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Inspirativ & Religiös eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 10452 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • 23 Poetic Cues

    23 Poems on life and Spirituality

    von Danny Girard
    Serien Buch 1 - Volume
    This chapbook is a collection of poems and sonnets on the topic of spirituality. Writer/poet Danny G shares his personal insights, and memoirs while encouraging you to create change in your life and in the world. You will be intrigued as you ponder these teachings about overcoming challenges, thriving, and seeking inner peace, which surpasses all understanding. Mehr lesen


  • Love Poems from God

    Inspirations from Twelve Sacred Voices of the East and West

    von Daniel Ladinsky
    Series series Compass
    In this luminous collection, Daniel Ladinsky interprets the work of twelve of the world’s finest spiritual writers, six from the East and six from the West.Ladinsky reveals his talent for culling the essence of classic poetry for a modern audience. Ladinsky’s poems are not translations in a literal sense. Rather than capture the form of a particular classical work, Ladinsky crafts poems that Mehr lesen

    € 9,23

  • Opa Lächelt

    Series series Natalie Kunst in Geschichten
    Original-Ölgemälde erzählen die Geschichte, wie Großvater wacht über einen kleinen Jungen im Laufe seines Lebens, auch wenn Opa kann mit ihm nur im Geiste. Dieser Kunstgeschichte Buch ist eine friedliche und Heilung für Kinder und Erwachsene zu lesen. Gentle Emotionen, leidenschaftlich Farben und einfachen Worten zu kommunizieren eine inspirierende Botschaft, die das Leben lieben, auf, und Familie Mehr lesen


  • Mero Cristianismo

    von C. S. Lewis
    Esta obra poderosa y práctica es una de las más populares y queridas introducciones a la fe cristiana jamás escrita Mero Cristianismo reúne las legendarias charlas radiofónicas de C. S. Lewis que se transmitieron durante tiempos de guerra, charlas en las cuales él se proponía ""explicar y defender las creencias que han sido común a casi todos los cristianos de todos los tiempos."" Rechazando los Mehr lesen

    € 8,67 € 6,79

  • Grashalme

    von Walt Whitman
    Übersetzt von Wilhelm Schölermann
    "Grashalme" ist das Hauptwerk von Walt Whitman, einem der bedeutendsten US-amerikanischen Lyriker. Die Sammlung der meist in freien Versen verfassten Gedichte schlägt (mit Ausnahme der bedrückenden Gedichte aus dem Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, in dem Whitman als Krankenpfleger half) einen kraftvoll-optimistischen, hymnischen Grundton an und entwirft als ausdrücklich amerikanisches Opus emanzipiert Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Maulana Rumi: Gedichte aus dem Diwan-e Schams-e Tabrizi (Orientalische Lyrik)

    Deutsche Ausgabe

    Dieses eBook: "Gedichte aus dem Diwan-e Schams-e Tabrizi (Orientalische Lyrik)" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Der Diwan-e Schams-e Tabrizi ist ein Werk des persischen Mystikers Dschalal ad-Din ar-Rumi und gilt neben dem Masnavi als eines seiner Meisterwerke. Es ist gleichzeitig eines der hervorragenden Werke des Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Kabir: Songs of the Divine

    von Jagessar Das
    Satguru Kabir (1398-1518 CE) was born in the city of Kashi, in northern India. At the time, Indiawas passing through a period of transition. There was confusion and chaos everywhere. Kabir appeared on the scene and realized the problem that was staring India in the face – the disunity of Hindus and Muslims. He was pained to see how children of God raised barriers that kept their hearts apart. He Mehr lesen

    € 4,94

  • Japanese Death Poems

    Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death

    von Yoel Hoffmann
    "A wonderful introduction the Japanese tradition of jisei, this volume is crammed with exquisite, spontaneous verse and pithy, often hilarious, descriptions of the eccentric and committed monastics who wrote the poems." --Tricycle: The Buddhist ReviewAlthough the consciousness of death is, in most cultures, very much a part of life, this is perhaps nowhere more true than in Japan, where the Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • The Way Forward

    von yung pueblo
    Series series The Inward Trilogy
    A NEW YORK TIMES, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, USA TODAY, SUNDAY TIMES, ANDINDIE BESTSELLERThe #1 New York Times bestselling poet returns with his most inspiring collection yet. In this third and final installment of his poetic trilogy, Yung Pueblo expands upon favorite themes while guiding readers further, toward a life lived authentically, intuitively, and in harmony with others.In these rapidly changing. Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • Kafdağının Ardında Açık Görüş: Akabe Yokuşu 1

    Değerli Kitap Dostları,Siz hiç kapalı bir yerde kilitli kaldınız mı? Üzerinizden kapıyı kilitleyip gittiler mi? Kilitlikaldığınız yerde unutuldunuz mu? Kapınıza vurduğu kilitle hırsını alamayanların, kilitsistemini de kilitlediği oldu mu? İşte sizlerle buluşturmayı planladığımız bu kitapta; birmahzene kilitlenmiş ve bilerek unutulmuş masum insanların hikâyelerini bulacaksınız. Onbinlerce masum Mehr lesen


  • Clarity & Connection

    von yung pueblo
    Series series The Inward Trilogy
    **NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFrom the celebrated author of Inward comes the second in series, a collection of poetry and short prose focused on understanding how past wounds impact our present relationships.**In Clarity & Connection, Yung Pueblo describes how intense emotions accumulate in our subconscious and condition us to act and react in certain ways. In his characteristically spare, poetic Mehr lesen

    € 8,13

  • A Year with Hafiz

    Daily Contemplations

    von Daniel Ladinsky
    365 soul-nurturing poems from Daniel Ladinsky—one for each day of the year—inspired by the cherished verse of Persian lyric poet Hafiz.The poems of Hafiz are masterpieces of sacred poetry that nurture the heart, soul, and mind. Ladinsky’s poems are not translations in a literal sense. Rather than capture the form of a particular classical work, Ladinsky crafts poems that release the spirit of Mehr lesen

    € 8,02

  • Der Prophet

    von NetSpirit
    Der Prophet von Khalil Gibran hat seit der Veröffentlichung im Jahr 1923 betroffenen Menschen weltweit und ist einer der am häufigsten zitierten Bücher des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eine klassische Arbeit gefüllt mit Weisheit von Freiheit und Schönheit, Liebe und Ehe, Freundschaft und Familie, Trauer und Freude. Prophet ist ein Buch, das Sie zurück zu kommen zu halten, um sich inspirieren. Kahlil Gibran, Mehr lesen


  • Collected Poems

    von W B Yeats
    Series series Macmillan Collector's Library
    As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect Mehr lesen

    € 4,39

  • The Purity of Desire

    100 Poems Inspired by Rumi

    Daniel Ladinsky’s unforgettable lyrical poems are inspired by the cherished verse of Rumi.Renowned for his poignant interpretations of Hafiz’s mystical texts, Daniel Ladinsky captures the beauty, intimacy, and musicality of another of Islam’s most beloved poets and spiritual thinkers. In collaboration here with Nancy Owen Barton, they explore the nuances of desire—that universal emotion—in verse Mehr lesen

    € 5,82

  • Lord Byron: Complete Works

    Poetry, Plays, Letters and Biographies

    von Lord Byron
    Lord Byron: Complete Works is a meticulously curated collection that encompasses the breadth of Byron's poetic genius, dramatic flair, and incisive prose. Spanning his iconic narrative poems, such as 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,' to his compelling plays like 'Manfred,' this anthology explores themes of love, loss, and the human spirit against a backdrop of Romanticism. Byron's stylistic Mehr lesen

    € 3,29

  • Hafiz: The Mystic Poets

    von Gertrude Bell
    This beautiful sampling of Hafizs works captures his deep spiritual understanding, offering a glimpse into the vision that has inspired people around the world for centuries. Infused with the spirit of love and joy, this unique collection offers insight into Hafizs spiritual philosophy and carefree mysticism that addresses the earthly beauty, pain, ecstasy and longing that define human nature, and Mehr lesen

    € 12,53

  • The 99 Names Of Allah (Glorified And Exalted Is He) In Verse

    von Saqib Hussain
    Dear ReadersThe Holy Quran states: “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them….” Holy Quran 7:180My humble effort has been to write a poem on each of these 99 names in order to help increase our gratitude and encourage us all to strive to get closer to Him.“And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives” Holy Quran 53:39Please share this book with as many Mehr lesen


  • Wild Embers

    Poems of rebellion, fire and beauty

    von Nikita Gill
    'You cannot burn awayWhat has always been aflame'WILD EMBERS explores the fire that lies within every soul, weaving words around ideas of feeling at home in your own skin, allowing yourself to heal and learning to embrace your uniqueness with love from the universe.Featuring rewritten fairytale heroines, goddess wisdom and poetry that burns with revolution, this collection is an explosion of Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Gift

    Poems Inspired by Hafiz, the Great Sufi Master

    von Daniel Ladinsky
    Series series Compass
    Daniel Ladinsky’s 250 unforgettable lyrical poems are inspired by the cherished verse of Hafiz, one of the greatest Sufi poets of all time.More than any other Persian poet, Hafiz expanded the mystical, healing dimensions of poetry. Because his poems were often ecstatic love songs from God to his beloved world, many have called Hafiz the “Invisible Tongue.”Daniel Ladinsky’s poems are not Mehr lesen

    € 13,30

  • I Heard God Laughing

    Poems of Hope and Joy

    von Daniel Ladinsky
    Daniel Ladinsky’s unforgettable lyrical poems are inspired by the cherished verse of Hafiz, one of the greatest Sufi poets of all time.To Persians, the poems of Hafiz are not “classical literature” from a remote past but cherished wisdom from a dear and intimate friend that continues to be quoted in daily life. With uncanny insight, Hafiz captures the many forms and stages of love. His poetry Mehr lesen

    € 10,88

  • Sand and Foam

    A book of inspirational aphorisms (Easy to Read Layout)

    von Khalil Gibran
    "When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind"Unlike The Prophet which was more like a collection of essays, this one is a collection of inspirational aphorisms. Reading this masterpiece of literature is a wonderful experience that etches somewhere deep in the heart.This premium edition comes with a beautiful Easy-to-Read layout which makes Mehr lesen

    € 3,29

  • Feu et Flamme

    von Muhammad Barry
    Serien Buch 1 - Guiguess Editions
    Qui suis-je ?Je suis l’enfant d’un seul parent,Éduqué dans la tradition, la sunna et le coran,Le dernier né d’une grande famille,Une famille dans laquelle jamais on ne s’ennuie.Personne n’a jamais cru en mon âge,Pas parce que je suis un vrai sage,Mais la taille est là,De gauche à droite et de haut en bas,C’est pourquoi certains me considèrent comme un vieil ami,Et d’autres, comme un ami vieux.D Mehr lesen

    € 12,23

  • Dream 2

    Pensive Reflections, #4

    Serien Buch 4 - Pensive Reflections
    Death, Despair, and Happy Endings. Sad poetry with happy outcomes from 25 international poets.Aleksandra VujisićBrianna WitteBroken MontagueCarol EdwardsCatherine A. MacKenzieD.J. EltonDawn DeBraalFrancis H. PowellGabby GilliamGladys Marie CubiasGreta T. BatesKaren KerekesKeri WithingtonKimberly McAfeeLinda SparksLynn WhiteMaggie D. BraceMark Andre... Mehr lesen

    € 3,99