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Kleinunternehmen eBooks

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  • الخطوة الأولى نحو العمل الحر

    Serien Buch 1 - سلسلة تأسيس المشاريع
    أبارك لك أنك فكرت في قراءة هذا الكتاب فهذه الخطوة تدل على بداية الاستعداد للانتقال نحو العمل الحر، وتدل كذلك على تفكير جاد للانتقال من الوظيفة التقليدية إلى بناء مشروعك الخاص. هذه الخطوة ليست هينة وبسيطة، بل قد تكون أهم خطوات حياتك (بعد الزواج) وقد تغير كل مسار حياتك. يشجع الكتاب على الانتقال خطوة نحو العمل الحر، بنبذ التردد والرد على الأعذار الشائعة، كما يساهم في تأصيل المفاهيم الأساسية والتعاريف Mehr lesen


  • Begin Your Biz in 15 Minutes/Day

    Your Freelancing Tips Starter Kit

    von Sagan Morrow
    You want the freedom and flexibility that comes with being a freelancer… the only problem? You have no idea how to get started....And you feel overwhelmed because you don’t know what you should focus on, when....And, let’s be honest, you’re crunched for time. You’re a busy person! Who has time to start a business?In this comprehensive and reassuring step-by-step guide, you’ll learn exactly what Mehr lesen

    € 7,99

  • Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It

    von April Dunford
    You know your product is awesome—but does anybody else? Forget everything you thought you knew about positioning. Successfully connecting your product with consumers isn’t a matter of following trends, comparing yourself to the competition or trying to attract the widest customer base.So what is it? April Dunford, positioning guru and tech exec, will enlighten you.Her new book, Obviously Awesome, Mehr lesen

    € 6,31

  • Traffic Secrets

    The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers

    von Russell Brunson
    Master the evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers in this timeless book from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.The biggest problem that most entrepreneurs have isn't creating an amazing product or service; it's getting their future customers to discover that they even exist. Every year, tens of thousands of Mehr lesen

    € 9,45

  • Good Morning, Beautiful Business

    The Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local-Economy Pioneer

    von Judy Wicks
    It's not often that someone stumbles into entrepreneurship and ends up reviving a community and starting a national economic-reform movement. But that's what happened when, in 1983, Judy Wicks founded the White Dog Café on the first floor of her house on a row of Victorian brownstones in West Philadelphia. After helping to save her block from demolition, Judy grew what began as a tiny muffin shop Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Creativo Freelance. Aprende a valorarte y a disfrutar con tu negocio

    Series series SOCIAL MEDIA
    Este libro es un manual práctico para emprendedores de la industria creativa que venden servicios profesionales como freelance (diseño gráfico, diseño web, ilustración, modelado 3D, maquetación...) y que necesitan un cambio para lograr trabajar con clientes que los valoren y respeten. Emprender requiere de un gran esfuerzo no solo en cuanto a tiempo o dinero, sino también en energía mental y Mehr lesen

    € 10,49

  • Find Your First Freelance Client

    von Sagan Morrow
    “How do I get my first client? Where can I even get started with finding them? What can I do to get real results with my marketing efforts?”If you want to be a freelancer but you’re feeling stumped with how to go about finding your first client, look no further! Find Your First Freelance Client outlines the foundations you need to get your first—and next—freelance client.This short, fluff-free Mehr lesen


  • Zero Limits

    Mit der Hawaiianischen Ho'oponopono-Methode zu Gesundheit, Wohlstand, Frieden und Mehr

    Übersetzt von Carsten Roth
    Es tut mir leid.Bitte verzeih mir.Ich liebe dich.Ich danke dir.Vier einfache Sätze mit überwältigender Wirkung. Vier Sätze, die die Kraft haben, Ihr Leben zu verändern. Sie Sind Bestandteil der modernisierten Version der uralten hawaiianischen Heilmethode »Hoöponopono«, die Ihnen den Weg zur Vollkommenheit weist. Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Und was machst Du so?

    Vom Flüchtling und Schulabbrecher zum internationalen Unternehmer

    von Ali Mahlodji
    "Die Kids haben alle ein Smartphone und Internet, aber immer noch dasselbe Problem, das ich in dem Alter hatte. Sie wissen nicht, was sie mit ihrem Leben anstellen sollen!" Ali MahlodjAli Mahlodji wurde im Iran geboren und wuchs in einem österreichischen Flüchtlingsheim auf. Er stotterte, schmiss das Abitur und probierte über vierzig verschiedene Jobs aus. Dabei lernte er auch, wie unglücklich der Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Die Culture Map

    Verstehen, wie Menschen verschiedener Kulturen denken, führen und etwas erreichen

    Ob man zu Hause arbeitet oder im Ausland, Geschäftserfolg in unserer immer mehr globalisierten und virtuellen Welt erfordert die Fähigkeit, durch kulturelle Unterschiede zu navigieren und fremde Kulturen zu entschlüsseln. Die renommierte Expertin Erin Meyer ist Ihr Guide durch dieses schwierige, manchmal trügerische Gelände, in dem von Menschen mit gänzlich unterschiedlichem Background erwartet Mehr lesen

    € 15,99

  • How to Improve Performance through the Balanced Scorecard

    von Dr Jim Porter
    Entrepreneurs Brief Guide - How to Improve Performance through the Balanced Scorecard.Organizations often focus their efforts on short term financial results and neglect the other aspects of their business. This is when the concept of the "Balanced Business Scorecard", a tool for improving the performance of the whole organization, comes into the picture. This tool helps us to measure and improve Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Lost and Founder

    A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World

    von Rand Fishkin
    'You won't find a more honest, raw and helpful look into the trenches of founding a tech startup than this book' Nir Eyal, author of Hooked'Rand Fishkin is the real deal' Seth Godin, entrepreneur and author-----------Everyone knows how a startup story is supposed to go: a young, brilliant entrepreneur has an cool idea, drops out of college, defies the doubters, overcomes all odds, makes billions Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • How to Coach with NLP

    Robbie Steinhouse is a successful serial entrepreneur. Over the last twenty years he has founded and built businesses in the recruitment, property and insurance sectors. He is currently head of training at NLP School Europe and is a certified NLP trainer. Robbie is an ICF certified coach and managing director of the Coaching Consultancy. Mehr lesen

    € 11,10

  • #Girlboss

    von Sophia Amoruso
    *UPDATED WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION. #GIRLBOSS NETFLIX ORIGINAL OUT NOW*In this New York Times bestselling sensation, founder and Executive Chairman of Nasty Gal Sophia Amoruso shares her story and inspires women everywhere to join the #GIRLBOSS movement.'#GIRLBOSS is more than a book . . . #GIRLBOSS is a movement' Lena Dunham'A millennial alternative to ... Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Make Money While You Sleep

    How to Turn Your Knowledge into Online Courses That Make You Money 24hrs a Day

    von Lucy Griffiths
    **What if you could earn money doing what you love?What if you could live more and work less?What if you could Make Money While You Sleep?You can!**Forget the old ways of unhealthy working hours and pressing pause on your life until retirement - especially in uncertain economic times. In Make Money While You Sleep, Lucy Griffiths, passive income strategist and coach, will share how you can create Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • The Zen of Marketing Kindle Ebooks

    The Zen-of Series, #1

    von Angus Kennedy
    Serien Buch 1 - The Zen-of Series
    HELP ME!!! What do I do to market my Indie Books?This marketing thing is a mess. Info is all over the net? But how do I tell what's FAKE NEWS: build your social media platform for years before you start; I can't market my books without a huge budget; I've got to have a copyright, ISBN numbers, bar codes and all that . . . .The Zen-of books SLASHES THROUGH all that FAKE NEWS fast!!!WHY READ THE ZEN Mehr lesen


  • Million Dollar Consulting 5E

    von Alan Weiss
    Build a thriving consultancy with the updated edition of this classic bestsellerHaving inspired generations of consultants and entrepreneurs around the world, the “Rock Star of Consulting” Alan Weiss returns with a revised and completely updated edition of his authoritative guide to consulting success.Weiss provides his time-tested model on creating a flourishing consulting business, while Mehr lesen

    € 18,58

  • Fred and Breakfast

    A feel-good romantic comedy from Phoebe MacLeod

    von Phoebe MacLeod
    'I absolutely loved this book!' Maxine MorreyDaisy’s life is going nowhere, but that’s just how she likes it.Unable to move on from the tragic accident that killed her parents ten years ago, she’s living each day as it comes. After all, what’s the point of plans and dreams if one random event can rip them all from you? She’s quite comfortable with her dead-end job and her lacklustre love life, Mehr lesen

    € 4,39

  • Start & Run an ESL Teaching Business

    Series series Start & Run Business Series
    Over the past 20 years, teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) has grown by leaps and bounds and now generates billions of dollars every year. Waiting lists for class space attest to the overwhelming demand for ESL instruction in North America. This book provides all the hands-on practical tips you need to start your own ESL teaching business. Whether you want to begin tutoring from your home Mehr lesen

    € 9,01

  • The Entrepreneurial Linguist

    The Business-School Approach to Freelance Translation

    Any linguist can become an entrepreneurial linguist, work with direct clients, and make a good living while maintaining a healthy work/life balance. This book by longtime translating twins Judy and Dagmar Jenner will teach you how to start your entrepreneurial linguist journey. Written in a purposely non-academic style, "The Entrepreneurial Linguist: The Business-School Approach to Freelance Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • The Minimalist Entrepreneur

    How Great Founders Do More with Less

    von Sahil Lavingia
    **'Pay attention' - Jason Fried, founder and CEO of Basecamp, bestselling author of ReWorkA revolutionary roadmap for building startups that go the distance**Cracks are forming in the myth of the VC-funded, IPO-driven billion-dollar company. They're unprofitable, unethical and unsustainable - so why bother chasing unicorns? The Minimalist Entrepreneur is the manifesto for a new generation of Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Business for Bohemians

    Live Well, Make Money

    von Tom Hodgkinson
    Everyone should work for themselves. But don't cashflow forecasts, tax returns and P&Ls all sound a bit of a faff?Fear not: help is at hand. In Business for Bohemians, Tom Hodgkinson combines practical advice with laugh-out-loud anecdote to create a refreshingly candid guidebook for all of us who aspire to a greater degree of freedom in our working lives.Whether you dream of launching your own Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Reality Check

    The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition

    von Guy Kawasaki
    "Don't even think about trying to launch a startup without reading Guy Kawasaki's Reality Check." -BizEdFor a quarter of a century, in his various guises as an entrepreneur, evangelist, venture capitalist, and guru, Guy Kawasaki has cast an irreverent eye on the dubious trends, sketchy theories, and outright foolishness of what so often passes for business today. Too many people frantically chase Mehr lesen

    € 11,76

  • An Liebe stirbst du nicht

    Roman | »Die ewig alte Geschichte? Grandios, anders, neu erzählt. Nervenaufreibend, liebevoll, erotisch, federleicht und abgründig tief. Eines meiner zehn Lieblingsbücher 2022.« Christine Westermann

    Übersetzt von Sina de Malafosse
    SIE ist 30 Jahre alt und engagierte Journalistin. Soeben ist sie mit ihrem Freund in ein fantastisches Loft in der Nähe des Canal Saint Martin gezogen – Paris' trendigem Hipsterviertel. Im Juni werden sie heiraten. Am 26. Juni, um genau zu sein. Freunde und Familie haben sich das Datum im Kalender eingetragen. Die Trauzeugen sind schon aufgeregt. Da ihr Freund beruflich sehr viel auf Reisen ist, Mehr lesen

    € 8,99