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Kanada eBooks

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  • The Complete Anne of Green Gables Collection

    This book contains several HTML tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work. Here you will find the Anne of Green Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Sohn dieses Landes

    von Richard Wright
    Übersetzt von Klaus Lambrecht
    Bigger Thomas, ein junger Schwarzer, fühlt sich gefangen in einem Leben in Armut und Perspektivlosigkeit. Sein einziges Ventil ist Gewalt. Er war bereits in der Besserungsanstalt, ein weiteres Vergehen würde für ihn Gefängnis bedeuten. Doch dann gibt der wohlhabende Mr Dalton dem jungen Mann eine Chance und stellt ihn als Chauffeur an. Als Bigger die Tochter des Hauses spätnachts und betrunken auf Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • The Inconvenient Indian

    A Curious Account of Native People in North America

    von Thomas King
    WINNER of the 2014 RBC Taylor PrizeThe Inconvenient Indian is at once a “history” and the complete subversion of a history—in short, a critical and personal meditation that the remarkable Thomas King has conducted over the past 50 years about what it means to be “Indian” in North America.Rich with dark and light, pain and magic, this book distills the insights gleaned from that meditation, weaving Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Blood on the Coal

    The True Story of the Great Springhill Mine Disaster

    von Ken Cuthbertson
    The riveting true story of one of Canada’s worst mining disasters, told in the voices of the men who survived itForeword by Anne MurrayThey said it was the world’s deepest and most dangerous coal mine. That claim was probably correct. What is certain is that in October 1958, the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation’s No. 2 colliery at Springhill, Nova Scotia, was a leading candidate for both those Mehr lesen

    € 8,46

  • Henry Hudson

    New World Voyager

    von Edward Butts
    In 1607 Henry Hudson was an obscure English sea captain. By 1610 he was an internationally renowned explorer. He made two voyages in search of a Northeast Passage to the Orient and had discovered the Spitzbergen Islands and their valuable whaling grounds. In the process, Hudson had sailed farther north than any other European before him. In 1609, working for the Dutch, he had explored the Hudson Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Rise to Greatness

    The History of Canada From the Vikings to the Present

    von Conrad Black
    Masterful, ambitious, and groundbreaking, this is a major new history of our country by one of our most respected thinkers and historians -- a book every Canadian should own.From the acclaimed biographer and historian Conrad Black comes the definitive history of Canada -- a revealing, groundbreaking account of the people and events that shaped a nation.Spanning 874 to 2014, and beginning from Mehr lesen

    € 16,16

  • His Whole Life

    von Elizabeth Hay
    Starting with something as simple as a boy who wants a dog, His Whole Life takes us into a richly intimate world where everything that matters to him is at risk: family, nature, home.At the outset ten-year-old Jim and his Canadian mother and American father are on a journey from New York City to a lake in eastern Ontario during the last hot days of August. What unfolds is a completely enveloping Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Stolen City

    Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg

    von Owen Toews
    Through a combination of historical and contemporary analysis this book shows how settler colonialism, as a mode of racial capitalism, has made and remade Winnipeg and the Canadian Prairie West over the past one hundred and fifty years. It traces the emergence of a 'dominant bloc', or alliance, in Winnipeg that has imagined and installed successive regional development visions to guarantee its own Mehr lesen

    € 10,00

  • Famous for a Time

    Forgotten Giants of Canadian Sport

    Celebrating Canadian athletes and sporting history.The cultural impact of sport on a nation is not slight. Famous for a Time explores a number of important, if not well remembered, Canadian athletes and the sports they played to help explain the nation’s complicated history, sporting and otherwise. It is an exploration that reveals the socio-cultural trends that have shaped Canada since Mehr lesen

    € 7,69

  • William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume III, 1932-1939

    The Prism of Unity

    von H. Neatby
    Series series Heritage
    Aided by meticulous knowledge of the former Prime Minister's diary, and with characteristic conciseness and clarity, H. Blair Neatby has written the impressive and long-awaited third volume of the official biography of Mackenzie King. He carefully and judiciously untangles a complexity of issues in Canadian political history to produce definitive accounts of controversies that have engaged the Mehr lesen

    € 27,93

  • Telling Our Stories

    Omushkego Legends and Histories from Hudson Bay

    von Louis Bird
    Since the 1970s, Louis Bird, a distinguished Aboriginal storyteller and historian, has been recording the stories and memories of Omushkego (Swampy Cree) communities along western Hudson and James Bays. In nine chapters, he presents some of the most vivid legends and historical stories from his collection, casting new light on his people’s history, culture, and values. Working with the editors and Mehr lesen

    € 25,07

  • Essays in the History of Canadian Law

    Two Islands, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island

    Bearbeitet von Christopher English
    Series series Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
    The study of Canadian legal history has seen a remarkable growth in the past decade, nowhere more so than in Atlantic Canada. Given its early settlement and some of the liberties taken with legal procedure there - as well as some creative interpretations of English law – the region is ripe for close study in the legal history field. This new collection examines that history on 'two islands:' Mehr lesen

    € 77,10

  • In the Footsteps of Abraham Ulrikab

    The Events of 1880-1881

    von France Rivet
    The story of Abraham Ulrikab is one of the saddest and most moving stories in Nunatsiavut (Labrador), Inuit and Canadian history. In hopes of improving his family's living conditions, in August 1880, Abraham agreed to head to Europe to become the latest "exotic" attraction in the ethnographic shows organized by Carl Hagenbeck, a menagerie owner and pioneer of 'human zoos.' Accompanied by his wife, Mehr lesen

    € 10,44

  • The War of 1812: Winfield Scott

    von B J Lossing
    A look at the early career of Winfield Scott and his heroic actions during the War of 1812 on the Canadian Border. Mehr lesen

    € 3,05

  • Nous étions le Nouveau Monde T3 - Le feuilleton du ciel rouge et de l'enfer bleu

    Serien Buch 3 - Nous étions le Nouveau Monde
    Dans ce troisième tome de Nous étions le nouveau monde, Jean-Claude Germain continue à remettre à l’heure les pendules d’une histoire trop souvent ignorée, faisant revivre la seconde moitié tourbillonnante du 19e siècle, une période où l’on assiste à la naissance du Québec tel qu’on le connaît et du nationalisme canadien-français. Une époque marquée – après le bref intermède réformiste de Mehr lesen

    € 15,99

  • Les Patriotes de 1837-1838

    ( Edition intégrale )

    Series series Oeuvres de Laurent-Olivier David
    Œuvre d’un homme politique passionné par le sort fait aux Canadiens français, Les Patriotes de 1837–1838 témoigne des soulèvements infructueux qui déchirèrent le pays durant ces deux terribles années de révolte contre le joug de la couronne britannique, alors symbole d’oppression sur tous les hémisphères du globe. Malgré le romantisme et les inexactitudes historiques que ce travail a contribué à Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • A Path Not Strewn With Roses

    One Hundred Years of Women at the University of Toronto 1884-1984

    Series series Heritage
    In the histories of the University of Toronto which have been written to date women are conspicuous in their absence. It must be stressed that the present book is not intended to stand as a full-scale history of women at the University of Toronto. It is, rather, a preliminary attempt to gather together some of the materials of fundamental significance to women's experience at this University. Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Patrician Liberal

    The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908

    von John Little
    Patrician Liberal examines the life and career of a neglected figure in Canadian history, Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière. This book provides a detailed account of Joly’s political career as Quebec premier, Cabinet minister in the Laurier government, and lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, as well as his public role as a French-speaking Protestant promoter of national unity, a leading Mehr lesen

    € 33,65

  • Baby Trouble in the Last Best West

    Making New People in Alberta, 1905–1939

    von Amy Kaler
    Reproductionis the most emotionally complicated human activity. It transforms lives but it also creates fears and anxieties about women whose childbearing doesn’t conform to the norm.Baby Trouble in the Last Best West explores the ways that women’s childbearing became understood as a social problem in early twentieth-century Alberta. Kaler utilizes censuses, newspaper reports, social work case Mehr lesen

    € 25,73

  • Customs Administration in Canada

    von Gordon Blake
    Series series Heritage
    The Canadian tariff has been a singularly faithful mirror of economic and political change in this country, but it is a glass through which much has been seen darkly. This study is an attempt to improve the view. It traces the administration of the tariff through Canadian history, and provides the first complete treatment of the subject and its significance for the country's commerce.Dr. Blake's Mehr lesen

    € 25,73

  • Irish Canadian Conflict and the Struggle for Irish Independence, 1912-1925

    Between 1912 and 1925, Ireland convulsed with political and revolutionary upheaval in pursuit of self-government. Canadians of Irish descent, both Catholic and Protestant, diligently followed these conflicts, and many became actively involved in the dramatic events overseas.Irish Canadian Conflict and the Struggle for Irish Independence tells the unique story of how Irish Canadians identified with Mehr lesen

    € 29,03

  • Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, 1810-1813

    von Alexander Ross
    A vivid historical account of John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company and the battle for furs and empire waged in the Oregon Country. Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • Ginger

    The Life and Death of Albert Goodwin

    von Susan Mayse
    One of British Columbia's most colourful figures was Albert "Ginger" Goodwin, a slight young English immigrant who arrived on Vancouver Island in 1910 to join hundreds of others slaving in the hellholes of the Cumberland mines. What he saw there made him one of the most effective labour leaders the province has ever seen, and led to an untimely and controversial end.Susan Mayse combines the skills Mehr lesen

    € 14,73

  • Rayon de Soleil

    — Finissez donc ce bruit ! finissez donc ! finissez ! vociféra Hans Vanderbum, cramoisi de fureur ; mais voyez donc ! Ils ne m’écoutentseulement pas !Cette scène orageuse d’intérieur se passait au fond d’une forêt vierge de l’Ohio, à peu de distance de la rivière Miami. Dans une clairières’élevait un village indien de vingt-cinq ou trente cabanes, ressemblant à un rucher gigantesque dont les Mehr lesen

    € 1,99