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Rechtswissenschaft eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 7343 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Jacques Derrida

    Law as Absolute Hospitality

    Series series Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers
    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality presents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derrida’s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derrida’s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning Mehr lesen


  • Gender, Alterity and Human Rights

    Freedom in a Fishbowl

    von Ratna Kapur
    Series series Elgar Studies in Legal Theory
    Human rights are axiomatic with liberal freedom. Yet more rights for women, sexual and religious minorities, has had disempowering and exclusionary effects. Revisiting campaigns for same-sex marriage, violence against women, and Islamic veil bans, Gender, Alterity and Human Rights lays bare how human rights emerge as a project of containment and unfreedom rather than meaningful freedom. Kapur Mehr lesen

    € 18,80

  • Constitutional Theory: Schmitt after Derrida

    Series series Birkbeck Law Press
    This book advances a new reading of the central works of Carl Schmitt and, in so doing, rethinks the primary concepts of constitutional theory. In this book, Jacques de Ville engages in a close analysis of a number of Schmitt’s texts, including Dictatorship (1921), The Concept of the Political (1927), Constitutional Theory (1928), Land and Sea (1942), Ex Captivitate Salus (1950), The Nomos of the Mehr lesen


  • Food, Globalization and Sustainability

    Food is increasingly traded internationally, thereby transforming the organization of food production and consumption globally and influencing most food-related practices. This transition is generating unfamiliar challenges related to sustainability of food provision, the social impacts of international trade and global food governance. Distance in time and space between food producers and Mehr lesen

    € 55,63

  • The Rule of Law

    'A gem of a book ... Inspiring and timely. Everyone should read it' Independent'The Rule of Law' is a phrase much used but little examined. The idea of the rule of law as the foundation of modern states and civilisations has recently become even more talismanic than that of democracy, but what does it actually consist of?In this brilliant short book, Britain's former senior law lord, and one of Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Cyber Mercenaries

    The State, Hackers, and Power

    von Tim Maurer
    Cyber Mercenaries explores the secretive relationships between states and hackers. As cyberspace has emerged as the new frontier for geopolitics, states have become entrepreneurial in their sponsorship, deployment, and exploitation of hackers as proxies to project power. Such modern-day mercenaries and privateers can impose significant harm undermining global security, stability, and human rights. Mehr lesen

    € 26,39

  • Constituent Assemblies

    Series series Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy
    Comparative constitutional law has a long pedigree, but the comparative study of constitution-making has emerged and taken form only in the last quarter-century. While much of the initial impetus came from the study of the American and French constituent assemblies in the late eighteenth century, this volume exemplifies the large comparative scope of current research. The contributors discuss Mehr lesen

    € 32,66

  • Law of the Sea

    Bearbeitet von Hugo Caminos
    Series series The Library of Essays in International Law
    This series brings together the most significant published journal articles in international law as determined by the editors of each volume in the series. The proliferation of law, specialist journals, the increase in international materials and the use of the internet has meant that it is increasingly difficult for students and legal scholars to have access to all the relevant articles. Many Mehr lesen

    € 563,05

  • An Introduction to Sustainability

    Environmental, Social and Personal Perspectives

    von Martin Mulligan
    An Introduction to Sustainability provides students with a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and ideas which are encompassed within the growing field of sustainability.The fully updated second edition, including new figures and images, teases out the diverse but intersecting domains of sustainability and emphasises strategies for action. Aimed at those studying the subject for the first Mehr lesen

    € 60,93

  • The Evolution of Migration Management in the Global North

    The Evolution of Migration Management in the Global North explores how the radically violent migration management paradigm that dominates today's international migration has been assembled. Drawing on unique archive material, it shows how a forum of diplomats and civil servants constructed the 'transit country' as a site in which the illegal migrant became the main actor to be vilified. Policy Mehr lesen

    € 52,98

  • Law, Reason, and Emotion

    Bearbeitet von M. N. S. Sellers
    This book examines the role and importance of reason and emotion in justice and the law. Eight lawyers and philosophers of law consider law's basis in the universal human need for society, our innate sense of justice, and many other powerful inclinations and emotions, including the desire for fairness and even for law itself. Human beings are deeply social creatures, inspired by social and other Mehr lesen

    € 32,66

  • Financial Regulation in the European Union After the Crisis

    A Minskian Approach

    In the wake of the financial crisis, new regulatory measures were introduced which, along with changes in monetary and macroeconomic policy, have transformed the global financial structure. However, this new financial structure displays various fragilities. A new shadow banking system has grown both inside and outside the traditional banks and the divergence between core and periphery countries’ Mehr lesen

    € 52,98

  • L’accès à la justice

    CUP 173

    Les Éditions Anthemis vous proposent un outil complet pour comprendre l'accès à la justice.Le thème de l’accès à la justice n’est pas neuf : il imprègne profondément les racines de la tradition juridique de common law (« For every right, there is a remedy ; where there is no remedy, there is no right »). En tant que droit subjectif, l’accès à la justice a acquisune reconnaissance symbolique forte Mehr lesen

    € 77,99

  • The Ends of History

    Questioning the Stakes of Historical Reason

    Bearbeitet von Amy Swiffen, Joshua Nichols
    The Ends of History? considers how, despite the fact that events in the past 20 years have called Francis Fukuyama’s infamous announcement of the end of history into question, the issue of the end of history is now a matter of renewed interest and debate.Two decades ago we were confronted by the end of the Soviet Union and collapse of the geo-political divisions that had defined much of the Mehr lesen

    € 66,23

  • Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction

    von Raymond Wacks
    Series series Very Short Introductions
    The concept of law lies at the heart of our social and political life, shaping the character of our community and underlying issues from racism and abortion to human rights and international war. But what actually is law? A set of naturally occurring moral principles, or simply rules agreed by a particular society? What is a 'right' and what rights should people actually have? Is law really colour Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Exemplarity and Singularity

    Thinking through Particulars in Philosophy, Literature, and Law

    Bearbeitet von Michele Lowrie, Susanne Lüdemann
    This book pursues a strand in the history of thought – ranging from codified statutes to looser social expectations – that uses particulars, more specifically examples, to produce norms. Much intellectual history takes ancient Greece as a point of departure. But the practice of exemplarity is historically rooted firmly in ancient Roman rhetoric, oratory, literature, and law – genres that also Mehr lesen

    € 66,23

  • Food Systems Failure

    The Global Food Crisis and the Future of Agriculture

    Series series Earthscan Food and Agriculture
    This book provides a critical assessment of the contemporary global food system in light of the heightening food crisis, as evidence of its failure to achieve food security for the world's population. A key aspect of this failure is identified in the neoliberal strategies which emphasize industrial efficiencies, commodity production and free trade-ideologies that underlie agricultural and food Mehr lesen

    € 71,53

  • Empirical Legal Analysis

    Assessing the performance of legal institutions

    Bearbeitet von Yun-chien Chang
    Series series The Economics of Legal Relationships
    This innovative volume explores empirical legal issues around the world. While legal studies have traditionally been worked on and of letters and with a normative bent, in recent years quantitative methods have gained traction by offering a brand new perspective of understanding law. That is, legal scholars have started to crunch numbers, not letters, to tease out the effects of law on the Mehr lesen

    € 63,58

  • General Principles in the Risale-i Nur Collection for a True Understanding of Islam

    von Ali Unal
    TheRisale-i Nur Collection is full of "general principles," not only related to the Islamic Jurisprudence but also to all the fields of Islam or Islamic life and Islamic branches of knowledge. Based on or specially favored with profound wisdom having its source in the Divine Wisdom or the Divine Name of the All-Wise, the Risale-i Nur Collection contains numerous principles, precepts, or maxims Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Reasons for Action and the Law

    von M.C. Redondo
    Serien Buch 43 - Law and Philosophy Library
    A focus on reasons for action and practical reason is the perspective chosen by many contemporary legal philosophers for the analysis of some central questions of their discipline. This book offers a critical evaluation of that approach, by carefully examining the empirical, logical and normative problems hidden behind the concepts of `reason for action' and `practical reasoning'. Unlike most Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Causation in Law and Medicine

    Causation is an issue that is fundamental in both law and medicine, as well as the interface between the two disciplines. It is vital for the resolution of a great many disputes in court concerning personal injuries, medical negligence, criminal law and coronial issues, as well as in the provision of both diagnoses and treatment in medicine. This book offers a vital analysis of issues such as Mehr lesen

    € 66,23

  • Ranciere and Law

    Bearbeitet von Monica Lopez Lerma, Julen Etxabe
    Series series Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers
    This book is the first to approach Jacques Rancière’s work from a legal perspective. A former student of Louis Althusser, Rancière is one of the most important contemporary French philosophers of recent decades: offering an original and path-breaking way to think politics, democracy and aesthetics. Rancière’s work has received wide and increasing critical attention, but no study exists so far that Mehr lesen

    € 55,63

  • The Politics of Data Transfer

    Transatlantic Conflict and Cooperation over Data Privacy

    von Yuko Suda
    Series series Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society
    In this book, Yuko Suda examines the Safe Harbor debate, the passenger name record (PNR) dispute, and the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions (SWIFT) affair to understand the transfer of personal data from the European Union (EU) to the United States. She argues that the Safe Harbor, PNR, and SWIFT agreements were made to mitigate the potentially negative effects that may arise Mehr lesen

    € 60,93

  • Alternative Action Theory

    Simultaneously a Critique of Georg Henrik von Wright’s Practical Philosophy

    von Ota Weinberger
    Serien Buch 26 - Theory and Decision Library A
    Action is conceived of as an intentional behavior of an individual or of an institutional subject; it is determined by information processing, namely by a process in which pieces of descriptive and practical information are involved. Action is explained by a formal and finalistic theory which is connected with a specific theory of institutions. The philosophical basis of the logic of norm Mehr lesen

    € 138,59