for the Ram-Air Aviator

    von Brian Germain
    The Parachute and Its Pilot is the singular resource for canopy flight information. Whether you’re a new jumper looking to further your education or an expert canopy pilot seeking tips on advancing your techniques, this book has something for you. The book is jam-packed with information compiled over twenty years of skydiving experience and offers technical, straightforward explanations of ram air Mehr lesen

    € 9,69

  • The Thirty Days' War

    A pulse-pounding aviation thriller

    von Max Hennessy
    Serien Buch 3 - The By Air, By Land, By Sea Collection
    A swarm of enemy aircraft. A hopeless task. A brilliant commander.Kubaiyah, an RAF airstrip squeezed between a razor-like ridge and a harsh desert plain, must be defended. But with the Nazis poised to conquer the Middle East and Britain stripped of her allies, things look bleak.Only the eccentric and gifted flying officer, Anthony Boumphrey, can save them. Armed with forty planes, all of which are Mehr lesen

    € 6,37

  • War Story

    von Derek Robinson
    Fresh from school in June 1916, Lieutenant Oliver Paxton's first solo flight is to lead a formation of biplanes across the Channel to join Hornet Squadron in France.Five days later, he crash-lands at his destination, having lost his map, his ballast and every single plane in his charge. To his C.O. he's an idiot, to everyone else - especially the tormenting Australian who shares his billet - a Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Hornet's Sting

    von Derek Robinson
    It's 1917, and Captain Stanley Woolley joins an R.F.C. squadron whose pilots are starting to fear the worst: their war over the Western Front may go on for years. A pilot's life is usually short, so while it lasts it is celebrated strenuously.Distractions from the brutality of the air war include British nurses; eccentric Russian pilots; bureaucratic battles over the plum-jam ration; rat-hunting Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • FAR/AIM Study Guide Complete Review for the ASA Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information for Pilots

    von Mike L Turner
    Have you ever wondered what it takes to excel in the high-stakes world of aviation exams and become a master of the skies? Whether you're a budding pilot preparing for your first certification or an experienced aviator aiming to advance your qualifications, understanding the complexities of Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information is crucial.This comprehensive guide is designed to Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • 1941 The Second World War in the Air in Photographs

    von L. Archard
    Series series The Second World War in the Air in Photographs
    On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland. With political agreements in place to come to Poland’s aid, Britain and France both declared war on Germany within two days. It was the start of a conflict that would erupt over every continent, see the deaths of tens of millions of people, much of central Europe destroyed, and the development of jets, intercontinental missiles and computers as well as Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Journey to the Golden Hour: My Path to the Most Dangerous Job in America: Flying a Medical Helicopter

    Journey to the Golden Hour is the sequel to Randy Mains' highly successful second book Dear Mom I'm Alive. It follows his incredible journey to Australia, New Guinea, Iran, and back home again where he and six other dedicated ex-Vietnam helicopter pilots try to prove to a doubting public and skeptical medical community that the helicopter can save lives in peacetime just as it did in Vietnam. Mehr lesen

    € 3,49

  • English in Global Aviation

    Context, Research, and Pedagogy

    Taking readers step-by-step through the major issues surrounding the use of English in the global aviation industry, this book provides a clear introduction to turning research into practice in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), specifically Aviation English, and a valuable case study of applied linguistics in action. With both cutting-edge research and evidence-based practice, the Mehr lesen

    € 30,57

  • Aircraft Dispatcher Oral Exam Guide

    Prepare for the FAA oral and practical exam to earn your Aircraft Dispatcher certificate

    Series series Oral Exam Guide series
    The information in this book will serve you well on your exciting career path as an Aircraft Dispatcher: a critical link in air safety and a viable career option for many aviators.An Aircraft Dispatcher (ADX) is a licensed airman certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), typically employed by airlines or companies operating large transport-category aircraft, who has joint Mehr lesen

    € 25,73

  • Controlador Aéreo. Air Traffic Controller

    Un libro de aviación en dos idiomas, español e inglés

    Una nueva forma de estudiar que revolucionará tu carrera aeronáutica para siempre. El idioma inglés y el idioma español conviven en la aviación a lo largo de toda tu carrera y en esta obra te mostraremos el camino para aprender todo sobre aviación en ambos idiomas al mismo tiempo.En esta fabulosa e innovadora obra, las páginas pares están en español y las paginas impares están en inglés. Mehr lesen

    € 9,07

  • Airbus A320. Filosofía operacional

    En este manual aprenderás los principales conceptos de vuelo y como trabaja un A320 en operaciones normales y anormales. No se trata de un manual técnico, sino de un manual operativo que describe la filosofía operacional de la aeronave.Este manual se basa en el contenido del manual original del fabricante conocido como “Flight Crew Training Manual” o manual de entrenamiento de la tripulación de Mehr lesen

    € 10,09

  • Become a U.S. Commercial Drone Pilot

    von John Deans
    Series series Business Series
    All across America, people are learning to fly. Drones are taking to the skies to help in search-and-rescue, industry, journalism and hobbies. While drones look like toys, they are anything but. They require the discipline of a pilot and the legal support of a license. But how do you get approved to take the controls? John Deans has gone through the paces to get his Federal Aviation Administration Mehr lesen

    € 7,69

  • I'll Have the Chicken

    ***I'll Have the Chicken***is a collection of engaging stories from former Navy and commercial pilot Captain Robert Kavula. The book gives readers an intimate look from the other side of the cockpit door and some of the decisions made before and during flight. Kavula tells about his journey to becoming a pilot, near-collisions in the air and on the runway, and the people and flights that remain Mehr lesen

    € 4,39

  • Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

    Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, created by the Federal Aviation Administration, is the official reference manual for pilots at all levels. An indispensable and invaluable encyclopedia, it deals with all aspects of aeronautical information.Each chapter focuses on a different area that pilots are tested on in flight school and must need to know before they fly a plane on of their own. Mehr lesen

    € 18,29

  • Communications for Pilots

    With the constant technological advance in the aeronautical industry, the different communication processes have evolved over time. However, the importance of proper communication between the different actors in air operations remains one of the most important pillars of safety.Aeronautical Communications proposes that all pilots and air operators, regardless of their area of work, carry out Mehr lesen

    € 9,07

  • Un ragazzo, Un aereo, Un sogno. VOLARE

    von Daniele Fazari
    Il libro autobiografico racconta la storia di un ragazzo Sardo (Daniele) la cui passione e amore per il volo lo ha portato a Forlì per frequentare l’Istituto Tecnico Aeronautico dove ha frequentato fra l’altro il corso di volo per ottenere la licenza di pilota.Il libro racconta la vita di Daniele, trascorsa tra l’infanzia e il corso di volo, dove gli eventi si suddividono tra gioie e dispiaceri Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Flight Envelopes

    von Steve Ford
    This can probably be best described as “Aviation Anthropology”, which pulls together the authors honest and candid views on the aviation and aerospace industries as they stand today.Following the critically acclaimed success of Steve Ford`s first book "20 West" it is only natural that this collection would evolve as a result. The impact of Covid 19 on the aviation and aerospace industries, makes Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • 101 Lecciones de vuelo

    Piloto Comercial

    La colección 101 lecciones de vuelo ha sido creada para abarcar los principales conceptos teóricos de las materias aeronáuticas mas relevantes en cada etapa de la carrera de piloto, controlador aéreo y tripulante de cabina de pasajeros.101 lecciones de vuelo incluye una síntesis de los principales temas aeronáuticos sobre materias como: meteorología, aerodinámica, instrumentos de vuelo, maniobras, Mehr lesen

    € 10,09

  • Helicopter Flying Handbook

    Compiled by the Federal Aviation Administration, this handbook is the ultimate technical manual for anyone who flies or wants to learn to fly a helicopter. If you’re preparing for private, commercial, or flight instruction pilot certificates, it’s more than essential reading—it’s the best possible study guide available, and its information can be life-saving. In authoritative and easy-to Mehr lesen

    € 11,17

  • Spænd sikkerhedsselen – Nu!

    von Hans Jerver
    Søren og hans far er på vej hjem fra Sverige i farens sportsfly, da kabinen pludselig bliver fyldt med røg og motoren går i stå. Nu er der ikke andet at gøre end at at nødlande midt på havet! Med hjælp fra Søren må faren forsøge at afværge den dramatiske situation.Fortællingen er baseret på en virkelig hændelse, der fandt sted i 1982”Spænd sikkerhedsselen – NU!” udkom første gang i 2022.Hans Mehr lesen

    € 6,47

  • Seaplane, Skiplane, and Float/Ski Equipped Helicopter Operations Handbook (FAA-H-8083-23-1)

    From the Federal Aviation Administration, Seaplane, Skiplane, and Float/Ski Equipped Helicopter Operations Handbook provides the most up-to-date, definitive information on piloting water-related aircraft. Along with full-color photographs and illustrations, detailed descriptions make complicated tasks easy-to-understand, while the index and glossary provide the perfect reference for finding any Mehr lesen

    € 8,12

  • Target fascination

    Nouvelles autobiographiques

    Series series Paroles aériennes
    De la parfaite maîtrise du pilote d'avion pour éviter la catastropheComment on peut frôler l'accident, sans commettre d'imprudence, simplement en se concentrant à l'excès sur un point précis au lieu de conserver une vue d'ensemble.Michel Vanvaerenbergh nous invite à embarquer dans ce recueil de nouvelles autobiographiques, glissant quelques anecdotes personnelles de sa carrière de piloteA PROPOS Mehr lesen

    € 1,99