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Maschinelles Sehen eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 6147 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow

    Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems

    Through a recent series of breakthroughs, deep learning has boosted the entire field of machine learning. Now, even programmers who know close to nothing about this technology can use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning from data. This bestselling book uses concrete examples, minimal theory, and production-ready Python frameworks (Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow) Mehr lesen

    € 40,47

  • Generative Adversarial Networks with Industrial Use Cases: Learning How to Build GAN Applications for Retail, Healthcare, Telecom, Media, Education, and HRTech

    Best Book on GANThis book aims at simplifying GAN for everyone. This book is very important for machine learning engineers, researchers, students, professors, and professionals. Universities and online course instructors will find this book very interesting for teaching advanced deep learning, specially Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN). Industry professionals, coders, and data scientists can Mehr lesen

    € 8,49

  • Computergrafik für Ingenieure

    Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung

    Dieses Buch vermittelt in 12 Kapiteln Grundlagen zur dreidimensionalen Computergrafik. Es werden alle gängigen Projektionsarten behandelt, das Farbmanagement wird erläutert und diverse Verfahren zur Visualisierung werden beschrieben. Die Kapitel enthalten durchgerechnete Beispiele incl. Ergebnis-Darstellung. Die hierzu erforderliche Mathematik beschränkt sich auf Grundkenntnisse der Matrizen Mehr lesen

    € 33,32

  • Making Things See

    3D vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot

    von Greg Borenstein
    This detailed, hands-on guide provides the technical and conceptual information you need to build cool applications with Microsoft’s Kinect, the amazing motion-sensing device that enables computers to see. Through half a dozen meaty projects, you’ll learn how to create gestural interfaces for software, use motion capture for easy 3D character animation, 3D scanning for custom fabrication, and many Mehr lesen

    € 23,53

  • Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python - Second Edition

    Unleash the power of computer vision with Python using OpenCV About This Book • Create impressive applications with OpenCV and Python • Familiarize yourself with advanced machine learning concepts • Harness the power of computer vision with this easy-to-follow guide Who This Book Is For Intended for novices to the world of OpenCV and computer vision, as well as OpenCV veterans that want to learn Mehr lesen

    € 40,36

  • Artificial Intelligence (WIRED guides)

    How Machine Learning Will Shape the Next Decade

    The past decade has witnessed extraordinary advances in artificial intelligence. But what precisely is it and where does its future lie?In this brilliant, one-stop guide WIRED journalist Matt Burgess explains everything you need to know about AI. He describes how it works. He looks at the ways in which it has already brought us everything from voice recognition software to self-driving cars, and Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Summary CHAT GPT AI Revolution 2023: A Guide to GTP CHAT Technology and Its Social Impact

    Technology Summary, #1

    Serien Buch 1 - Technology Summary
    AI Revolution 2023: A Guide to GTP Chat Technology and its Social Impact is a guide to chat technology for everyday people, students, professionals and digital entrepreneurs using advanced AI. It dives into the revolutionary GTP (Generative Textual Predictor) chat technology, exploring how it works and its commercial, political and global implications. Practical advice from AI experts will provide Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hacks for Alexa

    An Unofficial Guide to Settings, Linking Devices, Reminders, Shopping, Video, Music, Sports, and More

    von Joseph Moran
    Learn all the latest hacks and tips for using your Amazon Alexa device!Want to make the most out of your Alexa device? You’ve opened the right book! Originally launched in 2014, Amazon’s Alexa is a virtual assistant capable of helping you with everything from personal to-do lists to professional services. This smart device is the personal assistant that everyone wants. In this guidebook, you’ll Mehr lesen

    € 10,16

  • Multimedia Communications, Services and Security

    8th International Conference, MCSS 2015, Kraków, Poland, November 24, 2015. Proceedings

    Serien Buch 566 - Communications in Computer and Information Science
    This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security, MCSS 2015, held in Krakow, Poland, in November 2015.The 16 full papers included in the volume were selected from 39 submissions. The papers cover ongoing research activities in the following topics: multimedia services; intelligent monitoring; audio-visual Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Silicon Dreams

    Inside the Mind of Machine Intelligence

    Delve into the captivating world of artificial consciousness with "Silicon Dreams: Inside the Mind of Machine Intelligence." This creative exploration takes readers on a thought-provoking journey, contemplating what consciousness or 'thoughts' could resemble for AI. From tracing the historical roots of machine intelligence to speculating on its future frontiers, each chapter meticulously uncovers Mehr lesen

    € 7,69

  • 충돌 감지

    컴퓨터 비전의 시각적 교차점 이해

    von Fouad Sabry
    Übersetzt von Baek Hyun
    Serien Buch 140 - 컴퓨터 시각 인식 [Korean]
    충돌 감지란 무엇입니까충돌 감지는 둘 이상의 공간 객체(일반적으로 컴퓨터 그래픽 객체)의 교차점을 감지하는 계산 문제입니다. 이는 주로 컴퓨터 그래픽, 컴퓨터 게임, 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션, 로봇 공학 및 전산 물리학 등 다양한 컴퓨팅 분야에 적용됩니다. 충돌 감지는 계산 기하학의 고전적인 문제입니다. 충돌 감지 알고리즘은 2D 또는 3D 공간 개체에 대한 작동으로 나눌 수 있습니다.혜택을 받는 방법(I) 다음에 대한 통찰력 및 검증 주제:1장: 충돌 감지2장: 광선 추적(그래픽)3장: 이진 공간 분할장 4: 중심5장: 분기 및 경계6장: 소실점7장: 쿼드트... Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • 전역 조명

    비전 발전: 글로벌 일루미네이션에 대한 통찰력

    von Fouad Sabry
    Übersetzt von Baek Hyun
    Serien Buch 161 - 컴퓨터 시각 인식 [Korean]
    글로벌 일루미네이션이란?전역 조명(GI) 또는 간접 조명은 3 치수 장면에 보다 사실적인 조명을 추가하기 위해 3 치수 컴퓨터 그래픽에 사용되는 알고리즘 그룹입니다. 이러한 알고리즘은 광원에서 직접 나오는 빛뿐만 아니라 동일한 광원에서 나오는 광선이 반사 여부에 관계없이 장면의 다른 표면에 반사되는 후속 사례도 고려합니다.당신이 얻을 수 있는 혜택(I) 다음 주제에 대한 통찰력 및 검증:1장: 전역 조명2장: 렌더링(컴퓨터 그래픽)3장: 라디오시티(컴퓨터 그래픽)4장: 광선 추적(그래픽)5장: 퐁 반사 모델6장: 메트로폴리스 경운송7장: 광자 매핑8장: 음영 처리9장: 레이 캐스팅10장: 라이트맵(II) 글로벌 일루... Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Pyramiden Bildverarbeitung

    Erkundung der Tiefen der visuellen Analyse

    von Fouad Sabry
    Übersetzt von Daniel Hueber
    Serien Buch 53 - Computer Vision [German]
    Was ist Pyramiden Bildverarbeitung?Pyramide oder Pyramidendarstellung ist eine Art mehrskalige Signaldarstellung, die von den Bereichen Computer Vision, Bildverarbeitung und Signalverarbeitung entwickelt wurde und bei der ein Signal oder ein Bild einer wiederholten Glättung und Unterabtastung unterzogen wird. Die Pyramidendarstellung ist ein Vorläufer der Maßstabsraumdarstellung und der Analyse Mehr lesen

    € 4,49

  • Fuzzy Transforms for Image Processing and Data Analysis

    Core Concepts, Processes and Applications

    This book analyzes techniques that use the direct and inverse fuzzy transform for image processing and data analysis. The book is divided into two parts, the first of which describes methods and techniques that use the bi-dimensional fuzzy transform method in image analysis. In turn, the second describes approaches that use the multidimensional fuzzy transform method in data analysis.An F Mehr lesen

    € 138,59

  • Moving Object Detection Using Background Subtraction

    Series series SpringerBriefs in Computer Science
    This Springer Brief presents a comprehensive survey of the existing methodologies of background subtraction methods. It presents a framework for quantitative performance evaluation of different approaches and summarizes the public databases available for research purposes. This well-known methodology has applications in moving object detection from video captured with a stationery camera, Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Learning Representation for Multi-View Data Analysis

    Models and Applications

    Series series Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing
    This book equips readers to handle complex multi-view data representation, centered around several major visual applications, sharing many tips and insights through a unified learning framework. This framework is able to model most existing multi-view learning and domain adaptation, enriching readers’ understanding from their similarity, and differences based on data organization and problem Mehr lesen

    € 118,79

  • Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interaction, Visualization, and Analytics

    20th International Conference, HIMI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part I

    Bearbeitet von Sakae Yamamoto, Hirohiko Mori
    Serien Buch 10904 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    This two-volume set LNCS 10904 and 10905 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information, HIMI 2018, held as part of HCI International 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, USA, in July 2018.The total of 1170 papers and 195 posters included in the 30 HCII 2018 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 4373 Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Pattern Recognition

    38th German Conference, GCPR 2016, Hannover, Germany, September 12-15, 2016, Proceedings

    Bearbeitet von Bjoern Andres, Bodo Rosenhahn
    Serien Buch 9796 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th German Conference on Pattern Recognition, GCPR 2016, held in Hannover, Germany, in September 2016.The 36 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image processing, learning, optimization, segmentation, applications, image analysis, motion and Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Big Data

    9th CCF Conference, BigData 2021, Guangzhou, China, January 8–10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers

    Serien Buch 1496 - Communications in Computer and Information Science
    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 9th CCF Conference on Big Data, BigData 2021, held in Guangzhou, China, in January 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic BigData 2021 was postponed to 2022.The 21 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 submissions. They present recent research on theoretical and technical aspects on big data, as well as on digital Mehr lesen

    € 79,19

  • Natural Language Processing and Information Systems

    28th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2023, Derby, UK, June 21–23, 2023, Proceedings

    Serien Buch 13913 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2023, held in Derby, UK, in June 21–23, 2023The 31 full papers and 14 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. They focus on the developments of the application of natural language to databases and Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Graphiques de lancer de rayons

    Explorer le rendu photoréaliste en vision par ordinateur

    von Fouad Sabry
    Übersetzt von Nicholas Souplet
    Serien Buch 186 - Vision Par Ordinateur [French]
    Qu'est-ce que les graphiques de lancer de rayonsEn infographie 3D, le lancer de rayons est une technique de modélisation du transport de la lumière destinée à être utilisée dans une grande variété d'algorithmes de rendu pour générer des images numériques.Comment vous en bénéficierez(I) Informations et validations sur les sujets suivants :Chapitre 1 : Le traçage de rayons ( graphiques)Chapitre 2 : Mehr lesen

    € 4,49

  • Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

    Second Chinese Conference, PRCV 2019, Xi’an, China, November 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part II

    Serien Buch 11858 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    The three-volume set LNCS 11857, 11858, and 11859 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2019, held in Xi’an, China, in November 2019.The 165 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 412 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Object Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Applied Computing to Support Industry: Innovation and Technology

    First International Conference, ACRIT 2019, Ramadi, Iraq, September 15–16, 2019, Revised Selected Papers

    Serien Buch 1174 - Communications in Computer and Information Science
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Computing to Support Industry: Innovation and Technology, ACRIT 2019, held in Ramadi, Iraq, in September 2019.The 38 revised full papers and 1 short paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The papers of this volume are organized in topical sections on theory, methods and tools Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Computer Vision in Advanced Control Systems-5

    Advanced Decisions in Technical and Medical Applications

    Serien Buch 175 - Intelligent Systems Reference Library
    This book applies novel theories to improve algorithms in complex data analysis in various fields, including object detection, remote sensing, data transmission, data fusion, gesture recognition, and medical image processing and analysis.It is intended for Ph.D. students, academics, researchers, and software developers working in the areas of digital video processing and computer vision Mehr lesen

    € 89,09