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Inspiration & Meditation eBooks

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  • Gnostic Mythology: The Creation and Myths of Gnosticism

    von Sebastian Berg
    Discover who you are, why you're here, and where you're headed.Are you feeling lost and confused about your spiritual life right now?Do you suspect something doesn't add up about what you've been told about God?Are you longing for something more than the mundane grind of survival?This book contains critical information to transform your spiritual journey and help you experience progress. You'll Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • One With God: Awakening Through the Voice of the Holy Spirit - Book 3

    von Marjorie Tyler
    One With God Book 3 is a continuation of the primary teaching of A Course in Miracles to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit and to awaken from the dream of separation. Through 114 daily dictations readers are guided in an awakening process demonstrated in the lives of its three authors who are guided by their Inner Voice.Message 73 from the Holy Spirit: Untouched by Death“You see how the ego has Mehr lesen

    € 4,48

  • Oracles of Celestine Light

    Complete Trilogy of Genesis, Nexus & Vivus

    Once in a lifetime comes a book that can dramatically change your life for the better - forever. This is it!WHAT WAS LOST...HAS BEEN FOUND!This is the complete 808 page trilogy of the Celestine books of Light: Genesis, Nexus and Vivus.The controversial Oracles of Celestine Light, is a portal in time to the days of Yeshua of Nazareth, over 2000 years ago, revealed in fulfilling detail to the world Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Eva

    Wie alles begann

    Übersetzt von Maja Ueberle-Pfaff
    »Die Sprache ist atemberaubend schön und verführt zu einem völlig neuen Blick auf Gott und die Schöpfungsgeschichte.« PUBLISHERS WEEKLYHalb erfroren und dem Tode nahe strandet eine junge Frau auf einer geheimnisvollen Insel. Zu ihrem großen Glück wird sie von Gelehrten und Heilern gefunden, die bald erkennen, dass Lilly zu etwas ganz Besonderem berufen ist. Niemand Geringeres als Eva, die Mutter Mehr lesen

    € 8,99

  • A Course in Miracles

    Series series A Course in Miracles
    This is the edition of A Course in Miracles that its two scribes, Drs. Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, authorized for publication by the Foundation for Inner Peace in 1975. It is now available in translation in 27 languages and is widely used by students in thousands of Course study groups around the world.A Course in Miracles is a unique spiritual self-study program—a course in mind-training Mehr lesen

    € 7,34

  • Anam Cara

    Mystiek uit de Keltische wereld

    von John O'Donohue
    Leer met de spirituele lessen van de Kelten de zielsvriend in jezelf te vindenIn 'Anam Cara' (wat zielsvriend betekent) neemt de Ierse dichter, priester en filosoof John O'Donohue u mee op reis naar het 'Eiland van heiligen en geleerden', waar zij hun eigen Anam Cara zullen ontdekken.Hij onderzoekt een wereld waarin alles is vervuld van goddelijkheid: de rivieren, de heuvels, de zee en de lucht, Mehr lesen

    € 13,99

  • The Alchemist

    von Paulo Coelho
    AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • OVER 80 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE“Translated into 80 languages, the allegory teaches us about dreams, destiny, and the reason we are all here.”—Oprah Daily, “Best Self-Help Books of a Generation”“It’s a brilliant, magical, life-changing book that continues to blow my mind with its lessons. [...] A remarkable tome.”—Neil Patrick Harris, actorA special 25th Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Positives Denken lernen

    26 Tipps für ein Coaching mit sich selbst

    von Julia Nastasi
    Positives Denken lernenPositiv denken ist in aller Munde. Aber kann man positives Denken lernen? Ja, das kann man. Dieser praxisnahe Ratgeber führt Sie wie ein Coaching vor Ort zu wirklichem positiven Denken von innen heraus. Sie finden darin die 26 besten Tipps, wie Sie trübseligen Gedanken und negativen Glaubenssätzen effektiv den Kampf ansagen können.Übernehmen Sie wieder die Führung in Ihrem Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

    An Inquiry Into Values

    von Robert M Pirsig
    THE CLASSIC BOOK THAT HAS INSPIRED MILLIONSA penetrating examination of how we live and how to live betterFew books transform a generation and then establish themselves as touchstones for the generations that follow. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is one such book. This modern epic of a man’s search for meaning became an instant bestseller on publication in 1974, acclaimed as one of the Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Geborgenheit

    Vom Leben nach dem Tode – Ursachen der Menschwerdung und der Wiedergeburt

    von Walther Hinz
    Das von Prof. Dr. Walther Hinz verfasste Buch “Geborgenheit” erschien 1971 und wurde in nur zehn Jahren über 100'000-mal verkauft. Der grosse Erfolg des Buches beruht darauf, dass es Glauben und Wissen vereint und dem Leser nachvollziehbare Antworten auf seine Lebensfragen gibt. Das Buch beschreibt in vierzig Abschnitten unser Dasein vor der irdischen Geburt und unser Fortleben über das Mehr lesen

    € 6,64

  • Meisterin der Runen

    Historischer Roman

    von Julia Kröhn
    Serien Buch 3 - Die Normannen-Trilogie
    Sie träumt davon, eine Runenmeisterin zu sein, doch das Schicksal will es anders ...Normandie, 962: Die junge Dänin Gunnora betritt mit ihrer Familie zum ersten Mal normannischen Boden. Noch glaubt sie fest daran, ein schönes, neues Leben beginnen und ihrer Mutter in der Kunst der Runenmagie nacheifern zu können. Aber aus dem Traum wird bald ein bitterer Kampf ums Überleben: Ihre Eltern sterben, Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Keeping Faith

    von Jodi Picoult
    “A triumph. This novel’s haunting strength will hold the reader until the very end and make Faith and her story impossible to forget.”—Richmond Times Dispatch“Extraordinary.”—Orlando SentinelFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult (Nineteen Minutes, Change of Heart, Handle with Care) comes Keeping Faith: an “addictively readable” (Entertainment Weekly) novel that “makes you Mehr lesen

    € 5,69

  • 365 Quotes to Live Your Life By

    Powerful, Inspiring, & Life-Changing Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Days

    von I. C. Robledo
    Serien Buch 9 - Master Your Mind, Revolutionize Your Life Series
    Great Quotes that Inspire, Motivate, and Lift You Up!The quotes in this book will help you to improve your life by focusing on 7 Key Thoughts – elaborated upon in the book, 7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By: A Guide to the Happy, Peaceful, & Meaningful Life.These 7 Thoughts encourage you to focus on what you can control, the positive, what you can do, what you have, the present moment, what you need Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Manuscript Found in Accra

    von Paulo Coelho
    Another incredible novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist.July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

    A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

    A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • A Taste of Hot Apple Cider

    Stories to Encourage and Inspire

    Series series Hot Apple Cider
    Pull up a nice, warm, cozy chair and enjoy some Hot Apple Cider along with me.Move in closer. That's it. We'll all share our stories together, like a group of close friends. Stories of heartbreak and redemption—trouble and overcoming—questioning our faith and embracing it—and, most of all, finding hope at the end of every path.There's just nothing like a circle of warm friends to share life with. Mehr lesen

    € 2,49

  • Aleph

    von Paulo Coelho
    Another stunning novel by the author of The Alchemist.Aleph marks a return to Paulo Coelho’s beginnings. In a frank and surprising personal story, one of the world’s most beloved authors embarks on a remarkable and transformative journey of self-discovery.Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Das Buch der fünf Ringe

    Klassische Strategien aus dem alten Japan

    Übersetzt von Taro Yamada
    Dieses Grundlagenwerk der Schwertkunst ist eine klassische Anleitung für strategisches Handeln: Entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Miyamoto Musashis Weisheiten ist nicht die Technik, sondern die innere Haltung, geprägt durch Entspannung, Offenheit und Klugheit des Herzens. Musashi zeigt in zahlreichen anschaulichen Beispielen und Geschichten, wie kluges strategisches Handeln auch in Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Ledun Ilmi Hayy (Yeni Edisyon)

    Ledun İlmi. Çok fazlaca uzerinde durulamadi, cunku bilinmeyeni, gorunenlere anlatmak zordur. Ustalik gerektirir. Biraz da Heybetli bir konudur. Urkulur. Gayb Âlemi ne de olsa. Gorunmeyen Âlem. İslâm Tasavvufu’na gore gorunmez, anlasilmaz, yani akil ve bes duyu ile algilanamaz âlemdir Gayb Âlemi. Mistikler Gayb Âlemine, Ledun İlmi adini vermisler. Simdi ise, “Kendinde ogretim” diyoruz. Bu icsel ve Mehr lesen

    € 2,89

  • Woran glauben

    10 Angebote für aufgeklärte Menschen

    von Rudolf Taschner
    Im durchgetakteten Alltag der angeblich modernen Zeit bleibt für Grundsätzliches kaum Raum. Gleichzeitig sehnen sich viele nach einem Moment des Innehaltens, um sich der Tiefe des Daseins wieder bewusst zu werden. In diesen selten gewordenen Augenblicken stellen sich Fragen, die im Alltagsrauschen allzu gern beiseite gewischt werden: Was sind die Angelpunkte unserer Existenz? Woran kann man noch Mehr lesen

    € 7,99


    Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî’nin Makâlâtında “Dört Kapı”ya (Şeriat, Tarîkat, Hakîkat ve Mârifet) yönelik yaklaşımların öz halde açıklaması.

    von Mücahit Yaz
    Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî’nin Makâlâtında “Dört Kapı”ya (Şeriat, Tarîkat, Hakîkat ve Mârifet) yönelik yaklaşımların öz halde açıklaması. Mehr lesen


  • Beyond Belief

    My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape

    Jenna Miscavige Hill, niece of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, was raised as a Scientologist but left the controversial religion in 2005. In Beyond Belief, she shares her true story of life inside the upper ranks of the sect, details her experiences as a member Sea Org—the church's highest ministry, speaks of her "disconnection" from family outside of the organization, and tells the Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Status Update

    von Annabeth Albert
    Serien Buch 1 - #gaymers
    Opposites attract on an accidental roadtrip in this geektastic series starter from bestselling author Annabeth Albert.Adrian Gottlieb is winning at life. He’s a successful video game designer with everything a man could ask for, including a warm comfy ride to Denver and a date for his sister’s wedding. But he finds himself in need of a total reboot when he’s left stranded at a snowy campground in Mehr lesen

    € 2,46

  • A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy

    The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy

    One of the great fears many of us face is that despite all our effort and striving, we will discover at the end that we have wasted our life. In A Guide to the Good Life, William B. Irvine plumbs the wisdom of Stoic philosophy, one of the most popular and successful schools of thought in ancient Rome, and shows how its insight and advice are still remarkably applicable to modern lives. In A Guide Mehr lesen

    € 9,34