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Gemeindeverwaltung eBooks

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  • ein Gedankenspiel: Missing 411

    von Leonard Löwe
    Serien Buch 900 - Gedankenspiele
    Fälle bei denen Personen in aller Regel spurlos verschwinden, oft genug aus unmittelbarer Nähe zu Angehörigen oder Freunden. Wanderer, die einige Meter vorausgehen und nie mehr gesehen werden. Kinder, die auf Waldwegen hinter ihren Eltern her trotten und als sich die Eltern erneut umdrehen, wie vom Erdboden verschluckt sind. Senioren oder Gehbehinderte, die buchstäblich aus ihren Rollstühlen Mehr lesen


  • Our Time Is Now

    Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America

    von Stacey Abrams
    From New York Times bestselling author of Lead From The Outside and political leader Stacey Abrams, a blueprint to end voter suppression, empower our citizens, and take back our country."With each page, she inspires and empowers us to create systems that reflect a world in which all voices are heard and all people believe and feel that they matter." **—**Kerry WashingtonA recognized expert on fair Mehr lesen

    € 8,57

  • Türkiye’nin Kritik Dönemeci

    Türklük, Etnik Mesele ve Medeniyet Tasavvurumuz  Üzerine Yazılar

    Bu derlemenin tamamına yakını Türk Ocakları Genel Başkanı olarak yazdığım aylık değerlendirme yazılarından oluşmaktadır. Doğal olarak yazıların konusu güncel meselelerimizle ilgilidir. Bununla birlikte, Türk Ocakları’nın aslî görevinin medeniyet anlayışımızı yeniden Türklüğün ve aslında bütün insanlığın gündemine getirilmesi olduğu inancıyla güncel meselelerimiz geniş bir bakış açısıyla, gündelik Mehr lesen


  • The Drone Eats With Me

    Diaries From a City Under Fire

    von Atef Abu Saif
    On 7 July 2014, in an apparent response to the murder of three teenagers, Israel launched a major offensive against the Gaza Strip, lasting 51 days, killing 2145 Palestinians (578 of them children), injuring over 11,000, and demolishing 17,200 homes.The global outcry at this collective punishment of an already persecuted people was followed by widespread astonishment at the pro-Israeli bias of Mehr lesen

    € 6,61

  • Le sens du Oui

    La "sortie" de l'Accord de Nouméa

    La Nouvelle-Calédonie doit répondre, éventuellement trois fois, à une question sur son autodétermination et la souveraineté du pays : « Voulez-vous que la Nouvelle-Calédonie accède à la pleine souveraineté et devienne indépendante ? ».Cela faisait trente années que la question avait été différée. Le premier vote a eu lieu le 4 novembre 2018 et la participation a été exceptionnelle : 81,01%. Le Mehr lesen

    € 1,00

  • The Coal Miner Who Became Governor

    von Paul E. Patton
    Series series Kentucky Remembered: An Oral History Series
    Born in a tenant house in Fallsburg, Kentucky, Paul Patton had a humble upbringing that held few clues about his future as one of the most prominent politicians in the history of the state. From the coal mines to the governor's office, Patton's life exemplifies hard work, determination, and perseverance, as well as the consequences of personal mistakes.In The Coal Miner Who Became Governor, Patton Mehr lesen

    € 32,55

  • Defund

    Conversations Toward Abolition

    A collection of illuminating interviews with leading abolitionist organizers and thinkers, reflecting on the uprisings of summer 2020, the rise of #defund, and the work ahead of bridging the divide between reform and abolition.The 2020 uprisings against police violence launched a nation conversation about defunding the police and prisons, propelling the #defund movement into the spotlight. The Mehr lesen

    € 12,53

  • All'italiana!

    Wie ich versuchte, Italienerin zu werden | Lakonisch, witzig und politisch treffsicher: ein brillantes Porträt des Sehnsuchtslandes Italien

    von Petra Reski
    Eine besondere Beziehung: Petra Reski beschreibt Italien aus der Sicht einer Nicht-Italienerin. Als Deutsche erlebt sie die scheinbar verwirrende politische Entwicklung Italiens nicht aus der Distanz, sondern aus nächster Nähe.»Perfide und wunderbar (…) ›All'italiana‹ enthält viele interessante, auch berührende Passagen, besonders dann, wenn es um Reskis Beziehung zu Italien geht.« Frankfurter Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • Warrior Spirit Rising

    A Native American Spiritual Journey

    von Dianna Good Sky
    Serien Buch 1 - Good Sky Stories
    Growing up, I knew two things to be true:My dad was a drunk.Being an Indian was complicated.When I joined the Navy, these two ideas were cemented when my fellow sailors, after finding out that I was an American Indian, would ask me if I drank a lot or if I still lived in a TeePee. They were asking questions because that’s what they knew and I couldn’t blame them. I could only answer “no” to both. Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Welcome to Hell

    One Man's Fight for Life inside the Bangkok Hilton

    von Colin Martin
    Written from his cell and smuggled out page by page, Colin Martin’s autobiography chronicles an innocent man’s struggle to survive inside one of the world’s most dangerous prisons. After being swindled out of a fortune, Colin was let down by the hopelessly corrupt Thai police. Forced to rely upon his own resources, he tracked down the man who conned him and, drawn into a fight, he accidentally Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • İslami hükümler (fetvalar) Batı'daki Müslümanlar için

    Müslüman azınlıklar için İslam hukuku (fıkıh)

    Series series İslam nedir?
    Bu kitap, genellikle hukuki kararları veya fetvalarıyla kendilerine rehberlik edebilecek müftülerin bulunmadığı toplumlarda yaşayan Müslümanlar için çok önemlidir.Fetva, İslam'ın belirli bir konudaki hükmünü veya bir fiilin İslam hukukuna uygunluğuna dair hükmünü Kur'an'dan delillerle ortaya koyan bir kararname, dini bir görüştür.Seçilen fetvalar, Batı'da İslam'ı yaşayan Müslümanların Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Landslide

    The Final Days of the Trump Presidency

    von Michael Wolff
    'First there was Fire and Fury, then there was Siege, now there is Landslide. The third is the best of the three' Guardian'Cruel, unforgiving, muckracking, scandalous . . . Michael Wolff concludes his Trump trilogy - with the best book' Telegraph'Wolff is the shrewdest chronicler of Trump' Sunday TimesPolitics has given us some shocking and confounding moments bu... Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Despising the Old Rugged Cross

    Despising the Old Rugged Cross. An analysis of public religious displays. Mehr lesen

    € 1,02

  • The Byrd Machine in Virginia

    The Rise and Fall of a Conservative Political Organization

    The Byrd Machine ran Virginia politics for more than half a century.This political organization rose to power during the era of Jim Crow, wielding power and influence over everything from who got the nod to be governor to how the state maintained racial segregation. Inheriting its tactics from two previous political machines, the Byrd organization operated with a pathological hatred of debt Mehr lesen

    € 13,23

  • Justice française, la Grande Escroquerie

    L'Etat de droit en danger

    von Corinne Morel
    Justice française, la Grande Escroquerie L’escroquerie démocratique, intellectuelle, morale et financière Face à nos différences, l’égalité que la société nous promet, c’est l’égalité des droits. Cette égalité est non seulement une nécessité dans une société dite civilisée mais la garantie que, dev... Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Guns & Kids: Can We Survive the Carnage?

    von Frank Strier
    This eBook explores the relationship between guns and kids. And it reveals disturbing facts. For example, the firearm fatality rate in the U.S. among children under 15 years old is nearly twelve times higher than in 25 other industrialized countries—combined. Over 75% of these killings are unintentional. Fatalities are not the only gunshot-related consequences that befall American youth. More than Mehr lesen

    € 5,09

  • Least of These Least

    It unsettles me that Jesus never specified on the second time he said it. The verse fills us with dread in general: where have we overlooked the hungry, the sick, the undocumented refugee or person experiencing homelessness, the naked, the prisoner? When have we neglected to quench, feed, heal, host, and visit? And when - specifically - have we done so to Jesus himself?The dread grows.For Jesus, Mehr lesen

    € 10,44

  • I Documenti Informatici E La Fine Del Cartaceo Nella Pa: Concetti, Responsabilità E Scadenze Alla Luce Del Dpcm 13 Novembre 2014: I concetti tecnici e normativi spiegati con linguaggio chiaro, immmediato e ricco di esempi

    von Alfonso Pisani
    Il presente testo ha lo scopo di introdurre i concetti principali del documento informatico, delle firme elettroniche e della conservazione elettronica sia per le pubbliche amministrazioni che per chi interagisce con queste ultime o intende prepararsi per concorsi pubblici. L’opera usa un linguaggio quanto più possibile spoglio da tutti i tecnicismi che possano essere di ostacolo al lettore Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • The creation of City Districts under Local Governments in Pakistan

    Series series Local Government
    This study was written before the new Local Government system was introduced in Pakistan in 2001. It analyzes various components of a City District and proposes how three provincial capitals might be converted into City Districts. The geographical and other features of Quetta, Peshawar and Lahore were studied. (Karachi, the capital of Sindh province, was not covered in the study because it was Mehr lesen


  • E-Government and Websites

    A Public Solutions Handbook

    Bearbeitet von Aroon Manoharan
    Series series The Public Solutions Handbook Series
    This book presents a citizen-centric perspective of the dual components of e-government and e-governance. E-government refers to the practice of online public reporting by government to citizens, and to service delivery via the Internet. E-governance represents the initiatives for citizens to participate and provide their opinion on government websites. This volume in the Public Solutions Handbook Mehr lesen

    € 58,28

  • Gedankenspiele 14

    Männer und Frauen - Schöne Menschen - Ideologie von Mann und Frau - Wer sind DIE? - Lügen der Linken - Sonderfall-Propaganda

    von Leonard Löwe
    Serien Buch 14 - Gedankenspiele
    Das Preview auf die nächste Ausgabe zum stark reduzierten Preis…Zum Reinschnuppern, Vorauslesen, Kennenlernen… aktuelle spannende Überlegungen außerhalb des Tellerrandes, jenseits der ausgetretenen und öden Mainstream-Pfade…Unter anderem zu diesen Themen…## Der Wert von Männern und FrauenEin Mann kann im Laufe seines Lebens um die 11.000 Kinder zeugen. Eine Frau 28. In einer Welt in der das Kalkül Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • A la manière d'EUX !

    A travers l'imitation et le pastiche de pages célèbres de la littérature, un regard personnel sur le COVID et le confinement que nous venons de vivre

    von Julien Sorel Jr
    « Confinement, déconfiner, gel hydrochloroquine. »Combien de milliers de fois aurons-nous entendu ou lu ces mots en seulement quelques semaines. jusqu’ à les vider de sens. A défaut de substance.Sans compter cette « distanciation » dont on avait certes abusé auparavant dans les media, mais qui restait, malgré tout, un concept de Bertold Brecht, ci-devant auteur et théoricien du théâtre : l’acteur Mehr lesen

    € 5,00

  • Apuntes bajo el aguacero

    Cien crónicas empantanadas

    Más que una recopilación de textos publicados en la columna La vida sigue, de la revista Todo en Domingo del diario El Nacional de Caracas, entre 2008 y 2012, lo que el periodista Rafael Osío Cabrices presenta en las páginas de Apuntes bajo el aguacero: Cien crónicas empantanadas es un documento para mirar la realidad de un país en el que todavía llueve y mucho. Con la experiencia del oficio Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • The Initiative

    Citizen Lawmaking, Second Edition

    The initiative is the product of the populist movement, which in the late nineteenth century sought to increase voter control of what were viewed as unrepresentative state and local governments. Today, twenty-four states allow registered voters to place proposed state laws on the referendum ballot, and eighteen states authorize voters to place proposed state constitutional amendments on the Mehr lesen

    € 32,11