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Intensivmedizin eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 1439 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Critical Care Secrets E-Book

    Critical Care Secrets E-Book

    Series series Secrets
    For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Critical Care Secrets, 4th Edition, features the Secrets' popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, and an easy-to-read style – making reference and review quick, Mehr lesen

    € 33,32

  • Essentials of Pharmacology for Anesthesia, Pain Medicine, and Critical Care

    In anesthesiology, pain medicine, and critical care, practitioners at all levels need help to stay current with the continually evolving drug knowledge-base and trainees need tools to prepare for in-training and board exams that increasingly test their knowledge of pharmacology. This practical book is aimed at both readerships. It features a unique and practical chapter on the United States Food Mehr lesen

    € 148,49

  • Larsens Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin für die Fachpflege

    Plus: kostenfreier Zugang zum E-Learning-Modul

    Mit dem „Larsen“ haben Sie das Standard-Lehrbuch in der Hand, das Sie durch die Fachweiterbildung und in der Praxis begleitet! Alle Inhalte systematisch aufbereitet, verständlich und nachvollziehbar erklärt, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tabellen ergänzt. Praxisnahe Tipps für den Umgang mit dem Patienten, aktuelle Literatur für Wissbegierige und ein übersichtliches Glossar machen das Werk Mehr lesen

    € 50,92

  • Infection Control in the ICU Environment

    Bearbeitet von Robert A. Weinstein, Marc Bonten
    Serien Buch 5 - Perspectives on Critical Care Infectious Diseases
    Infection Control in the ICU Environment provides the details of the most common infection control problems facing intensive care units. Authors include noted scientists, intensivists and epidemiologists from the United States and Europe as well as infection control experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Acinetobacter, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin Mehr lesen

    € 138,59

  • Adult Critical Care Medicine

    A Clinical Casebook

    Bearbeitet von Jennifer A. LaRosa
    This clinical casebook provides a comprehensive yet concise state-of-the-art review of adult critical care medicine. Presented in a case-based format, each case focuses on a scenario commonly encountered with an adult patient in the ICU. Case scenarios include management of seizures and acute intracranial hypertension, sepsis, liver failure, brain death, bleeding and thrombosis, and treating Mehr lesen

    € 98,99

  • Aeromedical Evacuation

    Management of Acute and Stabilized Patients

    Bearbeitet von William W. Hurd, William Beninati
    Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this volume is the definitive resource on long-distance air transport of injured patients in both peacetime and wartime. It discusses the history of aeromedical evacuation, triage and staging of the injured patient, evacuation from site of injury to medical facility, air-frame capabilities, medical capabilities in- flight, response to in-flight Mehr lesen

    € 108,89

  • Liver Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

    Bearbeitet von Gebhard Wagener
    Liver Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine emphasizes all aspects of this broad and important area and is the definitive textbook for anybody involved in the perioperative care of liver patients. The book is divided into three sections: Physiology and Pathophysiology, Anesthesiology, and Critical Care Medicine. The anesthesiology section contains information about liver transplantation and Mehr lesen

    € 108,89

  • Strategic Scientific and Medical Writing

    The Road to Success

    A document may be based on accurate medical and scientific information, follow guidelines precisely, and be well written in clear and correct language, but may still fail to achieve its objectives. The strategic approach described in this book will help you to turn good medical and scientific writing into successful writing. It describes clearly and concisely how to identify the target audience Mehr lesen

    € 74,24

  • Neurological Emergencies

    A Practical Approach

    Bearbeitet von Alejandro A. Rabinstein
    This comprehensive and up-to-date book covers the common emergencies in neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. Chapters examine a variety of neurological emergencies, and offer pragmatic approaches to treatment and management. High-quality tables, figures, and algorithms supplement expertly written text, and provide readers with clear, rapid answers in an easily accessible format. Additionally, Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • High Flow Nasal Cannula

    Physiological Effects and Clinical Applications

    This book presents the state of the art in high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), an oxygen therapy technique that has recently proven to be a very promising approach to supporting respiratory function in several medical fields.In the opening part of the book, readers will learn the differences between high-flow and low-flow techniques and gain an overview of HFNC’s technical aspects and physiological Mehr lesen

    € 69,29

  • Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2015

    Bearbeitet von Jean-Louis Vincent
    Serien Buch 2015 - Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
    The Yearbook compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book. The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. It is addressed to everyone involved in internal medicine, anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, intensive care and emergency medicine. Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome

    Series series Clinical Medicine and the Nervous System

    € 49,49

  • Repetitorium Internistische Intensivmedizin

    Bearbeitet von Guido Michels, Matthias Kochanek
    In diesem Werk findet sich das gesamte Spektrum der internistischen Intensivmedizin systematisch, leitlinienorientiert und praxisnah dargestellt. Das Werk richtet sich an alle Ärzte auf internistischen Intensivstationen und eignet sich hervorragend sowohl zur Prüfungsvorbereitung als auch zum schnellen Nachschlagen im Klinikalltag.Ausgewiesene Experten beschreiben alle relevanten Themen der Mehr lesen

    € 74,02

  • Pflegewissen Stroke Unit

    Für die Fortbildung und die Praxis

    Series series Fachwissen Pflege
    Stroke Unit: Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die PflegeDieses Buch bietet Pflegenden von Schlaganfallpatienten spezielles Fachwissen für die kompetente und umfassende Versorgung auf der Stroke Unit.Von der Erstversorgung bis zur Entlassung - hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen, um kompetent und vorausschauend zu handeln. Das interdisziplinäre Autorenteam geht dabei auf alle wesentlichen Inhalte Mehr lesen

    € 39,81

  • Brain and Spine Surgery in the Elderly

    This unique and richly illustrated volume presents the state of the art in the comprehensive management of major neurosurgical diseases in the elderly (aged 65 and over). It explores all of the common neurosurgical pathologies affecting elderly patients, and emphasizes the paramount importance of tailored management strategies for quality of life. It highlights updated techniques for anaesthesia Mehr lesen

    € 158,39

  • Postoperative Care in Thoracic Surgery

    A Comprehensive Guide

    This book offers a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of optimal postoperative care in patients who have undergone thoracic surgery and discusses challenging issues that are of interest not only in the context of thoracic surgery but also more generally within the fields of anesthesia, intensive care, and pain medicine. The coverage ranges, for example, from use of non-invasive ventilation, Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Mehr Fallbeispiele Notfallmedizin

    Einprägsam - spannend - mit Lerneffekt

    Bearbeitet von Volker Wenzel
    Nach dem erfolgreichen Buch Fallbeispiele Notfallmedizin erscheint mit Mehr Fallbeispiele Notfallmedizin ein weiteres Werk mit realen, spannenden und lehrreichen Fallbeispielen. Langjährig erfahrene Profis aus der Notfallmedizin schildern oft dramatisch verlaufene und menschlich berührende Notfalleinsätze, mit denen sie im Laufe ihres Berufslebens konfrontiert worden sind. Jeder Fall wird anhand Mehr lesen

    € 21,33

  • Politics, Personalities, and Persistence

    One Hundred Years of Psychiatric Nursing Education in Manitoba

    Politics, Personalities, and Persistence tells the story of the evolution of registered psychiatric nursing in the province of Manitoba. This comprehensive account traces the distinct profession’s transition from the asylums of Manitoba, where for seventy years psychiatric nurses had cared for the mentally ill when few others were interested in them, to the halls of academia in Brandon University Mehr lesen

    € 9,89

  • Quick Hits for Pediatric Emergency Medicine

    This book covers essential information necessary in diagnosing and treating pediatric patients in the emergency room.A second edition to its successful predecessor, this book addresses that need by placing vital clinical management and algorithms into a quick and simple guidebook that can be accessed within moments from a scrub pocket or white coat. It includes updated chapters from the original Mehr lesen

    € 98,99

  • Emergency General Surgery in Geriatrics

    Series series Hot Topics in Acute Care Surgery and Trauma
    There is a growing need for a book on emergency general surgery in the elderly, as adults age 65 and older are the fastest growing segment of the population worldwide, and their number is expected to double to 89 million between now and 2050. Based on these changing demographics, it is expected that there will be a concurrent rise in the demand for a variety of surgical services, including Mehr lesen

    € 148,49

  • Praxis des Intensivtransports

    Bearbeitet von Uwe Hecker, Christoph Schramm
    Die Inhalte des vorliegenden Buches orientieren sich am DIVI-Kurs „Intensivtransport“. Das praxisnahe Werk wendet sich an alle, die den Transport von Intensivpatienten innerhalb einer Klinik oder zwischen verschiedenen Kliniken organisieren, vorbereiten oder durchführen möchten, wie Intensivmediziner, Rettungsdienstpersonal und Pflegekräfte auf Intensivstationen. Die systematische Darstellung der Mehr lesen

    € 43,55

  • Abdominal Sepsis

    A Multidisciplinary Approach

    Series series Hot Topics in Acute Care Surgery and Trauma
    This book examines in detail the topic of sepsis, with a focus on intra-abdominal sepsis. Particular attention is devoted to source control in the management of the infection, antimicrobial therapy and sepsis support, which represent the cornerstones of treating patients with this problem. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach is highlighted not only by the instructive and informative Mehr lesen

    € 98,99

  • Cardiac Emergencies in Children

    A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management

    This book is primarily for pediatric and adult emergency room physicians, primary care providers, hospitalists, and nurses. It will also be useful for critical care specialists, cardiologists and trainees at all levels.Cardiac Emergencies in Children describes the pathophysiology of a diverse group of congenital and acquired heart conditions and presents a therapeutic rationale for treating Mehr lesen

    € 158,39

  • Neurocritical Care for the Advanced Practice Clinician

    Bearbeitet von Jessica L. White, Kevin N. Sheth
    By utilizing a review of case-based studies and providing concise management recommendations from leaders in the field, this book provides essential knowledge for those practicing in a dynamic specialty. In the rapidly developing field of Neurocritical Care, Advanced Practice Clinicians have become an integral component of the multi-disciplinary team. This essential volume provides a frame of Mehr lesen

    € 52,46